Formatting Remarks In Sandcastle Builder?

Jul 28, 2010

I've been using sandcastle builder to make my help file documentation for our code base. It works real good just out of the box, but I need to customize it a little.How do you you format remarks? In the xml comments in code, you can have tabs and carriage returns and such to make things look readable, but all that get's taken out by Sandcastle and it gets converted to one long paragraph.For instance:

''' <remarks>An example of how to use this function would be:
''' Using Selector As ObjectSelectors.FacilitySelector = [code]......

Would end up looking like:An example of how to use this function would be: Using Selector As ObjectSelectors.FacilitySelector = ObjectSelectors.FacilitySelectorUtils.GetStandardFacilitySelector(Me.m_Project, Me.m_Map) Selector.Text = MessageCaption If Selector.ShowDialog = Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK Then 'add these facilities to the list For Each FacilityRow As Data.DataRow In Selector.SelectedItems If Not Me.BarricadingFacilityTable.Rows.Contains(FacilityRow(0)) Then Me.BarricadingFacilityTable.ImportRow(FacilityRow) End If Next End If End Using

I know there must be some kind of tag I can use - or would it be a bunch of tags? Or is there a setting in Sandcastle Builder?

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Sandcastle - Xml Documentation <code> Tag Shows C#?

Jul 28, 2011

I am trying to use the <code> tag inside the <example> tag to show a sample code in xml documentation. However, when I build the Sandcastle project, I see that it is shown as C#. There is no language attribute in <code> tag. And I could not find a setting in Sandcastle's project properties.

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C# - Exclude Non-browsable Members In A Sandcastle Xml Documentation Build?

Mar 23, 2010

I'd like to be able to exclude members that, although Public, are decorated with EditorBrowable.Never.I can't see any where to do it in the options. Is there a plug-in out there where you can specify attributes to exclude?

ETA: Looks like I may have found it - the <exclude /> Tag. I'm just testing it now....

ETA2: Yes it works.

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Documentation Tools For Documentating Besides Microsoft's Sandcastle And NDoc

Mar 21, 2010

Is there any other good free/open-source tool for documentating besides Microsoft's Sandcastle and NDoc, that is easy to use, has a GUI and generates HTML documentation?

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Converting C++ Printf Formatting To / From String Formatting

Sep 30, 2010

I have some VB .NET software that interfaces to a load of old (but sound) COM objects. The VB provides a GUI for the COM objects, part of which consists of setting various options on the COM objects - several of which relate to string formatting.I have a simple pair of VB .NET functions that convert basic %f, %d, %g formats to/from .NET equivalents using a large select case covering specific common strings, but they don't cover all formats.[code]Before I start diving in and making it more versatile with some parsing, does anyone know of a class (eg VB or C# .NET) that provides a decent ready-made implementation? Or perhaps some regexp wizadry could be used?

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VS 2008 GUI .exe Builder?

Apr 15, 2009

Im trying to make an EXE with a GUI have made so they can input there info and make the program.

Im trying to make a mail sender

View 11 Replies

Can String Builder Handle For For Each Or Will It Need For / To

Oct 20, 2010

Trying to do another replace method ' Strip URL text to generate correct download link


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Event Log Filter Builder?

Apr 12, 2012

below is the "Filter Builder" for the OS Event logs.

My Question is, is it possible to use this dialog in VB.Net? i would like to be able to call it in order to generate the XML which i would then use in conjunction with the EventLogQuery.

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Get All The Functions That Can Be Used In Query Builder?

Mar 15, 2011

I'm trying to modify a dataset with designer and when using the query builder to get the month or year of a date field query builder transforns month(date)into [month](date)

Where do I get all the functions that can be used in Query Builder?

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Leading Zero's In A Query Builder

May 4, 2011

i was wondering if there was something i can use in VB which will let me have some fields in the DGV query to automatically have the format of 0.0000? There are some fields in that query which require this format. The Crystal Reports that accesses it gives incorrect info without this format type.

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.net - ASP.NET Form Builder / Questionaire System?

Oct 11, 2011

I'm looking for a form builder / questionnaire system that will let me build a questionnaire and collect data for insurance applications. I don't want to have to build this whole thing by hand. I've looked at a few options out there and the closest is Formulator.Net [URL]. What Formulator is lacking, though, is a way for me to pass parameters to be stored in the results in the database so I can identify who filled out the form.

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Civil Air Patrol Rack Builder?

Aug 25, 2011

before getting into this I'd like to say that I'm very inexperienced. I know how to work vba in excel and a basic idea of how to program in VB. With that said, I need help with something I wanted to make for quite a while. So I'm in an orginization called Civil Air Patrol (or CAP). We have a certain order our ribbons on our uniform have to be. The ribbon on the bottom right is the least important ribbon and the one at the top left is the most important one.[URL]I tried making this program before, but I completely failed and threw it out. My main concern is displaying the images of the ribbons in order.

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DB/Reporting :: A Command Builder Alternative?

Sep 29, 2008

I will have to perform updates/inserts/... on several relational tables of an Access database but I know that the Command builder usage is limited only to one table at a time.

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DB/Reporting :: Command Builder Isn't Recognized

Apr 10, 2010

i'm using this code to try and write a value to a table in an access database. when i try to write oledb.oledbcommandbuilder, intellisense doesn't recognize this but it doesn't throw an error up for that line either. when i try to execute this code i get the error "syntax error in UPDATE statement"

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnUPdate.Click
Dim myConnection As OleDb.OleDbConnection
Dim ds As New DataSet


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DB/Reporting :: How To Pass Value To Query Builder 8

Jul 30, 2009

I want to ask how to i , passed the value i get from my previous form using this"Login.user.Text" to a Query Builder to filter the result based on the value of Login.user.Text" .

SELECT LecturerID, Lecturer_P
FROM Lecturer
WHERE (LecturerID = ??? )


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DB/Reporting :: SQL Command Builder Does Not Seem To Be Working

Mar 15, 2012

I'm experimenting with the sql command builder and it seems to do nothing when trying to update existing rows. If I create a new row and then add it then it works fine but I cant seem to update an existing record.

Heres what I have at the moment

Dim strConnection As String = "Server=myServerSQLExpress;AttachDbFilename=C:databasepath estdb.mdf;" & _
"Database=testdb; Trusted_Connection=False;User Id=sa;Password=test;"


But I'd really like to find out why its not working when using the command builder. I'm working with 2010 express and SQL server express.

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Making A Builder For A Simple Ftp Client?

Jun 11, 2011

I'm making a builder for a simple ftp client, but i have a problem.I have readed a tut about a builder with a stub, thats done but i only can fill in 1 form, but how can i make that my builder fills 2 forms in the client?

My code in the stub is:

Dim options(), text1 As String
Const FileSplit = "@vorfin@"
Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
FileOpen(1, Application.ExecutablePath, OpenMode.Binary, OpenAccess.Read, OpenShare.Shared)


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Query Builder For A Database Search?

Dec 18, 2010

i have this win form app that performs a database search of customer information. I have a datagridview, a binding navigator and a fill/addquery toolstrip with a toolstrip button and a textbox.Here is my query, i want to find all customer names like what i enter in the textbox


i am using sql client with a datagrid and i already bind the data to the grid as a dataset automatically so i did not manually code the connection, cmd, dataset ect here is the find button code that recieves the customer info according to the sql query

Private Sub FillByToolStripButton_Click_1(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles FillByToolStripButton.Click
Me.TblCustomerInformationTableAdapter.FillBy(Me.CoCustomerAccountInformationDataSet.tblCustomerInformation, COMPANY_NAMEToolStripTextBox.Text)


COMPANY_NAMEToolStripTextBox.Text is where the the Customer Name will be entered... I originally called it txtName.Text but still even when i changed and did everything through the query builder I get nothing when i run the query.

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Use Variable In Program's Querry Builder?

Jul 15, 2010

I've search this forum and haven't found the answer to this problem and bing new to VB 2010 [cod]e...

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VS 2008 How To Make A Program Builder

Oct 2, 2009

I want to distribute my downloader base, but not the actual source code. I've got some parameters in the downloader which the user needs to change, such as the download link and file description.How do I create a program that changes these? The user will insert the desired values into the builder, and the builder will create the downloader.exe that can be distributed to other people.

View 22 Replies

Copy The Body Of An Email, Including Formatting, And Paste It Into The Body Of A New Email Such That Formatting Is Preserved?

Jan 13, 2010

While I understand there are properties of MailItem that would allow one to programmatically create a formatted email, I would prefer the ability to copy the body of an email that is already formatted to my liking (bolding, italicizing, embedded pictures/tables, set margins, etc.) copy and paste it to a newly composed email such that this formatting is preserved.

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Add 2 Table When Using The INSERT Statement In Query Builder?

Feb 13, 2012

It seems like the query builder in vb only allow 1 table to use the INSERT statement, so are there any way add more than 1?

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Complex Regex With Custom Formula Builder?

Oct 1, 2011

I have a string which is like this - MVAL("A","01-01-1900")+MVAL(B,"01-01-1900")+MVAL("C")+MVAL(D). Now I want to extract B AND D out of this using regex because it is the first parameter and it has no quotes around it in both the overloaded version of the functions. Secondly because MVAL function is an overloaded function with two versions like MVAL("A") and MVAL(B,"01-01-1900") how will I find which version of the function is being used.

I'm using System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex method.

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DB/Reporting :: Using Variable As A Parameter In Query Builder?

Jan 30, 2009

I'm using a datagridview to display data and make updates to my access database. I was able to display data from my database to the datagridview but it is not filtered. The datagridview displays all the records on my database. I tried using query builder to execute sql select statements that will filter the data and this is where I'm stuck. Im using a variable as a parameter to the sql statement and I dont know what syntax to use in Query Builder. I tried to use @varname, '" & varname & "', and

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Develop Custom Query Builder In Application?

Aug 12, 2011

I want to develop select query builder in my application. If user write the "select query" in a richtext box that query will be executed and the result will be displayed in a grid view. Any one send the Sample Application for this

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Insert Enter Key In The Built-in Report Builder?

Feb 25, 2009

How do I insert enter key in the built-in report builder? I have the following code but it's not working for me.

=IIF(Fields!YearLevel.Value="LC10","English" & ChrW(13) & "0.3","")
=IIF(Fields!YearLevel.Value="LC10","English" & Chr(13) & "0.3","")


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Make A Icon Changer That Builder Include In It Self?

Nov 7, 2009

I'm on some project and i stuck. I wanna make a icon changer that builder include in it self. Not just you choose the the file to change a file and icon and it change but I mean builder include a icon changer.

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Query Builder To Make A Search Form

Dec 19, 2011

I have been trying to create a filter search as instructed by many Youtube tutorials but I am unable to get my code to work:This is what I have. I created a query in the Query Builder like so:[code]So I went back to basics and re-created the Query in Query Builder, this time I executed the query in the QB, but all of my columns are displayed as NULL when I know I have data in the tables.

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Updating A Data Base With Command Builder

Aug 16, 2009

I use visual studio 2008 with an access database.I can read the data just fine, but when I try to update the database, I get an error:"Update requires a valid UpdateCommand when passed DataRow collection with modified rows."[code]The spaces indicate different parts of the code, but I just left out the non relevant parts.

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Using TextBox To Fill A DataViewGrid In Query Builder?

Apr 22, 2011

I am trying to use a DataViewGrid to show certain transactions.I also have a TextBox for the user to enter the transaction ID to fill the DataViewGrid.In the Query Builder it works if I give the NABTransID in the Query but I want it to read the TextBox1.text to find the transactions.


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