Formload Check Listview For Quantity?

Jun 7, 2011

I have a project which is 98% complete. Its basically a Shop(till) interface. I have a form that has tabs the first being the main till, second shows a listview with everything in stock and the quantity of items in stock. Im stuck on one part of the program where when the form loads it checks the stock and if any of the items have a quantity less than 5 for example than it displays a message box to the user telling him/her to order new stock, but im not sure exactly how to do that.

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Combine And Add The Quantity,Price,Total Of Same Index In Listview?

Oct 9, 2011

Combine and Add the Quantity of same index in listview here's my Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click If NumericUpDown1.Text = "" Then
MessageBox.Show("Please Input the Quantity!", "Sale", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation)
NumericUpDown1.Text = 1
End If


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FormLoad Is Not Running

Mar 24, 2011

I am having, and it may be related to another issue i am having, but im not sure.I have a form that all of a sudden stopped executing the formload event.i checked the initialize component method, stepped through it, and it runs fine.the formload has the handles clause on it. i put a breakpoint on formload and it does not stop on the sub header. so could it be part of this issue?::: every once in a while, the code parser breaks, and reads partial lines of code (designer generated code at that) an error that pops up is Error in line "clearBeforeFi" not dataset designer code, it is reading half the line, seeing it as the whole line, and i get a thousand errors. I restart the IDE, and that is fine again.....

however, this formload thing does NOT want to go shows the form, runs the initialize code, so it shows the form fine, but executes nothing.[code]...

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Add Controls From Database On FormLoad?

Oct 12, 2009

I want my application to be able to be changed by the user. For example on my form I have the labels Blue, Red and Green but the user requires yellow and another colour which is unkown to me so they would have an ADD function which saves to the database so next time they login their colours are there as labels.

How would you pick up the name of the colour from the database? and place that into your code to create a dynamic control with the same name as the colour which is unkown?[coded]...

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FormLoad - Cannot Delete Row From DataGridView

Mar 31, 2009

I am using VB 2008 .net3.5. I have a form with a datagridview. The datasource of the dgv is a BindingSource. The datasource of the binding source is an object and the datamember of the binding source is a List(Of T) from that object. On formload, I create a new object with new and give the list some values and Set the datasource of the binding source to the list. The dgv loads the data but I can't delete a row. The AllowUserToDeleteRows is set to true. I select a row and nothing happens. Just to be sure I went back and did the EXACT SAME PROGRAM with C# .net2.0 and of course the dgv allows me to delete a row.

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If Statement Only Works In FormLoad

Dec 31, 2009

I'm having trouble getting a If Statement to work on a button.It will only work when on the "Form Load" section.Heres the If statement I'm trying to put on the button press event.[code]

View 19 Replies

Load Ini To Listbox Versus Formload?

Mar 6, 2012

i have a issue when i load my ini to my listbox and 'this my load ini to listbox

im a As String = My.Computer.FileSystem.ReadAllText("movieextlist.ini")
Dim b As String() = a.Split(vbNewLine)

try to scan for extentions it crashs, BUT if i do on formload listbox add every ext 1by1 it works. if i use the load and hit scan it crashes

Using FB As New FolderBrowserDialog
If FB.ShowDialog = Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK Then
For Each Ext As String In ListBox1.Items


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Row Headers Of Datagridview Are Empty On Formload

Apr 6, 2009

I use a datagridview where the rowheaders frustratingly stay blank after I load the form. If I modify/add/delete anything the rowheaders pop up. then when I sort by clicking on a columnheader the rowheaders become blank again. all these actions (load/add/modify/sort) go through the same refresh function. I can't seem to figure out why the rowheaders sporadically show up. they should stay visible all the time. btw, datagridview.refresh() doesn't work


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FormLoad Email Mailbox List (Drop Box)?

Jan 7, 2010

One of my clients is going from Server 2000, SQL 2000 w/ VB6 to a new environment of Windows SBS 2008, SQL 2005 standard 64bit, w/ Visual Studios 2005. We have a custom built app written all in VB that has been converted. We already took care restoring the databases and setting up the odbc and such. After conversion, the app threw a couple of errors, and warnings, which have been fixed. We have a formload function that is supposed to populate 2 fields with dropdown information. One is a folders list in outlook and the other is a send recipient. The Recipient field populates fine and the outlook email box does not.Here is the formload code. I can't figure out why this would allow one box to fill and not the other.

Private Sub frmProcessEmail_Load(ByVal eventSender As System.Object, ByVal eventArgs As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
'starts up email


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Calling Current Forms FormLoad Event On A Button Click?

Jun 3, 2011

is it possible to call form load event on button click

Following is the vb code i want same function in
Private Sub cmdaddcancel_Click()


in vb we simply call Form_Load is it possible in

For eg: IN currnetly i am on form no 1 and there is one button on click of dat button i want the current form should again load is it possible

View 1 Replies

How To Check For Listview Variable

Jan 8, 2011

I have got a question to you. I want to know how I can check the listview items in form1.listview1.items and me.listview1.items to see that if both listview have got the same text property of the items then display the messagebox that says "you can't add the same items again. Please select a different item and try again!", otherwise display the messagebox that says "the items have been added".

View 2 Replies

How To Check ListView For Duplicates

Oct 15, 2011

i have a list of record that already populated but my problems is How to find out if there are any duplicates? VB.NET

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ListView Check Boxes?

Feb 21, 2009

(Visual Studio Visual Basic) many times, and I populate the ListView columns with data using SQL statements that pull data from a database. I'm now trying to use a ListView with the addition of check boxes.

View 4 Replies

Interface And Graphics :: Adding Multiple Checkboxes On FormLoad Depending On Amount Of Items In Database

Oct 20, 2008

The Title says it all Adding Multiple Checkboxes on FormLoad Depending on Amount of Items In Database. [code]

View 4 Replies - Only Check One Checkbox At A Time Within A ListView?

Feb 6, 2012

I have a ListView that contains 3 checkboxes per row. I want to set it up so that only one checkbox can be selected at a time. Here is my current CodeBehind...

Public Class MyClass
Dim Checkbox1 As Checkbox
Dim Checkbox2 As Checkbox


Let me know if I need to include anything else. Right now when I click a checkbox and another checkbox is selected then both are selected instead of just the new one..

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Check All Checkboxes Of Items In A Listview?

Mar 29, 2010

How can you check all the checkboxes of all the items in a listview?

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Get The Row(s) When Checkbox Is Check/uncheck In Listview

Jun 7, 2011

i want to get the row(s) when the checkbox is check/uncheck in the listview..

For Each Item In CheckedItems
If (Item.SubItems(4).Text) = "Cash" Then
'Code Here


View 10 Replies

How To Check If Listview Item Was Changed

May 7, 2012

I have a window which has 8 items in a listview along with 2 radio buttons below the listview. The user is able to select one or more selections in the listview and turn the selection on or off with the radio buttons(live, prior to hitting the submit button), my question is how do I tell which selection was changed? I was going to put the one or more selections into a string/array and use that later for some messages once the user hits the submit button. I can almost think of it but can't quite get there, i'll be using an if/else with the .selected option in listview items but am not sure how to tell if the user, say,goes back and changes the option from On to Off(Off originally)to remove that option from the array.

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How To Code Check And Uncheck Or If Listview

May 25, 2010

i cant really find how to code check and uncheck or if listview 1. selected item = checked then.

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How To Print Check Item In Listview

Jun 8, 2011

i have create 1 listview & checkbox inside listview. how to print check item in listview.

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How To Split This String And Check For It In Listview

Apr 18, 2010

I have a text file that stores processes marked safe/bad which saves like this

*2010-04-18*AvastSvc.exe*Avast Nullspace(forcheckbox) * date * process * Comment

How do i get *AvastSvc.exe* minus the ** and check to see if it has appeared in the listbox???

Also i cant find on google how to make my treeview always fully expanded on startup

View 14 Replies

Ignore ListView Check From Code

May 27, 2009

I'm trying to make it so that if a user checks the listview item checkbox, it does something, but not when the code checks it. This seems really basic.

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Use The Listview Tool With Check Boxes?

Apr 11, 2011

I am using visual studio 2008. I need to use the listview tool with checkboxes instead of the checked list box as with the ListView the properties can be set that the user can only have one choice.

Problem: I am not sure on the code to manipulate what option has been picked. I want it to output the same as the code below. I know how to manipulate a checked list boxes by the example code below:

If (ChkdListChoice.SelectedIndex = 2) Then
LstDisplay.Items.Add("Spicy Chicken - �3.50")
price = price + 3.5


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VS 2005 Check For Each Array In Listview?

Apr 2, 2012

I'm working on my listview to extract the strings from my php source. I want to check for each array in my listview when i finds the matches of html tags "<span id=""mystrings2"">Enabled", then tick for each checkbox in the listview when the matches are found.


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VS 2008 Check All Items In A Listview

May 7, 2012

ok in vb6 i would use this to check all items in a listview.


Now Here's my confusion. And i spotted at least one other person on here who was asking the same thing about this.But got no real clear answer that i could see. as a test to compare i tried his suggestion and loaded the same listview up in both a vb6 app and a app..The list i used was quit large so the comparison would be very list was in the 80,000 lines range tho..yeah talk about overkill The vb6 app checked/unchecked the items within a matter of milliseconds..the took an extremely long time tho..well not extreme but was very noticeably slower about doing the loops.


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VS 2008 ListView Cancel Check?

Jan 18, 2010

I have a ListView object with the View property set to Details. I also have the CheckBoxes property set to True. When a user clicks the checkmark I have it run through some code in the ItemCheck event. Assuming the checkbox is


With the code above, the check box still changes state regardless (Checks and unchecks). How can I force it to stay with the current state before the user clicks on the checkbox?

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Calculations Using Quantity And Price - Not Getting Right Value

Jun 3, 2011

I got a program I am working on. It does some calculations using quantity and price in such. Heres the calculation module.
Private Sub calculations()
If AdultsizeRadioButton1.Checked = True Then
adulttotaldecimal = quantityinteger * adultpricedecimal * hoursinteger
ElseIf ChildsizeRadioButton2.Checked = True Then
childtotaldecimal = quantityinteger * childpricedecimal * hoursinteger
[Code] .....

Ok, everything has worked when I display the information.... up until the accumprofitdecimal variable. When i display that value its NOT what it should be. For instance i'm putting in a quanity of 1 and an hour of 1 for an adult then for a child, the extended price comes out properly as $2.15 now the code accumprofitdecimal += extendedpricedecimal SHOULD add the extended price (2.15) to the accumulative total. but when i display the accum profit total it shows a number that makes zero sense... is accumprofitdecimal += extendedpricedecimal not correct code?

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Can Check With The Listview Item On Main Form?

Jan 7, 2011

I want to know how I can check with the listview item on my main form to see that if the text property of the selected listview items has got the same text property of the listview on the another form?

I used this:

Private Sub Button1_Click_1(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Dim i As Integer
If Form1.ListView1.Items(i).Text = Me.ListView1.Items(i).Text Then


The item I have been added after I have got the same item as my form1.listview.items and form2.listview1.items. How can I find with both of the listview items that if both have got the same text property similar as I have created? I am not sure if the form1.listview1.items(i) variable is incorrect.

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Check Duplicate Each Item Listview From Database

Jun 18, 2012

check item listview to avoid duplicate item in database. I have 1 listview, my plan the listview checking each item from database before insert to database. and item in listview obtained from opendialog excel this is my code : when items duplicate already exist, my app error/stop at cmd.ExecuteNonQuery() and I'm hopeless to code check each item when reportcode exist in row of 5 or other row

Private Sub BBIUpload_ItemClick(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As DevExpress.XtraBars.ItemClickEventArgs) Handles BBIUpload.ItemClick
Dim iCount As Integer


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Check If Subitem Index Exist In Listview?

Jun 4, 2011

I've written a code where depending on some condition i have add item in list as With lview

With .Items(.Items.Count - 1).SubItems
if some condition then


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