Combine And Add The Quantity,Price,Total Of Same Index In Listview?

Oct 9, 2011

Combine and Add the Quantity of same index in listview here's my Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click If NumericUpDown1.Text = "" Then
MessageBox.Show("Please Input the Quantity!", "Sale", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation)
NumericUpDown1.Text = 1
End If


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Calculations Using Quantity And Price - Not Getting Right Value

Jun 3, 2011

I got a program I am working on. It does some calculations using quantity and price in such. Heres the calculation module.
Private Sub calculations()
If AdultsizeRadioButton1.Checked = True Then
adulttotaldecimal = quantityinteger * adultpricedecimal * hoursinteger
ElseIf ChildsizeRadioButton2.Checked = True Then
childtotaldecimal = quantityinteger * childpricedecimal * hoursinteger
[Code] .....

Ok, everything has worked when I display the information.... up until the accumprofitdecimal variable. When i display that value its NOT what it should be. For instance i'm putting in a quanity of 1 and an hour of 1 for an adult then for a child, the extended price comes out properly as $2.15 now the code accumprofitdecimal += extendedpricedecimal SHOULD add the extended price (2.15) to the accumulative total. but when i display the accum profit total it shows a number that makes zero sense... is accumprofitdecimal += extendedpricedecimal not correct code?

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VB - Calculation - Multiply The Quantity Of An Item By The Price

Mar 12, 2012

I am struggling to write the code for a calculation. The calculation I wish to do is to multiply the quantity of an item by the price. The problem is that the "form" i am creating uses a letter (i.e A, B, C etc) which corresponds to a set value. I do not know how to link the Letter to the corresponding value.

For Example, A= 25, B= 20, C=25

I want to calculate the total of 6 lots of A. I am also using a Combo Box to list the Letters.

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VS 2008 Calculate Price * Quantity = Cost?

Mar 3, 2010

I certainly hope I don't aggravate you with what is certainly a very simple code problem. I have never programmed before, but I do have a background in tech support, etc. I have an assignment to do and it's frustrating to wade through the information out there to find exactly what I need and nothing more.The assignment has 3 parts, one of which i've done. We are to do the same function in both javascript and VB. I was able to take a sample we did in class that caluclates a 10% discount and modify it so it calculates the total. Now, I have to modify that into a VB sln file. then write about the differences but that part will be cake.

I am working in Visual Studio 2008 - that program is new to me as well. When I created my login and it asked what VB I'm using, I did not know but under theu of VS, it says VB 2008.hat I attempted to do was to take the instructor's sample discount code and modify it for the new purpose, but an error was generated. This is the sample code I started with:

'Programmer: Dan Dougherty
'Date: Feb 2010


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ByRef & ByVal Code - Program To Execute Properly - Can't Get Them To Add Up And Display The Quantity And Price

Apr 7, 2010

I started this tutorial on sub procedures and am having trouble trying to get this program to execute properly. The problem lies with the total. I am trying to figure out the math part of it. When I hit F5 I can see this

Item Quantity Price.

Pizza Slices
Soft Drinks


But I can't get them to add up and display the quantity and price. I tried the ByVal and ByRef code but am not sure if I did it right

Here is the code that I have so far:

Public Class Form1

Private Sub btnCompute_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnCompute.Click

Dim pizza, fries, drinks, total As Double


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Class -program Where Enter The Description, Price, And Quantity Of An Item, Then Click On The Add Button

Aug 13, 2009

I have to create a program where you enter the description, price, and quantity of an item, then click on the Add button. It will then put the description, price, quantity, and total for that line (including tax) in a listbox. The tax is determined by what you put in a text box labeled tax:. When you press Submit Order, it should show a grand total in a text box called Grand Total. It should have a class that is called Items that has a function called GetTotalAmount() that figures out the total including tax. I have started it, but am having a tough time with how to get the subtotals into the text box, then also show the amount including the tax PLUS then do the grand total.

Heres what I have so far:


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Cannot Calculate The Total When Quantity Variable Inserted?

Nov 8, 2011

When I enter the quantity variable the script will not calculate. What am I missing ?

Public Class frmMovie
Private Property intQuantity As Integer
Private Sub txtName_TextChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As [codee]....

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How To Calculate Total Price Of Fruit

Jan 8, 2010

The program is for calculating an amount of fruit. I have a label saying the name of the fruit, a textbox to enter a value of 0-99 and another textbox with ReadOnly which will show the price.

A little picture here:[URL]

As you can see, the Fruit1 Etc... Is only the fruit name.
The Text box wich indicate 1-99 means the number of fruit.
The Textbox with Cash on it, means the total price.
The Calculate button, when I will push it, all the total price from all the fruit will be added together to form a total price which will be indicated in the total price textbox under the Calculate button.

When I will enter the number of fruit, if I enter 99, it give me a price.
When I will enter 60, I want that the 60 are multiplied by (let say) 0,10$
I just like to know how I can do this... Its really bothering e and I don't want to calculate all the things and make 99 line for 1 fruit cause it will be long.

The code I was using was:
Private Sub TextBox1_TextChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles TextBox1.TextChanged
If TextBox1.Text = "99" Then
TextBox2.text = "10.00$"
Elseif TextBox1.Text = "98" Then
TextBox2.Text = "9,90$"
End Sub

Until the the number of the fruit in the code reach 0. So its very long.

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VS 2008 Checkbox Price Add To The Total?

Oct 28, 2010

I have a form with check boxes and behind the check box i assigned it to a const Price. I have a Total Label box and I want to check to check boxes and add them to the total label

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VS 2010 : Total Price Of ProductsID In Datagrid?

Apr 11, 2012

I have a Datagrid with 4 columns. Column 1 is ID, Column 2 is Products, Column 3 QTY, Column 4 Price and Column 5 is Total. I would like to get the Total of Column ID if it has 3 of the same ID and the Column 3 Price is $10.00 ea. Then on the Coulumn 4 Total get a result of $30.00.

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CheckedListBox - Showing Total Price Of Selected Items In Textbox

Apr 18, 2009

I loaded up a checkedListBox with items form a .txt file. The .txt file has itemName, ItemPrice. Every item that gets checked shows up in a listBox on another form. The problem that I am having though is that I need to accumulate the itemPrices of the selected items to show up in a textBox, but the only price that shows up is the price of the item in the checkedListBox that has the focus. I'll add the code to this:

Public Class Form3
'define the Product structure
Structure Product
Public itemName As String
Public itemPrice As Decimal
[Code] .....

View 8 Replies

VS 2008 Get Total Sum Of Sale-price From List But Solddate Has To Be Within 2 Given Dates

Mar 5, 2011

If i had a structure and a list of the structure like this [code]Using Linq, how would i get the total sum of the saleprice from the list but the solddate has to be within 2 given dates.

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Reciept Printing - Form Which Consist - Item Code , Item Name , Item Price , Quantity Of Item

May 25, 2012

Regarding my college project. i'm working on a sales system . i have a form which consist of all the following information( item code , item name , item price , quantity of item ) which is display using a data grid . data input by user using text box and all this information will be stored in a database(sales database) i'm using ms access 2007. the grand total will be displayed in a text box . and amount paid will be input in a text box too , my major problem now is how to i create a reciept that will have all this information of the purcase. i have a reciept button . what the next step ? i dont have any idea how to get the reciept done.

Imports System.Data.OleDb

Public Class Form5
Dim con As New OleDbConnection


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Formload Check Listview For Quantity?

Jun 7, 2011

I have a project which is 98% complete. Its basically a Shop(till) interface. I have a form that has tabs the first being the main till, second shows a listview with everything in stock and the quantity of items in stock. Im stuck on one part of the program where when the form loads it checks the stock and if any of the items have a quantity less than 5 for example than it displays a message box to the user telling him/her to order new stock, but im not sure exactly how to do that.

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Display The Title And The Price In The Listview When Click The Button?

Mar 22, 2012

i need to display the title and the price in the listview when i click the button.In the first row there is no error but if i add another record the second row of Movietitle has record but the second row of price is blank.


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Adding Up Total For Each Index That Is Selected?

May 5, 2009

The first would be, how would I go about making each index in a list box an integer or decimal value? For example, If I wanted the 1st (or 0) index to = 300 and the next one (1) = 400. The next question that I have is that, if I had two or more list boxes with each index as a certain value as listed above, how would I go about adding up the total for each index that is selected?

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Listview ( Combine Items In Row )?

Jan 25, 2010

i'm currently working on a project to make my threads easier to locate. reason: since i tend to get more threads added daily to my threads list, the following ( +trujade+hello world )when pasted in google search, tends to return invalid quite a few times..i would like to be able to categorize my threads and have them all saved in 1 file, .txt file can i combine the entire row in a listview into one line to be saved to a file....for example, the following code adds 3 those columns, i can separate each line from a .txt file and add the items and subitems, but, i need help combining the items and subitems for each row.[code]...

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User Selects From Multiple Listboxes To Get A Price From A Price Array

Nov 25, 2011

I am new to vb and I am having so much trouble with this. What I need to do is this: I have a form application for winter sports equipment rental.I have a listbox filled with the equipment for the user to choose from then I have a combobox for the user to select the duration they would like to rent it. The book that I am using has no examples I can refrence and i have had no luck online either. I am posting what I have so far. However, i think I am going in the wrong direction. I have been working on this for so long that I think I have over thought it and made a mess of it. I am thinking that I need to add a new class for rentalRates then use enum of durationType and equipmentType but I am unsure how to move that way. That is using a enum, a 2d array and a parallel array? [code]

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VS 2008 Combine Duplicate Listview Subitems?

May 17, 2011

I have this code to delete the duplicates but i am stuck on how to firstly combine the subitems before deleting the duplicates.
Dim DuplicatesList As New List(Of String)
For Each item As ListViewItem In Me.lstTakeoffList.Items


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VS 2008 ListView Index - Find Out What Item Has Been Selected In A ListView?

Mar 21, 2010

Do I really have to go through all this just to find out what item has been selected in a ListView?


Isn't there something fundamental like this? Is absolutely everything in VB.NET buried beneath a colossal heap of bureaucracy?

View 13 Replies

Get The Column Index And Row Index On ListView?

Apr 6, 2010

How can i get the Column Index and the Row Index when I click on the ListView?The ListView1.FocusedItem.GetSubItemAt(e.X, e.Y).Text function only gets the text of the first column, I can't find the option of getting the Index of the Column and Row upon clicking.

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Get The Price Of The Premium Or Regular In Price Per Unite?

Jan 24, 2012


Public Class GasPump
Private name As String
Private quan As Double


I get problem in the code when you going to pick y/n. how i going to get the price of the premium or Regular in Price per unite?

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Sort ListView By Image.Index If Index Over 4 Sort Rest Alphabetically

Apr 12, 2012

Currently my ListView sorts items by image.index. So 0 is at the top, then 1, 2 and so on. Think of it as an IRC chat room nick list. Ops at top then the rest are sorted alphabetically


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VB 2010 Validation - Form As Follows "Price Changer" - User Is Allowed To Select A Product And Enter Price

Apr 17, 2012

I have a form as follows "Price changer" The user is allowed to select a product and enter price . So when the change price button is clicked...the price is stored in a array which is later called

So what i am stuck is when the user selects a product from the drop down menu...the user can enter price . But i need to display a error message when the user enters text instead of numbers for prices. I tried try parse method but it displayed the error message but did not transfer the entered price to the array.

My code is as follows

The bolded intMediaprice() are arrays....

Private Sub btnPrice_Click(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnPrice.Click
If cbMedia.Text = "8-Track" Then


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ListView And Bill Total Output

Jul 1, 2009

I am trying to create a basic VB.Net program that allows the user to input the number of pieces of pizza ordered, number of fries ordered and the number of soft drinks ordered that gives a bill total in a text box and displays the bill in a list view box. The program runs put does not provide output.

Public Class Bill
Private Sub Bill_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
'variables used to calculate restaurant bill
Dim P As Double
Dim F As Double
[Code] .....

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Enter The Price In A Text Box And Click The Enter Button To Send The Price To A List?

Nov 15, 2011

I have to create a form that I enter the price of gas each month over a year. I enter the price in a text box and click the enter button to send the price to a list box immediatley and use an array. I have the following code but I don't think it's working with the array correctly as it will let me enter the information but doesn't stop letting me enter after the 12 prices. I am really having a hard time trying to figure out how to set up this input for an array and make it all work.


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Adding Total Amount Of Column Listview

Sep 24, 2010

i have a problem about adding up the sum of table in my listview, [code]after i input a value in the textbox1 it will give me the total amount in the listview items. the problem is i cannot sum up the table amount which i will be needing to proceed to another transactions.

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Calculating Total Amount Of Column In ListView

Jun 3, 2011

I want to get the total (column) amount using Listview w/o database VB.NET


Item Name | Unit Price | Quantity | Amount
Sample1 | 100.00 | 1 | 100.00

Sample2 | 100.00 | 1 | 200.00

Sample3 | 100.00 | 1 | 200.00

Label or Textbox ----> Total 500.00

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VS 2008 Saving Listview Items As A Total In My.settings?

Mar 17, 2009

ok, I have a "sum" for ading the total prices in list view. The prices are in the sub items. After they are added up ( they display as total: �{0}) how would I save them to add up later amongs other things I have saved in my.settings???

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Calculate Running Total In Listview Group Extract From Database?

Dec 30, 2011

I'm developing Asset Management System, it will compute for straight line depreciation, my problem is how to calculate running total on each group that I've extracted from my database.Here's a snippet for my extraction of data

Private Sub cboAType_SelectedIndexChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles cboAType.SelectedIndexChanged
If Not cboAType.Text = "-" Then


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