Forms - WebBrowser - Automatically, Randomly Fill Data

Jan 18, 2009

I'm currently making a Program that will automatically and randomly fill in Username and stuff like that, in a webbrowser. A yahoo account maker. and i'm stuck at the part with that image. I want to copy the image to a Picture Box inside the Visual Basic 2008 program. [Code]

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Use A WebBrowser Control To Automatically Fill Forms?

Mar 26, 2010

I need to automatically fill forms in a WebBrowser Control. There are TextBoxes and CheckBoxes. How can I automatically set their value programatically? Language: VB 2008?

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Automatically Fill In Online Web Forms?

Jan 31, 2010

I'm trying to fill in web forms automatically by using the webbrowser. I'm using code like the following to fill in the name:

Dim elementsInput As HtmlElementCollection = wb1.Document.GetElementsByTagName("INPUT")
For Each element As HtmlElement In elementsInput


The problem is this solution is not global. It will only work on text boxes with the name "OWNER_NAME". Writing out hundreds of variations for every text input there might be for name would not be very smart. There must be an easier solution?

how I can write a program that will work on ANY web page, no matter what the names of the text inputs are?

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WebBrowser Control - Possible To Fill Forms And Stuff

Jul 2, 2009

If a "web page" is more of a "Web App", meaning it is more of an "application" in a web browser, is it still possible to fill forms and stuff? I have come across a pretty huge hurdle in my fight for automation and it involves filling in a "service ticket" submission thing that is browser-based. I can view the source code of the page, but it doesn't look like normal HTML and the first screen of it has a username and password box, but there is no mention of either in the page's source code.

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Use Data To Fill In Multiple Forms

Mar 11, 2010

I have a database set up in Access. Currently I have 12 exact copies so individuals can enter data. We use the data to fill in multiple forms.I know that VB can be used to allow everyone to access one database. Does anyone have this as a runtime module since I have never written in VB and don't know where to start. My last code writing was on a AS400.

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Fill Picture Boxes With Red - Green - Yellow - Blue Or System.control Randomly

Jul 13, 2010

I've got a simple little bit of code, to fill 33 Picture boxes with red, green, yellow, blue or system.control randomly. (System.Control should be more likely). Here is what I have at the moment:


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Use To Fill Out A Form On A Webpage Automatically?

Feb 26, 2010

just looking for more information really as tutorials on the net seem to be lacking on this one. What would you use to fill out a form on a web page automatically? what syntax?

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Forms :: Mine Data From Webbrowser To Textboxes?

Jan 26, 2010

I am trying to mine data from a webpage and use that data to populate textboxes (which will later be used to fill out and print a form).

For example, if the HTML source code looks like this...

<title> Customer Login</title>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
<link href="gsstyles.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">

How would I mine or parse "" and place it into a textbox? I have tried using regex, but cannot get the code to work by viewing incomplete code snipets from other posts (I dont yet have enough understanding of regex).

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Fill TextBox Automatically, Then Store To DB On 'insert'

Jun 6, 2011

I have a textbox that represents a primary key in my database. Because the values are nvarchars I can't automatically increment for a new insert. Instead I have to read a value from a drop-down, perform some magic, and create a new incremented value for the new insert.

I've written codebehind that does all this when the drop-down is selected. It works, in that it puts correct values into the textbox. However when I try to insert, I get an error that that field cannot be null.

I'm pretty sure it's because I'm doing this in the codebehind : myTextBox.text = newValue

which wipes out the binding the textbox should have : Text='<%# Bind("UniqueName")

How can I calculate the needed value for this field programmatically and set it back to the screen so the user can see it (and possibly override it) and still keep the databinding intact so I can create the new record?

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WebBrowser Forms - What Data Type For Form Elements

Aug 26, 2010

I am trying to rewrite an ap I wrote in Vb6 to VBNet 2008. Part of requires signing in to a website automatically. [Code] Can some tell me what data type I need for the form elements? I have tried HTMLELEMNT but that doesn't let me change the value or click.

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Get Information From Notepad Into A Word Fill Form Automatically?

Feb 23, 2009

get information from a notepad document that is created automatically in another program that I use into a ms word form.What i Have,I have made a ms word form with text fields. i need to write a code in vb to get information from that notepad document to fill the information on my word form.

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Automatically Fill TextBox With Three Words From .txt File Separated By Sign

Apr 17, 2012

I want to automatically fill TextBox1 with three words from .txt file separated by sign

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Send A PDF Form - Fill Some Detail Information In The E-mail Automatically?

Jun 18, 2010

I want to send a PDF form from my program.Sending the form is not the problem.But i would like to fill in the Subject, and some detail information in the E-mail automatically.

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System.Windows.Forms.WebBrowser - Retrieve Post Data After Navigating?

Mar 3, 2009

I'm instantiating a WebBrowser object and programmatically clicking a button to navigate. Is there a way (property, method, or voodoo ritual) for me to check the browser after it lands on the new page to see 1) the form method that was used and 2) the post data?

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.Net Win Forms App Crashes Occasionally, Seemingly Randomly?

Jun 2, 2011

I am developing Windows Forms Application SRacq10 in VS2010 in VB.Net. It provides a WCF duplex service and obtains real time financial market data using COM object TWS (Trader Work Station) provided by Interactive Brokers, Inc. SRacq10 works well most of the time. Occasionally, it crashes; I have not been able to observe a pattern of circumstances when it crashes. When I try to add debug to a text file, I can never make it crash; that's not an acceptable solution in the long run. Here is the fault information when running the debug version outside of VS2010:

Event Viewer:
Faulting application name: SRacq10.exe, version:, time stamp: 0x4de7a42c
Faulting module name: MSVCR80.dll, version: 8.0.50727.4940, time stamp: 0x4ca2b271


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Forms :: Randomly Choosen Number To Show In Label Text?

Mar 25, 2010

i have a loop in here what suppose to add a rondomly choosen number and show it on the label .text increase every time by the the same number when appear. It does not do it correctlythat is the

Private Sub licz()
Dim pbs() As PictureBox = {PictureBox1, PictureBox2, PictureBox3, PictureBox4, PictureBox5}
Dim las() As Label = {Label1, Label2, Label3, Label4, Label5, Label6, Label7, Label8,


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Forms :: Displaying Forms Automatically On Different Monitors

Jun 13, 2012

I have created an application that uses two forms one is displayed on a touchscreen and is a basic input form, the other is displayed on a large display monitor and is basically an information form, both displays are connected to the same pc. The program works great I have just one annoyance is if the program is restarted it displays both forms on the touchscreen and I have to drag the information form onto the big display. Is there a way to specify on load that each form gets displayed maximized on a certain screen so I don't have to drag one form onto the correct screen?

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Fill A Textfield In The Webbrowser-component?

Jun 3, 2008

how to fill a textfield in the webbrowser-component?

I tried the VB6 way:
Web1.Document.All("fieldnamn").Value = "some text"

But it didn't work in

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Fill Out Form In Webbrowser Program?

Mar 30, 2012

I am trying to fill out a form using data from form fields in my application. I believe the form is in Java script.[code]...

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IDE :: VB 2010 - Webbrowser Auto Fill

Dec 5, 2011

I have a program that will load a web page into the Program Contained 'Webbrowser1' and autocomplete the Login by referencing the Code:

WebBrowser1.Document.GetElementById( _

What I actually want to do is directly enter the Value into the Active Browser page, rather than the program contained 'Webbrowser1'. What code do I need to access the Current Browser Web page (be it IE, FireFox etc)?

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VS 2008 Fill Webbrowser Textbox?

Aug 3, 2009

how can i fill in a textbox in my webbrowser just by the name of it this is how it looks name="email"i know how to fill in the textbox if you have the ID of it but can i fill it in with just the name ?

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VS 2008 Webbrowser Won't Fill Form?

Aug 10, 2010

I have a Form that has some Labels and Buttons on the left side and a WebBrowser on the right. I would like to let the WebBrowser fill the rest of the Form when it is resized. Resizing of the Form works, but the WebBrowser always has a distance of approximatel 150-200 pixels from the border of the Form. I'd prefer it to fill the form up straight to the borders of it. Can anyone give me a hint on how to change that behavior?

Another thing I couldn't figure yet is how to get the form to show a Scrollbar when it gets so small that the labels and buttons on the left get out of the form.

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VS 2010 Webbrowser Fill Textbox?

May 19, 2011

<input name="Email" type="text" value="" class="email" />

how to do put text into that field.

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Webbrowser Opening A File Automatically

Nov 16, 2009

I'm trying to make an HTML Editing software with and one of the features is debugging with a webbrowser. I want the webbrowser to open up the file that the user is currently working on. They have to save it before they can open the webbrowser, so possibly it could be webbrowser opens the last save, but this is the best I could come up with.[code]

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Automatically Or On Button Press Scroll To Certain <div> Tag In Webbrowser?

Jun 3, 2011

what im trying to do is using regex i'm pulling information from a webpage, and they are shown on a checklist. I want to be able to check the check on the checklist, press a button and ill be taken to the place the regex text was, or a tag around there.

Something i've also wondered about is if your able to link the regex to a in-software Webbrowser from the tool box, as i'm trying to pull information from a site that requires me to log in, before i can view the certain page. So i just wnat to be able to log in Webbrowser1 and then the regex can read from there.

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Automatically Pick URL In LISTBOX Then Load To WEBBROWSER?

Mar 26, 2011

I am creating an application that can import list of URL in the ListBox then it will automatically cut the first URL on the listbox then load to the webbrowser then it will repeat the process.

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Fill Out A Form Field Without A Name In Webbrowser Control?

Apr 14, 2010

In the past, I used the code below to fill out a form field using the webbrowser control in VB.Net. The page I am working with doesn't have name field for the inputbox, so my code doesn't work. How would I fill out the input box defined at the bottom of this post in bold?[code]...

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Highlight And Auto Fill Form In Webbrowser?

Oct 26, 2011

how do i highlight form fields (textbox, combobox etc) in embedded webbrowser control like opera,firefox and chrome do it using c# or

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Scrolling Webpage Automatically Using WebBrowser Control

Jun 18, 2010

I am navigating to a website using a webbrowers control and I wish to automatically scroll the page after it is loaded. I have used scrolltop , scrollleft commands as set out below but nothing seems to happen.
WebBrowser1.Document.Body.ScrollTop = 100
WebBrowser1.Document.Body.ScrollLeft = 200

I have placed the above commands in a command button and wait until the page has loaded before I press it and also in the
WebBrowser1_DocumentCompleted sub

Other commands such as
Seem to work ok.

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VS 2008 - Any Way To Create WebBrowser Which Use HTTPS Automatically?

Oct 26, 2010

Is it possible to create a web browser which auto use the https:// instead of the http://. For example: I open a facebook and the web is auto using the http://,, is it possible that the browser forced every action in the browser auto add the https://

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