Forms :: Adding A Toolbar To Datagridview?

May 13, 2010

How to add a toolbar or a pagingbar to a DataGridView in my windows form in Any ideas about grid filtering,adding filters to grid columns.

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Adding Programs To A VS2005 Toolbar?

Jul 23, 2010

For one of my first projects I wrote a sophisticated toolar. Now the icon adder does not see all the programs that are in the directory.Here's some of the code:

Private Sub CbAddFile_Click(ByVal sender
As Object,
ByVal e As System.EventArgs)
Handles CbAddFile.Click


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VS 2008 Adding Graphic Icons To Toolbar?

Oct 7, 2010

I'm migrating VB6 application to VB.NET 2008In the old app I have a toolbar with icons which are stored in an imageList.Now I can't find how to link the imageList to toolbar (which is now called "ToolStrip"). It's so confusing.

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Forms :: 1-2-3's Of Making A Toolbar?

Dec 22, 2008

I am thinking about make a toolbar like... the quick launch toolbar, with autohide, top position (opposite of start/task bar), skinnable, etc.Is this possible? I need it to work with XP and Vista. I am using Visual Studio 2008, VB.NET.

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Forms :: Make A Floating Toolbar

Jan 7, 2010

How can I make a floating toolbar (like the font toolbar that appears when highlighting text in Word 2007)?

I would like it to appear at a given point when mouse is clicked.

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Forms :: Toolbar Question - WRT Porting From VB 6?

May 16, 2009

I've got a VB 6 application that I ported over to VS 2005. The application has a toolbar on it. When building it in VB 6, I created all the bitmaps for the toolbar. And they looked just fine.Now I have ported to VS 2005. The toolbar works just fine. But the images in the toolbar look "wrong". The best way to describe them is if you took each bitmap and squeezed it down to about 67% of it's size. So it is missing the detail it used to have. And the smalleer picture still takes up the same amount of space on the toolbar. It is just that each squeezed bitmap now looks like it has a thick, blank pictureframe around it.

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VS 2008 Adding A Method To All Forms Existing Forms Without Changing Their Code?

Jul 28, 2009

just wondering if it is possible to add a method to all forms in my project without having to do it on one form and Inherit all my other forms from that one

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Forms :: Adding Controls To Mdi Forms?

Jul 7, 2011

I am developping a application. I would like to add buttons on the MDI but every time I open a child form of the MDI, it appears down the buttons. Is there any way I can solve this problem?

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Adding And Passing Value Between Forms

Apr 10, 2009

I am trying to do a really simple function (atleast it was simple in 6.0)... what I want to do is have two forms. One with a textbox, and one with a button and a textbox (we'll call this one form2). When I add a value to form2 and click the button I want the text to appear in form1's textbox.

My code in form2 is...
' on event button1_click...
form1.textbox1.text = me.textbox1.text
("me" being form2)
Anyways, how to pass a value from one form to another.

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Adding File To .NET Forms?

Feb 2, 2008

I am trying to add a a RoboHelp HTML created compiled help file (.chm) to my forms. I want to add context sensitive help and to have a form display the help index or table of contents when "F1" is pressed. I am having trouble finding a "How to" or code examples to show how to accomplish this.

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Adding Name Of Forms To A Combobox?

Jul 21, 2011

I need to pull the name of some forms in my project and add them to a combobox. How would this be achieved?

Here is a image of the directory layout.


I need window1.xaml through window6.xaml to appear in the combobox on my admin form.

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Adding With Forms Without Textboxes?

Jun 10, 2012

i have several forms each with a specific pet. i want to be able to have the user press buy and then the price of the pet will be added to the reciept form. lets say dog1 is $400.

dbldog1 = 400
dblsubtotal = dblsubtotal + dbldog1
on reciept form i would have
lblsubtotal = dblsubtotal

but then it will not show as 400.

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Syntax For Adding SWF's To Forms

Dec 10, 2009

Was wonderiong if anyone knew any syntax for adding SWF's to forms, my swf doesn't need to be clicked etc, its just a banner,

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Syntax For Adding SWF's To Forms?

Mar 17, 2010

Was wonderiong if anyone knew any syntax for adding SWF's to forms,my swf doesn't need to be clicked etc, its just a banner,

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Adding Integer Variables From Two Different Forms?

Apr 18, 2012

I am saving scores form my game in to a dadt base but the game involves answering questions mid game that pop up in a seperate for so I have two scores a question score and a game score and at game over i want the two scores to add up and be displayed in one labe wich appers on the game form when my count down hits 0 so I tryed to add them

heres is the game code

Public Class frmplay
Dim score As Integer
Dim total_score As Integer


so I want to add correct answer to score and display it in a label thatwill show on my game form

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Forms :: Adding A Suffix To The End Of A String?

Nov 22, 2009

Alright so, I've got most of a program I am doing finished, but I'm having a problem at the end. The user enters a SKU (XXX-XX-XXX) and hits search, and it will search two excel sheets and output the quantity of both. The first sheet works perfectly, however the second it can have multiple instances of the SKU, and I need it to locate the one that says "XXX-XX-XXX Total" and output the quantity of that one, but I cannot seem to get adding the "total" suffix right, as it constantly says SKU not found. I've made sure it's parsing it correctly by outputing each parsed field into a msgbox,

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Forms :: Adding Or Drawing Boxes?

May 23, 2011

I have to make a lot of retangular boxes to make my program neat but i'm having a problem of adding boxes. I tried using the draw event in the tab page but everytime i scroll it will draw the lines again and messes up everything. Also when making a line greater that the tab page, autoscroll won't work.Is there a way to make lines or boxes in design time?

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Adding A New Row To A Datagridview?

Jun 2, 2011

I using vs2008.

I have a datagridview and two datatables. I am comparing the information in the two datatables. Now, if the data exists is datatable2 but does not exist in datatable 1 I would like to add a row to the bottom of the datagridview and fill in the necessary information.

Can someone give me an idea of the necessary syntax that I will need to accomplish this goal? Also, I know this post is a little vague and if more information is needed to answer the problem I can give it.

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Adding New Row To A DataGridView?

Dec 31, 2010

I have an application in wich I have a Datagridview. At one moment in time I press a button for populating DGV. Bellow is the code for populating.

Public ConPubs As OleDb.OleDbConnection ' for database connection
Public DatPubs As DataSet 'miniature of your table - cache table to client
Public AdaptSql As OleDb.OleDbDataAdapter ' adapter is use to update the dataset and datasource


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Adding Row To DataGridView?

Oct 13, 2009

I would like to add a row into a DataGridView: The first column is a string All of the middle columns are of integer type (for sorting) The last column is a string All the values above are passed to the Sub by a array (currentRow) of type String. However, the middle values have to a go through a type change to type Integer for sorting The following Sub works perfect except: The number of items in currentRow (the columns) may vary Then the hardcoded dgProduction.Rows.Add() code at the bottom with not work properly because it is fixed with a total of 6 columns. note that the length of currentRow() will not vary during the population of a single population event. Instead it may vary once I have cleared the grid and click on a different date. So all the rows within the grid will have the same number of columns.


Public Sub addRoll2prodGrid(ByVal currentRow() As String)
Dim rowCount As Integer = currentRow.Count - 2
Dim allCounts(rowCount) As Integer


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Adding New Windows Forms Through A Button Click?

Feb 11, 2010

I am making an application in which i want to add new windows form with a specific name in my application and save it with that name then make a class for that form. After that i want to add controls on that form and all of the code that i need...

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Forms :: Adding A Single Item To A Combobox?

Apr 4, 2011

I'm new to and I have what probably is a simple question, but one that I am stuck on. I'm trying to add a single item to a ca combo box at run time. For example, a user selects a category from the first drop down box at run time, say "Admin", I want to add a single item to the combo box below it: Not applicable.

cboTest.Items.Add("Not Applicable")

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Forms :: Adding And Removing Controls At Runtime

Jan 4, 2012

I am working with my project and I have difficulties in my program. This is the set-up: I put a textbox1 and a button1 in the form, textbox1 is for the property of the label text to be add
when I click the button1 I have another textbox, label and a button,I want the added button to remove the textbox, label and if possible the button itself, is there a way to delete a control by the added button?

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Forms :: Adding Columns ToDataGridView From WebService?

Mar 1, 2010

from a WebService that returns 44 columns. I only want 3 or 4 of those to display in my DGV.I have 'sussed' it out one way by creating a new dataset from the original and then assigning that to the DGV but this just doesnt feel elegant enough.So I turned off the autogeneratecolumns on the DGV and then tried to manually add the columns I wanted. used:-

With uxDataReturnedGrid
.Columns.Add("ADDRESS", "Full Address")
<some more columns>


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Forms :: Adding Controls Dynamically Below Existing One

Jul 21, 2010

I'm trying to add a DataGridView to a Split Container Panel. I am able to add the control, but it just places it on top of the old one. What I want is to add it below the existing one. How to do it.

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Forms :: Adding EXE To Button Click Event

May 8, 2009

I am trying to build a application where I can add another .exe program to a button_Click Event. I want this exe program to be run from within my Program so I can remove them from my pc and have them all contained within my new application.

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Forms :: Adding Images To A List View?

Apr 24, 2010

How to add the images or Extracted Icons to a Item in a ListView?

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Forms :: Getting Images From File And Adding Them To Array?

Jan 12, 2012

I'm trying to create a program that checks if someone is going to Happy Hour, if not, it lists those who aren't, and puts their picture next to their name.I'm able to achieve all but get the images locally and store them in an array (which would be added to pictureArray(i))You can see the commented out sections are where I've tried to get the images...

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Adding A ComboBox To DataGridView?

Nov 17, 2009

I have datagridview connected with sql datebase and i want to add combobox to datagridvew (example:Time1 column)

Option Explicit On
Imports System.Data
Imports System.Data.SqlClient


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Adding A Record To A Datagridview?

Oct 19, 2010

i have created an add button in my datatgridview.when the user clicks the add button i would like the cursor to be positioned at the first cell of the new row.i created a new add event, and can get to the last row, and select it.but how do i set the focus onto the first cell ?this is the code i am using:

Private Sub TestButton_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles TestButton.Click
Dim RowCount As Integer = Me.grdAccountTypes.RowCount - 1
Me.grdAccountTypes.FirstDisplayedScrollingRowIndex = RowCount
Me.grdAccountTypes.CurrentCell = grdAccountTypes.Rows(RowCount).Cells(0)

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