Forms :: Make A Textbox With Complete Support For Dragdrop?

Oct 30, 2009

I am trying to make a textbox with complete support for dragdrop, however, it doesn't work.

Private MouseIsDown As Boolean = False
Private SelectionLen As Integer
Private SelectStart As Integer


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Forms :: Textbox That Is Filled Using Auto-complete?

Apr 2, 2009

I have a textbox that is filled using autocomplete. The autocomplete is a globally accessible sub that I use for textboxes and (I guess) comboboxes.My problem is that the autocomplete sub takes several seconds to fill the textbox. Is there some way my code could be improved? (The code below takes three seconds to fill for 288 autocomplete entries, which I don't think should be a lot for this kind of functionality.)

My best bet is that the autosorcecollection has to redraw itself every time an entry is added, and that causes the delay, but I'm not sure.Apart from taking time I think this global function is really handy, so feel free to use!


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.net - Event Fired In Dragdrop Source When Dragdrop Is Completed Or Cancelled?

Nov 28, 2011

I know that there is usually a DoDragDrop method that starts a drag and drop operation. And that there are events (such as DragEnter, DragOver, DragDrop, DragLeave) that can be handled on the target side.

Are there any events on the source of the dragdrop that will tell me whether the dragdrop operation was completed, or possibly cancelled?

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Can't Get Any (copy) Effect - Make Dragdrop Event?

Jul 19, 2009

When I use the code below, I can't get any (copy)effect as I drag things onto the picture box(img). Therefore, I can't dragdrop files. How can I make dragdrop event possible?


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Forms :: Make A Log .txt File From TextBox?

Mar 2, 2011

how i can make VB to write the data from my textbox to a .txt , making it a log. The thing is my textbox is multiline, but when i log the data to the .txt it perfectly works BUT it doesnt do it in a multi line way. For example this is MY textbox:

[Date/Hour] You have entered the matrix
[Date/Hour] Thanks for entering the matrix.

and this is how it logs to the .TXT:

[Date/Hour] You have entered the matrix [Date/Hour] Thanks for entering the matrix.

This is the way i use it :

Private Sub CloseToolStripMenuItem_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles SalirToolStripMenuItem.Click
RichTextBox1.Text = RichTextBox1.Text & vbNewLine
Dim FILE_NAME As String = "C:log.txt"


How can i make my .txt log to be as my textbox, multiline.

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Forms :: Wait For Sub To Complete?

Jun 14, 2011

i have this

Private Sub typendetextbouwen(ByVal texttetypen As String)
var_Numberofchars = 0
var_Numberofcharstyped = 0


How to make the "Im Marco" wait? else it wont typ the first line

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Forms :: Make A Textbox Invisible When The Form Is Executed?

Feb 5, 2010

I have 2 textboxes one for datetime picker and another for entering the name. i waant to make the datetime textbox invisible when the form is executed & when i press save the data from both textboxes should be saved into the database.

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Forms :: Does VB.Net Support Picturebox Arrays

Dec 22, 2009

I am trying to design a basic version of spaceinvaders. I have 6 pictureboxes on my form and the idea is to add a value to the property that moves the boxes down at a certain time and speed that i have set in my timer control. The problem i have is i am trying to set properties for all the pictureboxes at the same time by using arrays.

An example would be
dim mypic() as picturebox = {pic1, pic2, pic3, pic4, pic5, pic6} = 10


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Forms That Support Multiple Resolution

Oct 20, 2009

I have this program, where the main (one and only, "ControlBox" set to "false" and "FormBorderStyle" set to "none") form will fill up the whole monitor. It wasn't set to "WindowState" = "Maximized", but rather I have it designed to fit on the resolution of the target monitor's resolution size. It is set to run on 1920 x 1080 size. Hence I have all the layout and child controls laid out nicely.Right now, I was thinking, what if I wanted to have my program fit snuggly (or nicely) into the target monitor's resolution, varying from 800x600, 1024x768, 1440x900 and such.What would be the best approach? Make multiple copies of the form in designer, lay out those controls, then create a centralized class file that sort of integrates all the methods that were existing in the original form, so that the rest of the form would be sharing it as well.

Or would I make only 1 form and do all the layout adjustment on runtime and having the hassle and pain of going through it? I have 1 main problem though, there's this logo which stuck on the top left portion of the form, which currently just fit nicely on this 1920 x 1080's form. I wonder what would happens if I size it on runtime.

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Forms That Support Multiple Resolution?

Mar 17, 2011

I have this program, where the main (one and only, "ControlBox" set to "false" and "FormBorderStyle" set to "none") form will fill up the whole monitor. It wasn't set to "WindowState" = "Maximized", but rather I have it designed to fit on the resolution of the target monitor's resolution size. It is set to run on 1920 x 1080 size. Hence I have all the layout and child controls laid out nicely.

Right now, I was thinking, what if I wanted to have my program fit snuggly (or nicely) into the target monitor's resolution, varying from 800x600, 1024x768, 1440x900 and such.

What would be the best approach? Make multiple copies of the form in designer, lay out those controls, then create a centralized class file that sort of integrates all the methods that were existing in the original form, so that the rest of the form would be sharing it as well.

Or would I make only 1 form and do all the layout adjustment on runtime and having the hassle and pain of going through it? I have 1 main problem though, there's this logo which stuck on the top left portion of the form, which currently just fit nicely on this 1920 x 1080's form. I wonder what would happens if I size it on runtime.

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Use Multiple Forms To Complete An Application?

Apr 26, 2009

I have the form put together but I have no idea what to next. [URL]This is a link that shows what the application is suppose to do if it works correctly [URL] There is an attached file that has what I have so far.

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Textbox Auto-complete With Sql?

Feb 10, 2012

I have a problem with my coding to autocomplete textbox. nothings happen

Dim col As New AutoCompleteStringCollection
NewDataSet("select * from tbluser")
If ds.Tables("0").Rows.Count > 0 Then
For i = 0 To ds.Tables("0").Rows.Count - 1


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Auto Complete In ComboBox Windows Forms?

May 19, 2012

I have auto complete functionality in combo box ,it works properly but there is little issue ,I made the suggestion list appear for the text length more than 3 chars ,but the list appears after the length of 4 char (when user enters the fifth char of the text) which means when the code executed in the first time the list doesn't appear here is the code in Text_Changed Event

Private Sub TxtItem_TextChanged(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles TxtItem.TextChanged
If Trim(TxtItem.Text) <> "" And Trim(TxtItem.Text).Length > 3 Then


Note : This issue causes the application exit (sometimes) on Windows XP, but Doesn't affect on Windows 7

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Forms :: Complete Progress Bar When Countdown Reaches 0

May 3, 2011

Is there anyway to complete a progress bar just by going ProgressBar1.Value = 100 when you want it to finish. I have a button which starts a countdown, I need the progress bar to complete when countdown reaches 0. Ive already used the step version, but when I want to alert the length of the countdown, the progress bar finishes too late or too early.

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Forms :: Make 1 Textbox Show The Current Hash Code Of The Colour?

Apr 28, 2009

What ive done so far is make 1 textbox show the current hash code of the colour, and it works..

But what i want to do is, In another textbox, you type in a hash code and the color dialog loads the color of that hash code.. Not work!

Ive tried..

ColorDialog1.Color = Textbox1.Text


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How To Make My Proxy Support SSL

Jul 7, 2011

using System;
using System.Net;
using System.Net.Sockets;
using System.Text;
using System.IO;
using System.Threading;


Now everthing works but always when I want to acess a https site it fails but I dont know what to do ?

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Make My App To Support Cloud?

Apr 1, 2012

I would like to ask : how can i make to support the cloud technology.

Do i have to first find a server that provides cloud services ? Or does the user provide his own custom credentials and server somehow ?

Also, what .NET technology is there for cloud services ? Azure ?

Do you know any good examples / website for that ?

If i develop for Azure will the same code run also with Amazon web services ?

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AutoComplete Textbox With Support For Delimiter

Apr 6, 2011

I am developing an appilcation which requires a text box with auto-complete/suggestions (drop down) for multiple words (seperated by a delimiter like space) like the tags text box here in SOF. E.g. I start typing 'app' it should show all words in the suggestions list starting with app, and when I enter a word and press space and start typing a new word it should show all suggestions for that part-word.

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Globalization Of Windows Forms Application With Arabic Support

Mar 1, 2011

I am using Windows Forms Application that supports both Arabic and English languages....The problem is if i put the controls like (TextBox and Label) on form itself they get Layout RightToLeft and also become right align means label went to right side and textbox in left side)....But when i put these controls inside of a GroupBox or Table then textbox itself become right align ...i means cursor inside of text box............but controls don't flip from left to right......Label remains on left side and textbox on right side....i want to flip the controls.........label must go to right...same like Forms ControlBox is flipping.

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Auto Complete Dropdown/textbox (asp .net/vb)

Feb 19, 2010

auto complete dropdown/textbox (asp .net/vb)

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Auto-complete Textbox Control In ASP.NET?

Feb 23, 2012

What is the best approximation algorithm to implement full-text fuzzy search. For example we have a dropdownlist with the following data (from SQL datasource):

Company Policy
Product Catelog
Our Partners

Now I want to replace it with an autocomplete textbox, such that when the letter "p" is typed the list shows all three results. It should start matching the first letter of the first word or second word and so on. Also, it should highlight or make the matched letters bold in the suggestions dropdown.Is there a readymade control for ASP.NET (with JS or jQuery) to deliver all the aforementioned functionality? Otherwise if I have to implement it, is there a tutorial/blog which point me in the right direction?

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TextBox Auto-Complete But Not Only On Prefixes

Mar 14, 2010

I'm using the AutoComplete function of a TextBox to suggest values from a database to the user. This works almost as expected. However, I do have two questions that I can't seem to find the answer to...

1) Is it possible to change the function that selects the items to display in the AutoComplete dropdown such that it will also select strings that match anywhere else than at the beginning? For example, when I type 'apple' I want that to match 'Apple' but also 'I have an apple!'.

2) Is it possible to change that same function to sort the options? (In my case based on how often they exist in the database.)

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Textbox Auto-complete From Database?

Jun 12, 2011

i want to make a textbox suggest all possible inputs based on a certain column in my database. for example, i have a country column in the database and i want my textbox to display all countries from my database column that starts with P when i type it and so on

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Winforms - Auto-complete Textbox In .net?

May 13, 2012

I implemented auto complete in textbox , but there is an issue that when user types something in text box the auto complete suggestion list blinks and disappears like if the focus changed

here is the code:

Dim Bl As New ItemBL
Dim suggestions = DAL.DisplayLikeNameList(Trim(MyTextBox.Text))
Dim MySource As New AutoCompleteStringCollection()


I believe the problem in Mdi form because it has timer code executed after the above code :

Private Sub Timer1_Tick(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Timer1.Tick
LblDateAndTime.Text = Now
End Sub

Note: the auto complete code is executed in a child form not in the Mdi Form , what do you suggest to keep suggestions list "sticky" as the user writing in the text box ?

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Textbox Auto-complete From Listbox Items

Feb 1, 2012

I have a textbox in form1 and I want to enable the autocomplete with the items in Listbox1 in Form2. For example if the users enter in textbox1 something that is similar to any of the items in Listbox1, I would like it to be shown in a list below the textbox. ( What a browser does with already visited pages )

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Textbox Auto-Complete/Suggest Error?

Mar 15, 2012

why is it sometimes i get an error? it doesn't highlight the error

Dim SqlQuery As String = "Select UserName from Login"
Dim SqlAdapter As New MySqlDataAdapter


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Unable To Use Auto-complete TextBox Correctly?

Sep 13, 2010

I have a small problem with my AutoComplete Textbox in that it doesn't replace what I type with the item from the drop down list. This is hard to explain so I will start off with the AutoComplete of the combobox and how it works.

If I create a combobox with the following listitems (pay attention to case as this is the actual problem)


Now I can set my AutocompleteSource to ListItems and when I begin typing into a combobox I get a list of matches (Using SuggestAppend)So if I type i (lowercase) I get a list containing Item1 and Item2 with tem1 added and selected for overtyping in my combobox text. Now if I press Tab or Enter, My combobox.text is updated with Item1 with the proper casing from the list even though I typed a lowercase i. This is not how it is working in the textbox. Using the following code:

Dim mySource As New AutoCompleteStringCollection
mySource.AddRange({"Item1", "Item2", "Production1", "ProductionItem2"})
TextBox1.AutoCompleteCustomSource = mySource
TextBox1.AutoCompleteSource = AutoCompleteSource.CustomSource
TextBox1.AutoCompleteMode = AutoCompleteMode.SuggestAppend

When I begin typing in the textbox, again, the list drops down. And again, when I type a lowercase i, I get a list containing Item1 and Item2 with tem1 filled in to my textbox. Now if I press enter or tab, my textbox is filled with item1 instead of Item1 as it did with the combobox.

My question is:Is there a way to ensure that the text in the textbox matches the actual case of the item in the customsource? I can click the item in the dropdown and it appears in the textbox just fine. But I don't want to force my users to have to do that.

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[2008] Make The Program Support Some Letters?

Jan 7, 2009

i have a Program that filters out Text from a site but when Characters like:� � � � are there it makes them to: ?How can i make them show right in the Program?

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How To Make An Auto-complete That Gets It's Data From Database

Jan 21, 2010

How to make an auto complete that gets it's data from my database because what I only know is that to make a auto complete from the given auto complete source but what if my auto complete source is my database how can I do that?

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How To Make Keypress Works With Auto-complete

Nov 16, 2009

I have a code keypress that automatically input a text in a particular textbox if the text i pressed match the when I type 32 in the ID textbox . The name of the person whos ID is 32 will be put on the name works perfectly but when I use autocomplete on the textbox it will not work anymore. is their a way or can anyone tell me why it isnt working.?eres the code for the keypress

Private Sub txtSubjectCode_KeyPress(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.KeyPressEventArgs) Handles txtSubjectCode.KeyPress
If e.KeyChar = Chr(Keys.Enter) And Me.txtSubjectCode.Text <> Nothing Then


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