Forms :: Starting To Get Back Into VB Programming?

Dec 21, 2010

I am just starting to get back into VB programming, and I'm looking for a more elegant solution to an application I'm developing for a production line.I have a series of labels with manufacturing steps. The background color of the steps needs to change to green as the process steps through. Right now it is working as it should, it just seems a little too much like brute force programming.

Right now I'm using a Select statement to change the color of EACH label. The first portion of the Select statement is below. With this method I have to do this same thing for each case.


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Game Programming :: Use Mouse Hover Event For Getting The Same Image Back After Hovering?

Nov 20, 2009

I am using VB 2008 Express. I am creating minesweeper game with picture boxes. I want a box in the grid to glow & I have created Different images form that. I want that whenever we hover over the box , it glows & I have used the visible property. I have set the property as false of all the glow boxes.


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Two Forms Are Starting As Start Up?

Jan 26, 2010

I have two forms starting up at the same time when I debug the program. I only need just one startup Form to load. What can I do to stop this?

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Forms :: Starting Process From Usb Numpad?

Mar 29, 2010

I have a user interface with pushbuttons, each starting a different process. Can I manage these pushbuttons via usb numpad? i.e. if 1 is pressed at numpad, pushbutton 1 will be clicked (so process 1 will start); if 2 is pressed at numpad pushbutton is 2 will be clicked and so on.

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Forms :: Input Starting And Ending Time

Nov 2, 2009

I want to make a very small program where the user inputs a starting time and an ending time that is in "clock time (?)" and the program converts it to total minutes in one box and a decimal total in a second box. I have 4 textboxes, 2 are masked text boxes (military time) for input and two are not, for output and the math is coming out weird.

If I put a start time of 0925 and an end time of 1015, the results I'm expecting would be 50 total minutes and .83333 total as a decimal. I don't think I'm converting the textbox input correctly as I'm not getting anything near that. I am using a button to calculate and another to clear the boxes, just FYI. Also, I'm not sure what to do about any times that span the noon hour except to use an absolute value.

Public Function Time()
Dim StartTime As Double
Dim Endtime As Double
StartTime = txtStart.Text
Endtime = txtEnd.Text
txtDecimal.Text = (Endtime - StartTime) / 60
txtMinutes.Text = Endtime - StartTime
End Function

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Socket Programming With Many Forms?

Mar 8, 2011

I've been making this project for our Major course in Networking Principles and Programming. Our project is an ATM System but with the use of Socket API. My partner and I chose VB.NET even if we're completely beginners.

We've researched about Socket programming in VB.NET, and we're glad that our Client-Server connection worked out. The problem is, our system contains many forms (Withdraw, Deposit, etc). We've researched the Google about Socket Programming in many Window Forms and unfortunately, we can't find any.

How can we be able to maintain the connection with many forms? Or do we have to create a new connection on every form? Is it better to create only ONE form for the client application perhaps?

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Forms :: Asynchronous Programming Using CallBack

Feb 1, 2010

I have a class with a mthod which does a a time consuming task. I know how to start the method in a separate thread using the Threading.Thread class. What I want to do is use callback so as to have the method report its result to another method when completed. I chose to use the asynchronous Begin/End call pattern.

My thoughts are:

Private Function BeginConnect(ByVal URl As String, ByVal callback As AsyncCallback, ByVal state As Object) As IAsyncResult
'Some Code


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Game Programming :: Closing Forms By Name?

Feb 18, 2009

I have an application that create forms and name it randomically. I would like at certain point, to be able to close one or more forms from the main window application.

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Game Programming :: Using Data Between Two Forms

Oct 3, 2011

I have a label on form 1 which show the answer, I want that label answer to appear on Form 2 label or text box. Hw do I go around doing that?

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Game Programming :: PictureBox Access Between Forms?

Jul 29, 2008

I have been working with Visual Basic 6 for over a year and have just recently to move up to .net. I have never had problems viewing picture boxes that were on one form thought another.My old code read something like:frm1.img1=frm3images.treeThis would take the image of the tree from a form that is not viable and place that image in the imagebox.

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Stop The Forms Moving To The Back?

Nov 20, 2011

I have an MDI running as the parent. How can you stop the forms moving to the back when they are open if you click in the any part of the MDI area. Also I notice if I have more than one form open it creates form instances on my windows task bar?

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Forms - How To Go Back To Previous Form From Current

May 3, 2011

I have a menustrip, in which i have put a BACK option so that the user can go back directly from where he came to the current form, as there are many form which leads to the that particular form.

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Going Back & Forth With Two Forms - Working With DropDownList Item

Oct 17, 2010

So here is the deal. I am making my own program for fun, and I have this road block. Basically I have a 'Parent Form' which we'll call 'frmMain' and I also have another form which we'll call 'frmSchedule' (work with me here)


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VB 2010 Way To Pass A Variable Back And Forth Between 2 Forms?

Apr 13, 2011

What's the simplest way to pass a variable back and forth between 2 forms?Let's say I have form1 and form2. Form2 has textbox2 and button2. When button2 is pressed I need the text in textbox2 to display in textbox1 on form1.

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VS 2010 Cascade Forms - Large Ones In Back

Mar 11, 2012

I've got a collection of a type of form and multiple of these can be displayed on the screen independently at the same time and now I'm wanting to add the ability to cascade these forms, but these forms can all be re-sized so it'll be very rare when they are of the same or similar size. I would like to be able to cascade them based on their present size, so the largest for is in the back and the smallest is in front.

I also realize that a form could be wider than than another form but that other form is taller than the current one, in which case I would like the taller form to be considered the larger one (an arbitrary decision, I know). Here's the code I currently have that cascades them in the order they are in the collection, I just need to know how to re-order them based on their size.


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Multi Forms And Passing A Value From One Form Back To Another Using A Listbox

Apr 12, 2011

Im having trouble passing a value from one form back to another using a listbox... The user clicks a button in the main form to bring up an instance of another form ( In that form, the user then then selects a number 1-5 and then presses done:


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Forms :: Backward Button To Go Back To Form From Opened .exe Program?

Jun 20, 2012

I am currently working on a program that has several buttons in it lined up. Each button goes to different applications (.exe programs). The program I am making is suppose to be a fullscreen program and won't let you see any of Windows when it's running.

Therefore I want to make a "back" button that always stays on top of any application and when I push it it will take me back to my WindowsForm (startpage of the program).I am also wondering if you can make it so all .exe programs only can run ONCE. So if I press one of the buttons saying "open notepad" I want it to work so it can't open Notepad once again making it two notepads open. Just go back to the first Notepad opened.

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Forms :: Question After Splash-screen Shows Main Form Is In The Back?

Sep 24, 2010

I have a splash screen, the default from Visual studio. It loads up, is shown for a few seconds, then, when it disappears, the main form is loaded. Now here is the problem: the main form appears in the back, behind the windows explorer window I load the application from.

The weird thing is that this only happens on some computers, particularly Windows XP machines.I tried a lot of things like BringToFront() or TopMost = true in the on Load event of the form but nothing seems to change this.

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Stop The Forms Moving To The Back When They Are Open If Click In The Any Part Of The MDI Area?

Nov 20, 2011

I have an MDI running as the parent. How can you stop the forms moving to the back when they are open if you click in the any part of the MDI area. Also I notice if I have more than one form open it creates form instances on my windows task bar?

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Forms :: Lookup Table That Contains A Label That Describes The Data To Be Written Back To Database

Jan 9, 2012

I have a lookup table that contains a label that describes the data to be written back to my database. For example:Label = Manufacturing Repair Issue (This is what the user see's in my front-end windows app)Data = Mfg_Repair (What I want to save to the database when the user choses the label)

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Forms :: Chart (Series Colors, Graph Refresh On Timer, Etc) Application That Ties Into A SQL Database On The Back End

Dec 29, 2011

I am working on an application that ties into a SQL database on the back end. Currently the main form contains a series of combo boxes (Graph type, data format, location, and customer), two date pickers, and a button to launch the selections in a new form. Everything works just fine except there are a couple of things I can't seem to accomplish.

Example Data:


Case Select (with commented out lines for variations attempted):


1) I would like to be able to use some sort of case statement to color the bars in my chart based on value. I have tried approaching this in a couple of different ways but neither of the options seem to work. First, I tried this (the If Not is used because depending on what values are passed to the stored procedure in SQL, different columns will be returned):


Only one series is created with this method, so I can see how/why a Select Case would set all bars the same color. I have also tried creating a series for each row in the returned dataset but it results in 22 bars of different colors, for each of the rows (484 bars):


So is there any way to modify the second set of code there to only select the value from the "Percent TMHB" cell that corresponds with Row(i), rather than ALL values from the "Percent TMHB" column for EACH Row(i)?

2) Since I am drawing/creating these graphs in a new window, is there any way to also create a new timer on the "newFrm" and have the tick refresh the data? I've struggled with this but I feel like it should be easy. Say someone chooses a "TMHB", "Percentage", "Chicago", "All" (Graph type, data format, location, customer) and launches the graph, which opens in a new window, then they want to do "TMHB", "Percentage", "LA", "All" and have both windows up, refreshing automatically throughout the day. Can I somehow store the SelectCommand.Parameters values in the new form/timer so that it will query the database again every 5 minutes?

Example code for the StoredProcedure and creating the new form:

If combo_GraphType.SelectedItem = "TMHB" Then
Dim newFrm As New Form
Dim newChart As New Chart


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Best Programming Language For Programming Windows Applications?

Jan 28, 2012

I have recently taken a liking to programming, and have programmed a few games in C#,my friend has asked me to program an application for him to use in his shop. But I have no idea of what language is best suitable?

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Back To The Previous Page On Click Of Custom Back Button?

Aug 25, 2010

I am using an image button and on click of it i want to go to visited page.Now i am using - Response.Redirect(Request.UrlReferrer.ToString()),It is going to previous page, but when i am in a page of some user details where the link is looks like - users.aspx?userid=25 and i visit some other page and click back(image button) i want to see the same userdetail page. How to track that.

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Passing Back Lisbox Values When Going Back To Previous Page?

Jul 23, 2009

I have a search page with a couple of pulldowns. Dependig on the values of them I show a grid matching the searched criteria, basically a table with links the user can navigate to. My problem comes when the user wants to navigate back. At the moment I have a "Back" button which simply redirects the user to the initial search page. I think it would be a good improvement to have the values of the pulldowns filled in with the values the user selected, this way when he presses the "Back" button he would not have to restart the whole search process again.

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Forms :: Take The Control Back To Textbox After Display Error By Error Provider Tool

Feb 3, 2010

I used error provider tool to display the error when the textbox is empty. when the error message is displayed immediately it is inserting the record into the database.I want to clear the error and then insert. how to take the control to textbox?


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Forms :: Take The Control Back To Textbox After Display Error By Error Provider Tool?

Mar 31, 2011

I used error provider tool to display the error when the textbox is empty. when the error message is displayed immediately it is inserting the record into the database.I want to clear the error and then insert. how to take the control to textbox?..Imports System.Data.OleDb

Public Class Form1
Dim myConnection As OleDbConnection
Dim myCommand As OleDbCommand


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Forms :: Form Variable Value Blank / Null When Move From Form1 To Form2 And Back To Form1

Oct 27, 2009

In my window application, Form1 variable eg. Public str as string. value blank/null when move to Form2 and Back to Form1. How to maintain Form1 varable's value when back to Form1 In if any one know, reply me soon

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Get My Toolbox Back To Normal - Can Put It Back On Auto Hide And Such

May 31, 2009

I'm not sure what I did, But I would like to get my toolbox back to normal where I can put it back on auto hide and such.

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Delay In Back To Back Messages Through Socket

May 10, 2012

We have a server application and a client application that communicates with each other using socket.

When the server application sends 2 messages about 16-31 ms apart, the 1st message is received by the client application with little delay (like 16-32 ms after it was sent). But the 2nd message is received by the client application a lot later (like 200 ms later) than when it was sent.

We already disabled Nagle algorithm (set NoDelay = True) in the socket in both the server and client application.

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Smtp :: Sending Back To Back Emails?

Jun 17, 2011

We are having problems with sending back to back emails on one of our web sites. The site is built with .net framework 2.0.We can send the first email without any problems on every try. But to send a second email you need to wait about 20-30 minutes.the problem.One thing we tried was changing the smtp email server. We tried a third party smtp server but the same problem persisted. So I think the problem is not with the smtp server but with our .net code.

Imports Microsoft.VisualBasic
Imports System.Net
Imports System.Net.Mail


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