Function Main Specified In A Windows App?

Dec 30, 2009

How would one insert a Function Main into a VB Windows application? I am trying to return an error code to the command line when this application ends, so that I can check that code through the %ERRORLEVEL% variable.

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IDE :: Change The Windows Control Styles Before Main() Function?

May 20, 2009

I have controls like buttons, textboxes and all on all the forms in my project, by applying Application.EnableVisualStyles() before Main() Thread starts the controls will have look of XpStyles.

Suppose if i need the Font Size for all the Buttons in my project i need to write the Font Style Property on each form... but this process is very long as my project is big

is there any logic that without writing code on all the forms to update the button Font Size..

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C# - Where Is The Main Function In .Net

Aug 31, 2011

I have taken over support of a VB.Net WinForms application. I am actually a c# developer and am more familiar with the setup of visual studio projects in c# projects. Now I am trying to determine why my application is crashing on a specific XP installation, and I read the suggestion here[URL] add a try catch block in the main function. This is suggested in about the 5th post from the bottom. (I will quote it below) However, if I look in the VB.Net visual studio project, I do not find a Main() procedure. What I do find is a grey folder called "My project" with a "Application.myapp" file inside it. This file has an associated designer file, but if I click on it I see the following xml:


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.NET Solution Does Not Contain A Main Function

Dec 16, 2011

.NET solution does not contain a Main function

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.NET Solution Does Not Contain A Main Function?

Dec 16, 2011

Every Visual Basic application must contain a procedure called Main.

I Didn't find such a method in my solution..


My problem is, in fact, I try to follow a recommendation that says: Clipboard.GetDataObject Always Returns null? If you find you're always getting null from GetDataObject, try adding [STAThread] before your static void Main().So, me, if I don't find Main()... I can't follow that recommendation in VB.NET...

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Handling Exception In Main() Function?

Jul 23, 2011

We generally have main block to start the program or application first form.I wrote some code in main and it is within try can catch block.Catch block the errors. This try catch block is a global try catch for my whole application.Now if exception occur in the code will be handled in this catch. But Is there any good way to handle the exception in the catch block if occur?as I write error in log file but sometimes file can have permissions for writing etc and it can create exception.As this try catch is the outer most try catch block and if any error occur in that catch it will cause application to crash.

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VS 2008 Call Main Function From DLL?

Jan 18, 2010

We know that the DLL function can be called from our mainprogram and return value. I would like to know, when we run DLL function, can we call a sub in our mainprogram (from DLL function) and return a value to DLL fucntion.

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Why Is The Name Of A Sub Routine Always Inside A Function Main()

Aug 2, 2009

Public Module Exercise
Private Function GetFullName$(MI As String, _
LastName As String, _
FirstName As String)


I want to know why the name of a sub routine is being used inside a Function Main as i have highlighted in bold letter.Canīt it stay outside the Function Main() just close to the Sub Program.? Example: -

MsgBox("Hello " & FullName)
Return 0
End Function


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Accessing Function In Alother Class From The Main Form?

Feb 12, 2011

I have a new solution with 5 projects inside. a data access layer, database, 2 class libraries, and the main form. These are all components that I had worked on to get to this point of combining into 1 solution. Now what I have run into is I can not the actual functions in the class libraries. I can get to the class level, but that is it. ere is a sample line of code I need to get working. Once I get this one line, the rest will be obvious: Temperature is on the main form. get for options is "Equals, GetHashCode, GetType", etc... Before this I had bult, compiled, and referenced these classes separately, and it worked fine. I know this is going to be an easy answer, I'm just not seeing it for some reason.

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Call A Function In Module And Get Result In The Main Thread Asynchronously

Mar 2, 2011

I have a function in a module that returns a datatable.I need to call that function asynchronously and get the results in the Main thread (Main Form) in

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Add A Main Method In Windows App?

Jul 18, 2010

How do I add a main method in Windows App?

I tried to add Module.vb file and declared main method there and then when I also to change the startup object Properties-> Application, I dont see option of Main method?

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Start Windows Forms App With A Sub Main?

Mar 11, 2010

I am trying to make a windows forms application that starts using Sub Main instead of the Form1_Load event.I have tried putting this in Public Class Form1


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Popup Closed - Main Form Hidden Behind Other Windows

Oct 26, 2011

Using I've got a main form that displays when application is opened. A popup form can then be opened. If there are other windows opened on the desktop, for example windows explorer, then when the popup form is closed, the main form gets hidden behind windows explorer. You have to move windows explorer out of the way to get to the main form. Is there a way to keep this from happening?

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.net - Closing Main Form Doesn't Finish Process In Windows 7?

Feb 23, 2011

I have an MDI form as the app start object.I don't think is related, but in the Form closing event, I check for some condition, and if it's true, I ask for confirmation before closing:

Private Sub FormBackground_FormClosing(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.FormClosingEventArgs) Handles Me.FormClosing
If (e.CloseReason = CloseReason.UserClosing) Then[code].....

So long, everything works fine in my development machine, which runs windows XP.However, when deploying the application in a windows 7 machine, the message box works correctly, showing itself whenever it should, but after the form is closed the application keeps running in the background. This happens whether the form closes directly or asks the user first.I have fixed it putting an End instruction in the FormBackground.FormClosed event, but it doesn't feel good.

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Shutdown Function Perform Logoff Windows While Using Windows API?

Jan 10, 2011

I have used the following code to shutdown the system but it will perform logoff windows

Private Const EWX_LogOff = 0
Private Const EWX_SHUTDOWN = 1
Private Const EWX_REBOOT = 2


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Display Different Windows Form In One Main Windows Form?

Aug 15, 2010

I had created a windows forms application in It contained several windows. Now the users of that application are telling me to display all in one main form. They want to see all the details in one form. I had implemented MDI but they want something like tabs. On different tabs different forms should be displayed. How shall I implement this.

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VS 2008 - Bunch Of Errors - Main Login Box And Then Fail To Show The Main Screen

Jul 28, 2009

My app works fine on the development machine and 3 other machines. However, some machines just show the main login box and then fail to show the main screen. There is no error message. I installed VS 2008 express on on of such machines and when i compile the project, the following errors appear:

Type 'Microsoft.Office.Interop.Access.Application' is not defined.
Type 'dao.DBEngine' is not defined.


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Switch To The New Window Not To The Main Windows Properties Window

Apr 14, 2009

how to retrieve microsoft access filenames from a particular folder on my computer? Within my project the user can create a database, and i want to be able to display all of these databases in a combo box?

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Switch To The New Window Not To The Main Windows Properties Window?

Jan 23, 2012

I have application with 2 forms (Form1, Form2), when i click in a button in form1, form2 open.when form2 opened & I switch to other window and try to switch back to my application (By clicking in its icon in taskbar), it switch to form1.I need when form2 open & click in taskbar, it switch to form2 & also when form2 open I can't edit or type anything in form1.Exactly the same as the below scenario in windows:when I open any new window from "Windows Properties" (Right click my computer), and switch back to windows properties, it will switch to the new window not to the main Windows properties window

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Forms :: Creating A Sub Main In A Windows Forms Project?

Sep 13, 2010

What is the equivalent to accomplishing this?

static void Main()
frmCalcView view = new frmCalcView();


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Repeat A Windows Form (Tab Function)?

Oct 6, 2011

Using VB.Net

I am having the form name as "Employee Entry"

User want to open a Employee Entry from in 5 tabs...

For Example

When the user open a Employee Entry form, while entering the details at that same time, user again open a employee entry form (2nd Employee entry form show like a new employee entry from with out any details)[code]....

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Windows - Evaluate Two Function In One Statement?

Feb 25, 2011

I am using a two-dimensional array of 10 elements, but my code is extremely slow.


I create a new empty array with every iteration of the for loop. Is there a way I can use the same array but just clear it instead?

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Windows - How To Evaluate Two Function In One Statement

Apr 18, 2012

How to declare two object in one statement for
If IsNumeric(TextBox1.Text),(TextBox2.Text) Then
lbl_answer.Text = Val(TextBox1.Text) + Val(TextBox2.Text)
MsgBox("Error only number can be calculate")
End If

I can do
if isnumeric(textbox1.text) then
But I can't say
if isnumeric(textbox1.text), (textbox2.text)
How can I do so?

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Using FindWindow Function In A Windows Service Returns 0

Feb 11, 2009

This same (Identical ) code works well in another program but does not in windows service... Returns 0 for window handle ...?

Public WindowStr As String = "ImagSrvWindow"
Protected Overrides Sub OnStart(ByVal args() As String)
'necessary to get control to paint Pic&Txt boxes in stream of Browser navs


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Error 3 'Sub Main' Is Declared More Than Once In 'SystemInformation': SystemInformation.Program.Main()

Jun 14, 2010

I have a solution with more than one project and the main project contains buttons to open forms from different projects that are in the same solution. Say Project1 is the main project and Project2 is the different project that gives the following error when i compile it:

Error 3 'Sub Main' is declared more than once in 'SystemInformation': SystemInformation.Program.Main(), SystemInformation.My.MyApplication.Main(Args() As String) System Information II

I have already seen other threads with this question but it does not work for me because i have more than one project.For Project2: Application Framework is disabled and the startup object is "SubMain".

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Backup / Restore Function Working Fine On Windows XP?

Mar 9, 2010

I have a backup / restore function working fine on Windows XP. When I deploy the application onto a Vista OS OI recieve the following error, can somebody please advise me how I can resolve this issue?

System.IO.FileLoadException: Could not load file or assembly 'Microsoft.SqlServer.Smo, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=89845dcd8080cc91' or one of its dependencies. The located assembly's manifest definition does not match the assembly reference. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80131040)

File name: 'Microsoft.SqlServer.Smo, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=89845dcd8080cc91'

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CascadeWindows Win32 Function Throws An AccessViolationException On Windows 7?

Aug 31, 2010

Private Declare Function CascadeWindowsNative Lib "user32" Alias "CascadeWindows" ( _
ByVal hwndParent As Long, _
ByVal wHow As Long, _
ByVal lpRect As Long, _
ByVal cKids As Long, _
ByVal lpkids As Long) As Integer

calling:CascadeWindowsNative(Nothing, &H4, 0, 0, 0)

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CompileExecutable Function Working For A Windows Forms Based Application?

Nov 16, 2008

I refer to the CompileExecutable function at.>> [URL] I have attempted to try and get it working for a Windows Forms based application from about my 4th post in this thread.>> [URL] Has anyone had any success in using it or a variation of it? links to VB.Net tutorials see here.>> [URL]

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Function Keys Stop Working While Using Windows Media Player

Sep 29, 2011

I am developing a media application using Windows Media Player which is working fairly well. However, I am having problems where the Function key handler will stop working after doing anything on the media control panel, i.e. mute, move the slider etc. So long as I don't touch the panel everything continues to work. I'm using the function keys to pull up menus for selecting other media and if I do anything with the control panel I can no longer display the menus.

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Windows - Difference Between (Protected / Partial) And (Friend / Shared) And (Sub / Function) On .NET?

Jun 4, 2012

When I find examples online of VB.NET watch some functions use:

(Protected / Partial) & (Friend / Shared) & (Sub / Function) exp()
End (Sub / Function)

what is the difference?

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