Why Is The Name Of A Sub Routine Always Inside A Function Main()

Aug 2, 2009

Public Module Exercise
Private Function GetFullName$(MI As String, _
LastName As String, _
FirstName As String)


I want to know why the name of a sub routine is being used inside a Function Main as i have highlighted in bold letter.Canīt it stay outside the Function Main() just close to the Sub Program.? Example: -

MsgBox("Hello " & FullName)
Return 0
End Function


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Returns The Value Of The Text Fields Back To The Main Routine?

Feb 6, 2010

How can I implement a sub routine or function that does a test for number validation in text fields and then also returns the value of the text fields (if they were valid) back to the main routine?

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VS 2010 : Convert A DLL Function Call Which Has The Callback Function Routine Called Within The DLL Function Call?

May 25, 2012

I am trying to convert a DLL function call which has the Callback function routine called within the DLL function call.The DLL function call signature is like this:

typedef void *HANDLE;


how to convert this DLL call to VB.NET and also how to create the callback function and send it as parameter to this function

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C# - CSV Parser In One Routine/function?

Mar 9, 2010

I know there are several libraries of code out there that can parse CSV files according to the standard, but, for various reasons, I need one simple routine (not an entire library) that parses a CSV into a DataTable or array. Does such an animal exist or is it extinct? (Preferably C# but i can translate vb.net too)

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Thread State - Thread In An Application Which Calls A Sub Routine Main()

Jul 26, 2010

I have a thread in an application which calls a sub routine Main(). The Main sub routine in turn call several sub routines/functions from with the same module,several different classes in the same application. Also some sub routines/functions call routines from a class library. Now say the routine/function in class library goes into a infinite loop and never returns. I would like my thread in the application to raise a event and display message to the users about the infinite loop. I am giving some sample code for the application.

Imports System.Threading

Module VMain
Public gbSuspend As Boolean


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Gets A String (mysub(string)), But AddressOf Doesn't Accept A Parameter Inside The Routine?

Aug 18, 2011

I have buttons generated through code (dynamically). I have to associate an event (the same) to them. I use AddHandler button.click, AddressOf mysub.The issue is that mysub gets a string (mysub(string)), but AddressOf doesn't accept a parameter inside the routine. How can I do this? Using also an alternative to AddressOf.


Public Class Form1
Private Sub mysub(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs, ByVal str As String)[code]......

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Fire The Timer Or Other Routine While Still The WHILE TRUE Routine Checks For Incoming Connections And Messages?

Jan 24, 2012

I am using sockets to send message between computers. I send the messages alright. What I want is when the message "x0x" comes, the client must be closed within 5 minutes. Teh admin can cancel the request by sending message "-xx" as well. The routine that checks for incoming connections and accepts messages uses WHILE TRUE...END WHILE since it must always listen. Once I get a message, I need to fire a timer control or other that fires within 5 minutes. But the program cant leave the WHILE TRUE at all. If i exit it early, the timer fires and the program does get exit. How do I fire the timer or other routine while still the WHILE TRUE routine checks for incomin connections and messages?

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Reference A Particular Code Routine In .net External To The Current Loop/routine?

Apr 17, 2011

is there any way to reference a particular code routine in VB.net external to the current loop/routine?Example:

If Var01 < 5
[Routine A]
[Routine B]
End If

where Routine A and Routine B are code sequences at the end of the entire program -- such as outside of the current sub or class? The idea would be to reference an otherwise repetitive code.

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Create A Sub Main Inside A Class Which Is Itself Part Of A Project

May 17, 2009

why, when i create a sub main inside a class which is itself part of a project, i need to create it as a shared sub like this.[code]

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Call A Function From Inside Another And Suspend It Until The Called Function Is Finished

Jan 25, 2010

How can I call a function from inside another function and suspend the calling function until the called function is finished? I hope I can get some replies because I don't know how to ask the question and make sense:).

Anyway what I am trying to do in steps:

1. The user clicks button1 which triggers the click event.
2. From the click event I call a function
3. I then pop-up a form, that has instructions for the user to read.
4. After the user has read the form he will click the "Done" button and return to the calling function.

The problem is the the calling function continues to execute. I want to stop execution of the calling function until the users clicks the "Done" button on the instruction pop=up. I know I can use a msgbox but the instructions can be lengthly and does not look good in a msgbox.

I have tried the Call method with return in the "Done" button click but I can make that work. I also tried a goto statement but I can get that to work either. In the call statement I said call frmInstruction.show() and it got there but as I said the calling function continued to execute.

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Limit Space Child Form Can Move Inside Main One?

Mar 25, 2009

I want that the child form's moving space inside the main form would be limited so it wouldn't go over the borders like in the picture.[code]...

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Make The Controls Inside The Application, Resize According To The Main Window?

Jun 3, 2012

Let's say I make an application where the window (by default) is 1280x720, but the user is able to resize as How can I make the controls inside the application, resize according to the main window?

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Call A Tsql Function Inside A Function?

Mar 23, 2011

I arrive from years with Oracle plsql. Now I'm trying vb.net I created a function that return a char value, so written:


The question: I will create a function get_type(...) in vb.net that calls the tsql function written above... how can I call the tsql function [abc].[GET_PERSON_TYPE] in vb.net function get_type(...) function?

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C# - Where Is The Main Function In .Net

Aug 31, 2011

I have taken over support of a VB.Net WinForms application. I am actually a c# developer and am more familiar with the setup of visual studio projects in c# projects. Now I am trying to determine why my application is crashing on a specific XP installation, and I read the suggestion here[URL]..to add a try catch block in the main function. This is suggested in about the 5th post from the bottom. (I will quote it below) However, if I look in the VB.Net visual studio project, I do not find a Main() procedure. What I do find is a grey folder called "My project" with a "Application.myapp" file inside it. This file has an associated designer file, but if I click on it I see the following xml:


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Asp.net - Share A Variable From Sub Routine To Sub Routine?

Mar 3, 2009

I have a sub routine where I pull in information from a database. I want to use variables from this sub routine in another sub routine. I tried making everything public but it doesn't want to be friendly and share.

Dim strEmail as String
Public Sub readDB()
strEmail = "whatever@doohikcy.com"


The readDB would read the database and set the variables and do whatever it needs to do. Then when they submit the form it would e-mail the form to whatever the email address was.

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.NET Solution Does Not Contain A Main Function

Dec 16, 2011

.NET solution does not contain a Main function

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.NET Solution Does Not Contain A Main Function?

Dec 16, 2011

Every Visual Basic application must contain a procedure called Main.

I Didn't find such a method in my solution..


My problem is, in fact, I try to follow a recommendation that says: Clipboard.GetDataObject Always Returns null? If you find you're always getting null from GetDataObject, try adding [STAThread] before your static void Main().So, me, if I don't find Main()... I can't follow that recommendation in VB.NET...

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Function Main Specified In A Windows App?

Dec 30, 2009

How would one insert a Function Main into a VB Windows application? I am trying to return an error code to the command line when this application ends, so that I can check that code through the %ERRORLEVEL% variable.

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Handling Exception In Main() Function?

Jul 23, 2011

We generally have main block to start the program or application first form.I wrote some code in main and it is within try can catch block.Catch block the errors. This try catch block is a global try catch for my whole application.Now if exception occur in the code will be handled in this catch. But Is there any good way to handle the exception in the catch block if occur?as I write error in log file but sometimes file can have permissions for writing etc and it can create exception.As this try catch is the outer most try catch block and if any error occur in that catch it will cause application to crash.

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VS 2008 Call Main Function From DLL?

Jan 18, 2010

We know that the DLL function can be called from our mainprogram and return value. I would like to know, when we run DLL function, can we call a sub in our mainprogram (from DLL function) and return a value to DLL fucntion.

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Function - Method Or Routine That Converts Currency String In A Databound Textbox To Decimal And Ignores Empty Strings ""

Jun 12, 2011

As the title says I have a form with many databound textboxes. some of these boxes have data in them and some are empty. I need to add them altogether, so far all of the conversion methods I have tried err out when they run into an empty string, except Val, but then Val won't handle the string with a $ in it. I've tried decimal.parse which handles the $ but not the empty string. So I seem to be in circle that I can't get out of.

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Accessing Function In Alother Class From The Main Form?

Feb 12, 2011

I have a new solution with 5 projects inside. a data access layer, database, 2 class libraries, and the main form. These are all components that I had worked on to get to this point of combining into 1 solution. Now what I have run into is I can not the actual functions in the class libraries. I can get to the class level, but that is it. ere is a sample line of code I need to get working. Once I get this one line, the rest will be obvious: Temperature is on the main form. get for options is "Equals, GetHashCode, GetType", etc... Before this I had bult, compiled, and referenced these classes separately, and it worked fine. I know this is going to be an easy answer, I'm just not seeing it for some reason.

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IDE :: Change The Windows Control Styles Before Main() Function?

May 20, 2009

I have controls like buttons, textboxes and all on all the forms in my project, by applying Application.EnableVisualStyles() before Main() Thread starts the controls will have look of XpStyles.

Suppose if i need the Font Size for all the Buttons in my project i need to write the Font Style Property on each form... but this process is very long as my project is big

is there any logic that without writing code on all the forms to update the button Font Size..

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Call A Function In Module And Get Result In The Main Thread Asynchronously

Mar 2, 2011

I have a function in a module that returns a datatable.I need to call that function asynchronously and get the results in the Main thread (Main Form) in vb.net.

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.net - Storing Subcollections (filtered Versions Of The Main Collection) Inside The Collection As Cache?

Jan 15, 2010

Is it good practice to store sub-collections of item X inside a parent collection of item X for caching 'filter-queries' which are performed on the parent collection? (They won't be used together (as in color AND type).) Or is it also ok to just Loop over the collection and return the correct entities in a temporary collection?


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Child Window Open Inside Of The Main Window Form?

Oct 12, 2010

I have create a project with one main form window and also i have to use a number of other forms as well. now i want to open these other forms inside the main window and not outside. I'm using Visual Studio .NET 2010 as developing environment.

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How To Call The DLL Function Inside Of A Dll

Oct 15, 2009

I am trying to create a little script program in VBScript and I want to call some of the functions in wtsapi32.dll, can anyone point me to some sample code on how to do this? I am assuming that the values like: WTS_EVENT_ALL, are just plain simple literal strings, and not pointer to a variable inside of wtsapi32.dll.

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New Line Inside ToString Function

Sep 8, 2010

VB.NET 2008. How could I make a new line inside the ToString() Function that VB already have. How to do like a .WriteLine() but inside the ToString() function. In my case, this inside of a class of course. I don't know if you get me. All I want to do is to show a fraction in the normal way not using the slash(/). Showing the numerator on top of a line, and below it the denominator. This inside the VB pre-made ToString() function.

This is what I've tried;
Public Overrides Function ToString() As String
Return Me.numerator & "/" & Me.denominator
End Function
Output example: 2/3
But this is not what I want.

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Possible To Return A Value That Is Not Declared Any Where Inside A Function?

Aug 15, 2009

Module Exercise
Private Function SetMembershipLevel()
Dim MemberAge


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Private Variables Inside Sub / Function?

Dec 18, 2009

I'm trying to make an application that calls a function to create a timer, but I cant use WithEvents or Private inside of a function or sub, Is there any way to do this?

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