Gets A String (mysub(string)), But AddressOf Doesn't Accept A Parameter Inside The Routine?

Aug 18, 2011

I have buttons generated through code (dynamically). I have to associate an event (the same) to them. I use AddHandler, AddressOf mysub.The issue is that mysub gets a string (mysub(string)), but AddressOf doesn't accept a parameter inside the routine. How can I do this? Using also an alternative to AddressOf.


Public Class Form1
Private Sub mysub(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs, ByVal str As String)[code]......

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.net - Function To Accept List(Of String), Array & String And Similarly Return List(Of String)?

Jul 29, 2011

I want the Function to accept List(Of String), Array & String and similarly return List(Of String), Array & String respectively. The Function simply adds a string (month) to the input collection. I just want to use it for string, array and list with needing to think of conversions.


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AddressOf With Parameter - Method Which Requires A Parameter To Be Passed In

Mar 1, 2009

I have a method which requires a parameter to be passed in. I would like to use the Addhandler to call the method through a dynamically created button control's click event.

When I include () in the AddressOf, VS complains: 'AddressOf' operand must be the name of a method (without parentheses).

When I exclude the brackets, VS complains: Method '...' does not have a signature compatible with delegate...

My code:


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String Registers All As A String And Doesn't Actually Calculate Random Numbers

Jun 12, 2011

The string itself contains things like "random" &,3) & "random2" etc. The string registers all of this as a string and doesn't actually calculate random numbers.Is there any way to fix this?

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Using RegEx To Find String Inside Nested String?

Sep 10, 2011

Using VB.NET, Is there a way to do this RegEx call in 1 step... instead of 2-3? I'm trying to find the word "bingo", or whatever is between the START and END words, but then also inside the inner FISH and CAKES words. My final results should be just "bingo".

Dim s1 As String = "START (random string) FISH bingo CAKES (random string) END"


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.net - AddressOf With Parameter?

Feb 4, 2012

One way or another I need to link groupID (and one other integer) to the button I am dynamically adding.


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Unable To Use String Var As String Parameter?

Jun 14, 2012

Dim PrinterIP as String
Dim Str as String
Dim objReg As New IWshRuntimeLibrary.WshShell


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.net - String Doesn't Equal String?

Sep 17, 2011

I've been having a glitch in my program for the last couple of hours in development. After some investigation, shows that one of my string variables apparently not what it says it is. Lets take a look:


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How To Make Textbox To Accept Only String

Jun 7, 2010

How should i make a textbox to accept only string? And if there is error to appear the Error Provider. I have fixed it for the integer, but it doesnt work in string.

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Make Class Accept String?

Oct 15, 2011

I Want to make a class accept string variable like this

Dim mystring as custstring
mystring = "test var"

like how we declare string classes I tried to use property as such

Public class cust
dim inputstr as string = ""
Public Property cust() As String


But it doesn't seem to work?

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Error: Argument Not Specified For Parameter 'XLSFile' Of 'Public Sub New(XMLFile As String, XLSFile As String)'

Feb 23, 2011

I am not the one who developed this tool, it's the previous programmer and they gave the project to me to update it however, when I try to run the application in my local computer I am getting this error: Argument not specified for parameter 'XLSFile' of 'Public Sub New(XMLFile As String, XLSFile As String)'.

The error points to the code below in bold letter:

Protected Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Zym.ConnectionString = Web.Configuration.WebConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("cnworkload").ConnectionString
'Dim cn As System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection = New System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection(Zym.ConnectionString)
'Dim DA As New System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataAdapter("SELECT * FROM SUMMARY_WORKLOAD", cn)


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String Inside 2 Characters Of String

Jan 19, 2010

I am trying to manipulate a string to get to a part of the string inside 2 specified characters. Getting anything inside the > and the space. string starting with: jk;fhdididlsls/"f>Dog (467838) fgdad

I am trying to get "Dog" out of this.

dim x as string
dim y as string
x="jk;fhdididlsls/"f>Dog (467838) fgdad"
y = x.Split(">" , " ")

It will somehow always error out: value of 1-dimension array of string cannot be converted to string

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Passing AddressOf As A Parameter To A Subroutine?

Jun 30, 2011

Assuming I have the following code that is iterating over controls in a panel setting various control information.Private Sub BindDataFields()


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DLL Declaration Won't Accept Constant String Variable?

Apr 26, 2010

I'm making a call to my DLL file (prototyping 30+ functions), and want to be able to switch between different versions of the DLL quickly while in development. Thus, i want to replace the literal string constant that follows the "Lib" key word, with a variable string constant. In case there's any confusion in my use of the jargon. I am currently able to do this:


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Put A " Inside A String Eg """ But That Doesn't Work

Jan 18, 2010

I want to put a " inside a string eg """ but that doesn't work!

is there a way to do that?

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Change This Checksum Function To Accept An Integer Input Instead Of A String?

Dec 31, 2009

This function doesn't work if I change the input argument 'pdu' from a string to an int.Would someone please help me figure out what to do here so that the checksum does not add the ascii value of the int argument but rather the actual integer value?I took out a few lines of the actual function but it adds the input argument to a packet sent out via TCP protocol.This function shows the integer value just fine in the string that gets encoded as a byte array. the checksum is wrong.!

''Public Function buildpacket(pdu As Integer) is what I want.
Public Function buildpacket(pdu As String)
Dim packet As String


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.net - Outlook Is Unable To Accept French-accented Characters In Mailto String?

Nov 10, 2009

Outlook is causing some problems when being passed a mailto string with accented characters in it. Changing the codepage for my entire webpage that has this string on it solves this problem, but that causes other problems in the system, so I would not like to do that.

A string like such returns a lot of garbage characters:

" bâtiment / Départementé / Bureau n'est pas répertorié"

Meanwhile, this cuts off the character after the "D"

" bâtiment / Départementé / Bureau n'est pas répertorié"

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Why Is The Name Of A Sub Routine Always Inside A Function Main()

Aug 2, 2009

Public Module Exercise
Private Function GetFullName$(MI As String, _
LastName As String, _
FirstName As String)


I want to know why the name of a sub routine is being used inside a Function Main as i have highlighted in bold letter.Can´t it stay outside the Function Main() just close to the Sub Program.? Example: -

MsgBox("Hello " & FullName)
Return 0
End Function


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Get Value Of A String That Is Passed As Parameter?

Oct 19, 2011

I need to pass in parameters to my sub/function. When the parameter is passed, the value in the string, I would like to get the value evaluated and sent as:

Dim strParams As String = drRow(0)
' drRow is a row from DB Table. the value in drRow(0) =
' "@FromDate=""" & Now.AddDays(-10).ToShortDateString & """&@ToDate=""" &


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Computer Doesn't Accept The Program?

Jan 5, 2011

what should to do,when the computer doesn't accept the program.

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Function - Method Or Routine That Converts Currency String In A Databound Textbox To Decimal And Ignores Empty Strings ""

Jun 12, 2011

As the title says I have a form with many databound textboxes. some of these boxes have data in them and some are empty. I need to add them altogether, so far all of the conversion methods I have tried err out when they run into an empty string, except Val, but then Val won't handle the string with a $ in it. I've tried decimal.parse which handles the $ but not the empty string. So I seem to be in circle that I can't get out of.

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Make The Function Accept DBNull As A Parameter?

Apr 23, 2012

I've got a little function that just changes empty and null strings to "null":

Public Function CatchString(ByVal stringValue As String) As String
If stringValue = "" Or stringValue Is Nothing Or stringValue Is DBNull.Value Then
Return "null"[code].....

I added the bit about DBNull because sometimes it gets null values from a database. This doesn't work, though, because it won't take DBNull as a parameter.I tried changing the stringValue parameter from a string to an object, but then the If statement gives this error:

Quote: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.How do I make the function accept DBNull as a parameter?

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VS 2010 Parameterized Multithreading Won't Accept More Than One Parameter

Jul 30, 2011

I'm trying to execute a sub with multiple parameters on a separate thread, but I just can't get it to work, Here's my code


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Error - Value Cannot Be Null. Parameter Name: String

Feb 23, 2011

I get the following exception for the code shown below. The error occurs when i request access token.I downloaded the latest dll(2.3.1) from the twitterizer website.

{"Value cannot be null. Parameter name: String"}
Dim OAuthTokens As New OAuthTokens
Dim accessToken As New Twitterizer.OAuthTokenResponse
accessToken = OAuthUtility.GetAccessToken(ConsumerKey, ConsumerSecretkey, "oauth_token", "oauth_verifier")

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Function That Takes A String As A Parameter?

Jan 1, 2012

I have a function that takes a String as a parameter And in it I have variables, so if I call it it's like

Dim Text As String = MyStringConverter("Hello Mr. " & Name & " " & Surname "!")

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Get A Constructor With String Parameter By Reflection?

Feb 17, 2009

Is there a robust way to get a constructor with string parameter by reflection?I have no choice, but instantiate a class without knowing if the constructor belongs to it, a base class, or come intermediate class in the inheritance chain.

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Parameter 'addresses' Cannot Be An Empty String

Jul 27, 2010

In my program i have it send an email and it send the email but after it sends i get this error "The parameter 'addresses' cannot be an empty string. Parameter name: addresses". I don't know why.

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Passing String Parameter To C++ Unmanaged DLL?

Nov 2, 2011

I'm calling unmanaged C++ Dll function from VB.Net project by usin dllimport attribute like this;

<DllImport("Injection.dll", CallingConvention:=CallingConvention.Cdecl)> _
Private Shared Sub Injector(ByRef Client As String, ByRef Dll As String)
End Sub

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String Default Parameter Value After Conversion

Mar 9, 2012

We have a legacy component that has been converted from VB6 to VB.Net.The VB component was called from an ASPX page using Request("param") to pass optional parameters to function calls. That means the value is null/nothing if the parameter is not present.The parameters were then added to an ADODB call of a store procedure using Parameters.Append.When used from VB6 missing, Request("param") values were coerced into empty strings when passed to the VB6 component. This meant that the ADODB call was satisfied (for required parameters).When the code was ported to VB.Net, the null Request("param") values are now passed as null values (VB nothing?) and Parameters.Append skips adding the value if it is nothing. This caused the stored procedure calls to break as a required param was missing.

If we change the component's function parameters to be optional and have paramname as string = "" defaults, will a null/nothing value be converted to an empty string, or is null/nothing treated differently to a parameter being simply missing?

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C# / .Net Fills String Array But C# Doesn't?

Feb 4, 2012

I'm working with referenced VB6 DLL's. The problem is that the results of a method/function call are not the same. Below the code examples:

First VB.Net Dim Validations() As String myErr = myEntry.ValidateLine(Validations)

When validation fails, the string array Validations is filled with the error description string. I've tried to accomplish the same in C#:

private string[] valArray = null;
sdkError = sdkEntry.ValidateLine(valArray);

Does anyone have an idea why I can't get C# to fill the string array? Additionally, the function in VB is called with ref to a System.Array ValidateLine(ref System.Array ValErrors), perhaps it has something to do with this?

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