Function To Calculate The Enddate Of Weekly Appointments?

Aug 17, 2009

Is there in the deep of the Framework 3.0 Namespaces a function to get the EndDate for weekly Appointments?

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Comparing StartDate And EndDate In

Sep 30, 2011

I am a bit confused when comparing StartDate and EndDate in my app.

EndDate: 10/1/2011
StartDate: 9/30/2011

The if statement below returns true, based on the date values above.

If strEndDate < strStartDate Then

I would think the If statement shoudl return false. The concept is supposed to be that if EndDate is earlier than StartDate, display an error message.

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How To Compare Startdate And Enddate

Feb 11, 2011

how to compare startdate and enddate? [code]Startdate cannot bigger then endstart to protect this condition.

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Searching Between StrtDate And EndDate

Jun 11, 2011

i am trying to search between two dates startdate and end date there two problems problem given below


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Calculate The Value Between 0 & 180 Degrees That Makes The Function?

Sep 23, 2011

Calculate the value between 0 & 180 degrees that makes the function sinx=x

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Calculate Time Taken To Execute A Function?

Apr 26, 2010

I want to calculate the time taken to execute a function.[code]...

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Use A Function To Calculate The Average Of Those Numbers?

Apr 28, 2011

I'm trying to write a program that allows the user to enter 10 numbers into an input box and then the program will use a function to calculate the average of those numbers. I'm really illiterate when it comes to Visual Basic.

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Error From The Below Code In StartDate And EndDate

Sep 14, 2011

I am working VB.NET 08.I am having error from the below code in StartDate and EndDate:

Private Sub Query2()
QStr2 = ""
If cmbEventname.Text <> "" Then QStr2 = QStr2 & "Eventname like '" & cmbEventname.Text & "%' AND "
If cmbType.Text <> "" Then QStr2 = QStr2 & "Type like '" & cmbType.Text & "%' AND "
If cmbVenue.Text <> "" Then QStr2 = QStr2 & "Venue like '" & cmbVenue.Text & "%' AND "
If dtpStartdate.Text <> "" Then QStr2 = QStr2 & "Startdate like '" & dtpStartdate.Text & "%' AND "


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Calculate Inside Regex.replace Function?

May 21, 2010

I am trying to perform calculations on Regex substrings. I would like to do something like (see $2)

lblResult.Text = reg_exp.Replace(txtInput.Text, "$1" & "$2" * 0.039 & "$3" & "$4" & "$5")

I can only do this like:

For Each RxMatch In reg_exp.Matches(Me.txtInput.Text)
Me.lblResult.Text = Me.lblResult.Text & _
RxMatch.Groups.Item(1).ToString & _
Math.Round(CDbl(RxMatch.Groups.Item(2).ToString) * 0.03937, 4) & _


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Function To Calculate Days Number Between 2 Dates?

Jan 1, 2012

i want a function to calculate days number between 2 dates

for example :

start date = 2011/11/13
end date = 2012/01/02

i want months to be 30 days always .

thats mean
18 days in November
30 days in December
2 days in January
sum = 50 days

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How To Convert A Javascript GTIN Calculate Function To VB

Nov 23, 2010

I am not able to convert this function to VB code..[code..]

I have the problem to deal with the substring function.

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SQL Server: Insert If Current Date > EndDate?

Dec 13, 2011

Basically what I need to do is to insert into table Reservation a vehicleID, startDate and endDate.

I can do that fine but I'd like to validate it so that it cannot be inserted for that vehicleID if the current date is <= endDate as currently I can just keep adding to the Reservation table on the same vehicleID

This is just the simple insert SQL statement.

strInsert = String.Format("Insert into Reservation (VehicleID, startDate, enddate) VALUES ('{0}','{1}','{2}')", vID, now, now5)

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Call A Function To Calculate The Average Grade For The Class?

Apr 4, 2012

Write a program that reads in a set of grades for a class.The program takes in the number of students in the class from the user. When the Get Grades button is clicked the program then reads in a grade (0-100) for each student using an inputbox. The program should then display the percentage of students who pass and the percentage of students who fail.The program should call a function to calculate the average grade for the class. Then finally the result is then displayed.

Public Function GetPassRate(ByVal intGrade As Integer) As String
Do Until gradeCounter >= NumericUpDown1.Text
If intGrade >= 40 Then[code].......

View 7 Replies

.net - Calculate A New Date Simply By Using The Build-in Dateadd Function?

Oct 14, 2009

I would like to calculate a new date simply by using the build-in dateadd function, but take into account that only weekdays should be counted (or 'business days' so to speak).I have come up with this simple algorithm, which does not bother about holidays and such. I have tested this with some simple dates, but would like some input if this can be done in better ways.This sample assumes a week with 5 business days, monday-friday, where first day of the week is monday. Dateformatting used here is d-m-yyyy, the sample calculates with a startdate of october 1, 2009.

Here is the simple form:

Dim d_StartDate As DateTime = "1-10-2009"
Dim i_NumberOfDays As Integer = 12
Dim i_CalculateNumberOfDays As Integer


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C# - Function To Calculate Number Of Months Including Current One?

Feb 24, 2011

Datediff calculates the no of months between two dates, Is there any function which lets you to calculate the same thing but also includes the current month. Datediff +1 would give the answer, but just wanted to know if theres any inbuilt method.

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Function To Calculate Dates Based On Recurrence Pattern?

Aug 6, 2010

Before I build my own and after looking for quite a while (to no avai) does any one know of a function that will return the dates of a recurrence.

For instance:

- The recurrence might be the first Monday of each month.

- The second week of each month.

So what I want is to pass the recurrence information to the function and it will return in an array all the dates that are applicable.I've looked at some other topics here but none are as comprehensive as what I need.

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Simplify A Weekly List Of Events For A Web Site

Aug 17, 2009

I am writing a program to help simplify a weekly list of events for a web site without having to manually edit HTML code every single week.

The program takes event information from the user, stores it in a list box, and generates HTML code based on the user entry. The program basically enters in the user's inputted fields into a pre-set HTML template.

Here's how it's done:

1) I have a number of text boxes that the user fills out: "Date" "Event Title" "Age" "Location" "Details" etc.

2) The user clicks on the "ADD" button to store this event. The "Event Title" is shown in the list box, but I'd like for all of the information that was taken from the user before they clicked on "ADD" to be recalled in another text box.

3) The user can move events up or down in the list box, or remove them completely.

4) When the events have been sorted, the user hits the "GENERATE CODE" button and the html code is generated.

So lets say the list looks like:
- DJ Jim at Katrina Lounge
- DJ Heather at Zanzibar
- DJ Manny at Skybar

When the user clicks on the "DJ Jim" event, the full details that they entered earlier will be shown in a text box to the right of the list box. When they click on the "DJ Heather" event, the text box will reflect the details they entered for the "DJ Heather" event, and so on.

When the user click on "Generate", the program must be able to go through each item in the list box, recall the event details for that item, and plug in the variables for that item into the HTML code template.

The main question is, how can I store the information for each event (Event Title, Date, Location, etct.) while displaying only the Event Title for that even in the list box? If I know how to code this, it will be simple to display this information in the text box and recall the variables to plug into the HTML code

So the structure would be:


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Write An Application That Evaluates Weekly Pay For An Employee

Oct 28, 2011

I needed to make an application that calculates weekly pay of employees at an hourly rate. The overtime schema is that: hours less than or equal to cutoff1 are paid regular rate. hours over cutoff1 but not exceeding cutoff2 are paid 1.5 times regular rate. hours over cutoff2 are paid double time or 2 times regular rate. [Code] The employee must choose Category A, B or C depending on the amount they have worked. I am completly new to visual basic, I am not sure how to continue with my if and then statements. I must also create the application with 3 radio buttons, where the user clicks either Category a b or c and then buttons which say calculate and clear. [Code]

View 4 Replies

Use Dateadd Function To Calculate Resumption Date Excluding Weekends?

Sep 16, 2010

I am trying to compute time off, I have a datetimepicker which allow user to select a day he wishes to start leave and a textbox to specify no of days applying for.Now I wand to use dateadd function to calculate resumption date excluding Weekends.

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ASP.Net VB Javascript Function: Calculate Height Of Content Passed To IFrame

Jan 26, 2012

I'm trying to convert an old ASP.Net 1.0 application to ASP.Net 3.5 and am running into trouble with a JavaScript function. The application passes in content into an within a table cell. The function is supposed to calculate the height of the content and size the table cell appropriately.

way of accomplishing this with the

JavaScript function

<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
function calcHeight() {


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VS 2010 - Calculate The Y Intercept First But Unable To Call Function From Module?

Mar 13, 2011

I have to calculate y = a + Bx or y = mx + b in non engineering form. Anyways I have to calculate the y intercept first and am having trouble calling the function from a module. Here is the module and the second window will be the code from my main form


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Weekly Payment Calculator - 'format Exception Was Unhandled'

Jul 28, 2009

My code is not working it highlights this intHoursWorked = Convert.ToInt32(strHoursWorked) when i run the program and says 'format exception was unhandled' ? Someone said to just initialize the value of lblleftoverminttl ,txtttlminworked, intHourlyPayRate but im not sure what that means?

Here is the rest of my code:

Public Class Form1
' Weekly pay for an hourly employee

Private Sub btnWeeklyPay_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles


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Make A Timer Execute A Code Daily,weekly,monthly?

Jun 9, 2011

i wan set a timer in my program to execute a certain function daily,weekly or monthly(which will decide by the user)!User also can execute manually the certain function at anytime!any1 can teach me how 2 do these 2 function in my program?

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VB Coding - Program That Calculates Minutes Worked Times Pay Rate Equals Amount Of Weekly Pay

Mar 16, 2011

I am trying to build a program that calculates the minutes worked times pay rate equals amount of weekly pay this is what I got but it doesn't calculate


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Delete All Appointments From Outlook Calendar?

Feb 25, 2011

I've got an HTML file that has a table in it. The table is some kind of a planboard. It contains the amount of planned hours for an employee for a customer on day x over a whole year. Our guys need it in their outlook schedules.Here is what i've built so far- Form to set parameters (select starttime, select input html file, alerting on or off)- Function that deletes all appointments within a set time frame that have a subject that starts with "project: "- Class that extracts all appointments from html and transforms them into outlook appointmentsEverything works peachy! -Except deleting appointments. I'm stuck! I've tried making a selection of appointments between two dates, i've tried looking for appointments on all days between to dates. It does not delete all items, just some of them. Of the23 occurences it should delete, it only deletes 12 OR 13 at random.

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Extract Appointments From Pst File Without Loop

Jul 19, 2011

i use Independentsoft.Pst to extract appointments from pst file but the problem is that a for loop is going over the entire appointments of the file, which is taking some time in very big files. Ill be very happy if someone could show me a way to do that with no loop or a way to convert the Independentsoft.Pst itemCollection to an array.[code]

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View Outlook Calendar Appointments?

May 4, 2012

I'm writing an application that displays a calendar; when you click a date on the calendar, it should display a window listing the appointments for that day.

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VS 2008 Set Appointments And Reminders In Calendar?

Feb 14, 2010

how can i make a calendar that i can set appointments and reminders in it

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VS 2010 Adding Appointments To Outlook?

Jan 16, 2012

I am working on an internal project at work where we have an SharePoint Custom Visual Studio Workflow that we want to automatically update an Outlook calendar with.

Is there a way to get a calendar updated other than just your own?
We have a Vacation Calendar that we want to be populated, not necessarily the user's own calendar. However, I cannot seem to find any way to get a calendar updated other than my own.

We are using AD and stuff for our accounts. The Vacation Calendar is an account, but it doesn't return an Inbox when querying it's tables, so it's not quite a full Exchange account; it was created just for the calendar.

I have an account (SP_ServiceApp) that has been given rights to that Vacation Calendar account to be able to write, but I still can't get it. I can't find anything on the Internet that addresses this, so maybe it's not even possible.

Public Sub AddAppointment()
Dim oApp As Outlook.Application
Dim oNS As Outlook.NameSpace


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Watch Exchange Server Appointments

Mar 26, 2009

is there away to put a directory watch on an exchange server to monitor if any user delete's or create's an appointment?

I'm creating a service for a windows 2003 server with exchange installed and need to monitor the user's callender's to get information to store in another program.

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