Call A Function To Calculate The Average Grade For The Class?

Apr 4, 2012

Write a program that reads in a set of grades for a class.The program takes in the number of students in the class from the user. When the Get Grades button is clicked the program then reads in a grade (0-100) for each student using an inputbox. The program should then display the percentage of students who pass and the percentage of students who fail.The program should call a function to calculate the average grade for the class. Then finally the result is then displayed.

Public Function GetPassRate(ByVal intGrade As Integer) As String
Do Until gradeCounter >= NumericUpDown1.Text
If intGrade >= 40 Then[code].......

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Use A Function To Calculate The Average Of Those Numbers?

Apr 28, 2011

I'm trying to write a program that allows the user to enter 10 numbers into an input box and then the program will use a function to calculate the average of those numbers. I'm really illiterate when it comes to Visual Basic.

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Calculating Average And Grade?

Jun 21, 2010

Using VB.NET write a program that can calculate the grade of a student based on his or her marks in five subjects as input according to the following rules:

Grade A: For average between 100 and 80 (inclusive)
Grade B: For average between 79 and 65 (inclusive)
Grade C: For average between 64 and 40 (inclusive)


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Course Average To Letter Grade?

Mar 3, 2010

It works up to this point but when I try to add so that 70-79 is a C, 60-69 is a D, and 60 and less is a F I run in to problems.

Module Module1
Dim Average As Integer = 0
Dim Response As String = ""


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Declare Variables For The Average Score And The Letter Grade?

Apr 18, 2011

I am taking an online class and I am having trouble getting my solution to work. My assignment is as follows: In the function, declare variables for the average score and the letter grade. Calculate the average, use If/ElseIf statements to determine the letter grade, and return the letter grade.

Create a subprocedure for the Click event for the btnDisplay button. It should call the CalculateGrade function with three arguments (the three test scores from the text boxes), and display the returned value in the lblGrade box.I have looked all over the internet and have had no luck finding an example to look at I am taking an online class and I am having trouble getting my solution to work. My assignment is as follows:

In the function, declare variables for the average score and the letter grade. Calculate the average, use If/ElseIf statements to determine the letter grade, and return the letter grade.


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VS 2010 Storing Grades Into An Array & Output Average / Letter Grade

May 13, 2011

"I need to create a program that will allow the user to enter in 10 test grades from a class. I need to store these grades into an array, and use a loop to add up the total. Then I'll need to output the average, and the letter grade for the average using:

90 - 100 A
80 - 89 B
70 - 79 C
60 - 69 D

Below 60 F"

That's all it needs to do. Here is some code that shows you that the only thing I know how to do is (allow the user to enter in 10 test grades from a class.) The rest I'm so lost on and have a crappy instructor. This assignment is due tomorrow, but the instructor is not available over the weekend.

Here is my This is all I have:

Dim MyNumbers(9) As Integer
Dim Total As Integer
Dim i As Integer


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VS 2010 - Calculate The Y Intercept First But Unable To Call Function From Module?

Mar 13, 2011

I have to calculate y = a + Bx or y = mx + b in non engineering form. Anyways I have to calculate the y intercept first and am having trouble calling the function from a module. Here is the module and the second window will be the code from my main form


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Call A Class From The Code - 'Calculate Size Of Desktop Folder

Mar 19, 2010

How would I call a class from the following code?

'Calculate size of Desktop folder

Public Sub Ck_Box_Desktop_CheckedChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles CK_Box_Desktop.CheckedChanged


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Calculate And Display Letter Grade

Nov 21, 2010

I have coded this not sure how to get it to display correctly to the lblGrade box. I have set it up for. Supposed to take the average of three grades and display the letter grade for the average of the three grades.

Here is the code
Public Class frmMain
Private Function CalculateGrade _
(ByVal txtTest1 As Decimal, ByVal txtTest2 As Decimal, _
ByVal txtTest3 As Decimal) As String
Dim AverageScore As Double
[Code] .....

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Create A Program To Calculate Math Grade?

Feb 19, 2010

I ma trying to create a program to calculate my math grade. The way my math teacher explained the grading scale was each test is worth 1 point and each quiz is worth .2 points.

So as an example (add both sides up then divide by both sides)

100 =1
80 = 1
15 = .2
18 = .2

213 divide by 2.4 which equals your grade of 88.75

There are more quizs and tests in the semester and I want the numbers to change with the number of quizs and tests entered. The only problem is I am not sure how to code it. I though I would use IF AND statements but I am not sure where to start.

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Using Parallel One-dimensional Arrays To Calculate A Letter Grade?

Jul 27, 2011

The exercise prior to this one had us use two parallel arrays that store a letter grade (A, B, C, D, F) and the minimum points needed for each grade. The user input the points earned by the student and the program shows their letter grade. It took a minute, but I got that one done, and it does what it's supposed to do.This exercise has us modify that exercise to ask for the (via InputBox in MainForm Load event) total points possible. The grade is then determined by percentage of the total points possible. For instance, if x is the user input, an "A" would be 90% of x.

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Call Function From VB Class?

Mar 11, 2011

Im creating a class that will have my common database functions. So for example I've created a function db_con in a class called db_functions.

How do i use that db_con function in for example my homepage vb code?

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VS 2010 : Convert A DLL Function Call Which Has The Callback Function Routine Called Within The DLL Function Call?

May 25, 2012

I am trying to convert a DLL function call which has the Callback function routine called within the DLL function call.The DLL function call signature is like this:

typedef void *HANDLE;


how to convert this DLL call to VB.NET and also how to create the callback function and send it as parameter to this function

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Call A Function In A Vb Class Library (dll)?

May 31, 2011

How do I call a function in a visual basic class library?

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Way To Calculate Average

Oct 11, 2009

Heres my [code]...

For example if I enter in 45, 45 and 89; I should get 55.75. But instead all I get is 55. How do I get the percentage?

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.net - Call A Function From A Class In Visual Studio?

Jul 19, 2011

Now to working with Visual Studio Solutions, but I am trying something very basic but no joy. So in my project I have a folder App_Code and in this I added a class called Test.vb and added a simple function


But in my Default.aspx page I am struggling to find the correct syntax to call this method. Also it doesnt seem like my Test2.vb class is correctly included in the project because If I make a type the project still builds successfully when it shouldnt

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Call New Class With Global Scope From Function?

Dec 4, 2011

I want to create a new instance of a class when I click on a button, but I need to interact with members of that class using other controls on the form, so I need the class to have a global scope. I know I could call the new class in formload, but the class creates certain variables that need to be current. If it is done on formload, the variables wouldn't be current, because if the class is created at formload, it would have different info at that time. Surely, there must be a way to create an instance of the myClass from within a sub that is accessible from other subs of the same class.


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How To Calculate Average Of Values

Jul 21, 2009

I have text1=a, text2=b, text3=c, text4=d, text5=e
Now I want to calculate the average of the values,

Here's a simple way
But what if i have values only in 3 textboxes, that means the code will still divide the sum of the values into 5, that will not be correct!

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If Statement To Calculate The Average ?

Jun 7, 2012

My objective: to check the remaining btns in play and obtain the cash prizes in the remaining btns then calculate the average. It may seem simple but it actually isn't.

Here is what i have so far:

Private Sub btncase1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btncase1.Click
If usercase = 0 Then
usercase = btncase1.Text


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Calling A Class - Get An Error When Trying To Call The Sub/function The Normal Way?

Sep 1, 2009

I have a Windows form Application that I am creating, could also be a Windows Service that I need to run.There are basically 2 Classes that were converted from java to and 1 xml file to this. for testing purposes I would like to use the event to manually run the code.However i get an error when trying to call the sub/function the normal way.I even tried to put this classes information in the Public Class Form1 but it keeps on giving me errors.This is the Sub:

Shared Sub Main(ByVal args() As String)

so how do I call it from a event?

normally i would just do a "call main()" and it works however this time it is not because of the (byVal args() as string)

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Custom Validator OnserverValidate Call Class Function?

Mar 9, 2011

I am trying to call cetralized class function ONservervalidate for a custom validator, So I don't have to write it on each and every page.

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Forms :: How To Call Unkown Function In Another Class Dynamically

Jan 20, 2012

I've created a dialog which I'd like to popup from any function or sub in any class or form that I have in a project. It would nice to have it work exactly like a messagebox except it's got a progressbar and a cancel button on it. It's job is to display the progress of other functions so it should just stay open until I close it or the user selects cancel.Now I've found many of the basic examples on the net and have got the dialog working exactly as they have shown it. The trouble is that the examples are using a counter or thread.sleep which simply adds +1 in the DoWork sub. In other words, it validates that a worker thread can update a progressbar but it's a closed loop that only exists in the dialog's class.The examples don't show how to call an unkown function in another class dynamically, they're simply a hard coded 1+1 in DoWork. To me it's not a real world example because it doesn't show how to plug into the dialog or get a communication stream from other classes and functions that are running and wanting to increment the progressbar.[code]

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Calculate Average Dependent On Criteria?

Oct 10, 2011

I have a spreadsheet that has two columns (A and B) - Column A contains Month/Year and column B contains sales. I would like a bit of vba that will look in column A to find the month/year then calculate from column B the average sales for that period. So for example:

Date Sales
Jan 11 500.00
Jan 11 250.00
Mar 11 152.00
Apr 11 116.00

So in other words there can be a number of lines with the same date/year and the code will need to identify these and average all sales from column B associated with that particular date. I would like the output to appear in a summary table showing the total average sales for each particular month - perhaps this could be output to a new sheet?

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Calculate The Average From Text Files

May 19, 2011

I'm in a bit of a pickle. I'm new to Visual Basic and I have been writing a simple program to rate movies. I'm stuck on calculating the average from the text file. The text file holds the numbers from 1 - 10 (ratings). I want my program button to add all the values from the text file and display the average from the total amount of ratings and display them into a text box.


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Exercise On Sub Procedure To Calculate The Average?

Jun 22, 2010

Write a program to calculate the average of three exam marks. The input and output should be done by subprograms GetMarks and DisplayAverage respectively. the calculation should be done by a function, CalcAverage. This is my code:

Private Sub btnCalculate_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnCalculate.Click
Dim student As String, exam1 As Integer, exam2 As Integer, exam3 As Integer
Dim average As Double


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Calculate An Average From A Input Integer Within A Loop?

Feb 11, 2009

I'm looking for a way to calculate an average from a input integer within a loop. When the user enters something like -90, the average will be calculated using the previously input numbers.

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Calculate Average Of Excel Table Using Program?

Jun 8, 2011

I want to calculate the average value of excel table readings 1 hr once... how do i import the sheet and how do i calculate the avg in

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Piecework Form - Calculate Pay Rate And Average

Oct 20, 2009

This is the current incarnation of what I have:
'Program: Ch4E4.6
'Programmer: Jeff Pannell
'Date: October 1, 2009
'Description: This will allow for entry of a worker's name and the number of pieces completed. The program will then calculate a pay rate, but also determine an average and summarize number of pieces made, total pay and an average pay per person.

Public Class PieceworkForm
'Declaration of modular-level constants.
Const PIECE_RATEA_Decimal As Decimal = 0.5D
Const PIECE_RATEB_Decimal As Decimal = 0.55D
Const PIECE_RATEC_Decimal As Decimal = 0.6D
[Code] .....

So, my problem is that whenever the form is executed..a user would type in a worker name, and the amount of pieces made. I get a dollar amount earned and then a total pay, though they seem to be the same. More than likely I've got some sort of bad logic in there mathematically.

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Program To Calculate The Total And Average Rainfall?

Feb 14, 2010

For my programm I was told to do a programm to calculate the total and average rainfall. I have done so, but now I am supposed to use two function procedures to calculate the total and average rainfall. I can not seem to figure it out and it is very frustrating.


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Calculate Average Values From Text File Using Streamreader?

Mar 25, 2009

I'm trying to calculate an average no from data imported from a text file using streamreader. I'm not sure how the loop should read, and the result (average) I want to hold in a separate variable for future use.[code]...

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