Calculate And Display Letter Grade
Nov 21, 2010
I have coded this not sure how to get it to display correctly to the lblGrade box. I have set it up for. Supposed to take the average of three grades and display the letter grade for the average of the three grades.
Here is the code
Public Class frmMain
Private Function CalculateGrade _
(ByVal txtTest1 As Decimal, ByVal txtTest2 As Decimal, _
ByVal txtTest3 As Decimal) As String
Dim AverageScore As Double
[Code] .....
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Jul 27, 2011
The exercise prior to this one had us use two parallel arrays that store a letter grade (A, B, C, D, F) and the minimum points needed for each grade. The user input the points earned by the student and the program shows their letter grade. It took a minute, but I got that one done, and it does what it's supposed to do.This exercise has us modify that exercise to ask for the (via InputBox in MainForm Load event) total points possible. The grade is then determined by percentage of the total points possible. For instance, if x is the user input, an "A" would be 90% of x.
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Mar 3, 2010
It works up to this point but when I try to add so that 70-79 is a C, 60-69 is a D, and 60 and less is a F I run in to problems.
Module Module1
Dim Average As Integer = 0
Dim Response As String = ""
View 3 Replies
Dec 14, 2009
I made an application that calculates course grades. The program runs perfectly except for the last part
The the final grade number comes from the label "lblCoursePts" and i want to put the letter grade in the label "lblFInalGrade" Here is what i have.
'Determine the final letter grade
Select Case lblCoursePts.Text
Case 90 To 100 : lblFinalGrade.Text = "A"
View 5 Replies
Feb 23, 2010
How do you enter in a code for an overall letter grade from a percentage given? I have a seperate box for the letter grade and a seperate one for a the percentage grade . I have it setup when an overall grade and possible grade is entered into boxes it will give me a grade percent but not a letter grade. How is that added? I am doing this for my course project but dont undersatnd the coding very well. I am just trying to pass the class.
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Nov 19, 2010
I need someone with patience and can go through a solution with me from the Clearly Visual Basic book. I'm good with computers and can usually learn things relatively fast on my own time and in my own way, but I'm going to school for computer programming and, with certain things, I learn better with things explained to me rather than reading from a book. If someone has the time to go over this solution I'm doing and explain it to me in a way I'd have a better chance of understanding, I'd be truly grateful. I need a tutor, for lack of a better word. The lab I'm doing is from the Clearly Visual Basic book and the instructions are:
Code an application that displays a letter grade based on the averages of three test scores. Code the application using a function to determine and return the letter grade. If the average is at least 90, the grade is A. If the average is at least 80 but less than 90, the grade is B. If the average is at least 70 but less than 80 the grade is C. If the average is at least 60 but less than 70, the grade is D. If the average is below 60, the grade is F.
View 17 Replies
Jun 3, 2011
I have been struggling with my programming class from day one. I still can't seem to grasp the complete logic on how to write code. Anyhow, I have an assignment due that I am stuck on. Here is the assignment:
In this exercise, you code an application that displays a letter grade based on the average of three test scores. Open the Grade Solution (Grade Solution.sln) file, which is contained in the ClearlyVB Chapl8Grade Solution folder. Code the application,using a function to determine and return the letter grade. If the average is at least 90, the grade is A. If the average is at least 80 but less than 90, the grade is B.If the average is at least 70 but less than 80, the grade is C. Tf the average is at least
60 but less than 70, the grade is D. If the average is below 60, the grade is F.
You will be developing the code for the function on your own. Below the Public Class frmMain line, insert this function header:Private Function CalculateGrade(ByVal testScore1 As Decimal, ByVal testScore2 As Decimal, ByVal testscore3 As Decimal) As String
In the function, declare variables for the average score and the letter grade. Calculate the average, use IF/Elself statements to determine the letter grade, and return the letter grade. Create a subprocedure for the Click event for the btnDisplay button. It should call the CalculateGrade function with three arguments ( the three test scores from the text boxes), and display the returned value in the lblGrade box.
View 3 Replies
Apr 18, 2011
I am taking an online class and I am having trouble getting my solution to work. My assignment is as follows: In the function, declare variables for the average score and the letter grade. Calculate the average, use If/ElseIf statements to determine the letter grade, and return the letter grade.
Create a subprocedure for the Click event for the btnDisplay button. It should call the CalculateGrade function with three arguments (the three test scores from the text boxes), and display the returned value in the lblGrade box.I have looked all over the internet and have had no luck finding an example to look at I am taking an online class and I am having trouble getting my solution to work. My assignment is as follows:
In the function, declare variables for the average score and the letter grade. Calculate the average, use If/ElseIf statements to determine the letter grade, and return the letter grade.
View 7 Replies
Nov 11, 2009
Private Sub btnExit_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnExit.Click
End Sub
My code will only let me typ one number into the text box and then it brings me back to the code and says "stack over flow exception was unhandled.
View 5 Replies
Jun 5, 2011
It is meant to average 15 user-input grades and then from there I have to provide the letter grade that corresponds with the average percent. I understand how to provide the corresponding letter grade, but I don't understand how to get the average. I've tried putting it into arraylist format
View 4 Replies
May 13, 2011
"I need to create a program that will allow the user to enter in 10 test grades from a class. I need to store these grades into an array, and use a loop to add up the total. Then I'll need to output the average, and the letter grade for the average using:
90 - 100 A
80 - 89 B
70 - 79 C
60 - 69 D
Below 60 F"
That's all it needs to do. Here is some code that shows you that the only thing I know how to do is (allow the user to enter in 10 test grades from a class.) The rest I'm so lost on and have a crappy instructor. This assignment is due tomorrow, but the instructor is not available over the weekend.
Here is my This is all I have:
Dim MyNumbers(9) As Integer
Dim Total As Integer
Dim i As Integer
View 9 Replies
Feb 19, 2010
I ma trying to create a program to calculate my math grade. The way my math teacher explained the grading scale was each test is worth 1 point and each quiz is worth .2 points.
So as an example (add both sides up then divide by both sides)
100 =1
80 = 1
15 = .2
18 = .2
213 divide by 2.4 which equals your grade of 88.75
There are more quizs and tests in the semester and I want the numbers to change with the number of quizs and tests entered. The only problem is I am not sure how to code it. I though I would use IF AND statements but I am not sure where to start.
View 8 Replies
Apr 4, 2012
Write a program that reads in a set of grades for a class.The program takes in the number of students in the class from the user. When the Get Grades button is clicked the program then reads in a grade (0-100) for each student using an inputbox. The program should then display the percentage of students who pass and the percentage of students who fail.The program should call a function to calculate the average grade for the class. Then finally the result is then displayed.
Public Function GetPassRate(ByVal intGrade As Integer) As String
Do Until gradeCounter >= NumericUpDown1.Text
If intGrade >= 40 Then[code].......
View 7 Replies
Mar 1, 2010
I have a homework assignment to code an application that allows the Prof to display a grade based on the numnber of points he enter. The grading scale is : 0-299 -F; 300-349- D; 350-399- C; 400-449- B; 450-500- A. We are to store the minimum points in a 5 element one dimensional Integer array name intPonts and store the grades in a 5 element one dimensional String array name strGrades. The arrays should be parallel arrays. The procedure should search the intPoints array for the number of points entered by the user and then display the corresponding grade from the strGrades array.
I have stored the minimum points and grades in a one dimensional integer and string array respectively. I have coded the program, and when I put in random points, it gives me the letter grade. For example, if I put in 376 it will display a "C"; if I put in 200, it will display an "F". However, if I put in anything over 449, it will NOT display an "A", it just leaves the lbl blank. I am stumped on how to get the code to read pass 449 points.
here is my code:
' Name: Carver Project
' Purpose: Displays a grade based on the number of points the user enters
' Programmer: <Paul J. Williams> on <February 27, 2010>
View 6 Replies
Feb 1, 2010
Is there any way to have my code display the min and max grade without having to re due most of it?
View 2 Replies
Jul 30, 2011
I have the following fields in my table:
How do I get to display only the students records with a grade 85 and above in all subjects?
View 14 Replies
Nov 1, 2011
I need to display a grade based on the number of points entered. store the min and grade in a 2d array here's my code that I have currently:
Dim strGrade(,) As String = {{"0", "F"},
{"300", "D"},
{"350", "C"},
View 12 Replies
Aug 4, 2009
I'm not sure where to start. I've made an app consisting of a textbox and picture box that changes the picture every time you press a key. But what I need is to load a txt file and have pictures display one after another for each letter at a user defined rate. Including breaking this down into smaller steps. This is for an application simular to a RSVP(rapid serial visual presentation) program.
View 4 Replies
Dec 2, 2007
I'm learning to Program in school and i use 2003. Im trying to create a letter count application that displays the number of times a specific letter occurs in a word o phrase. (uppercase lowercase letters should not be counted) I started out by doing the folllowing:
View 4 Replies
Apr 23, 2009
I've written up the following code (please note i only started to learn VB yesterday)
And what I want it to do is when a letter, or character, is entered, i want to have Label1 display "invalid" but i cant seem to figure out how...
View 4 Replies
Mar 30, 2011
Let me see if I can explain it.... Am basically doing a program that records project time for each worker and how much items(by type) they collect in total (No individual total)[code]...
View 1 Replies
Oct 6, 2009
This should calculate and display the total amount due. There are 3 radio buttons, A, B, C. Nonprofit should get a 20% discount from final charges.
Public Class Form1
Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
End Sub
Private Sub RadioButton1_CheckedChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles radA.CheckedChanged
[Code] .....
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Sep 7, 2008
I have a binary converter I am attempting to build and want to read and convert the InputTextBox(alphabetical characters) letter by letter however all I have so far is one letter at a time
Image here is the code I have so far:
Public Class ConverterForm
Private Sub OpenToolStripMenuItem_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles OpenToolStripMenuItem.Click
View 5 Replies
Jun 28, 2010
I am a vb newbie having some trouble with an assignment. A user enters a letter into a text box, and the output must make the letter uppercase and tell what position the letter is at in the sentence "The quick brown fox jumps over a lazy dog."
Here is my
Private Sub btnSubmit_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnSubmit.Click
This is what comes out: "A first occurs in position -1". Everything comes out except the position is always displayed as -1.
View 4 Replies
Jul 5, 2011
Is it possible to change to colour of letters as they are typed.I.e
Piece of text says
"Hello World"
when user types "H". The "H" in the original would change if matched and then so on and then when "Hello" is matched it would change to another colour.
View 1 Replies
Jun 15, 2009
In my form I have Gross Earnings Calculated. Then that goes to a label. I then click a button to Clear Current Employee. Then I can input another employees info to get that employees Gross Earnings. Well when I click View Summary I want to display a Total Gross Earnings. The Total Gross Earnings should be a Total of all Employees Gross Earnings.
View 4 Replies
Apr 13, 2010
I want to be able to calculate and display the current Frames Per Second on a computer.Now I do have a bit of code, though, it seems to be locked at 65fps (screens refresh rate?).Here is what I have:
'calculate Frame Rate
Public Shared Function CalculateFrameRate() As Integer
If System.Environment.TickCount - lastTick >= 1000 Then
lastFrameRate = frameRate[code]....
on the fps form, it is just a simple form with a label in it.
View 6 Replies
Sep 23, 2011
I'm trying to calculate the size of multiple monitors together, like the display size. This is an example of what I am talking the Size of the Virtual Screen"). I tried the code, with no luck. The WinAPI didn't seem to do anything, but take space in my code edit
View 1 Replies
Jun 23, 2011
my question is regarding a calculation and control display that I am doing.
The application is a project tracker, and I am trying to calculate the total spend of the project and display it on either the first tab if it is an open project or the second tab if it is a completed project. For some reason, it is showing 0 for all but one of the projects. If anyones eyes can see the problem I would be really greatful. The code is below
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Mar 26, 2012
i am created a form with DataGridView Binding with ItemStock Table
Table Name is ItemStock
Table fields Names are
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