Function To Check Consective 5 Same Letter Or Digits?
Nov 25, 2009Function to read consective 5 same letter or digits from the String given.Eg: String get = "vennnnnkat";
View 5 RepliesFunction to read consective 5 same letter or digits from the String given.Eg: String get = "vennnnnkat";
View 5 RepliesNOTE: I tried using concat() method, join method and even tried to insert just text(which turned out editable) but none of them worked as I wanted. I was thinking if substring method will work but I only have basic idea of how substring works. I want the letter "N" to be inserted into the text box when form loads and when the user enters 4digits(OrderNo2.text) which should be joined so that it can be saved together when I clicked on save button.
I want to run a check on a String right before I append it to a StringBuilder to make sure only numeric characters are in the string. What's a simple way to do that?
View 7 RepliesIm trying to get my code to check that my textbox has 16 digits in it so that it can then validate the number entered. Here is the doe i have so far: [code]
View 3 RepliesI am trying to make an application that stores Applications and I am trying to make it so they cannot just put " " and have it accept it. Is there any way I can make sure there is at least 1 of any letter in the box without 100 if statements?
View 12 RepliesDim Timing1, Timing2 As DateTime
Timing1 = DateTime.Now
I am trying to check each letter of a word if that word doesn't contain (AEIOUY) then I have to append (-way) to the end of the word. Now I have this if statement and it doesn't work:
If OriginalWord.ToUpper Like "*[!AEIOUY]*" Then
Label1.Text = OriginalWord & "-way"
End If
How to make it work. I need to append a (-way) to the end of a word that doesn't have (AEIOUY).
My question is how to check a letter exist in a word. For example this word: 'computer' and I give in a textbox letter 'a' then the result will be false because 'computer' doesn't exist a letter 'a' else if I give letter 'c' the result will be true because computer has a 'c'.
View 5 RepliesIm making a login system that encrypts and decrypts the username and password. My encryption code is:
Private Shared Function enc(ByVal targetString As String, ByVal maskvalue As String) As String
Dim Index As Integer = 0
Dim ReturnValue As String = ""
The enc function works for both encrypting and decrypting (I've tested with a MsgBox alert. The problem I'm having is when the program loads, it reads the file and decrypts it. However, instead of properly working, it returns one character in the first textbox and nothingin the other without any error being thrown.
I'm trying to match a string to see if it matches exactly this:####-####, it has to be 4 digits followed by a hyphen followed by 4 more digits. Right now I have this pattern: "d{4}-d{4}" but it's allowing 5 digits in either (or both) instead of strictly 4 per group. Here's an example of what it should allow:
and here's what my pattern is allowing but should not be allowing:
I have 10 labels with 10 numbers and i want theses numbers to compare with other 10 labels with different numbers and when they found that second pair of labels are not equal with the first to show me in a new label where is the fault and in another new label the sum of the mistakes
View 3 RepliesIs there any way to use the TryParse method to check for letter text input?For example, a user needs to input a name in a text box. Is there anyway to check that input are all letters?
View 4 RepliesI'm looking for do this in
hy how are you
Hy How Are You
I have been struggling with my programming class from day one. I still can't seem to grasp the complete logic on how to write code. Anyhow, I have an assignment due that I am stuck on. Here is the assignment:
In this exercise, you code an application that displays a letter grade based on the average of three test scores. Open the Grade Solution (Grade Solution.sln) file, which is contained in the ClearlyVB Chapl8Grade Solution folder. Code the application,using a function to determine and return the letter grade. If the average is at least 90, the grade is A. If the average is at least 80 but less than 90, the grade is B.If the average is at least 70 but less than 80, the grade is C. Tf the average is at least
60 but less than 70, the grade is D. If the average is below 60, the grade is F.
You will be developing the code for the function on your own. Below the Public Class frmMain line, insert this function header:Private Function CalculateGrade(ByVal testScore1 As Decimal, ByVal testScore2 As Decimal, ByVal testscore3 As Decimal) As String
In the function, declare variables for the average score and the letter grade. Calculate the average, use IF/Elself statements to determine the letter grade, and return the letter grade. Create a subprocedure for the Click event for the btnDisplay button. It should call the CalculateGrade function with three arguments ( the three test scores from the text boxes), and display the returned value in the lblGrade box.
This function doesnt reads the first letter.I have a text file and i use this method to read a line.. but it doesnt reads the first character and others is fine.. first character of all lines
View 8 RepliesMy application is like this : i have to search my data from database with some check box and text box when user select check box specific function go on and then when user enters some range of value in textbox then the result will shown in data grid view after that i can print it by selecting data
my code is as follow:
Imports System.Data
Imports System.Data.SqlClient
Public Class XtraForm1
I m also pasting the demo picture.
I have a binary converter I am attempting to build and want to read and convert the InputTextBox(alphabetical characters) letter by letter however all I have so far is one letter at a time
Image here is the code I have so far:
Public Class ConverterForm
Private Sub OpenToolStripMenuItem_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles OpenToolStripMenuItem.Click
I am a vb newbie having some trouble with an assignment. A user enters a letter into a text box, and the output must make the letter uppercase and tell what position the letter is at in the sentence "The quick brown fox jumps over a lazy dog."
Here is my
Private Sub btnSubmit_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnSubmit.Click
This is what comes out: "A first occurs in position -1". Everything comes out except the position is always displayed as -1.
Is it possible to change to colour of letters as they are typed.I.e
Piece of text says
"Hello World"
when user types "H". The "H" in the original would change if matched and then so on and then when "Hello" is matched it would change to another colour.
I'm using a timer control to highlight text letter by letter one every second. Timer1.Interval = 1000 How can I give the user access to this variable so the speed can be changed?
View 7 RepliesI'm a VB beginner.I wonder if it's possible to change the text style letter by letter?I've learned here that you can change the entire style of text like
Dim myStyle As New Font(TextBox1.Font.Name, TextBox1.Font.Size, FontStyle.Regular)
TextBox1.Font = myStyle
I am trying to check each letter of a word if that word doesn't contain (AEIOUY) then I have to append (-way) to the end of the word. Now I have this if statement and it doesn't work:
If OriginalWord.ToUpper Like "*[!AEIOUY]*" Then
Label1.Text = OriginalWord & "-way"
End If
I need to append a (-way) to the end of a word that doesn't have (AEIOUY)
I have a string of asterisks "*****" which are in variable1. The asterisks are there to hide the real word "doggy", which are held in variable2.When a user enters a letter into a text box, lets say "g", how can I check for the letter "g" inside my variable2 and also replace the asterisks in the corresponding spots so that it shows "**gg*" instead?
View 1 Repliesstring function(s) to change only first letter of string to Upper Case?
View 7 RepliesI am just trying to call a little error check function, and if the return value, isOK, is false, let the user change stuff and then call the function again. If isOK is true, the rest of the program runs. For some reason, when i run the test under conditions I know to be valid, or true, the function still returns isOK = false.
the way i could use VBA to check if a function say function1 is present in class1. if the function is present display 1 else display 0.
View 2 Repliesi hav two openfilefialogs(1 and 2). So i also have a listbox. the files opened with the openfiledialogs will be added to the listbox. and when i need to open the files i need to see if they are from which openfiledialog. so
it is like this.
Path.GetDirectoryName(OpenFileDialog1.FileName) & "" & Form3.ListBox1.SelectedItem.ToString
'if this returns a null then go to this
Path.GetDirectoryName(OpenFileDialog2.FileName) & "" & Form3.ListBox1.SelectedItem.ToString
I am doing a project.."Some Password". the criteria is that the password should have 1 numeric and 1 non numeric and atleast 6 characters. The code I worked on..(below)
Function CheckPass as Integer
blnContainNumber As
blnCotainNonNumeric As
[Code] .....
When I compile this gives me a Messagebox error that I wrote.."Password Invalid" even though I type the password that meets the criteria. I think the problem is that I don't have..."if atleast one numeric then" and "if atleast one non numeric then"...
I would need a function that would check the current date and in the end return the date of Monday this week. So say we have 02/06/10 today so I'd like that date or rather week_starting function to show 01/06/10 for the whole week. The formatting isn't important.
View 12 RepliesHow to make a check proxy function? ive made a change proxy function but i dunno how to check it.
View 3 Replies