Game Of 21 Card Game, Code For Checking Score Is Not Working?
Jan 13, 2012
Check Score: The winner is the one with the highest score less than or equal to 21If both scores(player total and computer total) are over 21, or if both are equal but under 21, the game is declared a draw.
There is something wrong with this line:
If intPlayerCardTotal < intScore And intComputerTotal < intScore Then
MsgBox "Draw"
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Jul 16, 2011
I have conditional code checking in a card game Im working on and it just feels wrong.I m looking for a better way.Right now, all my functions return a card. If I get a card Im usually done and can fall out of my nested structure.If I dont get a card I have to test a condition If card is nothing.And this condition gets repeated ad-nauseum.Here is a small sample of the code.
card = FindMaxTrump(playableCards)
If Not card Is Nothing Then
'If we found a trump at all[code]....
This might be a fine way to do it, but the constant check for a null card is what has me wondering if there is a better approach I'm missing.
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Oct 3, 2011
Im new to VB. how do I get to add the code is
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Apr 18, 2012
On programming assignment without having any real experience in vb. I guess I don't understand subroutines that well. When the program runs it never goes to the computer's turn and does not update the users score either. This assignment is already in but would like to know what is going wrong. Using VB 2010, and this is windows application.
Public Class Form1
Dim Myturn As Integer
Dim Computerturn As Integer
View 6 Replies
Apr 19, 2011
I currently have a who wants to be a millionaire game that I have made in visual basic 2010. Each question is in its own form. Form1 opens at the start, and question 1 is opened by a button click on Form1. The user has to click on the picture box at the side to show the text for the question each time. If they answer incorrectly, it displays a message box, opens an input box asking for their name, and goes to the form with the high score list, Form17.
Upon opening Form17, I want the scores to load and be displayed in the list box. The high scores are saved in a text file at C: est.txt . Upon clicking menu or end, the high scores are saved to the text file.
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May 7, 2012
I am creating a type of pacman game, I have entered the code for everything else, but I am struggling with the code for the high score,[code]
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May 21, 2010
I am trying to create a card game on microsoft visual studio 2008. But i am finding it tricky to get the right codes for the generating button. The button wiill display three random playing card suites and when all three match the user is declared the winner.
View 5 Replies
Oct 23, 2009
What is the code for making a score on a game of rock, paper, scissors on vb2008 and how do you make sure it works?
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Nov 23, 2010
I'm making a speed card game [URL] for the final in one of my programming classes. I'm looking for a little assistance with how to go about getting it done the best way. I've included the code I have so far below. How does it look? What would you do differently? Would you do anything the way I did? I need to have one AI player and a human player.
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Jul 2, 2009
I am working on a poker game and I have the game setup the way I want it in terms of graphics and I have the code programed to deal the cards out exactly how I want them. Granted, the code is very simplistic, but functional for a new programmer like myself. I'm sure there are other more efficient ways to code my game, but I like mine so far because I can at least understand the majority of it. With that being said, here are a few problems and questions that I have.
1. How come when all 12 cards are dealt out I have some cards repeating in the game? For example, I get queen of diamonds in more than one picture box when I only want the card to be dealt once and then removed until the next game.
2. I was hoping to have a button 3 to clear all the boxes, basically resetting the game to the next game. When I hit button 3 it only clears the contents of picturebox 10 and 12.Other notes: I have the deal down the way I want it. It deals the first 10 picture boxes and a second button deals the 11 and 12 picture boxes.
3. I know this is my next step so I want to post it with the code I currently have. I want to start taking my project one step further by evalutating each of the three rows of cards (3 rows of 3 cards each - I'm not worried about the dealers hand (picture box 10, 11, 12 yet). So I want to evaluate a row of pictureboxes against a "pay scale" and display the win in a text box or label next to the 3 card hand. For example, Q of diamonds, Q of Clubs, Q of spades would win 15, etc. ( have a weird feeling I may have to change the names of the cards (I have them named card1, card2, etc. right now) to something that identifies them in order to evaluate the hands.
Here is the code that I currently have. I'm using visual basic.
Public Class Form1
Dim Rndm As New Random
Dim myPB(11) As PictureBox
Dim HiddenCards As New List(Of String)
View 1 Replies
Apr 19, 2012
I need to make a matching card game in VB 2010. i have generated my cards but now need to show the cards for 10 secs then change the cards to (AppPath & "Cards ed.png"). then when a user clicks on the card the card will flip over.*How would i set a timer to turn all my cards into*(AppPath & "Cards ed.png") after 10 secsbut still have the values from the array and when i click the cards they flip over (from red card to numbered card)
Private Sub Place()
Dim Counter As Integer = 1
For Row As Integer = 1 To Int_Grid_Size
View 2 Replies
Mar 11, 2010
I'm trying to make a 2D platform game and I'm pretty inexperienced at programming. I've coded the player to move left and right and jump, but I can't figure out how to prevent multiple jumps while the player is in the air. Anyone know how to do this?
View 8 Replies
Dec 13, 2009
is there any way yo get the score of one player in counter strike? one of the player on the computer. not all the players. i know that when you are looking att server info, then you can see all the player and there scores. is there anyway to replicate that function?
View 14 Replies
Apr 18, 2010
im struggling to work out the code for 3 of a kind in my yahtzee game, i think that if i can work this out i can sort my everest of the full house code!
can someone tell me where ive gone astray?
View 8 Replies
Jun 6, 2011
I just finished my own snake game, and I need some recommendations on how to make this game better.If you see a problem, please tell me.The only problem with this game is that I can't get the code to get longer, other then that its good.EDIT: Sorry I meant : The only problem with this game is that I can't get the SNAKE to get longer, other then that its good.
View 4 Replies
Mar 29, 2010
I have to use an access DB as a score table and having a few problems.I have the table showing in a data grid fine what i now need to do is find a way of updating it depending on the score someone gets.anyway here is what I have so far and what I want to do is if player scores say 1000 that his/her score then will be put in that place then the others move down....
Imports System.Data.OleDb
Public Class highScores
' Full path to database must be given if not in Debug/BIN folder
the score table opens on a new form and the score is held in a var on form 1 called lol score just a quick edit I have put 2 buttons on the form to load the data in the grid to start with but this will load automaticly and the name will be entered into either a txtbob or an inputbox?
View 1 Replies
Oct 9, 2010
I am creating a point system for a game. What i have right now is that fastest time with highest score gets a higher ranking.
But i can't seem to create this, what i did was to sort the time first from lowest to highest. Then sorted the points from highest to lowest.
Now my problem is, when i display the results. This is what i get.
1 0:56 5
2 0:60 4
3 0:37 2
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Nov 2, 2010
To clarify - I'm building a simple game in visual basic and I'm trying to create a simple file to record and display the "Best Score" from each game. Actually there are four levels in this game (each one is on a different form) - I'm trying to save the best score from each level to display in a separate Game Stats form. Therefore I creating a datatable on one form, but then trying to get all my other forms to access it.
But now I get a new DBNull error message in part of code not of my making - NewGameDataSet.Designer.vb
Error Message = "The value for column 'BestScoreEasy' in table 'GameTable' is DBNull."
Does this mean I need another New Statement somewhere?
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Feb 12, 2011
I just finished making a Tetris game in VB.NET, and I wanted to add a high score system to the application. So, when a user completes their game, they have the option of submitting it as a high score, which will compare their score against the previous high scores, then place it accordingly. I was thinking of an XML approach of doing this, where the user's name, rank, score, level, and number of lines cleared will be stored in tags. Here is what I thought the XML might resemble:
So the program will have an array to store all the previous scores. It will read through the XML, and copy the the score data into this array. Then, when the time comes to submit a score, it will compare this score against those previous scores, and find the proper position for that score, and then save it into the array. At the end, it will then copy all the score data from this array to the XML, replacing the <Level>, <Lines>, and <User> tags in the process.I am however having trouble implementing this, as I have no experience with XML files and everything I've read has been very confusing.
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Jul 10, 2009
I am trying to make a card game which can be played over the internet between users. I have already downloaded the cardGame Starter kit for Visual Basic. I plan to modify it to the game I want.I had worked with Sockets (Client-Server App) a long time ago for a small chat program for computers connected in LAN.I had the following questions:How should I start off with this Application, should I first just concentrate on making the game and then progress to trying to figure out how to make it playable over the internet?
Or should I do it the other way round?Can I attain my objective using Sockets? or do I have to use something else?Is there a tutorial available to start me off? (I Googled and "Bing"ed it but to no avail)
View 7 Replies
Jun 11, 2010
Anybody know how to hold a card in poker game?[code]...
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Apr 18, 2012
i need to make a matching card game in VB 2010. i have generated my cards but now need to show the cards for 10 secs then change the cards to (AppPath & "Cards ed.png"). then when a user clicks on the card the card will flip over.How would i set a timer to turn all my cards into (AppPath & "Cards ed.png") after 10 secs but still have the values from the array and when i click the cards they flip over (from red card to numbered card)[code]
View 2 Replies
Mar 11, 2012
I am using Visual studios 2010, And what I am trying to do is make a card game, and I have some ideas for how to put a lot of it together however I am having trouble getting started with making the cards to begin with.So I need something to call to represent the cards with numerical values with ace being 1 and king being 13.
View 4 Replies
Nov 26, 2010
i know there are things on VBF about dragging and dropping but i have a situation kinda different.. ill post some psuedo code to explain
On mouse down(Check if picturebox is empty)
If yes then
If no then
on the mouse down even, is there anyway to write it so i dont have to do this for every single one of the pictureboxes?
View 3 Replies
Jun 10, 2010
I am looking to create a video poker card game using visual basic.I have limited knowledge of visual basic 8 but was very curious about visual basic 10.
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Jan 15, 2012
I am currently working on a program for a higher or lower card game. I have my game set up and in place, however I am having trouble keeping track of the cards that have already been drawn from the deck. I am only playing with one deck and need to make sure that once a card is drawn it is placed in a discard pile and will not be drawn again. I did not post my code due to other students in my class using this forum for their version of the assignment. If someone would be willing to take a look at my code I can send it to you via private message.
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Oct 5, 2009
How to move a card in a solitaire game using 2008?is there anyone who can help me out here?its just that im a beginner and i want to know more about when it comes to games specillay in cards like solitaire...
View 8 Replies
Jun 10, 2009
I've made a connect four game with a control array of command buttons. (0 through 48) It's a 7 x 7 version.
You've got to click a space, a second form pops up with a random question taken from an input file and you've got to answer it correctly. If you do, your space will turn either red or yellow, depending on if you're player 1 or 2.
I've got it all working, but I just cannot figure out the code for winning for the life of me! I know I need to check through with for-loops and all, but I'm dying here. Teacher said somehow incorporate a boolean of some sort, but she's really abandoning us on this project, and it's only my first year.. So I'm kind of new still, I guess.
I need to check vertically, horizontally and diagonally.
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Apr 2, 2008
im trying to make a game in visual basic in which your character can move around, jump, and kill things. I can get the picture box with the character to move and everything is fine. but i did run into one problem. when the character moves over a tree (or something) you can see the gray backround of the character as i made in paint. how do i make the backround of the picturebox transparent?
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Nov 18, 2011
I want to make a program that enables a game to have more than one instance running, where it would otherwise be unable to be done. How should I go about this? A sandbox? Hack?
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