VS 2010 Simple High Score System For Tetris Game?

Feb 12, 2011

I just finished making a Tetris game in VB.NET, and I wanted to add a high score system to the application. So, when a user completes their game, they have the option of submitting it as a high score, which will compare their score against the previous high scores, then place it accordingly. I was thinking of an XML approach of doing this, where the user's name, rank, score, level, and number of lines cleared will be stored in tags. Here is what I thought the XML might resemble:


So the program will have an array to store all the previous scores. It will read through the XML, and copy the the score data into this array. Then, when the time comes to submit a score, it will compare this score against those previous scores, and find the proper position for that score, and then save it into the array. At the end, it will then copy all the score data from this array to the XML, replacing the <Level>, <Lines>, and <User> tags in the process.I am however having trouble implementing this, as I have no experience with XML files and everything I've read has been very confusing.

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Game Programming :: High Score List For A Who Wants To Be A Millionaire Game?

Apr 19, 2011

I currently have a who wants to be a millionaire game that I have made in visual basic 2010. Each question is in its own form. Form1 opens at the start, and question 1 is opened by a button click on Form1. The user has to click on the picture box at the side to show the text for the question each time. If they answer incorrectly, it displays a message box, opens an input box asking for their name, and goes to the form with the high score list, Form17.

Upon opening Form17, I want the scores to load and be displayed in the list box. The high scores are saved in a text file at C: est.txt . Upon clicking menu or end, the high scores are saved to the text file.

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Creating Game & Struggling With High Score Code

May 7, 2012

I am creating a type of pacman game, I have entered the code for everything else, but I am struggling with the code for the high score,[code]

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VS 2005 Create A HALL OF FAME (High Score) System?

Aug 14, 2009

Im creating a quiz game although i was wondering if any one can teach/tell me how to create a high score system.For example when the user clicks say button1 (which is stop quiz) an input box will appear asking the user to input their name and then press okay. It then gets the current score from the text box (which is just an integer in a text box indicating how many they got right) and saves it to an Text file or something.and when the user goes back to the main menu, he/she can select "Hall of Fame" which then brings up the highscores (in a new form) of previous users scores.

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VS 2010 - How To Save High Score In Application Settings

Jan 17, 2011

I am working on a simple game and wanted to save the high score in application settings. Research upon failure has shown that user is read/write but the program doesn't store it between runs.

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Calculate New High Score?

Apr 27, 2009

I need to calculate the high score and am having trouble storing a value that represents the previous high score, and the comparator funcion.

Public n_sErrorTitle As String = "Entry Error"
'Count the number of entered scores
Dim intCount As Integer


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Making A High Score?

Apr 1, 2010

how can i save a high score in toolstrip textbox or listbox?

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Borrow Code And Then Manipulate It To Create Tetris Game?

Nov 8, 2011

I have to create a game for programming class in school, my teacher said we were allowed to borrow code and then manipulate it our selves to create our own individual game. I chose Tetris so i am wondering if anybody has any code for this game from vb 2008.

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Simple Scoring System For Game

Mar 30, 2012

I am creating a game which has a simple score system which I don't understand why it isn't working the way I want it to. When loading the game the User starts with 10 credits and for every time they run the game it costs 2 credits

This is my code for this below
Dim intCredits As Integer = 10
Dim intGamesPlayed As Integer = 0
intGamesPlayed += 1
intCredits = intCredits - 2

It has no errors but it doesn't take away the credits each time the game is played besides the first time. So when I run the game it will go to 8 credits, and it will stay on 8 credits even if I run the game again.

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High-Score Table : Sorting Values From 2 External Text Files?

Mar 7, 2011

Program : my game is a frogger port, you make the frog cross the road until you run out of lives. When you die, you are asked to enter your name and the name is appended to the end of file called names.txt, the final score is appended to the end of a file called scores.txt.Using the System.IO functions, i read the contents of each text file, and load the contents into two separate strings (one for names, one for scores. These two long strings are then broken down using Split() command, transferring the pieces into an array. (again 2 arrays - one for names, one for scores). The contents of both arrays are then loaded into 2 listboxes, 1 for scores, 1 for names.

Problem: i can sucessfully load the contents of both files, and display them side by side - but i want to re-arrange the scores so that they are in descending order. While doing this, i need to make sure that the player name matches up with the score - so the order of the names being displayed would have to be changed aswell. After spending many, many hours trying to do it myself i have had to give up - i'm clueless. My first issue is converting the score array into integers so that the array could be sorted, the second problem is then sorting the names so that the scores and names match up.

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How To Create Simple Points System For Game

Mar 30, 2012

I am creating a points system for a game, this is the code I have but it isn't working as I want it to.
Dim intScore As Integer = 10
Dim intNumOfGames As Integer = 0
intNumOfGames += 1
intScore = intScore - 2
The user will start will a score of 10, but everytime they click the button the user should lose 2 points off the score. But my code above that doesn't happen, when the user clicks the button it only happens once leaving the user with 8 points throughout the game.

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Game Programming :: Adding Score To Rock Paper Scissor Game?

Oct 3, 2011

Im new to VB. how do I get to add the score.my code is


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Game Programming :: Pig Dice Game - When Program Runs - Never Goes To Computer's Turn And Does Not Update Users Score Either

Apr 18, 2012

On programming assignment without having any real experience in vb. I guess I don't understand subroutines that well. When the program runs it never goes to the computer's turn and does not update the users score either. This assignment is already in but would like to know what is going wrong. Using VB 2010, and this is windows application.

Public Class Form1
Dim Myturn As Integer
Dim Computerturn As Integer


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Game Of 21 Card Game, Code For Checking Score Is Not Working?

Jan 13, 2012

Check Score: The winner is the one with the highest score less than or equal to 21If both scores(player total and computer total) are over 21, or if both are equal but under 21, the game is declared a draw.

There is something wrong with this line:
If intPlayerCardTotal < intScore And intComputerTotal < intScore Then
MsgBox "Draw"


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Make A Simple Inventory System For Video Game?

Nov 3, 2011

Im still a bit newb to coding in Vb but Im trying to figure out how to make a simple inventory system for my video game. I need it to do a few simple things and Ive never made a inventory system before so im a bit lost on how to approach it.

Functions Needed:

Player has 40 pb that act as the visual inventory or display the item in that slot.


I set up my armor menu to allow drag an drop of the item but again not sure how to even get the inventory system created to finish the armor menu to allow the object to be dragged into its box and remove its self from the player inventory.I think I need to make a array for 39 or 40 in my adventurestorage class. That part Im pretty certain of but how do I set that part up? I have over 200 images that need to act as a item that can be dropped into the inventory.

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Game Programming :: High Low Game - Entering A Name On My First Form ?

Jun 10, 2012

So I pretty much built the game, that was the easy part. I am having trouble entering a name on my first form(startup) and keeping track of the score on second form(game) and displaying it both combined on the first page with the current users score. Also the way it set up now if you are running the game for the first time it says can't find LowScores.Text. Start Up



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VS 2010 - Make A Simple Text Based Rpg Game?

Nov 9, 2011


Yup,not PHP but it's the same for readability)As you may imagine I want to make a simple text based rpg game, but that's not an important fact.The buttons btn1 to btn3 are already created at the designer, and there are going to be other procedures which will assign values to their text property according to the game context (main menu, combat, shopping, training, etc.) you're at.Ok, so what I want to do with that procedure I pasted is to parse the text of ANY of those buttons when I click them, and according to its value select a case which will trigger another appropriate procedure (now there are only msgboxes as placeholders for testing only).My problem is that I dont know how to refer to the originating class of the handled event! I mean, let's say I click btn2. I'll want to immediately get the text property of that button only and use it as the value for the select case tree. I suppose I need to put something at that ?I wrote there, but I don't have any idea. The first time I was so naive to put me.text in there, and of course it returned the form name. Is there's something to do this thing...? I thought at first it would be a very simple task, but I'm going nuts searching for a solution so it's like if it was not possible, but I find hard to believe that, because this would be very useful, right? By the way, what I want to achieve is not needing to make a separate procedure for each button and to avoid as well the need to move any game option to another procedure if later on I want to rearrange the menus, because I expect the game to have more than three buttons actually.

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Get Score From Game

Dec 13, 2009

is there any way yo get the score of one player in counter strike? one of the player on the computer. not all the players. i know that when you are looking att server info, then you can see all the player and there scores. is there anyway to replicate that function?

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Game Programming :: Sorting High Scores?

Sep 10, 2009

I am Writing a Program in Visual Basic 2008 for my High Schools Advanced Higher Coursework Project... The Game its self runs perfectly and i can display the highscores. i just need some help showing 10 hi-scorers and in ascending order.Currently i am using this code for viewing them.

Private Sub HiScores_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
Dim TmpHiScore As String 'Temporarly stores the data in file "HiScores.lol".
Dim intTempo As Integer = 1 'Stores the length of variable TmpHiScore.


The hiscores them selfs are stored in a personalised text document and they are all on the one line. the format of this is NAME:SCORE,NAME:SCORE,NAME:SCORE and so on!

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Game Programming :: Access DB As A Score Table?

Mar 29, 2010

I have to use an access DB as a score table and having a few problems.I have the table showing in a data grid fine what i now need to do is find a way of updating it depending on the score someone gets.anyway here is what I have so far and what I want to do is if player scores say 1000 that his/her score then will be put in that place then the others move down....

Imports System.Data.OleDb
Public Class highScores
' Full path to database must be given if not in Debug/BIN folder


the score table opens on a new form and the score is held in a var on form 1 called lol score just a quick edit I have put 2 buttons on the form to load the data in the grid to start with but this will load automaticly and the name will be entered into either a txtbob or an inputbox?

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Game Ranking Based On Time And Score

Oct 9, 2010

I am creating a point system for a game. What i have right now is that fastest time with highest score gets a higher ranking.

But i can't seem to create this, what i did was to sort the time first from lowest to highest. Then sorted the points from highest to lowest.

Now my problem is, when i display the results. This is what i get.

1 0:56 5
2 0:60 4
3 0:37 2


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Creating File To Record And Display Best Score From Each Game?

Nov 2, 2010

To clarify - I'm building a simple game in visual basic and I'm trying to create a simple file to record and display the "Best Score" from each game. Actually there are four levels in this game (each one is on a different form) - I'm trying to save the best score from each level to display in a separate Game Stats form. Therefore I creating a datatable on one form, but then trying to get all my other forms to access it.

But now I get a new DBNull error message in part of code not of my making - NewGameDataSet.Designer.vb
Error Message = "The value for column 'BestScoreEasy' in table 'GameTable' is DBNull."
Does this mean I need another New Statement somewhere?

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Game Programming :: Alogrithm - Attempting To Get High Scores Into The Correct Order

Sep 16, 2009

I am attempting to get hiscores into the correct order but.. I am having troble with some of it.. I have this for my sort alogrithm


For i = 0 To Howmany
For j = i + 1 To 9
If ArrScore(i) < ArrScore(j) Then
temp = ArrScore(i)


The hiscores text file looks like this:



The immediate window looks like this when its run.

0 1 , Stuart , 120
0 2 , LoL , 192
1 2 , 120 , 120
2 3 , Computer , 112
2 4 , LoL , 113
3 4 , 112 , 112

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Code For Making A Score On A Game Of Rock, Paper, Scissors On Vb2008

Oct 23, 2009

What is the code for making a score on a game of rock, paper, scissors on vb2008 and how do you make sure it works?

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Set Up A High Scores System But A Null Refrence Exception?

Apr 13, 2009

I am in a VB.NET class and I am currently modifing a game. I am trying to set up a High Scores system but a Null Refrence Exception error is making me angry.I am trying to reference a class called GameState which contains the Subroutines and variables to use the high scores. Below is the code for a form that is used to show the current high scores in two listboxes.


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Array (parallel) - Allow User To Enter A Score And The Program Returns A Grade Based On The Score Entered

Apr 14, 2012

Haveing troubles with an assignment. I am writting code that will allow user to enter a score and the program returns a grade based on the score entered. I can get it to work using "IF" statements but want to use code for ranges. My "IF" code is as follows.......


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Carver-parallel (range Code) - Allow User To Enter A Score And The Program Returns A Grade Based On The Score Entered

Apr 14, 2012

Haveing troubles with an assignment. I am writting code that will allow user to enter a score and the program returns a grade based on the score entered. I can get it to work using "IF" statements but want to use code for ranges. My "IF" code is as follows.......


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Add The Score To Label Control That Keeps Score For Character X

May 10, 2010

I am writing a noughts and crosses game and I want to be able to keep score everytime each character wins a game, I have written a sub routine to handle this but it seems to count up in 5's and 10's??I have used a global variable like this Dim i As Integer = 1 then declaired that variable in my sub like this i += 1 (I thaught that this would just add 1 everytime X won a game)then used the variable i to add the score to the label control that keeps the score for the character X.My question is, am I using the correct syntax (+=) for the variable.

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Game Programming :: Simple File Error

Aug 16, 2009

I am making a little game for my friend in Visual Basic 2008. It uses 3 files (gamedataidname.txt, gamedataidlevel.txt, gamedataidgold.txt).

When the play button is clicked, I wrote some code to check if the file exists and display the content of the 3 files. This part works fine. But then I have a 'Else' statement to create the files.[code]...

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Create "a Windows Form Game Called Yahtzis Which Uses Five Dice And Three Throws To Create A Score"?

Oct 18, 2010

i am suppose to create "a windows form game called Yahtzis which uses five dice and three throws to create a score" .

The problem is that i don't even know how to start it can anyone shed some light.

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