Array (parallel) - Allow User To Enter A Score And The Program Returns A Grade Based On The Score Entered
Apr 14, 2012
Haveing troubles with an assignment. I am writting code that will allow user to enter a score and the program returns a grade based on the score entered. I can get it to work using "IF" statements but want to use code for ranges. My "IF" code is as follows.......
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Apr 14, 2012
Haveing troubles with an assignment. I am writting code that will allow user to enter a score and the program returns a grade based on the score entered. I can get it to work using "IF" statements but want to use code for ranges. My "IF" code is as follows.......
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Apr 18, 2011
I am taking an online class and I am having trouble getting my solution to work. My assignment is as follows: In the function, declare variables for the average score and the letter grade. Calculate the average, use If/ElseIf statements to determine the letter grade, and return the letter grade.
Create a subprocedure for the Click event for the btnDisplay button. It should call the CalculateGrade function with three arguments (the three test scores from the text boxes), and display the returned value in the lblGrade box.I have looked all over the internet and have had no luck finding an example to look at I am taking an online class and I am having trouble getting my solution to work. My assignment is as follows:
In the function, declare variables for the average score and the letter grade. Calculate the average, use If/ElseIf statements to determine the letter grade, and return the letter grade.
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May 10, 2010
I am writing a noughts and crosses game and I want to be able to keep score everytime each character wins a game, I have written a sub routine to handle this but it seems to count up in 5's and 10's??I have used a global variable like this Dim i As Integer = 1 then declaired that variable in my sub like this i += 1 (I thaught that this would just add 1 everytime X won a game)then used the variable i to add the score to the label control that keeps the score for the character X.My question is, am I using the correct syntax (+=) for the variable.
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Oct 9, 2010
I am creating a point system for a game. What i have right now is that fastest time with highest score gets a higher ranking.
But i can't seem to create this, what i did was to sort the time first from lowest to highest. Then sorted the points from highest to lowest.
Now my problem is, when i display the results. This is what i get.
1 0:56 5
2 0:60 4
3 0:37 2
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Nov 1, 2011
I need to display a grade based on the number of points entered. store the min and grade in a 2d array here's my code that I have currently:
Dim strGrade(,) As String = {{"0", "F"},
{"300", "D"},
{"350", "C"},
View 12 Replies
Feb 24, 2009
I'm new to VB and I'm doing a calculations program for test scores. I got everything setup for my clear and exit buttons but not sure what I have to put in the calculate button code for it to calculate. Here is what I have so far.
Public Class Form1
Private Sub Label5_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles lblTestScore5.Click
End Sub
Private Sub btnExit_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnExit.Click
[Code] .....
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Jan 2, 2012
I am having an issuse with weither i should make 15 different fourms or just make 15 text boxes three for each round plus creating something that would add the doubles and triples I do not know what to use for a code, I have just started programming. this is what i have tried to do.
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Feb 8, 2012
I'm not sure where I'm going wrong with this. it's supposed to let the user add scores to the list, then calculate the total, average, and count. However, it doesn't let me add more values to the list. Any help whatsoever would be awesome! Keep in mind, I am new to VB and programming languages, and was just playing around with code hoping for any sort of positive result, and therefore some of the code may not be necessary, or make sense. Here's what I have now:
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Jun 7, 2011
My objective is to find the lowest test score in the array and display it in the associated label using a DoLoop. However, I don't think I was to use the ForNext stmt.Could I have used the DoLoop without the ForNext? ' displays the lowest test score stored in an array
Dim testScores() As Integer = {14, 82, 94, 77, 11, 95, 38, 62}
Dim lowest As Integer = testScores(0)
For subscript As Integer = 1 To testScores.Length - 1
View 3 Replies
Mar 12, 2011
I've recently started programming for Visual Basic Express - 2008, and I'm currently trying to make a program which takes a bunch of inputs (Name, Age, x2 score results) and then turns this into an output at the end which varies depending on the score results.
I've stumbled upon a small hinderance, which is that the very final stage which has a Console.Writeline does not appear after testing the program. So, everything else functions fine, but as soon as it gets past the "Console.WriteLine("All pupils have been calculated, the results are...")" command the program closes itself.I'm not looking for much help, just wondering exactly what is causing this to happen. I also realise that my coding is sub-par and is coded in a slightly odd fashion, but I'd rather just get this one to work and use the mistakes from this one to correct my future work.
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Jan 31, 2010
I have to write a program using 2 parallel arrays representing grade point and grades. The grade points range from 0 to 500, however, we are only to use the minimum points per each letter grade in " points " array. This is shown in the code below. You then enter a number from 1 to 500, representing the grade points, and in turn it spits out your letter grade.My problem is this. When I enter a number, say 200, I get a letter " D " grade instead of an " F " grade. It appears that every number range I enter gives me one letter grade less than what it is supposed to be. Also, any number 450 to 500, representing an " A " grade does not even register in my Grades Label.
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Dec 10, 2010
I need designing a Windows based computer program that will allow a user to enter some number (n) and a choice of a count up or count down for that many numbers. So for example, the user enters 5 as their number and selects the count down option, the message box displayed would contain the message: "Here are your numbers: 5,4,3,2,1,0"
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Oct 27, 2011
Im having trouble getting my code to display the form which would hold the results from this little exam.Whenever I click on my "Score" button in the main form the program just sits there. I need for it to display the Results form if all of the answers that have been inputted are correct, and if one of them isnt I need for it to display the error message. Im thinking the problem is in my Try-Catch statement, but I really have no idea.
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Apr 18, 2012
On programming assignment without having any real experience in vb. I guess I don't understand subroutines that well. When the program runs it never goes to the computer's turn and does not update the users score either. This assignment is already in but would like to know what is going wrong. Using VB 2010, and this is windows application.
Public Class Form1
Dim Myturn As Integer
Dim Computerturn As Integer
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Dec 13, 2009
is there any way yo get the score of one player in counter strike? one of the player on the computer. not all the players. i know that when you are looking att server info, then you can see all the player and there scores. is there anyway to replicate that function?
View 14 Replies
Apr 27, 2009
I need to calculate the high score and am having trouble storing a value that represents the previous high score, and the comparator funcion.
Public n_sErrorTitle As String = "Entry Error"
'Count the number of entered scores
Dim intCount As Integer
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Apr 1, 2010
how can i save a high score in toolstrip textbox or listbox?
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Nov 20, 2010
I've made a computer game in Visual Basic Express 2008 and my only remaining problem is to run a data table to keep a running track of the best score. To do this I've created a datatable form called BestScore.xsd. My first problem here is to recognize that it should will start off with nil values and I need to initialize it to zero. Next I need to update the score. I will need to save the score when I exit the game. (Does VBE automatically save the datatable or there a command here?). When I reopen the game program I want it to find my best score from last time.
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Oct 17, 2010
I have been working on a class project for sometime now. Currently stuck and need some help. Project is due today, so I'm desperate for some help. Please see attached project file.
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Oct 8, 2010
i just got another assignment with no instruction on how to do it. I have no prior programming skill so these assignment are really hard for me, [URL]..
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Apr 18, 2012
[code]I don't get how to go to the next question when the answer selected is correct, also how to load the progress bar and the score text box.
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Nov 4, 2009
I have to take information that is entered in a text box such as name, test score then send it to a list box then from there I have to split the test score and calculate the grade. I have been trying to find information on how to separate the test score to do the calculation.
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Jan 14, 2009
So we are just starting to learn about list boxes in vb1. In this program the user enters up to 10 scores and after each input (decInputScore) the total score so far has to be calculates (decTotalScore) and then of course when all the scores are entered, at the bottom the final score it calculated. (decFinalScore) (decFinal). I'm not exactly sure what I'm doing wrong, I can't get it to calculate the correct total scores after each input, and I'm getting 0 as the final score. Here is a visual of what the form should look like: the black square is (btnEnterScore) a pop up message box comes up in which the user enters each value when clicked.[code]
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Feb 20, 2009
i am trying to read the score of windows Pinball but i have got a problem.When i read the score 1st time all work good but when i close down pinball and start it again it will not work i have to find the memory address again to make it work?
View 8 Replies
Jun 3, 2012
my list box consist the person's name and his score that get from another button.. and I wan to search for the highest score only in another button... what codes should I code in??
this code is for add the details into list box
"Dim name As String = txtname.Text.ToString
Dim total As String = lbltotal.Text.ToString
Dim x As Integer
Dim duplicate As Boolean = False
how can I search from the list box to find the highest number onli?
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Nov 30, 2010
I am currently going through Murachs Beggining .net programming book. I am trying to implement an application for an exercise at the end of chapter 5. The application specification is as follows.
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Dec 6, 2009
I have made it so my code will print out the average score of all the test as one. but for each student i need to have an average score.
Public Class frmMain
Structure TestScores
Public decTest1 As Decimal
Public decTest2 As Decimal
View 5 Replies
Apr 22, 2010
What I have is a database in a Windows Form (via tableAdapters etc., basically the default stuff VS adds). What I need to do, is add a very simple record of a name and score (the "place" is an auto-number). I have not even been able to tackle sorting the table, because I can not even figure out how to insert...
View 8 Replies
Jul 20, 2011
I am assistant soccer coach and my daughter is the score keeper, I am trying to create an app that makes it easier to keep track of the players score as well as the total and the kids names. So this is what I am considering...Since the numbers of kids is never the same since some miss games, I want to be able to enter in the number of players present and then ask the players names the exact amount of times my daughter previously entered as kids present. Then display the names in an array with a text box for each child to keep track of individual points scored and total points scored by each child. So in the end it would be nice to display each child with the amount of points scored, total individual points next to there name and total points for the team in a separate form. I assume I will need at least 3 forms, either a multi dimensional array for the names and the score, and possibly a user control to take in the players for the game.[code]...
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