Add The Score To Label Control That Keeps Score For Character X

May 10, 2010

I am writing a noughts and crosses game and I want to be able to keep score everytime each character wins a game, I have written a sub routine to handle this but it seems to count up in 5's and 10's??I have used a global variable like this Dim i As Integer = 1 then declaired that variable in my sub like this i += 1 (I thaught that this would just add 1 everytime X won a game)then used the variable i to add the score to the label control that keeps the score for the character X.My question is, am I using the correct syntax (+=) for the variable.

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Array (parallel) - Allow User To Enter A Score And The Program Returns A Grade Based On The Score Entered

Apr 14, 2012

Haveing troubles with an assignment. I am writting code that will allow user to enter a score and the program returns a grade based on the score entered. I can get it to work using "IF" statements but want to use code for ranges. My "IF" code is as follows.......


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Carver-parallel (range Code) - Allow User To Enter A Score And The Program Returns A Grade Based On The Score Entered

Apr 14, 2012

Haveing troubles with an assignment. I am writting code that will allow user to enter a score and the program returns a grade based on the score entered. I can get it to work using "IF" statements but want to use code for ranges. My "IF" code is as follows.......


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Find The Lowest Test Score In The Array And Display It In The Associated Label Using A DoLoop?

Jun 7, 2011

My objective is to find the lowest test score in the array and display it in the associated label using a DoLoop. However, I don't think I was to use the ForNext stmt.Could I have used the DoLoop without the ForNext? ' displays the lowest test score stored in an array

Dim testScores() As Integer = {14, 82, 94, 77, 11, 95, 38, 62}
Dim lowest As Integer = testScores(0)
For subscript As Integer = 1 To testScores.Length - 1


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Get Score From Game

Dec 13, 2009

is there any way yo get the score of one player in counter strike? one of the player on the computer. not all the players. i know that when you are looking att server info, then you can see all the player and there scores. is there anyway to replicate that function?

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Calculate New High Score?

Apr 27, 2009

I need to calculate the high score and am having trouble storing a value that represents the previous high score, and the comparator funcion.

Public n_sErrorTitle As String = "Entry Error"
'Count the number of entered scores
Dim intCount As Integer


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Making A High Score?

Apr 1, 2010

how can i save a high score in toolstrip textbox or listbox?

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Run DataTable To Keep Track Of Best Score

Nov 20, 2010

I've made a computer game in Visual Basic Express 2008 and my only remaining problem is to run a data table to keep a running track of the best score. To do this I've created a datatable form called BestScore.xsd. My first problem here is to recognize that it should will start off with nil values and I need to initialize it to zero. Next I need to update the score. I will need to save the score when I exit the game. (Does VBE automatically save the datatable or there a command here?). When I reopen the game program I want it to find my best score from last time.

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Accumulate Test Score Data?

Oct 17, 2010

I have been working on a class project for sometime now. Currently stuck and need some help. Project is due today, so I'm desperate for some help. Please see attached project file.


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Accumulated Test Score Calculator?

Oct 8, 2010

i just got another assignment with no instruction on how to do it. I have no prior programming skill so these assignment are really hard for me, [URL]..

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Calculation Program For Test Score

Feb 24, 2009

I'm new to VB and I'm doing a calculations program for test scores. I got everything setup for my clear and exit buttons but not sure what I have to put in the calculate button code for it to calculate. Here is what I have so far.

Public Class Form1
Private Sub Label5_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles lblTestScore5.Click
End Sub
Private Sub btnExit_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnExit.Click
[Code] .....

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How To Load Progress Bar And Score Text Box

Apr 18, 2012

[code]I don't get how to go to the next question when the answer selected is correct, also how to load the progress bar and the score text box.

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How To Separate Test Score To Do Calculation

Nov 4, 2009

I have to take information that is entered in a text box such as name, test score then send it to a list box then from there I have to split the test score and calculate the grade. I have been trying to find information on how to separate the test score to do the calculation.

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List Box Displaying A Football Score

Jan 14, 2009

So we are just starting to learn about list boxes in vb1. In this program the user enters up to 10 scores and after each input (decInputScore) the total score so far has to be calculates (decTotalScore) and then of course when all the scores are entered, at the bottom the final score it calculated. (decFinalScore) (decFinal). I'm not exactly sure what I'm doing wrong, I can't get it to calculate the correct total scores after each input, and I'm getting 0 as the final score. Here is a visual of what the form should look like: the black square is (btnEnterScore) a pop up message box comes up in which the user enters each value when clicked.[code]

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Make A Program That Will Keep Track Of Score?

Jan 2, 2012

I am having an issuse with weither i should make 15 different fourms or just make 15 text boxes three for each round plus creating something that would add the doubles and triples I do not know what to use for a code, I have just started programming. this is what i have tried to do.


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Read The Score Of Windows Pinball?

Feb 20, 2009

i am trying to read the score of windows Pinball but i have got a problem.When i read the score 1st time all work good but when i close down pinball and start it again it will not work i have to find the memory address again to make it work?

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Searching For Highest Score In The List Box?

Jun 3, 2012

my list box consist the person's name and his score that get from another button.. and I wan to search for the highest score only in another button... what codes should I code in??

this code is for add the details into list box

"Dim name As String = txtname.Text.ToString
Dim total As String = lbltotal.Text.ToString
Dim x As Integer
Dim duplicate As Boolean = False


how can I search from the list box to find the highest number onli?

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Test Score Accumulator Application

Nov 30, 2010

I am currently going through Murachs Beggining .net programming book. I am trying to implement an application for an exercise at the end of chapter 5. The application specification is as follows.


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Test Scores / Have An Average Score?

Dec 6, 2009

I have made it so my code will print out the average score of all the test as one. but for each student i need to have an average score.

Public Class frmMain
Structure TestScores
Public decTest1 As Decimal
Public decTest2 As Decimal


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Adding Name And Score Record - Insert With LINQ

Apr 22, 2010

What I have is a database in a Windows Form (via tableAdapters etc., basically the default stuff VS adds). What I need to do, is add a very simple record of a name and score (the "place" is an auto-number). I have not even been able to tackle sorting the table, because I can not even figure out how to insert...

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Create A VB App To Keep Score At My Sons Soccer Match?

Jul 20, 2011

I am assistant soccer coach and my daughter is the score keeper, I am trying to create an app that makes it easier to keep track of the players score as well as the total and the kids names. So this is what I am considering...Since the numbers of kids is never the same since some miss games, I want to be able to enter in the number of players present and then ask the players names the exact amount of times my daughter previously entered as kids present. Then display the names in an array with a text box for each child to keep track of individual points scored and total points scored by each child. So in the end it would be nice to display each child with the amount of points scored, total individual points next to there name and total points for the team in a separate form. I assume I will need at least 3 forms, either a multi dimensional array for the names and the score, and possibly a user control to take in the players for the game.[code]...

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Draw Bar Graph To Update Match Score?

Jan 31, 2010

I'm making a cricket project, and I'm trying to insert a bar graph that will update as I score the match, showing the total for each over. The code I have so far is below, at the moment I'm trying to draw the graph into a picture box, is this correct? Also, if the below code is ok, how do I call the sub?

Public Sub graph_paint(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.PaintEventArgs) Handles graph.Paint
Dim total(20), i As Integer
For i = 1 To 20
total(i) = over(i, 1) + over(i, 2) + over(i, 3) + over(i, 4) + over(i, 5) + over(i, 6)
[Code] .....

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Game Programming :: Access DB As A Score Table?

Mar 29, 2010

I have to use an access DB as a score table and having a few problems.I have the table showing in a data grid fine what i now need to do is find a way of updating it depending on the score someone gets.anyway here is what I have so far and what I want to do is if player scores say 1000 that his/her score then will be put in that place then the others move down....

Imports System.Data.OleDb
Public Class highScores
' Full path to database must be given if not in Debug/BIN folder


the score table opens on a new form and the score is held in a var on form 1 called lol score just a quick edit I have put 2 buttons on the form to load the data in the grid to start with but this will load automaticly and the name will be entered into either a txtbob or an inputbox?

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Game Ranking Based On Time And Score

Oct 9, 2010

I am creating a point system for a game. What i have right now is that fastest time with highest score gets a higher ranking.

But i can't seem to create this, what i did was to sort the time first from lowest to highest. Then sorted the points from highest to lowest.

Now my problem is, when i display the results. This is what i get.

1 0:56 5
2 0:60 4
3 0:37 2


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Get Form To Add Up Grades In 'Score' Section Of DataGridView?

Apr 2, 2010

In my Form, I allow the user to enter a Test Name, Score, and Date. This info is then put into a DataGridView(dtaTests). Now, I want to perform basic mathematical calculations on numbers contained in this DataGridView. For instance, I need to add up all of the grades. How would I get the Form to add up the grades in the "Score" section of the DataGridView?

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Randomize Positions Of Arrow And Add Points To Score?

Jan 13, 2010

I am making a game that is similar to Dance Dance Revolution. As you know, there are moving arrow keys, but when i run the program, only one arrow moves up in a loop. I don't understand what is wrong with the code. Also, the score is messed up. It doesn't add or minus points.

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Rock Paper Scissors Score Counter

Sep 17, 2010

i'm am doing a rock paper scissors program for a SDD project at school.i need a counter so that the program displays a textbox saying like you win or you loose when either the person or the computer reaches 3. [code] if you want to comment on my multiple if statements don't bother my teacher has already pointed it out.

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Way To Make A Score Keeping Mechanic Via Having Code

Oct 6, 2010

I am having trouble with creating a score keeping mechanic. I am designing a maths game for junior school students.My school teacher taught us a while ago, a way to make a score keeping mechanic via having code looking like this: Dim Score As Integer.

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Creating File To Record And Display Best Score From Each Game?

Nov 2, 2010

To clarify - I'm building a simple game in visual basic and I'm trying to create a simple file to record and display the "Best Score" from each game. Actually there are four levels in this game (each one is on a different form) - I'm trying to save the best score from each level to display in a separate Game Stats form. Therefore I creating a datatable on one form, but then trying to get all my other forms to access it.

But now I get a new DBNull error message in part of code not of my making - NewGameDataSet.Designer.vb
Error Message = "The value for column 'BestScoreEasy' in table 'GameTable' is DBNull."
Does this mean I need another New Statement somewhere?

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Creating Game & Struggling With High Score Code

May 7, 2012

I am creating a type of pacman game, I have entered the code for everything else, but I am struggling with the code for the high score,[code]

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