Make A Simple Inventory System For Video Game?

Nov 3, 2011

Im still a bit newb to coding in Vb but Im trying to figure out how to make a simple inventory system for my video game. I need it to do a few simple things and Ive never made a inventory system before so im a bit lost on how to approach it.

Functions Needed:

Player has 40 pb that act as the visual inventory or display the item in that slot.


I set up my armor menu to allow drag an drop of the item but again not sure how to even get the inventory system created to finish the armor menu to allow the object to be dragged into its box and remove its self from the player inventory.I think I need to make a array for 39 or 40 in my adventurestorage class. That part Im pretty certain of but how do I set that part up? I have over 200 images that need to act as a item that can be dropped into the inventory.

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Develop A Simple Inventory System?

Mar 13, 2009

I am trying to develop a simple inventory system. I now have all the database set up and would like to know if there is any code that I can refer to that alert users when the stock is low (e.g pop out window informing users that stock is low or change the number of stock in the database table into different colors).

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Simple Scoring System For Game

Mar 30, 2012

I am creating a game which has a simple score system which I don't understand why it isn't working the way I want it to. When loading the game the User starts with 10 credits and for every time they run the game it costs 2 credits

This is my code for this below
Dim intCredits As Integer = 10
Dim intGamesPlayed As Integer = 0
intGamesPlayed += 1
intCredits = intCredits - 2

It has no errors but it doesn't take away the credits each time the game is played besides the first time. So when I run the game it will go to 8 credits, and it will stay on 8 credits even if I run the game again.

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How To Create Simple Points System For Game

Mar 30, 2012

I am creating a points system for a game, this is the code I have but it isn't working as I want it to.
Dim intScore As Integer = 10
Dim intNumOfGames As Integer = 0
intNumOfGames += 1
intScore = intScore - 2
The user will start will a score of 10, but everytime they click the button the user should lose 2 points off the score. But my code above that doesn't happen, when the user clicks the button it only happens once leaving the user with 8 points throughout the game.

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VS 2010 Simple High Score System For Tetris Game?

Feb 12, 2011

I just finished making a Tetris game in VB.NET, and I wanted to add a high score system to the application. So, when a user completes their game, they have the option of submitting it as a high score, which will compare their score against the previous high scores, then place it accordingly. I was thinking of an XML approach of doing this, where the user's name, rank, score, level, and number of lines cleared will be stored in tags. Here is what I thought the XML might resemble:


So the program will have an array to store all the previous scores. It will read through the XML, and copy the the score data into this array. Then, when the time comes to submit a score, it will compare this score against those previous scores, and find the proper position for that score, and then save it into the array. At the end, it will then copy all the score data from this array to the XML, replacing the <Level>, <Lines>, and <User> tags in the process.I am however having trouble implementing this, as I have no experience with XML files and everything I've read has been very confusing.

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Make A Simple Program That Detects If A Game Closes?

Feb 10, 2011

I'm trying to make a simple program that detects if a game closes, and when it does, it shuts down the computer.

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VS 2010 - Make A Simple Text Based Rpg Game?

Nov 9, 2011


Yup,not PHP but it's the same for readability)As you may imagine I want to make a simple text based rpg game, but that's not an important fact.The buttons btn1 to btn3 are already created at the designer, and there are going to be other procedures which will assign values to their text property according to the game context (main menu, combat, shopping, training, etc.) you're at.Ok, so what I want to do with that procedure I pasted is to parse the text of ANY of those buttons when I click them, and according to its value select a case which will trigger another appropriate procedure (now there are only msgboxes as placeholders for testing only).My problem is that I dont know how to refer to the originating class of the handled event! I mean, let's say I click btn2. I'll want to immediately get the text property of that button only and use it as the value for the select case tree. I suppose I need to put something at that ?I wrote there, but I don't have any idea. The first time I was so naive to put me.text in there, and of course it returned the form name. Is there's something to do this thing...? I thought at first it would be a very simple task, but I'm going nuts searching for a solution so it's like if it was not possible, but I find hard to believe that, because this would be very useful, right? By the way, what I want to achieve is not needing to make a separate procedure for each button and to avoid as well the need to move any game option to another procedure if later on I want to rearrange the menus, because I expect the game to have more than three buttons actually.

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Make A "sales And Inventory System" With Added Technology?

Nov 21, 2011

im planning to make a "sales and inventory system" with added technology like (barcode/ swipe card <-- this 2 are common) ....

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Build System Inventory To Server - Client System

Jun 3, 2011

how to build system inventory that multiuser..1 server and 1 more is client using lan connection..i dont no keyword to search in google..

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Game Programming :: Writing A Video Poker Style Game ?

Apr 1, 2009

I m writing a video poker style game. the form consists of the player's 5 cards, a deal button, a hold button for each card, a button to select amount to play that hand. im using Visual Basic 2008 Express Edition.

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[2008] How To Make Simple Login System

Feb 2, 2009

i know how to make a simple login system but im not sure how to script it. I make a txt stored at a website. And i will open it with a invisible textbox (to login, only username requed). Then when i have a logon screen. And if i write like:"ABCUSER""SUSER"And make a if like: If 'text in login screen' equals line 1 or 2 in invisible textbox, then ...etc

View 14 Replies

VS 2008 : Make A Simple Send Key System On Project?

Jul 4, 2010

Im trying to make a simple send key system on my project but it dosent send to the window in in why ?


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Point Of Sale/inventory System?

Jun 10, 2011

i'm an IT student working on a project(point of sale) but i'm unable to display the price of the item, weight and name into a textbox from an access database and to insert multiple barcode items in order to get the subtotal.

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Develop An Inventory System Using Program With Msaccess?

Jan 17, 2009

I need to know how to develop an inventory system using with msaccess

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Make A Simple 3 Layer System - 3tier Is For A Longtime Complete Misused By Marketing From Microsoft, 3 Tier

May 28, 2010

How to develop a 3 tier soution saying this. If you want to make a simple 3 layer system (3tier is for a longtime complete misused by marketing from Microsoft, 3 tier needs something like a Unix computer) However, do this: start a Windows Form project, then do 2 times File -> Add New -> Project -> Class Library while you name one DataLayer and the other BusinessLayer. While the DataLayer project is selected, you do Add New Item and take the Component (give it the name DataBaseHandling). Then while that component is open. In top Data -> and than what you want to select, however create in fact the DataSet and Adapter in that.

Don't forget to set in your main project a reference using Poject -> Project too your two datalayers. It is easy and don't need all those images, those you will see pasing by doing this. Try to avoid to use your DataLayer in your BusinessLayer which is often done, because then those layers make in fact no sence. i am not an expert The bussiness and datalayer in the same solution really? And when he said: "While the DataLayer project is selected, you do Add New Item and take the Component (give it the name DataBaseHandling)." What kind of component should i choose? and what about the presentation layer? how to call one layer to the other,

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Developing An Inventory Management System / Loaded And Displayed On Listview

Jun 6, 2011

am developing an inventory management system. have two listview controls. one for ITEM and another for details pertaining date, quantity, cost, issued to and so on. i want a code that if a given item in listview A is clicked, listview B details are cleared and then the details of that item are loaded and displayed on listview B.there is no criteria of loading like between a range of dates; just all records in the database.

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Make A Video Streaming Server Or A Video Lan Chat Programme?

Jun 22, 2010

i want to make a video streaming server or a Video Lan chat programe in

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Simple Inventory - Program Using Classes Hard Coded - Database Named "DATABASE" In Ms Access 2003

Sep 29, 2010

I want to create program in vb2008 express with ms access database. Can somebody help me so i can learn how to program using classes hard coded. I have learned vb6 before but it has a big difference on vb2008.

I have a database named "DATABASE" in ms access 2003 and the details are: Table :

EMPLOYEE(EmpNo, EmpName), DEPARTMENT(DeptID, DeptName), CATEGORY(CategoryID, CategoryName), SUPPLIER(SupplierID, SupplierName), ITEM(ItemID, Itemname), ITEMLIST(ItemListID, ItemID, ItemDescription), INVENTORY


All the CAPITALIZED name are Table and all items inside the parenthesis are fieldnames. I don't know where to start on working on this RECORDS. I was able to understand visual basic 6 a bit, and i am trying to apply the coding to VB 2008 but all i get is errors. I am hopeless now and i need help to be able to start my programs. If someone can give me a sample code, i think i would be able to trace the line of code to be able to understand it. I am currently an inventory manager on the small company i was working with and i like to organize my record by using database.

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Create A Video Poker Card Game Using VB?

Jun 10, 2010

I am looking to create a video poker card game using visual basic.I have limited knowledge of visual basic 8 but was very curious about visual basic 10.

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VS 2008 Z Axis For Graphics (video Game)?

May 5, 2009

how do i work with the Z axis?If i were to make a video game and i wanted it to be 3D in graphics how is that done?

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VS 2005 Send Information To USB Video Game Controller?

Dec 24, 2009

Is it possible to send information to a USB Video game controller in VB.Net? The kind of information I want to send to it is information causing the device to think that a button is pressed on the controller when it really is not. Or even better, is it possible to make a USB wire that connects to your computer and another USB port on something such a computer and send information that a video game controller would send to the other computer or whatever? Basically what I want to do is emulate a guitar hero controller sending the data of the buttons being pressed to an xbox 360 console.

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VS 2008 - Making An Auto-clicker For A Video Game

Nov 7, 2010

Im making an auto-clicker, for a video game. And i have the design down, and the coding, except i have one problem, I made it so F1, starts the clicking, F2 is supposed to stop it... but it doesnt, i dont get any error messages or anything?

Heres the code.

Public Class Form1
Declare Sub mouse_event Lib "user32" Alias "mouse_event" (ByVal dwFlags As Long, ByVal dx As Long, ByVal dy As Long, ByVal cButtons As Long, ByVal dwExtraInfo As Long)


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Game Programming :: Make A Game In VB In Which Character Can Move Around, Jump, And Kill Things?

Apr 2, 2008

im trying to make a game in visual basic in which your character can move around, jump, and kill things. I can get the picture box with the character to move and everything is fine. but i did run into one problem. when the character moves over a tree (or something) you can see the gray backround of the character as i made in paint. how do i make the backround of the picturebox transparent?

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Game Programming :: Transparant Images - Make A Game Which Basiclly Lets You Shoot Ducks

Feb 1, 2010

I am trying to make a game which basiclly lets you shoot ducks. i have a picture as a background (set as form image) i then have picturebox's with ducks flying flying around you shoot them the disapear etc.

My problem is the image. i have a picture of a duck and a blue square round it. and i would liketo make it transparant because birds dont fly with blue squares.

Below is an image to illistrate my problem

I have tried adding transparent background, transparant key etc

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Make A Simple Browser With Some Simple Addon's?

Dec 9, 2011

Trying to make a simple browser with some simple addon's. What Ive done is setup a menu(forum) for the user to enter their email providers web address and it will save it in a xml file. When they click on the email link, it should load the email xml iformation and place that info in the tb_html.text and navigate. I keep getting a null exception and im not sure what going on here. Here is the code:

Private Sub btn_Email_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btn_Email.Click
'Load Action
Dim SavedEmailObj As Storage


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Projectile Motion - Make A Game Similar To The Impossible Game?

May 19, 2011

I'm doing a project for school. I'm trying to make a game similar to the Impossible game. I need a square (picturebox) to jump but I want gravity to effect it.

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Video Poker Game Using Visual Studio - Create Classes?

Jun 25, 2009

I am very new to this whole programming thing and I have read several books and many websites but I can't get a good start on creating a video poker game. I understand that I need to create classes, but have no idea how to start. Most of the things I have been reading have been for Visual Basic 6.0 and it appears hard to understand. I am looking for some type of tutorial of how to create the classes I need and how to get the actual information from the classes into my form. Can anyone out there provide me with a good starting point? Is there any good (and easy) code out there to get me started. I feel that if I can get a good starting base, I can learn from there.

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Game Programming :: Simple File Error

Aug 16, 2009

I am making a little game for my friend in Visual Basic 2008. It uses 3 files (gamedataidname.txt, gamedataidlevel.txt, gamedataidgold.txt).

When the play button is clicked, I wrote some code to check if the file exists and display the content of the 3 files. This part works fine. But then I have a 'Else' statement to create the files.[code]...

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Making A Simple Game - Multiple Hotkeys - Simultaneously Go Up And Left

Jun 9, 2011

I'm making a simple game. I want simultaneously go up and left.

Private Sub Form1_KeyDown(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.KeyEventArgs) Handles Me.KeyDown
' If e.KeyCode = Keys.Z Or e.KeyCode = Keys.Up Then


Left, right, down and up work. now diagonal.

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Write A Simple Game On Which The Player Has To Pursuit Some Figures On The Screen?

Oct 16, 2009

I'm currently trying to write a really simple game on which the player has to pursuit some figures on the screen. Since i'm just writing the prototype version i'm using a Panel wich i redraw 1000 times per second. Now, i want that every level is similar but not the same as past level, so i created a Level Class that contains the game objetcs of Player Class and the Figure Class, wich are the ones that have all the movement subrutines. So, with a Timer, 1000 times per second, i get the input from a joystick, pass it to the player objetc and update the position of the figure object. All this stuff is reported to an internal Panel that every level object has, wich i refresh and then pass it ByVal to the panel that the player actually sees. The problem i have is that after the first level ends, when the second level starts running, i can see the last frame of the fisrt level flashing behind the figures and it makes the game run a bit slower after every level. I tried keeping a copy of the inicial state of exterior panel and use it to clean the one i'm using on the levels but it didn't work...

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