Generating Controls Design Time

Jun 13, 2011

I'm making a quite large database management program(well actually 3 databases) and I am going to be creating a tab page for each database and under that a tab page for each table. each database has +- 200 tables and each of those has between 10 and 50 columns. I am also gonna put controls on each tab page of a table that represent a a row of data.I need very specific tooltips, functions for each table so generating it would be to complicated for me.

I need a automated way of creating controls on design time depending on the column datatype like a rich edit, text box or numeric up or down. and a label that has the same text as the column name It should also rename the name of the control to something appropriate .This can be done using visual studio's database wizard, but last time when I was about 30% done with one database it had already auto generated more than 1000000 lines of code. When I ran my program it took 10 minutes to show the first form and I have a powerful pc.

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Container Controls Access Controls At Design Time?

May 13, 2009

I've been building controls for many years professionally and personally, but even back in VB6 days I just could not work this out. After all this time I remembered about it again.If I create a usercontrol/containercontrol and add one or more controls to the controls surface, I just cannot figure out how to access the controls at design time.

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Grouping Controls During Design Time?

Aug 21, 2009

I vaguely remember something about a hotkey or menu that would group controls together at design time so you could drag 2 or more controls around and they would remain relative to eachother. You could work on something else and come back and the controls would still be grouped.

Does anybody know what this feature is called and how I can access it?

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Design-Time Support For Custom Controls?

Apr 17, 2011

Now as the title says, I'm looking for guidance on some design-time support for the many custom controls I'm working on at the moment.At the moment I'm 3 months in on a Business and Inventory management system for my mothers business. It contains many, many custom controls I had to build from scratch because the ones provided just didn't cut it for what I needed. Now one in particular is a tab page control. Just as the provided TabControl Visual Studios supply's us. It has a lot of design time control. Such as clicking the tabs and adding controls to the panels being brought to front by the corresponding tab being clicked. I had a friend of mine try to show me what I had to do, but the way I had already built my control would have made it difficult - His words, so he never officially showed me anything. If it is true what he said then I can skip that, no problem. But adding the controls to the panels during design time I must have, but cannot seem to find anything through Google searches, text books or even kids majoring in software engineering.

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Adding Controls Made At Design Time To Collection

Jun 2, 2011

I'm trying to make a collection class for buttons to address them as a whole, only I want to design the buttons at design time, and not add/set their properties programatically at runtime. Each button has its own image, so it doesn't seem right to add a bunch of lines of code which assign the properties when they're always going to be the same thing.Is it possible to create the controls at design time and then add them to an array at runtime? I did this, iterating through the buttons on the form and adding each of them to the class below.The problem is that once they're added they seem to be a different instance because changing their positions has no effect on the design-buttons on the form. Essentially i wanted the collection to be a reference to the items belonging to the form.Is that possible or should I be doing this a different way?[code]

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Change Properties Of Inherited Controls At Design Time?

Mar 23, 2009

I am using visual inheritance and was wondering if there is a way to change the properties of inherited controls at design time, preferably in the form designer. If not, then in the designer code. I have my control declared as Public in the base class. I can access it in the child form code, but not in the form designer. Is this just not possible?

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Runtime Versus Design Time Added Controls

Apr 8, 2011

I want to ask a question about adding controls in design time (controls may be any win form control or a user control) and adding the control in run time.

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Generating Controls At Runtime

Apr 29, 2010

I was wondering if there was a way to dispose a control that i generated at runtime in a diffrent block of code, The reason why i can't dispose of the control in the same block of code is that the controls settings depend on what the user imputs. For example if i generate the control on a timer tick the code would look like this,


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IDE :: Component Will Not Render At Design-time, But Works Fine At Run-time?

Jan 30, 2009

using VS2008, targetting framework 3.5I have a rather complex UserConrol which does some of its own rendering.I display this UserControl on a form.Opening that form in the Designer creates an instance of the UserControl in the Designer, which tells me a NullReferenceException is occurring in one of my rendering methods.I have attempted to correct this by making alterations to the UserControl's default constructor, but have not found success.

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Generating Turnaround Time Report?

Apr 14, 2009

what i am suppose to do here is - get the openDate(when the ticket was created) and the resolveDate(when the ticket issue was solved) from the database and use this formula - TurnAroundTime = ResolveDate - OpenDate my report UI consist of a texbox where u can search for the ticketID and get the data. the data displayed will be the openDate and the ResolveDate..with this 2 records, i want to get the turnaround time so i have another button which is calculate when i click on calculate i want the system to use the formula to get the behind my button i have this code:

Protected Sub btnCalculateTurnArnd_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnCalculateTurnArnd.Click
Dim clsTickets_Obj As New clsTickets


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Display Elapsed Time - Generating Numbers Between 1 And X Randomly

Jan 15, 2010

How long it would take to generate all of the numbers between 1 and X randomly.
X=1,000,000 took 6 seconds, and for 10,000,000 took over a minute.
Does that sound reasonable?

stopwatch start
count = 0
do while count < x
select a random number between 1 and X inclusive
have i selected this number before?
no-add 1 to count
yes -
stopwatch stop
display elapsed time

I made the Do Loop UI un-friendly and ran this from the IDE using CTRL-F5. My PC is 1.8Ghz and has 2GB of memory. I am using VB 2008, .Net 3.5 SP1.
Looking for work - Zip 65101 [URL]

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NumericUpDown Controls - Update Some Variables Each Time One Of These NumUD Controls Changes Value

Nov 20, 2011

I've got a couple of these NumericUpDown controls I put on a form. Without describing too much about the form I basically want to update some variables each time one of these NumUD controls changes value. So for each NumUD I have a call to a Recalculate subroutine within their "changedValue" event.

There are actually two problems. First, if I initialize the "Value" property to something other than zero in VB2010 at DESIGN TIME it won't even open the form when I hit RUN. It gives me a "No Source Available. No symbols loaded for any call stack frame" error. The error box says "InvalidOperationException" was not handled. So if I try to set the initial value of the Value property to anything but zero of either I get this error.


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Selecting Multiple Controls In Design?

Jan 7, 2009

just trying to confirm wat i noticed in vs2008,when developing a web app(or wat ever), in my design view, i cant select multiple controls & set same properties i.e. width or CssClass for them all at once (available in vs 2005). i dont know, was it delibrately removed by ms?

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IDE :: Form Does Not Show Controls In Design Mode

May 6, 2011

I have a form-based application, that until recently displayed the controls on the form when in Design. For the last week or so, when I go to Design mode for the form, it is blank. However, the program does work correctly. And, I can see the control definitions in form.designer.vb. How can I get my form to display the controls again so I can add/move/change it going forward?
Visual Studio 2010
Window 7 64-bit OS on a Dell laptop

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IDE :: VB2005 Controls Disappearing In Design Mode?

Oct 25, 2010

I've been coding an application over the last few months in VB.NET 2005 and have noticed that as the application is growing in size, I'm beginning to experience some strange behaviour in the IDE.For example : I have a tabcontrol docked in a form with 5 tabs. Each tab has a panel docked to it with several buttons, text fields, layout tables, datagrids etc. Sometimes immediately after saving the project, one of the tabs will go "white" and show no controls at all. There might be the odd outline of a control ( like you get when a control is hidden behind another ) but the only way to get them back is to close the project and open it again. It seems to be getting worse as the number of controls dropped onto the forms increases. Looking in the form designer.vb file I see that there are currently around 8000 lines.Is it possible that the designer file is so large that its having trouble loading/refreshing the view in the IDE ?

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Forms :: Looping Through Controls - Design Can't Be In Separate Panels

Oct 21, 2009

I am familer with looping thru controls like so:


Next I have some labels on another form, that due to the design can't be in seperate panels. They are (lblChipColor1 - 6) and (lblChipValue1 - 7). I am trying to populate the color ones from the Array above. I can obviously loop thru the array, but I can't find a decent way to loop thru just the lblChipColorx lables ignoring the lblChipValue1x labels. It would be easy if they were on seperate panels. I tried adding the labels names to an array of type string and of type label, but got nowhere with that. Is there another way to group them, or build const array of label names, that I can work with?

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IDE :: Controls In Tab Disappear When Form Opened In Design Mode

Sep 27, 2007

Every once in awhile when I double click on a form in design mode (Windows Forms Application) that contains a tab control, all of the controls on the tab control disappear. I have to reopen the form to get them all back. In addition to this, the column order of my columns on any datagrid inside a tab control get rearranged when this happens. Is this a known bug and if so is there a hot fix or patch?

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Create A Design In Run-time?

Dec 5, 2011

I'm a newbie in visual basic dot net. I tried to create a design in run-time. Here's my simple code.

Dim frmLogin As New Form
Dim lblUserName, lblPassword As New Label
Dim txtUserName, txtPassword As New TextBox


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Design Report At Run Time?

Jan 16, 2010

I work with VB 2008

I need to design my reports by users

please tell my the best way,or the best report type

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How To Test For Design Time

Mar 16, 2010

How do I test for design time? The following code works during RunTime but fails in Design Time?

I assume it is because there isn't a Me.Parent.Name at design time.
Dim strGetColors As String()
strGetColors = fncGetColors(Me.ParentForm.Name)


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How To Design Visual Controls To Act Like Electronic Selector Or Volume Dial

Jun 2, 2010

I need to create a few visual controls to reside on my form.

1- Rotary Selector to rotate and select an option. (maybe up to 16 steps per rotation or 0 to 15.)

2- Rotary dial to act like a volume control. This actually selects a value between 0 to 255 or 0 to 1023. (is this too many steps?)

3- Bunch of selector push buttons to act like the old car radio selector? (pushing one resets the other buttons. Just like old car radios?)

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.net - Design UI Dynamically Or At Compile Time?

Nov 28, 2011

I want to have a bunch of different screens, yet I don't want to have to use 20 different forms (I'm pretty sure that's bad practice anyways), and I don't want to lay down all the controls at once in the designer because then things get messy. I had an idea of running a sub on startup that would dynamically generate all the controls I need with all the right coordinates and settings, and then dump al the ones needed for a specific screen into a Panel. Then I return an ArrayList of panels, and pull out the correct panel to attach to the form when I need that screen. The only problem is that my form will not have any implicit knowledge of its controls, so I'm assuming I wouldn't be able to use the WithEvents / Handles. keywords to declare handlers in the form class (which is what I'd rather do).

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Add Three Columns At Design Time In Gridview?

Oct 27, 2009

I want to bind Grdiview with DB.I have a table Products with three columns.Suppose I add three columns at design time in gridview, If I run my following code First Three columns are blank & next three columns are bind with data.

Suppose I do not add any column in GridView & runs the foll. code,then the output is coming correct.

But i want that I add columns at design time


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Combobox Default Value At Design Time?

May 5, 2010

OK i have a combobox on the form. I have entered 4 values. I have left the TEXT field blank.Is there any way i can set the default SELECTEDINDEX of the combobox in the form design window. I know how to do it using code. If i set the TEXT field to one of the item values will it automatically select the corresponding INDEX

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Create Datasets In Design Time?

Apr 8, 2009

I created the dataset and connection to my SQL database at design time to make it easy to drag and drop bound controls and stuff to my form. My problem is this, when I did this it creates the connection string in design time also, but the connection varies depending on where the software is installed after the development.My question, is there anyway to set up the bound controls on my forms and everything with the typed dataset created in design time on the connection created in design time... then when the application is run, can it change the connection string at run time to get it connecting to and creating the dataset from the the correct sql database?

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Debug Control At Design Time

May 26, 2011

I have a problem. I have created a control, Now whenever I am going to Drug that control on my form then a error popup will appear that says "Failed to create component 'XXXXXXXXX'." System.IO.FileLoadException: A strongly named assembly required. HRESULT: 0x80131044 Is there any facility available in .NET for design time debugging Means If I drug a control on form then I will allow me to debug the control.

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Design Time Changes Not Affecting At Runtime

Jul 26, 2010

In some of the forms ,whenever i change some properties using the Properties Window of some controls or the form they get reflected in the Properties Window but will not get changed at Run Time.

I am facing this in quite many of the forms, hence i am applying the property changes in form load, this is causing performance breach .

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Fixing Warnings During Design Time?

Feb 20, 2009

I have the following errors displayed at bottom of my Visual Studio.However, I do not actually have ANY error when I run the app.

Dim storyboard As Storyboard = Me.FindResource("Show Entry")


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IDE :: Connecting Properties During Design Time?

Jul 30, 2010

Basically, in the designer I want to be able to connect a collection of objects to another property. When the collection is set, the property should display a drop-down allowing you to select one of the values from the collection. It is a collection of a custom class.Right now I have the collection implementing the IList interface from the System.ComponentModel.Generic namespace. I've looked into type converters, but I haven't been able to figure out yet how to get them to work for my needs.

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IDE :: Design Time Form Load

Jul 25, 2011

I've developed a derived form class that contains various collections of data. Corresponding to this data, I have a series of custom controls which can be linked to said data. I do this via custom UITypeEditors that convert the Custom Controls' Form into my derived Form Class Type and filling in a ListBox with the relevant data for the control in question. When the controls are serialized by the designer, it only stores the index value.

The above all works fine. However, I have found 1 bug that I am trying to work out - which is that, during Design Time, Custom Controls that are placed in sub containers (like a Tab Control) will fire their Load Event BEFORE they are placed inside of the Form. Is there a way to prevent this from happening? OR is there an event which occurs when the Controls are truly placed inside of a form (and not merely a sub container)?

EDIT: Upon Further Inspection, this problem only occurs with the Tab Control and not with other sub containers like Group Boxes, Split Panes, etc.

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