Get A Field Value?

Jun 7, 2011

I have a Access table where I would like to set fields values ( swh1_ct and swInfa_ct) to null if my pdmH1_ct or pdmInfA_ct fields have values greater than 0. and vice-versa.[code]...

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Check If A Field In A Data Table Is Null Before Creating A Textbox Bound To That Field?

Feb 24, 2010

I am building a data based application using VB 2008 an SQL Express. I need to create textboxes on my form using code, (With & End With) method. I need a simple code string that will allow the app to check if the field to wich the textbox wil be databound is Nul, If so the textbox will not be created.

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Make Gridview Checkbox Field Update Boolean Field In Database?

Feb 7, 2011

There are lots of questions about this but I've not been able to solve my problem using the answers to any of them (after many, many attempts..)

I'm working in creating an web application. I have an SqlDataSource and a GridView on my page.

I want to change the DoNotMail boolean value represented by a Gridview checkbox and automatically update in the database if the checkbox is checked from 0 (False, Will Mail) to 1 (True, Won't Mail) here is the code I used. [code]...

is it possible to do a two way sync on the entire gridview when the user hits a button so you don't have to do an update every time a row is changed? because the user might check the box and then check another box then uncheck a box and it would be a lot of updates...

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Make Database Field A DateTime Field Currently Is Set To String?

Oct 5, 2010

Dim query as String = "Select * from openquery (devbook, 'SELECT wb.arrival_time FROM web_bookings wb ')"All I need is to convert my arrival_time into a datetime field in the query

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Rename Field Headings And Change The Field Type?

Jun 28, 2010

I am trying to edit a dbf table. I would like to be able to rename field headings and change the field type, ie string or dbl, and the size of the field. is this possible to do with I have connected to the dbf file but after that am lost on what to do.

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Setting A Field Value When The Field Is Anonymous?

May 1, 2009

I need to set a field that i have dumped into a dictionary to a value that is always a string, (well, it came from an xmlElement, so the .value is a string)

Function setMembers(ByRef ClssObj As Object, ByRef nLinkObj as Object, ByRef xml As XElement) as integer
Dim fields As New Dictionary(Of String, FieldInfo)


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VS 2008 Connect Database Field To Database Field?

Feb 16, 2011

I created a local Database in VB2008 with 4 tables, the problem is that I have a textbox in one table and a combobox in other table and I want that the information that I put in textbox appear after in combobox from the other table... that's possible?

Table: Filmes ... Field: NomeTextBox
Table: Tempo de Aluguer ... Field: Nome_FilmeComboBox

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Transferring Data From One Field In A Table In A Database To Another Field In A Different Table But Same Database In .NET?

Jul 22, 2010

I am creating a database in VB.NET for a movie rental place. I currently have three forms;

Member Information
DVD Information
Borrow DVDs

What I would like to do is when I am viewing a member's details, if I click a button 'Borrow DVD for Member', the member's ID number transfers over to the Borrow DVDs table in the Member ID which also would hold some information from the DVD Information table, but I'm sure if i can figure out how to do this firstly, I will be able to apply the same rule and work it out myself.I have been trying to use a query statement like;

INSERT INTO [Borrow DVDs].[Member ID] [IN goodstuffvideos.mdb]
SELECT [Member Information].[Member ID]
FROM [Member Information]

but that has been coming up with error codes and completely not working.

Borrow DVDs table fields are: Borrow ID, Member ID, DVD ID Number, Hiring Fee, Borrowing Limit?

DVD Information table fields are: DVD ID Number, Title, Rating, Hiring Fee, Borrowing Limit Member?

Information table fields are: Member ID, Family Name, Given Name, Address, Town/Suburb, Postcode?

The error coming up is; Error in INSERT statement. Unable to parse query text.And under that it says The query cannot be represented graphically in the Diagram and Criteria Pane.

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Add New Row In Database, Get -1 For ID Field

Aug 6, 2009

I'm trying to make an appointment scheduler here. The table has an AppID column which just increments 1 every time a new appointment is added. That works fine. It also has an ID column that gets a unique doctor ID assigned to it so the program knows which doctor has which patient.

Now, when I try to add a new row, no matter what I try, the ID field gets a -1. I've tried assigning it the doctor's ID that I'm currently browsing as well as hard coding it to be a "3" and it still shows as -1. So this means that while it [B]does[/B] save and update the new row, it adds that -1 in the ID column and thus the program can't tell which doctor has it so it won't show in my program. I don't know if this is because I've tried so many data sets that it's getting them confused or what, but here is the code that I am using to try to save this:


View 7 Replies - Datediff With SQL Field

Jan 3, 2012

I'm trying to do a Datediff in VB.Net thats confusing me. Basically I'm trying to do the following. If DateDiff("D", Today(), rsData("Start")) > 0 Then This is working fine when comparing the value from SQL with todays date. I however need to convert this to check the current month and if it matches then return whatever I'm trying to show below.


View 1 Replies - How To Sum A Field In A List(Of Xx)

Mar 14, 2012

I have:

Dim aList As List(Of myObj.Answers) = myObj.GetResults(someID)

This returns:

aList.AnswerID | aList.AnswerCount
1 3
2 5
3 9

How can I get the sum of aList.AnswerCount field in my List(Of myObj) ?

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Can't Set Value For Field Of Report

Aug 27, 2009


Private Sub ButtonX1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles ButtonX1.Click
Dim myReport As New CrystalReport1()


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Change The Value Of A Field

Mar 2, 2011

I'm trying to change the value of a field, and can't get it to work. I'm using the example they gave of how to read through a CSV file, looking and displaying each field. Everything works OK, and after I change the value it displays the new value, but when I look at the file I've created, it has the old value. I'm new to VB, so forgive me if it's something really dumb. Here's my code:


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Focus On First Field?

May 23, 2007

I am loading a form in a tabbed window but when the form loads it does not default into any field on the form. I want it to automatically default to the first field on the form, how do i do this?

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Getting A Value From A Recordset's Field?

Dec 1, 2009

I added a bindingsource and set the datamember to a table (in access) which has two fields. My bindingsource name is M and the field is usersT. how do i get its value?I tried:

dim tmp as string
but this doesn't work.

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How To Edit The Field Name

Jul 30, 2009

I want to edit the Filed name from session to session1 because session is keyword using

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How To Get Value From Field In DataTable

Mar 15, 2009

I am trying to use the value of a field of the last row in a table. I have been trying to use tables().Rows().Item() but somehow it always returns the value of the first row instead of the last one. here is the code:
Dim accion As String
Label1.Text = ""
Label2.Text = ""
Label3.Text = ""
[Code] .....

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How To Use Autonumber In Other Field

Oct 19, 2010

I have one table in MS Access 2007 called "Case" and this database is link to my project in VB2010. The first field in the table is called "Auto" i made this one as autonumber. What i'm trying to do now is to create the "Case ID" with the combination between current date and current autonumber in "Auto" field. eg: 191010-12.

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IDE :: Get The Field In The Gridview

Aug 11, 2009

I have a windows form with a gridview bound to a lisbox. I need to know how to get the field in the gridview with prices to show a total in a textbox, also on the form.

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IDE :: Using Lin To Update One Field Only

Jun 16, 2009

I am using database compact and i loaded it on my form and i want to update a single field but I cannot, why: what am doing is:


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Make Field Value To Its Name?

Jan 15, 2012

How I can make the field values to field names?

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Right Way To Return XId Field?

Mar 3, 2010


I do no it is right way to return XId field.A bit confuse since this is first time i touch vb since vb6. Lot of changes.Software Use : Visual Web Developer 2008 Express.Database Use : Sql Server 2008 Express.

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Set A Field Value To A Value That Typed?

Aug 21, 2009

Is there anyone who knows how to set a field value to a value that I typed? I have an Xtragrid, binded to sql database and I wanna set the dateedited column to todays date when user changes any field on the grid . Since I'm using devexpress I can't just type columnname and set the text to the value I wanted.

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.net - Add New Field To Text File And Add Value?

Jun 20, 2012

I have two text files with various columns, each column is separated by a tab (" "). What I'm trying to do is the following:-If the values in text file 2 column 1 does not contain any value in text file 1 column 1 then add that field to text file 2 and add a 1 to the second column, like so

String 1 If the value in text file 2 column 1 already appears in text file 1 columns 1 then just add +1 to the value, so if the above value is already in Text File 1 Column 1 and Text File 2 Column 1 then it would appear as.

String 2 And if it was to happen again then

String 3 and so on.I have the following coding so far.

Dim lines1 As New List(Of String)(IO.File.ReadAllLines("File1"))
Dim lines2 As New List(Of String)(IO.File.ReadAllLines("File2"))
IO.File.WriteAllLines("File2", lines1.ToArray) & +1)


I use the above coding, but it removes the second column?

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.net - Refactoring A Field Into A Property?

Jun 7, 2012

I am currently learning for my new job and I have mixed feelings over public fields. I see many arguments about them hurting the encapsulation. In python, the common practice is to keep things simple and use fields when they are enough. If we want to add logic later, we just refactor them into a property without breaking anything for the client code.In the codebase I am working with I see huge classes containing dozen of properties like:


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2005 Datetimepicker Tab Within Field?

Sep 8, 2009

The VB.Net 2005 datetimepicker control allows the user to use the arrow keys as follows:up arrow increases the value (day or month or year)down arrow decreases the value (day or month or year) left arrow goes to the previous section (day or month or year) of the controlright arrow goes to the next section (day or month or year) of the control My users do not like using the arrows and want to enter enter the date (e.g. 9/8/2009) as follows when the field has focus:9 (press tab) 8 (press tab) 2009 (press tab) (goes to next control) They do not like 9 (press right arrow) 8 (press right arrow) 2009 (press tab) (goes to next control) Is it possible to use the tab key in lieu of the left/right arrows? If the user is in the last section of the datetimepicker field (e.g. in the yyyy section of a mm/dd/yyyy control), how will the tab set focus to the next control?

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Add Bcc Field In Email Sending In .net?

Jun 21, 2010

I am a student who is working on a project for a company on mass emailing system. How do i add a Bcc attribute in my program? I found a few codes in the internet but all the codes are for pre-defined email address. What i am planning to do is to make my program such that the user can input their recipients' email addresses onto the BCC richtextbox(rtbBCC) instead of putting a pre-defined email address in my windows application design.

Imports System
Imports System.Net
Imports System.IO
Imports System.Net.Mail


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Add Calculated Field In Datagridview?

Jun 30, 2009

i have data coming from sql server with two columns like total items, total packed items. Now in datagridview i want to show another column to calculate %age.Total Packed Items / Total Items Is it possible to add calculated column in datagridview?

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Add Summary Field With Sum In A Datagridview?

Apr 21, 2010

How to Sum a field annew Summarry Row in datagridview

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Advance To Next Field After Input?

Oct 14, 2009

Ok a newbie question that I just can't find the answer to:I created a simple form with 3 textboxes and have a problem using a barcode scanner to read data in to the form. The scan gives me the correct data, but it appears in VB2008 express the CRLF get absorbed and doesn't go to the next text box. In fact hitting the enter doesn't do it either, while the tab key does.

If I scan to notepad, wordpad, etc. the CRLF causes the cursor to drop to the next line, so I know the barcode scanner is programmed correctly. What should I be looking for to have the scanned data cause focus to go tot the next textbox?

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