Get Results Of Shell Function?

Jan 27, 2010

Is there a way to get the results of the shell function?

for example:


i want to get the results of this shell command and pass it to a richtextbox.

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Using Shell Function In .Net?

Dec 26, 2007

I want to use Shell function in Vb.Net.Thing is that i have 5 checkboxes. on checking each checkbox i want to execute batch file which fires some commands in database.but while checking all 5 checkboxes all batch file gets executed and then it gives me error.I want to run only one batch file at a time.

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File I/O And Registry :: Run Wzzip.exe From The Shell Function?

Mar 5, 2009

We have installed on our vista system winzip: WinZip Command Line Support Add-On Version 2.2.We are using vb2008 and want to run wzzip.exe from the shell function. "C:Program FilesWinZipWZZIP.EXE" -m d:info*.*

For a few files it's working great but when the d:info has a great number of files, only the wzzip dos screen is visible and the program don't goes further. Does someone has experience with this problem and has a solution?

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Using The Shell Function In VB 2010 To Launch Perfmon?

Apr 22, 2011

I'm trying to launch perfmon /res on a Windows 7 (32bit) install using VB Express 2010. When I use the line:

shell("C:WindowsSystem32perfmon /res", AppWinStyle.NormalFocus)

All I get told is that the file doesn't exist. IT DOES EXIST! ITS RIGHT THERE! If you try in cmd it works, if you go there in explorer it works, if NASA used an orbital platform connected to my c$ share and tried, it would work. If you get VB to check for the existence of the file using an if statement it finds it, then tells me its not there the very next line when I use shell to run it.

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Close Projects Or Forms Than Called By ((shell)) Function?

Aug 17, 2010

how to close projects or forms than called by ((shell)) function in vb6?

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VS 2010 Using Openfiledialog To Get File Path And Use With Shell Function?

Nov 27, 2010

I'm working on an application, a GUI front-end for a command-line program. What I need to do is this:-use the OpenFileDialog to retrieve the command-line program's path (as it may be in different places for different users)-save that path string in a variable that I can use later (save "C: arget" in a variable called mainPath)

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PathName In Shell Function With Arguments And Command Line Switches

Jul 10, 2009

I'm using VB2008 Shell function to execute file with arguments. But I'm not sure how should look my PathName in Shell function with all necessary arguments and command-line switches. Without arguments: [Code]

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VS 2008 Make A Shell Replacement For The Windows Default Shell

Aug 1, 2009

I'm going to attempt to make a shell replacement for the Windows default shell: explorer.exe. I'm not sure if its possible using Vb.Net, but I can't seem why not. My end goal is to use a custom made shell for a Windows Preinstallation Environment instead of the default command prompt. I plan to use a 3rd party program to compile the program with the .NET Framework. Otherwise, it wouldn't work because Windows PE does not support the .NET Framework.

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Return LINQ Results From Function?

Jun 10, 2012

I'm trying to return a single object from an array of objects with linq.[code]...

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DateDiff Function Gives Odd Results For Negative Days?

Jun 9, 2009

DateDiff for the interval Day gives expected results for days past until present, but if the first date is further in time than the second date, it gives the difference +1. Is there something I'm doing wrong? For example, if I put in today for both, the difference is 0. If I put in yesterday and today, I get 1. This is all expected, but if I put in tomorrow and today, I get 0, and two days from now and today give -1. Why is the function giving altered results if the date is negative?

Here is the specific code.

Private Sub DateTimePicker1_ValueChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles DateTimePicker1.ValueChanged
TextBox1.Text = DateDiff(DateInterval.Day, DateTimePicker1.Value, Date.Now)
End Sub

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VS 2008 Return Results From Function Run In A Thread?

Feb 3, 2010

I am running a query in a thread but I can't figure out how to get the result back to the calling function. I am doing something like this:

Threading.ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(AddressOf RunThread, "some query string")
Private Function RunThread(ByVal stateInfo As Object) As String
Dim myQuery As String = stateInfo.ToString


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IDE :: Shell Function "Error 434: Object Required"?

Apr 13, 2010

I am trying to make a picture that, when clicked on, will open Firefox. I am trying to make it come to the foreground, ie, main focus, but it says that an object is required:

Private Sub Image6_Click()
Dim firefox
firefox = Shell("C:WindowsProgram FilesMozilla Firefoxfirefox.exe", AppWinStyle.NormalFocus)


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Shell Function "file Not Found" Error?

Aug 15, 2011

I want to open some files using my program. and I decided to use a shell command. but when i use shell it gives "file not found error"for example

Shell("C:Documents and SettingsĂ–nerYavuzDesktopaa.txt") ==> it gives error
Shell("C:Documents and SettingsĂ–nerYavuzDesktopwarkey.exe")==> its work


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Math Function - Populating Some Text Boxes With Results From Calculations

Nov 29, 2010

how to go about populating some text boxes with results from calculations. To be more specific, I'm trying to do some trig to calculate various parts of a ci0rcle and will be populating any two of the text boxes then click on a button to get the missing values. I was thinking along the lines of a loop until all values have been calculated.

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VS 2008 Error Operation Is Not Valid Because It Results In A Reentrant Call To The SetCurrentCellAddressCore Function

Oct 27, 2009

What I am trying to achieve is if there is an error in cell 1 of the current row it returns to that cell. The code below tries to achieve that, but I get an error message thus:Operation is not valid because it results in a reentrant call to the SetCurrentCellAddressCore function.

Private Sub RoomPricingDGV_CellEnter(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewCellEventArgs) Handles RoomPricingDGV.CellEnter
If e.ColumnIndex = 2 And cellerror = True Then


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Use Shell To Have Application Call An External Application But Its Not Working - Error: ''

Jun 3, 2011

I'm trying to use the Shell to have my application call an external application but its not working...I don't understand why. I get the following error: '' is a namespace and cannot be used as an expression!

Heres my code....any ideas what I'm doing wrong. Its got to be a simple...stupid error.

Private Sub mnuUpgrade_Click(ByVal Ctrl As Microsoft.Expression.Web.Interop.Legacy.CommandBarButton, ByRef CancelDefault As Boolean) Handles mnuUpgrade.Click


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DataGridView Editing - Error - Operation Is Not Valid Because It Results In A Reentrant Call To The SetCurrentCellAddressCore Function?

May 12, 2009

I have a datagrid with a lot of column, but only a few group of it can be edited by user.On a CellEndEdit event i update automatically the database with the new value when the user modify one cell and then I must recharge the dataset of the dataview.If I modify a cell and then use tab or enter to move to the next one everithing is ok, but if I change a cell and then mouse_click on another one i get thi error when i recharge the dataset:

Operation is not valid because it results in a reentrant call to the SetCurrentCellAddressCore function

What can i do ?

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Show The Final Results Instead Of The Results Real-time

Sep 28, 2010

I have a form that allows users to select file and then it reads the contents, parses the data and then executes a sql insert statement to add it to a database. What I am having issues with is showing real-time results. Currently, I have the import operation take place on the import form within the OnLoad event. The problem with this is it only shows the final results instead of the results real-time. Is there anyway to do this without creating a seperate thread and delegates?

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Program - Results For The Quit Command Input Of -999 But Rather Just To Quit Without The Results?

Jul 22, 2009

How can I make this program not to give me the results for the quit command input of -999 but rather just to quit without the results?

Sub Main()

Dim TempIncelsius As Double
Dim TempInput As Double
Dim Formula As Double


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How To Pass A Function To A Function Is Functors/function Objects Avaiable In VB2010

Oct 12, 2011

I want to make an numerical integration method with takes in an analytic function and integrate it over a specific interval. For the numerical integration procedure I want to use some procedures in The problem is that these are programmed in C++ and they uses functors to pass a function to the integration method. How can I do this in VB 2010?

I want to initialize the function (i.e. set a=1,b=0 for function y(x)=a*x+b) and then pass the function to the integration method. Then when the integration method call the function it only calls the function with one parameter (i.e. x since a,b is already set)

What is the best way to do this in VB2010?I want to make a general integration method where I can pass any single valued function and integration limits.

I have just started using VB, and from what I have found so far it seems like the tools you have is

- to us a delegate for the function
- to use a lambda expression for the function
- send a pointer/adressOf
- to create a function class/structure and submit this to the function

As for now I am most inclined to create a function-class. But I am not really sure how.F.ex. I make different classes for each "uniqe function" I want to integrate, but how can I pass them to the integration function when I need to specify the argument type in the integration-function-call?This seems like a basic problem which applies to many Math operations, so I think it would be very useful to clarify this.

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Function Syntax - Call A Function With 2 Arguments When The Function Is Only Defined For One

Apr 1, 2010

I'm trying to undersatnd the syntax of calling a funciton and it seem confusing when I'm using a web service in Maybe this question should be in an ASP forum, but it is a VB question. This simple web service allows you to type in your name and it response with an alert box with you name.

My question is, How can you call a function with 2 arguments when the function is only defined for one. I understand that the second argument is actually a method that handling the respons, but how can you interchange function arguments for methods and how do you know that there are methods for

Here's my call:

<script type="text/javascript">

function HelloWorld()

var yourName = $get('txtYourName').value;


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Bat File To Run In Exe (like Shell)?

Apr 17, 2011

i have this

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
End Sub

its working if they are on the same folder,i want to do is make the batch file as a resource file so that i can run it even not in the batchs folder?

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Launching A .lnk Using Shell

Jul 26, 2010

I can create a shortcut using this code:

Dim sFolder As String, sTarget As String, sAppName As String
Dim oShell As New WshShell
Dim oShortcut As WshShortcut


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Regarding Unzip Using Shell Dll?

Apr 17, 2009

I am using Shell Dll to unzip zip file in 2005. Following is the code for this.

Dim sc As Shell32.Shell = New Shell32.Shell
Dim srcf As Shell32.Folder = sc.NameSpace(src)
Dim desf As Shell32.Folder = sc.NameSpace(des)


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Run Msg.exe After Opening A Shell Using Cmd.exe?

Jun 26, 2012

I want to send messages withing a windows 7 LAN using VB.NET code. The problem is that the msg.exe executes commands in admin mode only. Here is the code. Shell("cmd.exe /k runas /user:farook-pcadministrator msg.exe") 'Here i'm prompted for a password. Shell("cmd.exe /k msg.exe", 1) I use the /k switch to see what's going on in the shell. /c is the silent switch. I do not wish to use runas neither do I wish to change privilages in msg.exe

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Run Shell() As Administrator?

Nov 14, 2009

I have an update app, which can be updated itself by another update app (so, the second app is an updater of the main updater). Both apps must have administrator permissions because of writing in the Program Files folder. Is it possible that when the main updater is running (under administrator rights) it can use Shell() to let the second updater run with administrator rights without a UAC confirm dialog popping up again?

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Start Instead Of Shell?

Aug 10, 2010

it possible to have a start command instead of the simple shell the same code as in a .BAT File, i dont know but on a .bat is a higher/lower lvl.


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Using Shell And Getting Feedback?

Oct 18, 2011

I want to be able to run any command by typing into a textbox.For example if I wanted to get info from "ipconfig".I want to be able to type "ipconfig" into the textbox and for it to then display the infomation into a richtextbox.I have been searching the internet but so far can not find a solution

Shell("ipconfig", AppWinStyle.Hide)

How do I now display the infomation from the console into a richtextbox?

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AccessViolationException With Shell To Explorer

Dec 15, 2010

I wrote a backup utility that synchronizes a list of folders. Errors appear in a list. In the list I can right-click to retry, exclude the folder next time, or open the folder in explorer to examine.When I shell to explorer I get an AccessViolationException. Form1 opens Form4 with Form4. ShowDialog(), and that's where the error occurs. The error does not occur within Form4 where the shell function is called. memory must be getting trashed somehow.I've used two methods, Shell and System.Diagnostics.Process.Start. Each produces similar results. Shell waits awhile before causing the error, but Process.Start causes the error immediately.This is VB.Net 2010 using framework 4, though I did resolve a shell problem once before with VBA by writing out a VBScript file then shelling to the VBScript file.

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AccessViolationException With Shell To Explorer?

Dec 15, 2010

I wrote a backup utility that synchronizes a list of folders. Errors appear in a list. In the list I can right-click to retry, exclude the folder next time, or open the folder in explorer to examine.

When I shell to explorer I get an AccessViolationException. Form1 opens Form4 with Form4.ShowDialog(), and that's where the error occurs. The error does not occur within Form4 where the shell function is called. Memory must be getting trashed somehow.I've used two methods, Shell and System.Diagnostics.Process.Start. Each produces similar results. Shell waits awhile before causing the error, but Process.Start causes the error immediately.

This is VB.Net 2010 using framework 4, though I did resolve a shell problem once before with VBA by writing out a VBScript file then shelling to the VBScript file. I don't think the process being started is isolated enough. It's sharing memory or something else.

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