Get String Order On Textbox?

Oct 10, 2011

I got this text in my textbox:


Here is my code to check if both "string1" and "string" is in textbox

If TextBox1.Text.Contains("string1") AndAlso TextBox1.Text.Contains("string2") Then

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Change Order Of Textboxes In Textbox Series (When Using Tab Key)?

Mar 10, 2012

I had problem with one textbox (texbox were third in row but while you used TAB it were as last), so I recreated all buttons in right order, but now it is totally wrong, when I click TAB it goes to first textbox, again TAB and it goes to 7th in ROW !instead to second in row :/ Weird thing is that I created all those textbox in row so 1 text box -> 2nd textbox etc. so I thought TAB will just go in order of creation, but it's not.How can I rearrange order of focus on text boxes while you using TAB ?? All those txt boxes has Tab Index = 23...

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Sort A Text From A Textbox To See If It Is In Alphabetical Order?

Sep 28, 2010

sort a text from a textbox to see if it is in alphabetical order!

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Way To Order A List Of String

Jun 25, 2012

I have a list(of list(of string)) in which is a list that contains lists that have 5 string list items in them.

I want to sort the lists by the second item in the contained lists but I don't know what parameter is needed in the .sort method. What do I need to put in as a parameter. I read something about writing a comparer function and putting that in the brackets but I don't understand how that works.

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.net - Saving Textbox Name When Clicked In Order To Input Text?

Jun 20, 2012

i am in need of some help getting my code working correctly like i am needing it to. Below is my code that when the user click on the textbox, it pops up a keyboard where they can click on any letter and it will type that letter into the textbox. Problem being is i can not seem to get the name of the text box to return so that it knows where to send the letters to.


View 2 Replies - Insert Checkbox Checked Value To Textbox In Ascending Order?

Nov 16, 2010

how to insert checkbox checked value to textbox in ascending order ?Means if i check checkbox1 and checkbox3 then output in textbox ia 1,2 and if i check checkbox3 then checkbox1 then also output in textbox would be 1,2.i have to use with 500+ checkboxes .... in

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Order To Convert An Integer To A String?

Mar 24, 2010

Soooo how do tamonkebutrz affect the properties of the unicorns you must kill in order to convert an integer to a string? i would appriciate an QUICK COMMENT PLZZZZZ the unicorns iz dying and i must savez tem.

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Reversing Order Of An Array Or String

Jun 29, 2010

Im looking to dynamically populate a Placeholder with data sent from a textbox on the same page, but in reverse order i.e. the latest post goes to the top ratehr than the bottom - kidda like Twitter or Facebook.The code I have so far is below but I keep geeting an error stating that "BC30311: Value of type 'System.Collections.ArrayList' cannot be converted to 'System.Array'." [code]

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String With Numbers And Characters Order By Asc

Dec 15, 2011

I use Visual Basic 2008 with Mysql I have a table article with the following data :

Articlenb - Productcode - amount
1 - XXL - 1
2 - 12 - 1


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Get Different Font Colors In TextBox And Arrange In Ascending/descending Order?

Mar 10, 2010

A TextBox has the Following Words; " ABC : 12" , "EGF : 15" and "JUT : 02".I want to have "ABC : 12" to have Red color Font, "EGF : 15" - Blue Font and "JUT : 02" to have Green Font.Is it possible to do this? Changing the "Fore Color" in the "Property" of the TextBox changes the color of all the Texts to one color.

The other problem I am having is (how) to get these sorted according to the Number shown with the ABC, EGF etc,. They should be arranged either in ascending order or descending order.Each one is displayed as a String ("ABC : 12" is a String but "ABC" is a String and "12" is a Double converted to String).

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Make Cursor To Jump To Next Order Tab Textbox When I Type Number?

Jan 13, 2010

I dont want to use tab or enter and i want tha cursor to jumb to the next tab order textbox when i type a number

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Convert String To An Array - Reverse The Order

Sep 10, 2011

I hope that I'm not just overlooking something, but I am really struggling with working with an array. To simplify my issue: Suppose you type out the values: 1 through 5 into a textbox (1 2 3 4 5). I'm looking to convert that string to an array, so that I can reverse the order and then show the new order in the textbox.


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VS 2010 - String Sorting In Order Numerically

May 3, 2012

I have a list of strings lets say the items are like this:

If I do list.sort() I get the following
Somehow I need to get these in order numerically but I am dealing with strings not numbers.

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Grab Different Pieces Of A String To Place Them In A Different Order In A List?

Oct 7, 2009

I seem to have a huge issue right now trying to grab different pieces of a string to place them in a different order in a list. Unfortunately i can't just find the placeholders for the strings and extract the data that way so i was using indexOf to find commas in the string provided. the problem i'm having is that i can assign the first comma and extract 0 - "," but i'm stuck on how to progress the indexof so it will move through the string submitting everything between the comma's.

Public Class Form1
Private Sub btnAccept_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnAccept.Click


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Make A Format String To Order A List In Richtextbox?

Mar 30, 2011

I am trying to make a format string to order a list in richtextbox. I already done this, however not as I like to.

So I want this symbol: <-- symbol And I only have got other symbol that I can't tell you guys which is. The code that I use is:

"{\rtf1\ansi\deff0\deftab720{\fonttbl{\f0\fswiss MS Sans Serif;}{\f1\froman\fcharset2 Symbol;}{\f2\froman\fprq2 Times New Roman;}{\f3\fnil\fprq2\fcharset2 Wingdings;}}" & vbCrLf & _


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Sort String - Arranging Line In Ascending Order

Sep 7, 2009

I have a line like this
18N694 P321 117461, 50374 50MIL;
XTAL_X1 P253 116711, 66524 39MIL;
HR_ICH_HUB_CLK66_R P1567 109761, 68424 39MIL;
P64H2_CLK66_R P2177 110161, 68424 39MIL;
CPLD_NET2 P1151 4711, 90424 75MIL;
V3_3_MGMT_PWR_RST# P3482 4711, 90024 100MIL;

From the above line I have to look the last word MIL. Then I need to arrange the line in ascending orders according to 30MIL,50MIL, 75MIL and 100MIL. Can I use IComparer? Because here I dont know how I can reach the word MIL and sort.

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VS 2010 Sorting String In Ascending/descending Order?

Jun 1, 2011

I am performing some filescans in a directory where I always neither get ascending or descending order of filenames. What I currently have is a logical order, but what I want to make of it is an ascending order.


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Need To Change One Combo Box (of Many) To Order Items In Descending Order

Nov 1, 2009

I have a combo box bound to a datasource. I need to change one combo box (of many) to order the items in descending order.I'm guessing I could order the collection in the dataset, but that will mean all my combo boxes will be reordered?

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Re Order Column Order In A Data Bound DataGridView?

Apr 17, 2010

I have a databound Datagridview. The DGV is bound to a datatable of a strongly typed DataSet created using the wizard. Is there any way to re order the columns before displaying them eg: the Columns are displayed in the DGV in this other Col4, Col6, Col3, Col1,Col5, Col2

But I want to it to show as Col1, Col2, col3, Col4, Col5, Col6?

I realise that the display order followed the Column order in the database table and by extension, the datatable. I have re-arranged the columns in the Database but the Datatable still retains the old order.

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VS 2010 : Access ORDER BY To Get DESCENDING Order

Oct 8, 2011

This might not be so 'VB' as it is 'SQL using VB' I have an application with a built in MS Access DB. I have a table that has a column full of integers, I shoot the DB a SQL "order by 'column name' " string and it returns the table ordered by my column of integers.BUT it returns them like this, and I want them like this

0 6
1 5
2 4


How do I get the OrderBY to do a descending list starting with the highest number?

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VS 2010 Tab Index Order And Control Order

Aug 18, 2011

I'm working on the exercise page 73 (VB 2010 in 24 hours). It's basically a form with 2 text boxes, 2 text labels and a command button. It's really simple and uses this loop to cycle through the items, and tell me the name of them in a Messagebox


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Create A Keyborad "shortcut" In Order To Display The Tooltip Of The Textbox

Feb 7, 2009

I have a textbox and when the cursor blinks on this textbox I want the user to press a combination of keyboard keys in order to display the tooltip of the textbox. How can I create a keyborad "shortcut" for the above?

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VS 2010 Make A Program In Which If The Textbox Text And The Listbox Text Are The Same Order?

Apr 25, 2012

im trying to make a program in which if the textbox text and the listbox text are the same order, which they are in the picture, a bluie fonted text saying well done appears. However only the red text appears which is only meant to come when the order of the text in both listbox and textbox isnt the same.

Here is the code that i used for this:

listarrays = name of listbox
textbox1 = name of textbox

l is the name of the label for correct answer(blue font)label3 is name of label with red font which should only appear for wrong answer

Dim text As String = Me.TextBox1.Text
For Each item As Object In listarrays.Items
If item.ToString = Me.TextBox1.Text Then


use another textbox instead of the listbox but thats just making itmuch harder for me as I already made the full code working with the listbox. My lecturer told me i need to convert both in string so both textbox and listbox are compatible and i did so (see code above) but the correct label doesn't show?

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Forms :: Convert String To Give Textbox Name To Get Contents Of Textbox

Jul 6, 2011

I have a form where a number of textboxes are programmatically created within a flowLayoutPanel and named by adding together 2 strings.

With the click of another button i hope to have all the values entered into these text boxes stored in a text file. However, i cant seem to find a way to add strings together to allow me to retrieve the values entered within the text boxes created.

Below is the code i have so far: BTW FLP is my flow layout panel and c is my calculated nmber of textboxes that are created.

Private Sub createTB(ByVal c As Integer)
Dim x1 As Integer = 1
Dim y As Integer = 2


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VS 2008 ORDER BY That Does Not Order Correctly?

Jan 14, 2010

I have to order a table following a logical order but I cannot find the appropriate ORDER BY clause.To simplify I have 2 fields field1 and field2

1 record : field1 contains �2� and field2 contains �1�
2 record : field1 contains �1� and field2 contains �2�
3 record : field1 contains �2� and field2 contains �2�


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Multiline Textbox - Assigning Each Line Of The Textbox To A String

Apr 28, 2011

I have a multiline textbox that has wordwrap set to True I am assigning each line of the textbox to a string Lets say I typed this into the textbox without pressing enter and it just wordwrapped to the next line Visual Programming is fun it would assign "Visual Programming is fun" to the first string however, what i want it to do is assign "Visual Programming is" to the first string and "fun" to the second if i would have pressed enter after "is" then it would have done what I wanted it to do, but if i dont press enter and just let it word wrap it does not do what i want it to do...

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VS 2010 String Conversion - EValue Of Type 'String' Cannot Be Converted To 'System.Windows.Forms.TextBox'

Apr 8, 2011

I'm trying to code a program but this error repeatedly shows up and I can't for the life of me figure it out EValue of type 'String' cannot be converted to 'System.Windows.Forms.TextBox'. It appears in relation to this code


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Search For A String In A Textbox On Form And If String Found?

Mar 20, 2010

how can I search a textbox for a string within a string and if certain word (string) found enable a timer?

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Add High Order Byte To Low Order Byte To Create One Integer Value?

Mar 1, 2010

if a byte value can go up to 255 and two bytes are used to determine the length of packet payload data, how would I convert the two bytes to create one integer value?

State.buffer[13] = 5 and State.buffer[14] = 67
Dim PacketLengthHigh As Integer = state.buffer(13)
Dim PacketLengthLow As Integer = state.buffer(14)


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Read A Textbox Into A String And Use The String For Something Else?

Dec 24, 2011

I have two text boxes on my form. Textbox1 and Textbox2. Textbox1 will contain information. I want to code my button to read textbox 1 and put it into a string or some way for the app to read the textbox and store the information into it's memory.Then I want to be able to read that string into the second part of my application.

a). read the textbox into a string using a streamreader and then use a streamwriter to write the data into a string?

b). save the textbox to a .txt file then use the openfiledialog to read the text file into a string to use?

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