Getting Information From A Dynamically Created Textbox?

Jul 11, 2011

A user can select a few chec box options, then clicks OK.A new tabpage with a textbox and two buttons is created and added to my form, the textbox can be seen as a sort of 'receipt', and one button is a close button, which deletes that tab, the other button is an edit button.When the user selects edit, I would like the selection page to open up, checking, (through a couple of If conditions, whether a text is contained in the text box), then if a certain text is found in the box, a corresponding checkbox on my form is checked.

So basically, my problem is trying to check the text from a textbox which doesnt exist until after my form is loaded... I need someway to reference this new text box, not forgetting there may be many tabs at one stage.I tried a method in which each new texbox was added to a list, then when the edit button was clicked, it checked the tab index and checked the corresponding textbox, but this would only work for the first tab/textbox and caused issues with the close button, perhaps when the edit button is pressed, VB checks my selected tab, and somehow finds the textbox which is on that tab.

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AddHandler To Dynamically Created Buttons That References A Dynamically Created TextBox?

Dec 16, 2011

I am adding a grid of buttons to a form at run-time, and all of then use the same Handler.My question is : Is there any way I canadd the TextBox at run-time ?I know how to but without it on the form, the IDE isn't very happy about the "MyClick" Sub - TextBox1 is not declared......

' some logic here to make nice rows and Columns of buttons
' with different .Text and .Name


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Forms :: Get Information About Dynamically Created Array Of Buttons

Jul 2, 2009

For example, when I click on the btn(5) I would like the textbox1 says: "5"


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Access Objects On A Dynamically Created UserControl An A Dynamically Created Tab Page?

Dec 5, 2011

I can usually find the answers to most of my questions via the Google Gods, but not this time.I have a form that has a TabPageControl and on that page a collection of labels and text boxes via a usercontrol.

On the form I have a button that allows the user to create a new tabpage, when the code adds a new page, it automatically adds the UserControl collection. I can't get my head around how to access the objects on the newly created tabpage.

What I need to be able todo is take the index of the tabpage that has focus and translate that against the UerContol name, but I havn't a clue how to do it!


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.net - Getting Value From Dynamically Created Textbox And Checkbox?

Jun 20, 2011

i write the following code to create code

Dim i, x, y As Integer
x = 30
y = 25
i = 0


i want to retrive the textvalue of checkbox whose checked property is true and respective textbox at a buttonclick event. Problem is in finding the controls and their textvalue. any one can help?Thanks in Advance.dt1 is datatable .For window form application.

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Create Dynamically Textbox Below Created?

Mar 22, 2012

I know how to create textbox dynamically but the problem now is that I want it below my previous created textbox[code]...

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Dynamically Created TextBox-Control?

Sep 15, 2011

I have a strange behavior with a dynamically created TextBox-Control. The control is created in the handler of the Load-event of a dialog-form like this:


Now the situation is, that in most cases it works fine. But a few of my customers report that the TextBox not appears on their dialog - it's not there! That's all, nothing more to say.hints or reports about known pitfalls with dynamically created controls which could explain this (sometimes) strange behavior and how I could fix it (I have to create this control dynamically due to some reasons).

BTW: The program is built with Visual Basic 2005. And the customers with trouble are spread about the OS's (XP, Vista, 7).

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Create Dynamically Textbox Below Created Textbox?

Apr 15, 2012

how to create textbox dynamically but the problem now is that I want it below my previous created textbox

Dim textbox1 As New TextBox
textbox1.Name = "Textbox1"
textbox1.Bounds = New Rectangle(e.Location, New Size(100, 100))

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Can't Read Textbox In A Dynamically Created Table

Nov 2, 2009

Public Sub PopulateWaterRecords(ByVal dDateTo As Date)
'Populates the water record forms for each year
'Dim UserName As String = Membership.GetUser().UserName


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VS 2008 - How To Add Event To Dynamically Created TextBox

Jul 7, 2009

I created a textbox dynamically and I want to have a text change event for this textbox. I know I must use addhandler.

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Access A Dynamically Created Control On A Dynamically Created Form

Jul 16, 2009

I have an application that dynamically creates winforms.

Dim NewS As New Form
Dim NewT as new Timer
NewT.Interval = 5000


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.net - ASP.NET: OnChange On Dynamically Created Textbox Inside UpdatePanel Fires Twice

Dec 15, 2011

I'm creating a number of textboxes, all calling a function during the onchange event to update their value to the database. These boxes are dynamically created in the backend because the data changes based on specific criteria that can be changed on the page. Here's the creation of the boxes:

Dim t as TableRow
tC = New TableCell
Dim txtBox As New TextBox


When I enter a number into the Textbox, the event fires as expected, but it fires twice.

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Adding An Event To A Dynamically Created Textbox - Windows Forms App?

Jan 27, 2012

OK, so my project is like this:The user selects a folder from their computer that holds a list of subfolders. The program then dynamically inserts a check boxes per subfolder within a seperate cell of a Table Layout Panel.I want to and a simple Click event to each checkbox control so that when a control is clicked, it counts all of the check boxes on the form that are checked.How do I go about adding the event handler to the checkboxes when they are created. Here is the code that adds the checkboxes:

Dim iCol As Integer = 1
Dim objFolder As Object = Nothing
For j = 0 To rCount - 1 '0 to dynamic number of rows


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Access A Dynamically Created Control On A Dynamically Created F?

Jul 16, 2009

I have an application that dynamically creates winforms.

Dim NewS As New Form
Dim NewT as new Timer
NewT.Interval = 5000


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Save The Data Of Dynamically Created Textbox On Clicking The Save Button?

Jun 18, 2012

I am working on desktop application. I had created number of dynamic textbox and label and I want to save that data on clicking the save button.

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Dynamically Creating Methods For Dynamically Created Buttons?

Mar 15, 2011

I have this code.

Public Class Form1
Dim NPB As Button
Dim x As Integer


As you can see, when I open a program from my menu, a new button will be created with text similar to this, "C:Program ". The button it self will not do anything. How can I create the method at the same time the button it is for is created? Also how can I change the text do that it gives me, for example, CCleaner.exe instead of the whole target path?

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Can't See Dynamically Created Labels?

Mar 5, 2011

user control, I'm dynamically creating an arrary of several labels within a groupbox on the controls form. This is done in the load event.The user control is then placed on the form of mainapplication and then run. My problem being that the labels are invisiblen I launch the app. The visible property for the labels is set to true during the creation of the controls.

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How To Use A Dynamically Created UpdatePanel On .NET

Jul 6, 2011

I have the following code:[code]ok, now in another part of my code (another method) i want to get this update panel and work on it. I want something like: [code]

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Able To Stop User From Entering Other Information Until Enter Right Information In The Textbox

May 24, 2012

I have a text box where i am entering numbers of double datatype andon the Keytdown event of the textbox some checks take pace and in certain circumstances I want to be able to stop the user from entering other information until they enter the right information in the textbox (where it says right here) . now when I say exit sub the textbox somehow loses focus . but this is not how I want it to be I want the textbox to remain with the focus so the user can change the information . How can i go about this. And the other thing is why is my txtDestPayRate1.Focus() just befor the exit sub not working?

Private Sub txtDestPayRate1_KeyDown1(sender As Object, e As System.Windows.Forms.KeyEventArgs) Handles txtDestPayRate1.KeyDown

If e.KeyCode = Keys.Enter Then


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Access Dynamically Created Control?

Aug 7, 2010

I have created two dynamic objects in my project; one being a button and the other a listview. I have added addHandlers to the button so that I can print out information from the listview. The problem is I don't know how to access the listview through the button_click Sub.[code]...

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Accessing Dynamically Created Labels - ASP.NET?

Apr 28, 2009

My current project involves displaying questions/answers from two different databases to be used to compare values and make judgements. The number of questions, choices, and answers is all variable. Thus I am attempting to create labels dynamically to show the information on the screen and create textboxes to leave comments. My problem is not knowing how to then access these lables, since I can't code in to use "label_comments" & (i) as it doesn't exist (at least, I can't get it to work).

First, my code for creating and displaying the information:

db_connection = New SqlConnection(ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings("ConnectionStringMerrill3"))


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Add Events For Dynamically Created Buttons?

Jan 14, 2010

My process is as follows:I access a database table to determine what questions to ask (20-100 questions).Each question is display along with, possibly, a "done" button.My code to do this is as follows:

If datareader("Who_Second").ToString = lbl_Your_Position.Text Then
Dim b1 As New ImageButton
b1.ID = "btn_second" & datareader("QCC_Q_ID").ToString


What I need to do for each button is strip out what the "QCC_Q_ID" is for that button and insert information into another table of the DB.My partial code for this is as follows:

Sub btn_done_clicked(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Web.UI.ImageClickEventArgs)
Dim MyDate As Date
Dim QCC_Q_ID, Position As String


Two problems:1. My sub is never being called, so I can only assume that my "addhandler" is not working.2. QCC_Q_ID = e.ToString.... That doesn't seem right - is it? What I need to do is get the name of the button (btn_second13) and get just the number out of that (13). Is there any easier way to keep track of that ID?

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Add Image To Dynamically Created Button?

Feb 16, 2012

I am trying to add an image to button but it errors out on line marked with [code]...

View 5 Replies - Loop Through Dynamically Created Controls

Mar 1, 2012

What I am trying to do is dynamically create a bunch of dropdown lists and then I want to loop through them and update the database with those values, but the problem I am facing is that I create the dropdown lists, but then when I go back to loop through them they are no longer in the panel. I don't know why but when I am debugging I have a count of 50 controls in pnlTeacherSelect right up until I press the button that calls prcChoose.


View 1 Replies Mvc 1 Validation Using Dynamically Created Controls

Aug 11, 2010

Using ASP.Net MVC1 and am dynamically creating the html in a model that is then dropped into the view and rendered at run time.

My view is a single page that looks like this:

<%@ Page Language="VB" Inherits="System.Web.Mvc.ViewPage" %>

This dynamically created content is mostly dropdownlist boxes in the format of

<form method=post action="/questions/nextBatch">
<div id="text">What is your preferred drink?</div>


Is it is possible to perform validation on the dropdowns lists to ensure that a value has been selected? If any of the dropdownlists that still have the default value (the "please make a selection" text) the page is then redisplayed with the font colour of the question or dropdownlist box changed to say red?

I'm from the Webforms world and have made the switch over to MVC (which I really like!) and I know there are some pretty slick validation tools out there but you seem to have to account for them within the view itself.

I cannot pass a HTML helper through the viewdata of the controller as it does not render unless it has been coded directly into the view itself.

Also, I'm looking for a pure solution as I cannot use javascript due to accessiblity concerns. I can access all the values of the dropdowns without any problems throug the formscollection object but from there I'm a bit stuck.

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C# - Related To Dynamically Created Controls?

Feb 14, 2012

I have added Following HTML in the Form:

<asp:Table runat="server" ID="tblFlightDetails">
<asp:TableCell CssClass="ASPTableHeader">
<dx:ASPxLabel runat="server" ID="lblFrom" Text="From" CssClass="LabelFont"></dx:ASPxLabel>


Now from Serverside code I have added 3 rows dynamically.. when ever page gets Postback.. all dynamically added rows get disappear.How can i get the dynamically added rows after postback??

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Close Dynamically Created Form

Dec 8, 2008

I have a form which when button1 is pressed creates and displays a new form. From this form a user has the choice yes or no buttons. Each button has its own handler and script it executes. If yes is clicked i want to run the script and then close both forms. I used me.close() and that only closes the orriginal form and leaves the dynamically created on open. If I place a call to form2.close() in the yes handler sub I get an error that it is not declared. How can i close this second form?

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Disposing Dynamically Created Pictureboxes?

Nov 30, 2010

I am dynamically creating 12 picture boxes then click next and dynamically create the next 12 (in place of the first 12)

From what I can tell it is creating the next 12 I just can't see them. Do I first have to dispose of the original 12 first? if so how do I go about disposing of them?

Private Sub Pictures(ByVal DataXml As IEnumerable(Of XElement))
Dim song = DataXml
MsgBox("song index " & SongIndex)


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Dynamically Created Labels Not Showing?

Dec 7, 2009

I'm creating a series of labels at run time based on an array of strings made earlier in the program, but when i run, the labels aren't showing. The program is form based and the co-ordinates for the new labels are well within the bounds of the formHere's the code I'm using:

For i = 0 To 10
Dim lbl As Label
lbl = New Label


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Events For A Dynamically Created Button?

Aug 17, 2010

I have made an click event for a button which creates buttons dynamically and I added events to the dynamic buttons by using addhandler but it says it the button is not declared. Here is the code for dynamic buttons:

Private Sub MenuBtnNew_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MenuBtnNew.Click


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