VS 2008 - How To Add Event To Dynamically Created TextBox

Jul 7, 2009

I created a textbox dynamically and I want to have a text change event for this textbox. I know I must use addhandler.

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Adding An Event To A Dynamically Created Textbox - Windows Forms App?

Jan 27, 2012

OK, so my project is like this:The user selects a folder from their computer that holds a list of subfolders. The program then dynamically inserts a check boxes per subfolder within a seperate cell of a Table Layout Panel.I want to and a simple Click event to each checkbox control so that when a control is clicked, it counts all of the check boxes on the form that are checked.How do I go about adding the event handler to the checkboxes when they are created. Here is the code that adds the checkboxes:

Dim iCol As Integer = 1
Dim objFolder As Object = Nothing
For j = 0 To rCount - 1 '0 to dynamic number of rows


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AddHandler To Dynamically Created Buttons That References A Dynamically Created TextBox?

Dec 16, 2011

I am adding a grid of buttons to a form at run-time, and all of then use the same Handler.My question is : Is there any way I canadd the TextBox at run-time ?I know how to but without it on the form, the IDE isn't very happy about the "MyClick" Sub - TextBox1 is not declared......

' some logic here to make nice rows and Columns of buttons
' with different .Text and .Name


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Event Handler For Dynamically Created Controls?

Mar 4, 2012

I would like to ask a question with DataGridView event handling.The event I am going to handle is the double-clicking of a cell in a DataGridView:If the DataGridView's are statically drawn on the form at design time, then it is easy to assign to each of them an even handler by double clicking the corresponding event in the properties panel.



So basically I have handle to all of the DataGridView's. Is there a way to create a common event handler on this basis?

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Event Handlers For Dynamically Created Controls

Aug 2, 2009

I'm not seeing anything about event handlers for dynamically created controls.. and I could have sworn I had once before. I did see one post about the topic, but it was just replied by asking for some posted code, so as in a preemptive move..

Private Sub buttonCreate()
Dim newbutton As New Button
newbutton.Height = 39


Here's what I'm trying...

Private Sub newButton_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles newButton.Click

End Sub

Here's the errors I recieve...QuoteHandles clause requires a WithEvents variable defined in the containing type or one of its base types

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Event Handling For Dynamically Created Controls?

Aug 18, 2009

I have a problem in handling the events for dynamically created controlsI am creating a combobox and a textbox dynamically when i click a Button1 for each combobox there is one corresponding textboxso the number of times i click Button1 i will get that many number of comboboxes and textboxes.i have added an Event handler to handle the ComboBox_SelectedIndexChangedWhenever i click any of the combobox the above event is triggered.So far it is working fine.Now comes the problem i have to get the selected item for each combobox in the appropriate textbox

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
combobox1 = New ComboBox


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Event Of Dynamically Created Control Not Firing?

Jul 1, 2011

I'm having a problem with a Web Control that is dynamically created and inserted in my page. I create a couple of LinkButtons, depending on the data of the search that was made, and I'm trying to add an Event Handler to each of the Buttons, so it would filter the result. The controls are initialized properly, but the event is never fired.

Private Sub Page_Init(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Init


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Mouseclick Event For Dynamically Created Control

Feb 24, 2012

I created controls whith the mouseclick event


It picks up the left mouse key click but none of the others, what did I do wrong?

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Event Handler For Dynamically Created Listbox Control?

Jan 24, 2012

I am passing some values from a Gridview Update Click event to a popup ASP.net page that dynamically builds a series of textboxes in a Placeholder based on the number of sentences that are found in a specific cell of the Grid Row selected.The boxes that are built represent each sentence found in the cell of the selected row. Each sentence is presented for translation, where user enters data into a 2nd dynamically generated textbox.This all works great.Now I have a Listbox beside the 2nd textbox, which sometimes has 1 or more variables that need to placed into the translated sentence. I have set up a Hover menu over the listbox so that I can select the variable and insert it at the end of the sentence in the 2nd textbox. My problem is generating the click event on the dynamically created Listbox. Something like....

Protected Sub ListBox1_SelectedIndexChanged(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles ListBox1.SelectedIndexChanged
TextBox1.Text = TextBox1.Text & ListBox1.SelectedValue


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On Change Event For Dynamically Created Drop Dowlist

Apr 21, 2009

I have a website where the user requires to add and remove Headlines from the main page.
The headlines are stored in a database with a column titled 'Display' (true or false) which decides if the headlines appear. I want the user to have the ability to add or remove headlines from the main page, so have created another page which creates a table of all headlines along with a drop down list containing 'Enable' and 'disable'. I want these drop down lists to work by when the user changes the value in the drop down list the database will be updated. Only I cant find how to give the drop down lists an on change event.

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VS 2010 : Event Handler For Dynamically Created Controls?

Sep 14, 2011

I have to create controls for inputting info to create people objects in the program, because I don't know how many people they are going to input, I have a button that they can press to add more fields.

I need to add a doubleclick event for these dynamic controls (text boxes), how can I create an event for them if they haven't been created yet. Also, as far as I know you cant make a variable part of an object name while declaring it. I need to do something like

Dim dynamicText & (Append variable counter each time a box is made)As New TextBox
dynamicText &variable counter. Name = "TimeTextBox"
dynamicText.Text = "SdgsdG"
dynamicText.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(100, 100)


Also is there a way to like copy and paste a group of controls via code instead of having to code each individual one like if I had to do a text box along with a combo box and a lable all at once, can I throw it into something so I only have to recreate the container?

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Access Objects On A Dynamically Created UserControl An A Dynamically Created Tab Page?

Dec 5, 2011

I can usually find the answers to most of my questions via the Google Gods, but not this time.I have a form that has a TabPageControl and on that page a collection of labels and text boxes via a usercontrol.

On the form I have a button that allows the user to create a new tabpage, when the code adds a new page, it automatically adds the UserControl collection. I can't get my head around how to access the objects on the newly created tabpage.

What I need to be able todo is take the index of the tabpage that has focus and translate that against the UerContol name, but I havn't a clue how to do it!


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.net - Add Click Event On Dynamically Created Child Menu Items?

Jun 9, 2012

How can you add a click event to dynamically created menu item?I thought I could do something like

Loop through all the items in the Menu1.DropDownItems then create a mousedown even on the item and execute an action based off that.I'm new to VB and was wondering what logic to use. Will that even work? How will the events be saved through the life of the application?

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.net - Getting Value From Dynamically Created Textbox And Checkbox?

Jun 20, 2011

i write the following code to create code

Dim i, x, y As Integer
x = 30
y = 25
i = 0


i want to retrive the textvalue of checkbox whose checked property is true and respective textbox at a buttonclick event. Problem is in finding the controls and their textvalue. any one can help?Thanks in Advance.dt1 is datatable .For window form application.

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Create Dynamically Textbox Below Created?

Mar 22, 2012

I know how to create textbox dynamically but the problem now is that I want it below my previous created textbox[code]...

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Dynamically Created TextBox-Control?

Sep 15, 2011

I have a strange behavior with a dynamically created TextBox-Control. The control is created in the handler of the Load-event of a dialog-form like this:


Now the situation is, that in most cases it works fine. But a few of my customers report that the TextBox not appears on their dialog - it's not there! That's all, nothing more to say.hints or reports about known pitfalls with dynamically created controls which could explain this (sometimes) strange behavior and how I could fix it (I have to create this control dynamically due to some reasons).

BTW: The program is built with Visual Basic 2005. And the customers with trouble are spread about the OS's (XP, Vista, 7).

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Getting Information From A Dynamically Created Textbox?

Jul 11, 2011

A user can select a few chec box options, then clicks OK.A new tabpage with a textbox and two buttons is created and added to my form, the textbox can be seen as a sort of 'receipt', and one button is a close button, which deletes that tab, the other button is an edit button.When the user selects edit, I would like the selection page to open up, checking, (through a couple of If conditions, whether a text is contained in the text box), then if a certain text is found in the box, a corresponding checkbox on my form is checked.

So basically, my problem is trying to check the text from a textbox which doesnt exist until after my form is loaded... I need someway to reference this new text box, not forgetting there may be many tabs at one stage.I tried a method in which each new texbox was added to a list, then when the edit button was clicked, it checked the tab index and checked the corresponding textbox, but this would only work for the first tab/textbox and caused issues with the close button, perhaps when the edit button is pressed, VB checks my selected tab, and somehow finds the textbox which is on that tab.

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Create Dynamically Textbox Below Created Textbox?

Apr 15, 2012

how to create textbox dynamically but the problem now is that I want it below my previous created textbox

Dim textbox1 As New TextBox
textbox1.Name = "Textbox1"
textbox1.Bounds = New Rectangle(e.Location, New Size(100, 100))

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Can't Read Textbox In A Dynamically Created Table

Nov 2, 2009

Public Sub PopulateWaterRecords(ByVal dDateTo As Date)
'Populates the water record forms for each year
'Dim UserName As String = Membership.GetUser().UserName


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Access A Dynamically Created Control On A Dynamically Created Form

Jul 16, 2009

I have an application that dynamically creates winforms.

Dim NewS As New Form
Dim NewT as new Timer
NewT.Interval = 5000


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.net - ASP.NET: OnChange On Dynamically Created Textbox Inside UpdatePanel Fires Twice

Dec 15, 2011

I'm creating a number of textboxes, all calling a function during the onchange event to update their value to the database. These boxes are dynamically created in the backend because the data changes based on specific criteria that can be changed on the page. Here's the creation of the boxes:

Dim t as TableRow
tC = New TableCell
Dim txtBox As New TextBox


When I enter a number into the Textbox, the event fires as expected, but it fires twice.

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Dynamically Created Event - Button To Simply Set A String Variable Equal To The Clicked Buttons Text

Mar 14, 2009

I have a form that I am adding a set of buttons to. I am adding an event to those buttons. I need this event to function slightly to determine what button was pressed.

I need the button to simply set a string variable equal to the clicked buttons text so I can determine what button was pressed.

How can this be accomplished?

''Adding the buttons''
For Each dr In dtMenus
Dim strMenuName As String
strMenuName = dr.Item("strMenuName").ToString


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Access A Dynamically Created Control On A Dynamically Created F?

Jul 16, 2009

I have an application that dynamically creates winforms.

Dim NewS As New Form
Dim NewT as new Timer
NewT.Interval = 5000


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VS 2008 Accessing Dynamically Created Picturebox?

Mar 22, 2012

For school and other reasons, i am making an application in which the user can draw tile based backgrounds, to then turn into long line of code , i think called CSV , which can then be used in programs such as flash, to draw a tile based background. I am currently making a flash game, and dont really like the other tile array making programs out there.

For instance, code such as [1,0,1],[0,1,0],[1,0,1] with the correct code would generate a 3x3 tile background with an X shape.Anyway, at the moment i am currently stuck.I have code up and running which generates a 2 dimensional background out of pictureboxes randomly, however thats as far as i got, i dont know how to access the pictureboxes created.

What i have right now is two variables, gridX and gridY, which determine the amount of tiles placed in a for loop. These variables would be used to determine the size of multidimensional arrays that store the tile data, and determine the map size.i intended each image to be clickable, so that its picture would change from black to white when clicked

When clicked, the tile would switch between two images, to represent two different tiles. at the same time, a value in an array created with the tile, would change from 1 to 0.Then when its time to make the code, i simply use a for loop to spit out the array in the way i want.

I understand that i could perhaps create a class for the pictureboxes, but i dont know how to, since ive never dealt with them, and i dont understand any of the guides and tuts.how to use a class so that i could add and change the properties of multiple dynamically created pictureboxes, but also change the value of an array created with the picturebox, when clicked?

i need all of this to be done however without adding or including any additional libraries or anything to visual basic as it will be graded on school computers.

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VS 2008 Calling Dynamically-created Objects?

Nov 17, 2009

I'm creating a certain number of objects based on some templates that I have available to the user. Then, I have a module created for each template where I will be doing some math operations, etc.

I know how many objects will be created, but of course visual studio doesn't at design time.

Dim newhydzone As PictureBox
newhydzone = New PictureBox
newhydzone.Name = "Zone" & Form1.hydzonecount


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VS 2008 How To Add Properties To Dynamically Created Oval Shapes

Jul 18, 2009

I had created another thread asking how to create OvalShapes during runtime... Ok, so I have that covered, but what I need to know how to add properties to these OvalShapes individually. The OvalShapes are stored in the List(Of OvalShapes) if I create a loop from 0 to the length of the list it modifies all the OvalShapes with the same propertiesWhat I�m trying to do is make like 5-10 balls collide, this is why I need these properties to be individual to each OvalShape.

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Save The Data Of Dynamically Created Textbox On Clicking The Save Button?

Jun 18, 2012

I am working on desktop application. I had created number of dynamic textbox and label and I want to save that data on clicking the save button.

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Dynamically Creating Methods For Dynamically Created Buttons?

Mar 15, 2011

I have this code.

Public Class Form1
Dim NPB As Button
Dim x As Integer


As you can see, when I open a program from my menu, a new button will be created with text similar to this, "C:Program ". The button it self will not do anything. How can I create the method at the same time the button it is for is created? Also how can I change the text do that it gives me, for example, CCleaner.exe instead of the whole target path?

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VS 2008 Add A Newly Created Textbox To A Dynamic Textbox Array

Aug 30, 2011

I wanted to simply on click a button to add those newly created textboxes to an array of textboxes. Starting with those labeled "Address". But I am finding this very difficult. I am able to add those originally on the form into the array very easily. But am unable to add the newly created textboxes into the array.

Here is my code so far below.

Public Class Form1
Dim MyBoxes() As TextBox = {Address, UserName, Password}
Dim Numbox As Integer = 1


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VS 2008 Change Event Of Button Created Through Code

Jan 30, 2010

I have this code to create a new button

Dim NewButton As New Button
frmDownload.Controls.Add(NewButton )

This works. But I want to change what happens upon clicking NewButton. It should start an application. I tried NewButton.Click but that event doesn't exist.

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