Getting SQL Datatable Error

May 12, 2012

I have this code which should populate my datatable after someone has entered text into my textbox

My issue is at this line of code Delivery_Adapter.Fill(Me.DeliveryTable) I get thisd error;

Value cannot be null.Parameter name: dataTable

When when I run this command in SQL management studio i get one row.[code]...

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Error With LINQ To DataTable

Jan 23, 2009

Why does the following code give an error?


If I change the code to remove the second field, as below, then the code does not give an error.


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VS 2010 SQL Datatable Error?

Mar 22, 2012

I have an sql database with multiple tables. I have been adding new columns to one of the tables as I need them, but now suddenly it has stopped allowing me to add columns.Everything works as usual until I add the 150th column to the table. When I drag the table from the server explorer to the dataset designer i get the following error:"Some updating commands could not be generated automatically. The database returned the following error: Dynamic SQL generation is not supported against a SelectCommand that does not return any base table information.If I remove the 150th column, everything works great. I tried using the wizard to regenerate the select and update statements, but it fails with the same error.

View 5 Replies - Getting Error And Cannot Convert String To Datatable?

Jan 27, 2012

I am getting this error cannot convert string to datatable

The code is

dt = CType(Session("result"), DataTable)

I am trying to store the session value in dt which is a datatable. The session result contains string to convert the session to datatable and store the session value in the datatable.

View 1 Replies - Error: Column *** Already Belongs To Another DataTable

Apr 18, 2011

I am try to filter some data and add to another datatable. While Run time the Error is shows Column *** already belongs to another dataTable Here My code:


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Datatable Column Expression Error?

Feb 7, 2012

I am getting a syntax error " Missing operand after 'Price' operator" with the following code, which should be right but obviously isn't. Any thoughts on where the error is?

table.Columns.Add("ADR Price", GetType(Double))
table.Columns.Add("ORD Price", GetType(Double))
table.Columns.Add("Currency Price", GetType(Double))


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Error Loop Through The Rows Of A Particular DataTable

Nov 17, 2011

i want to read table row by row i have table with two columns but i want to read the first column only row by row her's my code

Dim col As String = "SELECT users.user1,users.valueid FROM users"
Dim cmd As New OleDbDataAdapter(col, CON)
Dim ds As New DataSet


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VS 2005 DataTable.Rows.Add Error

Nov 24, 2009

I am facing below problem. Cannot perform '=' operation on System.Int32 and System.String.

What I tried to do here is I have a dataset get from SQL Express 2005 and I am adding a new row to it and it hit the above error.I combine 3 tables in SQL and return the data to my win application.And I add 1 row to it. here is the data type in my sql statement.

SELECT cd.indexNo, c.custid, c.companyname, c.contactperson, c.contactno,
dt.Type, cdm.DrawingMaterial, cd.Size, cd.Roundness
FROM rpts_customer As c, rpts_custdiesdetail As cd,
rpts_Type As dt, rpts_CustDrawMaterial As cdm
WHERE c.custID = cd.custID AND
cd.cdmNo = cdm.cdmNo AND


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VS 2010 Getting Error On DataTable.Load()?

Feb 17, 2011

I'm getting this error on a datatable.Load() :

Failed to enable constraints. One or more rows contain values violating non-null, unique, or foreign-key constraints.

If I use a DataAdapter it works fine, using the same SQL query.

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Clone Or Copy A Datatable - Getting A Constraint Error

May 18, 2010

Im getting a constraint error when running the following code. there are four fields set as the primary key on the table: bid number, phase number, phase version, detail number.

It errors out saying that bidno, phaseno, phaseversion are the keys and unique. it does not mention the detail number, but it will error out as soon as i run the line dtDest = dsbid.phasedetail.copy....or, if i use the clone (as in the example below), it errors as soon as i add the row.


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Handling Datatable.acceptchanges When Error Occurs

Jan 19, 2010

if the rows CurTXId is 0 then I insert new records. and then call AcceptChanges on the if I have an error, for example conversion from null to Decimal causes an error and the first insert occurs before the error. now i have a row inserted but AcceptChanges hasn't been called yet.then i click save again and the insert happens again since the rowstate hasn't should I handle this?[code]

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Incorrect Syntax Error When Filling Datatable?

Sep 8, 2009

Dim adapter As New SqlDataAdapter("SELECT price, product FROM" & txtstore.Text & "WHERE barcode='" & txtbarcode.Text & "'", con)


I dont the msgbox to be sure that correct string is being passed to it and it is.. But I got an error at the "adapter.fill(txtstore.text)" saying Incorrect syntax at 'barcode'.

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LINQ To DataTable Error - End Of Statement Expected

Sep 21, 2010

If txtSearchString.Text.Trim <> "" Then
Dim searchString As String = txtSearchString.Text.Trim
Dim results As EnumerableRowCollection(Of DataRow) = From PO In FilterPurchaseOrders().AsEnumerable


I am getting this error: error BC30205: End of statement expected.

FilterPurchaseOrders() function returns a datatable.

Whats wrong with the above code?

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Null Exception Error When Loading Datatable?

May 20, 2010

I am loading data from an excel sheet using the following code.The first test I did worked fine.But when I tried another sheet it errored on a cell that was blank"Object reference not set to an instance of an object".Even though the sheet in the first test had blank cells.I need the loop to load the blank cell in the datatable

For nRow = 1 To objSheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count - 1
dr = dt.NewRow
For nCol = 0 To objSheet.UsedRange.Columns.Count - 1


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Parsing Error On Adding A Csv Text Value Into A DataTable In .net

Apr 19, 2011

I'm trying to add records from a CSV file into a dataTable in, as follows:

dim myObjAdapter as new myDataSourceAdapters.myTableAdapter
dim myObjTable as new myDataSource.myTable
myObjTable = myObjAdapter.Getdata


PS: in CSV file, the decimal digit is "." and if I add directly a record into table, using "." as decimal separators, the numbers get right format.

There is a kind of settings to change, or option to enable/disable on adding this records to do the right adding?

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Syntax Error In DataTable.Select Statement?

Feb 3, 2006

I am trying to select a row in a datatable using the method as described in the help files. There are several examples and here is a typical one: Private Sub GetRowsByFilter() Dim t As DataTable t = DataSet1.Tables("Orders") ' Presuming the DataTable has a column named Date. Dim strExpr As String strExpr = "Date > '1/1/00'" Dim foundRows() As DataRow ' Use the Select method to find all rows matching the filter.foundRows = t.Select(strExpr) Dim i As Integer ' Print column 0 of each returned row. For i = 0 to foundRows.GetUpperBound(0) Console.WriteLine(foundRows(i)(0)) Next i End Sub The intellisense comes up with an error on the 'select' line: "value of type '1-dimensional array of' cannot be converted to ''

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VS 2010 Can't Seem To Fill A DataTable From MySql Without An Error?

Jan 26, 2011

It seems I've tried a million little variations of this and I keep getting the same error: "The SelectCommand property has not been initialized before calling 'Fill'

Imports System.Data
Imports MySql.Data.MySqlClient
Public Class clsDB


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LINQ Join Query On Datatable And Arraylist Error?

Dec 6, 2009

I have a set of LINQ queries filtering original datatable (loaded from Excel file) based on user selections in Comboboxes. Then the result is joined with Arraylist to further filter the set. Arraylist is a simple list of strings.


If (Samples.Item(0) Is Nothing) = False And Samples.Item(0) <> "All samples" Then
queryResults = From records In queryResults Join samp In Samples _
On records("SAMPNUM") Equals samp _


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Syntax Error Null Check Datatable / Gridview Vb?

May 21, 2010

I have this code:Dim Result As New DataTable DataAdapter.Fill(Result)

'bind data to visible surname/name grid If Result.Rows.Count = 0 Then NoInputBottom.Text = "No Results. Please widen your search criteria and try again" NoInputTop.Text = "No Results. widen your search criteria and try again" Else
GV.DataSource = Result
End If

I have also tried moving the check to the gridview like so:

If GV.Columns.Count = 0 Then
NoInputBottom.Text = "No Options Selected: Please select your search criteria and try again"
NoInputTop.Text = "No Options Selected: Please select your search criteria and try again"
End If

When I run the code. the noinput labels do not have value, the null check seems to be failing? Please can you tell me how to display a message if the search returned no reults.

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.net - SQLDataAdapter Filling Datatable With Primary Key Produces Error And Exits Sub?

Aug 12, 2011

Ok so this is going to take some explaining. The process I am trying to do is grab data from a table function in SQL and then fill a dataset with the returned values. I then have to run this query twice more to query an alternative number table. Then add to the same table as the previous queries.This needs to be as fast as possible, so I am currently using an adapter.fill to populate the datasets and then a dataset.merge to put them all into one table.

The problem is the query can return duplicates which waste time and space, because of this I made column 3(part_ID) the primary key to stop duplicates.When this is run with the .merge it quits at the first instance of a duplication and doesn't continue with the population.


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Directoryservices.directorysearcher Loop Has Error A Column Named 'cn' Already Belongs To This Datatable?

Oct 4, 2010

I have a function that searches AD for members of various groups. If I remove the loop, I don't get the error "A column named 'cn' already belongs to this datatable", however, I need to iterate through each OU.

Function getCOMDLNames(ByVal searchStr As String) As DataTable
Dim MySearchRoot As DirectoryEntry = New DirectoryEntry("path", "usr", "pwd")
Dim MyDirectorySearcher As New DirectorySearcher(MySearchRoot)


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RowChanged Event Fires And Throws An Error During DataAdapter.Fill(DataTable)?

Mar 12, 2011

At the top of my code for the form I have the following statements (and some other unrelated ones to):

Dim LastDataRow As DataRow
Public Event RowChanged As DataRowChangeEventHandler

When my form loads I run the following line of code:

AddHandler dt.RowChanged, New DataRowChangeEventHandler(AddressOf Row_Changed)

After the form loads I have a FetchData button which connects to the database and brings the records into a datatable object. During this fill operation my Row_Changed event fires (for every record I think) and tries to run DataAdapter.Update(DataTable) (pseudocode) which ultimately fails because I haven't yet created commands. The error I get in my Row_Changed procedure is:

Update requires a valid InsertCommand when passed DataRow collection with new rows.I hadn't even planned to use an InsertCommand at all since I will not be allowing users to insert records from this form. I do plan to allow them to delete or modify existing records, but not insert new my AddHandler statement after filling the datatable. However, I'm trying to figure out how to rewrite my code so that I can refresh the datatable without closing out the form/application and having to open it up again. I think that's a problem for a separate discussion.

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Loop Datatable And Select Checkboxlist Item Based On The Datatable Field Values

Aug 18, 2011

I am trying to display value of the field ("UserID") for every row exists in datatable to checkboxlist(make the checkboxlist item selected).

I used for loop, but only the field value from last row of RoleUsers table is selected in the checkboxlist.

Here is my code

Private Sub DisplayRoleUser()
Dim conn As SqlConnection
Dim cmd As SqlCommand


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VS 2005 Datatable Vs Dataview - Apply A Filter To The Defaultview.rowfilter Property Of That Datatable

Mar 15, 2010

I have a datatable and I apply a filter to the defaultview.rowfilter property of that datatable. If I then loop through the rows collection of the datatable, will I only be able to see those rows that the filter applies to, or will it loop through all the rows?

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VS 2010 : System.ArgumentException Was Unhandled Message=DataTable 'get_item_list' Does Not Match To Any DataTable In Source

Apr 21, 2010

I am working on a project that takes an xml schema and xml data files and places them into a DataTable, the 2 files are generated from a working table that i have written to disk. I wish to load these 2 files into a DataTable. Here is What i have
Friend Function CreateTable(ByVal tableName As String) As Boolean
Dim table As New DataTable(tableName)
table.ReadXmlSchema(tableName & ".xsd")


this however produces the following error on line 3


System.ArgumentException was unhandled Message=DataTable 'get_item_list' does not match to any DataTable in source.

get_item_list is the parameter passed into this function (tableName)

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Datagridview Bound To A Datatable Setting Its Datasource Property To The Datatable

May 20, 2011

I have a datagridview bound to a datatable setting its datasource property to the datatable. I would like to have a child form that contains a list of columns associated with the datatable that contains a checkbox that will allow the user to hide and show the columns ( I do not know the best control to use here) (I assume this is the easy part as All i need to do is loop through each of the datatable's columns to get the column name)

now I would like save these visible columns on some event like form_closing so that the next time the user opens the form up it will remember the settings

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Get Subset DataTable From Main DataTable, But Preserve Primary Key & RowErrors?

Apr 16, 2012

I came across a problem with using a BindingSource as my DataGridViews.DataSource. Whenever I applied a filter to a column in the BindingSource and the user makes changes that don't match the column filter the DataGridViewRows would automatically disappear. A similar thing would happen when applying a Sort to a column. If the user made any changes the DridGirdViewRows would automatically sort causing rows to be moved around. This was not ideal for my application and there isn't anyway to stop this from happening with the BindingSource.

To correct this issue I have to use subsets of data. I use a DataView to apply the filter and sort to the main DataTable, which creates the subset DataTable.The problem is when I use the DataView.ToTable method I loose the Primary Key and RowError information. So I have to reapply this information everytime the user filters or sorts the DataGridView.Is there a better way to get a subset DataTable?[code]...

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VS 2010 Datatable - Summarize Multiple Occurrences Of An Item In A Datatable

Jun 5, 2012

I have a datatable that has a resource in one field and hours used in another, it looks like this -

Resource Hours Used
Manager 1
Accountant 1
Field Staff 2
Accountant 3
Manager 4
Manager 1
Administrator 6
Field Staff 4
Manager 0.5
Administrator 1

What I want to do is be able to create a summary of the data table above that groups multiple occurrences of a resource and adds up the hours used for that resource, creating a summary that looks like this -

Resource Hours Used
Manager 6.5
Accountant 4
Field Staff 6
Administrator 7

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Assign A Populated Datatable's Columns To Another Empty Datatable?

May 28, 2007

Is there a simple way to assign a populated datatable's columns to another empty datatable? That is, I want to copy a datatable's structure only but not its data.

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Creating DataTable And Copy Existing DataTable Schema?

Feb 17, 2011

I'm using 2010.I have a DataSet with a Table and data. MyDataSet1 which contains Table1 I want to create another table that is the same as the Table1 but without data, but it should have the columns, etc.

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