Getting Data From A Terminal Emulator Using Webbrowser Control Or Using The HTEcab.dll?

Jun 17, 2009

The control behind the scenes is "HTEcab.dlI can bring it up in the toolbox, but I don't know how to make it work. There is no documentation I know of.So, I tried using the webbrowser control and going to the web location where the Terminal Emulator resides It is the ite and the private page is Sabre_view.asp (AKA WebPCFos).This brings up the terminal window and you can access the companies info thru this 60"s style technology.

Sub WebBrowser1_DocumentCompleted(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.WebBrowserDocumentCompletedEventArgs) Handles WebBrowser1.DocumentCompleted


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Display The Data On Terminal B If Inserted From Terminal A?

Dec 8, 2010

my project work on server if inserted data from terminal A i need display the data on terminal B

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VS 2008 GlobalKeyboardHook - Application That Will Run On A Terminal Similar To A Micros Terminal

Feb 19, 2010

I have an application that will run on a terminal similar to a micros terminal. The terminal is already running another vendors app that captures the users logon ID from a swipecard. I need to capture the same logon ID at the same time. This is no problem, I just hook it.

The problem is I have another app which also captures swipes. In development I am running both apps for testing. It appears that when I unhook one app it unhooks both. Rehook and all is fine. As my two apps will never be on the same terminal this is not a problem. What I am concerned about is the vendors app unhooking mine or the other way around.

I would of thought that each app would have it's own ID and that each hook would be independent. I have considered finding a way to determine if a global hook is present and then use some logic to decide on unhooking or not but can't find anything.

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Microsoft Terminal Control Problem In MDI?

Feb 11, 2011

trying to write an app consisting of MDI parent where the child forms are:

- created with the Microsoft Terminal Services Control

- connected to remote server (from a listbox)

I can get it to work in a SDI, however whenever I try to spawn the child window in MDI format I get:

System.InvalidOperationException was unhandled

Message="Unable to get the window handle for the 'AxMsTscAxNotSafeForScripting' control. Windowless ActiveX controls are not supported." Source="System.Windows.Forms"

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VS 2008 - How To Control Terminal Board

Oct 2, 2010

I need to control this terminal Board and I have absolutely no idea if this is can be done. This board is connected to the PC Via PCI Card. Can we do that using .Net Framework?

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Use Or Drag More Than One MS Terminal Service Control In One Form?

Jan 3, 2011

Can I use or drag more than one MS Terminal Service Control in one form? Is it possible to connect from two or more different desktop in LAN by the using two or more MS Terminal Service Control in a form? If its possible, kindly attached source code or procedures how to make it.

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Data Input With WebBrowser Control?

May 31, 2010

I have never had issues trying to input data via a webbrowser control but I am banging my head against the wall here.

Here is the html from the website I am working with:


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Inputting Data To Webbrowser Control?

Mar 18, 2010

What i need to do is use a webbrowser control to goto [URL]....n&dlc=en&cc=us from there there are 2 text boxes for the product number and serial number, i need to input those, submit the info then when the results are displayed parse them into text box or a msgbox. The only data i need from the result is the warranty start and end dates.

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Send Data When From WebBrowser Control To Application?

Aug 13, 2009

I currently have a simple VB.Net WebBrowser program uses webbrowser control, I 'd like to have certain data returned by a sever in the open web page send to the program, i.e. retrieve the html response from ASP.NET page.

i need to query a database a user's Full Name, when data is returned by the sever side script, it won't do any update on the web page, instead it should notify the program what users' full name is.

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VS 2008 Webbrowser Control For Data Reporting?

Jun 3, 2012

i am using webbrowser control as reporting tool ( instead of exporting the data to excel or other COM interface )i have built some HTML table structure and rows headings etc.

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Created An Application With 3 Terminal Windows For Capturing Data?

Aug 2, 2011

I have created an application with 3 terminal windows for capturing data from 3 serial ports and outputting the data to a file. It seems to work well with one serial port, but when I fire all 3 serial ports at once, the application hangs. Here is the portion of the code that I believe is the problem. The code below is for Serial Port A. I have the same code for Serial Port B and Serial Port C

Private Sub ASerialPort_OnComm() Handles ASerialPort.OnComm
Me.BeginInvoke(New EventHandler(AddressOf ReceivedTextA))


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Filter Incoming And Outgoing Data On A COM Port Terminal?

Feb 4, 2010

Is it possible to filter the incoming and outgoing data on a COM port terminal... to distinguish it?

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VS 2005 Pushing Data Onto A Webpage (WebBrowser Control)

Feb 4, 2010

I'm attempting to populate fields in a processing webpage [URL] and having a small problem.

I can add the email and antenna heights easily but how do I manipulate a file browser (file upload) and option input boxes (Antenna Type) from within my vb app?

It might be the long way around but i'm doing it via searching each of the html elements to find the named fields I'm looking for:

Dim intWork As Integer
For intWork = 0 To WebBrowser1.Document.All.Count - 1
strWork = WebBrowser1.Document.All.Item(intWork).Name


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Use The Webbrowser Control To Navigate To Certain Websites And Login And Retrieve Some Data

Nov 29, 2009

I use the webbrowser control to navigate to certain websites and login and retrieve some data. For that I created a sub for each website. On the form i have a button that calls every sub when clicked. The problem is that I don't know how to pause or stop the process once started. If I quit the program it will still run in the background until all calls complete. I tried to use a thread, but that doesn't go well with the webbrowser control.

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Vb 2010 Express - Webbrowser Control Getting / Scraping Data From Html?

Mar 13, 2011

I know how to browse page witht he browser control etc, but i need to know how to grab data from within the html.


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VS 2008 Monitor HTTP Data Sent And Received Over A Webbrowser Control?

Jan 23, 2011

How can i monitor the HTTP data (headers including raw html data) that is sent and recieved while a user browses with a web browser control in my application?

is there some way to capture the connection itself into a socket?

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Data Terminal Device Slow Searching String In Text File?

Apr 4, 2011

Is there a way to search fast in text file? i have a 5mb text file and it is slow to search ..Im using Vs2008 (VB) and MC3100 WinCE 6 platform

Private Sub DataHandler()


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Controlling WebBrowser Display If Webbrowser Control Is Used As File Explorer

Apr 18, 2011

I use webbrowser as File Explorer.

If you click folder it opens new folder contents in WB window but if you click html document it opens in EXTERNAL viewer.

How do you get html document to open in WB while exploring ?

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Different Webbrowser Control - Web Based Apps Which Will Require A Webbrowser Extension

Aug 10, 2010

I am writing a few web based apps which will require a webbrowser extension. I have already used the IE webbrowser control that uses the trident web rendering engine. I believe this is MSHTML.DLL? Anyway, some of the users of my programs have complained of a few things. Particularily,

1. It seems to be a slow browser, at least compared to other rendering engines out there (webkit and gecko are 2 known ones).

2. On the developer side, it seems to be low in features. The features are sufficient in most cases, but there are some "special" things that I need.

3. It has VERY low HTML (and especially HTML5) compliance.

My question is, how much work would it take to use a different engine (such as webkit .net, which I HAVE heard of) and be able to distribute it easily. Or, if you guys feel ambitious, we could try writing a brand new engine ourselves. I know how big of a job it is, and frankly, I have no clue where to begin. I would just like your thoughts and opinions on the matter.

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Webbrowser Control - Memory Leak - HTTP Web Request Instead Of A Webbrowser?

Mar 18, 2011

i have created an app to load an access database into a datagridview, which contains web urls. When button is clicked it webbrowser1 navigates to each url and each webpages document.inertext is put into textbox. This all work fine but after a while the webbrowser navigation becomes increasingly slower.

For Each RW As DataGridViewRow In Me.DataGridView1.SelectedRows
'''''''''''#######cell values into strings ########''''''''''''''
If RW.Selected = True Then
Dim domain As String


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C# - Good 3270 Emulator (.NET)

Jun 24, 2011

What is a good 3270 emulator(which can login, scrape screen, find text, send keys etc. in background) for .NET(win n web). Something very similar to [URL](apparently zephyr costs like $5k per year, which is quite a lot, for one pc).


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Sendkeys To An Emulator Or To Another Window?

Nov 6, 2010

I can sendkeys.send, and can sendkeys.sendwait to other games, before.I could even control my necromancer on Diablo 2, GAME. make him walk, and attack and such.I could even control Knight Of Honor, and Sims 2, and Sims 3. Sending Keys.That was easy, and the applications listen to me.I can even sendkeys to Flash Game, Super Mario, online, on a Web Browser, ...

Why Can't I Sendkeys to Nestopia, or some other games, I don't remember anymore, but now I am trying to make a cheat, when Mac gets punched out, In Punch out, that I want the application to press the A & B Button, FAST, and Repeativly, ... why doesn't Nestopia listen to my application, and why isn't it allowing me to Sendkeys to it?This is very cool, because I've never Imagined me being able to use my Programming experiance to Sendkeys, lol, to a game, I played over 20+ years ago, who'd imagine that I'd be able to do that 20+ years latter, ...

Imports System
Public Class Form1
Private Declare Function GetAsyncKeyState Lib "user32" (ByVal vKey As Long) As Integer
Private Sub Timer1_Tick(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Timer1.Tick


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VS 2010 Keyboard Emulator?

Feb 17, 2012

So what I've been trying to learn how to do is create a command console program so when I open it up it will execute a series of keystrokes, i.e I want to create a program that when I open it a cmd will open and automatically open up itunes and press podcasts the ctrl u to update them. How would I could that?

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[2005] CMD Console Emulator?

Jan 26, 2009

With much help from the forum I am almost there with my project to emulate a cmd console using a form with a textbox (txtResults) to display the output of the (hidden) console, and another textbox (txtCommand) for me to type in commands, and send to the console with a click of a button (Button1).

The following code now almost emulates the cmd console exactly, but just one little bug still to iron out:

Look at the following pairs of screenshots from a cmd console and my emulator, and you will see the difference.


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Game Programming :: Chip 8 Emulator In .Net?

May 8, 2010

i am trying to create chip 8 emulator in, i have coded all opcodes so far but the real problem is in drawing sprites as i have really dont have any idea of graphics and how to draw pixels. i have these two function that will draw pixels on a picture box..

Sub DrawSprite()
v(&HF) = 0
x = v(opcode2) * 4
y = v(opcode3) * 4


the problem Picture.Point and Picture.Line is no longer supported in vb.Net so ho to improve DrawScreen() function?

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Way To Do A 'webbrowser' Without Using WEbbrowser Control That Is Based On Internetexplorer?

Jan 1, 2011

Ive tried to edit option on the webbrowser control, example javascript enable/disable. but found out that it uses IE's option and cannot be changed.So my question is: Is there a way to do a "webbrowser" without using the WEbbrowser control that is based on internetexplorer? If it is, can i change option example flash and so on?

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Different Behaviour Of Offset For Seekorigin.end For Emulator And Device

Jun 30, 2010

I have a smartdevice program. In this program, I have the following statement: xxx=mstbinreader.BaseStream.Seek(offset, SeekOrigin.End) When this program is run for Windows Mobile 6 Professional emulator and Windows Mobile 6 Professional device, following is observed: When offset is zero, both emulator and device return 20,467,484


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Understanding Eprom Emulator Command String

Sep 19, 2011

I'm working with an eprom emulator in trying to understand the command string write instructions. Here is what I have. [code] From what I know, the values in hex need to be converted to decimal first. What I'm not sure about is the checksum value needed. The instructions say Checksum =(1 byte truncated addition of all the above).

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Kinect Multipoint Project In Alpha Stage For Emulator Section?

Feb 22, 2012

I found out how to get the emulator working for my kinectmultipoint on 32-bit and 64-bit machines (i still need to confirm 64-bit by tests but 32-bit works). I used the webbrowser controls invokescript property and placed my vbscript code in an html page to tell internet explorer engine to pass script to correct version scripting engine when executing the vbscript.

after using navigate property I use these lines of code:

In form load: 'setup the softehci controller before executing dsf code!

Shell("C:Program Filesdsfsoftehcisoftehcicfg /REMOVE")

Shell("C:Program Filesdsfsoftehcisoftehcicfg /REMOVE")

In button1 click event: Webbrowser1.Navigate("path to html file with vbscript")

Webbrowser1.Invokescript("my vbscript method")

Note: i think this approach only works in local mode not on a web server or such.

So if anyone wants to check up on the project or help me i just need to change the vbscript to add multiple mouse devices and then i portion it up to do these three main functions:1. Add a new mouse device when kinect detects another person walking up to computer.

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From HTML Content In A WebBrowser Control, Call Another Control?

Feb 20, 2010

I have a regular application form with a WebBrowser control.I have strung together a .htm file (from a regular text file) which I then assign to the WebBrowser control. In the html file, I have filenames mentioned.I am trying to string together the html in such a way as to give a clickable link or button that will parse into html and open the corresponding file in another WebBrowser control in VB.I have tried using VBScript and JavaScript to put a button in the html.As long as the function or sub I call is also in the same html document, it works, but I really need to transfer the control back into visual basic where I can do the heavy lifting I need to.can I just not do this as a regular VB application? Any way to do it without adding the complication of requiring ActiveX?

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