GroupBox_Enter Reports Previous GroupBox As Having Focus When Using Tab - Works Ok With Mouse Clicks

Mar 6, 2012

I have 3 group boxes on a form. Each group box contains a single Button and several RadioButtons - each RadioButton has an associated TextBox control. Changing RadioButton in a given GroupBox enables or disables the associated TextBox control in that GroupBox. There is also a RichTextBox on the form and the contents of the RichTextBox change depending on which GroupBox contains the active control.

I am trying to use the GroupBox_Enter event to cause the RichTextBox content to be updated. When the user uses a mouse click to move to a new GroupBox the RichTextBox changes as expected (desired) but if the user tabs from the last control in the prior GroupBox to the first control in the new GroupBox it doesn't, it gets stuck one GroupBox behind. This is the code:


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Disable Mouse Click For A While Of Filter Mouse Clicks

Sep 1, 2011

Im using Visual Basic 2008 Express..Is there a way to disable mouse click for a while in Visual Basic 2008, I mean if mouse was clicked more than 1 time in very short time to click only once? -- I need it because my mouse became like crazy one.. when I click once it may clicks twice or until I buy another one, I'd like to filter click, to allow only one click and to block another clicks that were made in last second.

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Get Mouse Pos /send Mouse Clicks Within Another Process?

Dec 3, 2010

So what I am trying to accomplish is running a program that constantly tracks mouse coordinates relevant to a specific process window rather than all of the screen.


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Focus To A Control In Groupbox?

Jun 19, 2009

from my main form i'm giving focus to a control dynamically to calling form for example i have 3 child form, child1, child2, child3 form main form before i call the form i give the focus to a control which is set on some condition


and when i call child1.controls(cntrlname).focus() it throws the error. any idea how i can give focus using above code to one of my control in groupbox.

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Give Focus To Previous Control After Click Of Button?

Jun 3, 2010

I have a form with few text boxes and other control on it like button etc. On click of a button on form i do some validation (like x = 2) if yes then it gives warning message and i want to give the focus back to the previous control (the control which was having focus before clicking button). I tried following on click of button

dim prevcntrl as control = asctivecontrol
if x = 2 then
Magbox("not valid")
activecontrol = prevcntrl


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PInvokeStackImbalance Error In VS2010 Calling Unmanaged C Function With A String (works In Previous VS Versions)

Aug 9, 2010

In VS2010 I'm encountering a PInvokeStackImbalance error when I call an unmanaged C function that takes a string argument. This only happens in VS2010 (works fine in earlier versions of vs). I know the MDA is more strict in VS2010 but I can't seem to figure out what the actual problem is.


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Reset DataGridView Blank Row If User Clicks In That Row And Takes Focus Off That Row

May 19, 2012

If a user clicks the blank row at the bottom of a DataGridView and moves focus away from the DataGridView, the row click in now is in a state that indicates a change is made to that row.

Is it possible to tell the DataGridView to un-mark this row as being changed?

Is it possible to reset this row when focus is off the DataGridView?

We are using the following event handler to alert the user if the Invoiced On is left blank:

Private Sub dataGridViewPayments_CellValidating(ByVal sender As Object, _
ByVal e As DataGridViewCellValidatingEventArgs) _
Handles DataGridViewPayments.CellValidating


Looks like we need a way to stop this from executing if the user simply clicks in the grid then clicks somewhere else in the form.

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Detect Whenever User Clicks The Mouse?

Jun 8, 2009

I need to detect whenever user clicks the mouse, no matter what form is selected at the given time.

I know that detected keypresses globally can be done through a Keyboard hook so I assume that i am going to need some sort of Mouse Hook.

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Disable Mouse Clicks, Right And Left

Jul 20, 2009

I have an application in Visual Basic Express 2008 that just has a Windows Media Player control on a blank form. In order to prevent the user from double clicking which would result in the media player full screening, I want to disable both right and left mouse clicks on the form and Windows Media Player control. Any suggestions?

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Hooking Global Mouse Clicks?

May 13, 2009

i found an example for hooking global mouseclicks, but i can't get it running.the error is in the start subroutine, -SetWindowsHookEx failed.what am i doing wrong?

Imports System.Runtime.InteropServices

Public Class UserActivityHook
Public Delegate Function HookProc(ByVal nCode As Integer, ByVal wParam As Integer, ByVal lParam As IntPtr) As Integer
Public OnMouseActivity As MouseEventHandler[code]....

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How To Discard Mouse Clicks Of A Control

Aug 4, 2009

I use pictureboxes on my GUI for click controls. The associated function will be executed whenever user clicks the picturebox control.

My question is that, how do I discard(not just suppress) a control click (message) for a period of time (i.e. during the function execution).

I simple just want the click messages made during the function execution discarded by VB.

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How To Simulate Mouse Button Clicks

Aug 13, 2008

I need to visually moves the cursor using keyboard keys.

1) I need to get the mouse to where the button is

2) Simulate the mouse movement to the button from wherever it is

3) and simulate a button click.

Only after i select a button i can start drawing on my form. I have a code here, when i hold the Ctrl key and press the arrow keys, the mouse will start drawing straight lines. But what happen when i need to use controls like buttons, comboboxes etc.?


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Simulate Mouse Clicks And Key Presses?

May 30, 2012

How can I get the mouse and keyboard to simulate clicks and key presses from code?

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Vb 2008 - Sending Mouse Clicks ?

Mar 20, 2009

Is there anyway i can send mouse click to

Y:270 X:548

SetCursorPos(330, 288)

Im useing that code but it move's the cursor and i dont want that is there anyway it can click Y:270 X:548 without moving my mouse ?

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VS 2010 Detecting Mouse Clicks?

Jun 7, 2012

how do I make a textbox that counts every single mouse click made while the application is open?

Private Declare Function GetAsyncKeyState Lib "user32" (ByVal VKey As Long) As Integer
Private Sub WebBrowser1_MouseDown(ByVal Button As Integer)
Select Case Button


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Create Program That Rec Mouse Move And Clicks?

Sep 8, 2011

i want to create program that rec mouse move and clicks.This is my code and when i debug my program without clicking she recs a lot of right and left clicks


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Detect Keystrokes And Send Mouse Clicks

May 31, 2007

i'm trying to build a application for my buddy who plays online games and has asked for a simple program to click the mouse button within his game that he plays for a certain amount of time with a certain duration between. my questions comes ( and i searched but didnt find much useful information for .net framework anyway) about how to detect a combination of keystrokes to start an action and further more to send a click event to the game that should be main focus. i'd also appreciate any tutorials on sending information to other forms controls etc.
thank you for any help

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Get Three Reference Points Coordinate On Mouse Clicks?

Oct 11, 2009

I would like to get 3 point coordinates on mouse clicks and get them display in the text boxes. I'm working with my project. An image will be loaded in a picture box and the image has 3 reference point. I need all the points coordinate to be display separately whenever user click on the points. When user click on the first point, the coordinate of the point will be display as point a, click on the second point,the coordinate will be display as point b, and click on the third point,the coordinate will be display as point c.

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Make Program Detect Mouse Clicks?

Sep 16, 2009

How would I make my VB Program detect mouse clicks? I want the code in a timer. So if I turn the timer on, my program will detect a Mouse click and then do the rest of the Timer code. And after the timer code is done, I want it to do it again until the timer is closed. So if the timer is on, every time I click the mouse, (anywhere on screen) it will do the rest of timer code.

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Mouse Clicks A Square In Grid That It Changes Color?

Aug 12, 2009

I know how to draw a grid with dots,system.Windows.Forms.ControlPaint.DrawGrid(e.Graphics, e.ClipRectangle, New Size(NewMap.MapX, NewMap.MapY), Color. Blue)But what i dont know how to do is make a grid with lines do i do like a loop and put squares up untell they = a given amount.Also when that is done how do i make it so if the mouse clicks a square in the grid, that it changes color? I got a sorta grid working it makes a good grid for the first like 5 squares then it makes more and they increase in size. [code]

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Mouse Recorder - Record Clicks As Well As Movement?

Dec 6, 2010

i am trying to make a program that will recored basicly everything that you do with your mouse and play it back. I already have it to where it will record mouse positions but i want it to record clicks as well as movement.

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Pressing Keyboard Buttons With Mouse Clicks?

Jan 3, 2012

I am trying to create a program that using the mouse to press keyboard keys...i mean e.g when u click the wheel button to press the "1" key of the keyboard.

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Saving And Playing Back Mouse Clicks?

Nov 21, 2009

How would I go about saving a persons mouse click. Here is how I would like my program to work: They open my program. They go into their program they want to record mouse clicks on, and they press F9. They click however many times, and it records each mouse click. They press F10 to stop recording. They can choose the delay, in milliseconds, between each mouse click. They get the data in a text box. They can save this info in a text file and use it alter if they want to, to play it back.

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Temporarily Disable Mouse Clicks On A VB Net Form?

Aug 16, 2010

I have scoured the net for help with this problem of temporarily disabling mouse clicks on a VB Net form and have not been able to find a solution that works.

I'd like to prevent users form clicking on a form when i'm doing some background processing. To me it sounds simple in theory but apparently its not.

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Temporarily Disabling Mouse Clicks On A VB Form?

Mar 11, 2010

I have scoured the net for help with this problem of temporarily disabling mouse clicks on a VB Net form and have not been able to find a solution that works.

I'd like to prevent users form clicking on a form when i'm doing some background processing. To me it sounds simple in theory but apparently its not.

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User Clicks On A Picture Box It Moves Around With The Mouse?

Mar 4, 2009

Basicly If a user clicks on a picture box it moves around with the mouse, How can I make it so the user has to be holding down mouse1 (draging the picture box) and if they are not holding down mouse1 it drops

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VS 2008 Detecting Mouse Clicks In A Control?

Sep 17, 2009

I would like the text in a button to display "hello" when it is first clicked, and "world" when it is clicked again. But I don't know how to write code to detect the second click.

Private Sub StartStopButton_MouseClick(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs) Handles StartStopButton.MouseClick
Button1.Text = "Hello"


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Change The Position Of The Mouse And Perform Left And Right Clicks?

Apr 29, 2011

Is it possible for me to control the mouse with

I would like to change the position of the mouse and perform left and right clicks.

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Clicks Or Mouse-up On A Specific Date On The Monthly Calendar?

Jun 11, 2009

I have a process that takes 3 seconds which needs to be run when someone clicks or mouse-up on a specific date on the monthly calendar. However, I do not want the process to run as one moves from month to month by clicking on the arrow keys.

I have tried the date-change and mouse-up events and both of these fire when I move between the months.

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Forms :: Sending Mouse Clicks And Test To A Window

May 10, 2011

I am new to, i did a course in it about 5 years ago, and could do simple programs, but lost most of my knowledge, because i have not used it in such a long time, now i want to do something and cant seem to get it right, i have this game that i a play online, and i have a few accounts for it, so i would like to make a account logger, wher the usernames and passwords will be saved in a text file, and then i just open the vb program, select the username and the vb program will automatically set focus to the game window (which is windowed, not full screen).

Problem is just, the game client has 4 buttons, New Account, Play Game, About and Credits, i want to get a way for the VB program to set focus to the program(bring it to front, and then move the mouse to the coordinates of the play game button, goto coordinates of the username text box, click and write the username, same for password and then move to login button coordinates and click logon, wait a sec or two and move to either character 1, 2, 3's login button and click)


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