Hide And Prepopulate Field In ASP.NET CreateUserWizard Control?

May 14, 2012

I have an application in which a user fills out a form indicating their interest in a service. This includes contact info. (e.g. name, email). They are then redirected to a page with a CreateUserWizard control - the idea being that it will prepopulate the form with most of the info. needed to create a user account (excluding username/password which need to be entered manually).


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How To Prepopulate A Class That Inherits Combobox

Sep 24, 2010

I'm extending the ComboBox class in VB.NET and I'm running into a problem prepopulating the collection. I try to do so by using Me.Items.Add() calls in the New() sub. However, once I place the control on a form in the form designer, Visual Studio automatically adds those items to the collection in form designer, then they are added again at runtime. How can I make them only added once?

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.net - Programatically Hide Field In PropertyGrid?

Mar 9, 2009

Using <System.ComponentModel.TypeConverter(GetType(System.ComponentModel.ExpandableObjectConverter))> _

on the declaration of a class (which is a property of another class) that consists of a number properties.

I load an instance of this class with simply ...

PropertyGrid1.SelectedObject = oColumn

Obviously I don't want to manually build the propertygrid in code, I know how to do that.

But here's the problem. Depending on the value of a property, certain other properties should not be visible, as though I'd used the <System.ComponentModel.Browsable(False)> _

attribute on the property declaration.Is there anyway to do this programmatically, without having to handle all the building of the property grid manually>

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C# - Can't Hide The VIEWSTATE Hidden Field In ASP.NET

Jan 20, 2010

I have to hide the VIEWSTATE and EVENTVALIDATION hidden fields on my ASP.net page at RUN time.

I managed to remove the EVENTVALIDATION like so.............

<%@ Page enableEventValidation="false" EnableViewState="false" %>

But the VIEWSTATE is still there and I cant get rid of it and I need to. (hard to explain why)

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Get Value Of BLOB Field And Show / Hide A Label Based On It?

Nov 2, 2011

I'm calling some data from my Oracle table and I have a field which is called 'image1' which is a BLOB field.

Sometimes an image is input into the field and others it's not. I need a way to read the BLOB field to see if its a blank and then show/hide my label based on its contents.[code]...

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Adding Fields To The CreateUserWizard?

Jun 15, 2005

I'm trying to add a textbox to the initial step of the CreatUserWizard.Let's say it is tbMyTextbox.Now when I add an event on created user, I want to get the value in the field.I thought I could use dim mc as textboxmc = ctype(CreateUserWizard1.Findcontrol("tbMyTextbox"),textbox)mc.text should be the text of the field.But it can't find the control... so I trieddim mystep as CreatuserWizardstepmystep = createuserwizard1.activestepmc = ctype(mystep.findcontrol("tbMyTextbox"),textbox)But it also fails.The example just uses tbMyTextbox.text which just throws a compiler error.

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Asp.net - In Asp:CreateUserWizard A DropDownList Won't Save To Db?

Jul 12, 2010

In the 2nd step of the wizard, I have a dropdownlist that is populated from the db. when I go to the

3rd step RegisterUser.ActiveStepChanged event if fired. In there I save the data to the db. My

textboxes are saving properly but my the vb code isn't pulling the selectedIndex/Value from the


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.net - Custom CreateUserWizard Adding 2 Fields?

Feb 23, 2011

I am attempting to customise the CreateUserWizard by following it in my book, but when I come to reference them in code behind I get an error saying 'FieldName is not declared' for each field i'm adding, they are present in the page with the correct ID's, am I doing something wrong?

I am only trying to add a firstName and lastName field to the bottom of the CreateUserWizard and remove the need to a security question.


<asp:CreateUserWizard ID="CreateUserWizard1" runat="server" OnCreatedUser="CreateUserWizard1_CreatedUser">


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Add User To Roles During CreateUserWizard.CreatedUser Step?

Jan 22, 2011

How to add user to roles during CreateUserWizard.CreatedUser?What's wrong in this code:

Protected Sub CreateUserWizard1_CreatedUser(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs) Handles CreateUserWizard1.CreatedUser
Dim username As TextBox =


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Asp.net - Auto-generate Username And Password In Createuserwizard?

Nov 30, 2010

How to autogenerate username and password in createuserwizard vb.net !

I want username as int data type and auto increment as 1000, 1001, 1002 and so on ...

and password for all user in random numbers ... with characters as aA123Sb

in createuserwizard complete step it will show username and password....

how to do in vb.net ?

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C# - Show Hide Using Javascript On A Control Inside A ASCX Control In A Gridview (ASP.NET + Javascript)

Oct 8, 2010

I have written a web usercontrol (ascx). Inside, there is a Panel that I want to show/hide on click of a hyperlink inside the usercontrol. Normally, this is easy just by doing something like this (the onclick attribute is added to the hyperlink on prerender):


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Hide A Tab Page In Control?

Nov 16, 2009

I have a tab Control with multiple pages. In my Load Sub routine I have tried the following 2 statements[code]...

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Hide A Webbrowser Control?

May 10, 2010

I would like to use the webbrowser control to simply read in http data and perform tasks. Henceforth, I would like to hide the webbrowser control.

I've tried:


But it doesn't seem to work.

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Hide Tabs On Control?

Mar 16, 2009

I have a setup/configuration utility that I am making. The form is split the left side has a nodeview that allows the user to select what they want to setup/configure, and the right side displays that screen.

I figured the easiest way to switch between those screens is to place them in a TabControl, but I dont want the tabs to display when its compiled. How can I turn off the display of the tabs?

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How To Hide Listviewitem In Listview Control

May 21, 2009

I have a listview control on a form. This listview control is populated with at times thousands of listviewitems.Part of my process, is running through custom made filters, to hide unwanted items (before they're even inserted into the listview).So as I hinted earlier, the way I hide items that I don't want is by not inserting them at all. I'd like to make a shortcut available, that would allow me to show / hide the hidden items by simply pressing the shortcut.

My problem is that if I do this, I have to 'refresh' the listview items everytime as I do now ( by removing all and re-inserting the ones I want ).Is there no faster / better way than by removing / re-inserting the items ( which takes roughly 2-3 seconds ); which is a noticeable-enough delay? for a 'visible' property on the listviewitem that I could set to true / false, but that property doesn't appear to exist.As it stands, I have to resort to removing / re-inserting the new 'view' every time.

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VS 2005 : Hide And Unhide A Tab In A Tab Control?

Mar 26, 2009

Is it possible to either hide and unhide a tab in a tab control?If not how can I add a tab and all the controls on it a run time? Reason i'm wanting this is that a application i'm looking at making will use tabs, the left menu will have options on various parts of the business when it comes to news it will open a tab for news... list the news if i click one and edit tab will show it i click a button for new it will open a tab to write new news..

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VS 2005 Hide/show Tab In A Tab Control?

May 11, 2010

how to hide/show tab in a Tab Control?

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VS 2010 Hide Tab Control Pages?

Feb 7, 2012

I need to change which pages of a tab control are available at different times. Right now I'm just disabling the unwanted tabs (TabControl1.TabPages(x).Enabled = False), but I've got a user who can't comprehend why she can still view the tab page if she can't use it.

So I need to either hide the tabs altogether or disable them such that you can't switch to that tab page at all.

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Asp.net - Hide A User Control And Remove It's Space?

Jun 6, 2012

I want to hide the user control in asp.net, and remove it's space .. how ?

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Hide A User Control When A Button Is Clicked?

Nov 28, 2011

How do you hide a user control when a button is clicked? I know how to hide a form but not a control. If it is possible to actually remove the usercontrol from the panel that would be awesome to and then have it show again once I click the other Icon. [cod]e...

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Hide Browser Control In SHDocVw.InternetExplorer?

Sep 22, 2010

I need to temporarily hide the control in SHDocVw.InternetExplorer (IE8) that displays the contents of a web page. Setting the SHDocVw.InternetExplorer.Visible property causes the entire form to be hidden. I only need to temporarily hide the control that displays the web page (i.e., the control that is analogous to System.Windows.Forms.WebBrowser in .Net). The Internet Explorer form and all other controls (including the tab that is associated with the web page) should remain visible.

My first thought is to iterate through all of the child controls of SHDocVw.InternetExplorer, search for the control that displays the web page and then set its Visible property, but I'm not sure how to do this because SHDocVw.InternetExplorer is a COM object.

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IDE :: Hide CANCEL Button In Control WinProgressDialog?

Feb 5, 2009

I need to hide the CANCEL button in the VB.NET control WinProgressDialog(VB.NET 2005) How do I do that?The requirement is that the dialogbox should continue till the time the process is complete.

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JavaScript - How To Get ASP Table Control To Show / Hide

Apr 19, 2012

I use a Repeater that's databound to a DataRowCollection and programatically build a table through that. I have something similar to:
Private Sub SubAcctGrid_OnItemDataBound(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As RepeaterItemEventArgs)
If e.Item.ItemType = ListItemType.AlternatingItem Or e.Item.ItemType = ListItemType.Item Then
Dim currentrow = TryCast(e.Item.DataItem, DataRow)
Dim acctSummaryTable = New Table With {.ID = "acctSummary" & e.Item.ItemIndex, .CssClass = "minisub_acct_table"}
[Code] .....

I can't pass in the correct element ID, though. From what I understand, ASP.NET transforms the ID I assign into some huge long ID for the sake of uniqueness. For example, I assign a table with the ID 'drillDownTable0' and it spits out 'ctl00_drillDownTable0' in the HTML markup. It worked the first time around, but then the Repeater gets binded to a new row and then I get 'ctl01_drillDownTable0' so on and so forth. I've tried the ClientID, ID, and UniqueID where I add the attributes to the Cells in the code above and they don't do what I need to. Is there any way I can get that ID and pass it to the Javascript function? Or I guess a better question is: When are the IDs generated and can I get to them before the page is rendered in HTML?

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Make ControlLibrary User Control Hide()

Oct 6, 2011

I've spent three days trying to get a user control to do some obvious things -- show, hide, and focus among other things. Done in vBASIC in Visual Studio 2010 Pro. The calling program is a Windows Forms Application, while the user control is a WPF Custom Control Library with a single object, a textbox. The reason it's a user control is that this textbox is connected to an async serial device; the reason it's in a Custom Control Library is that I'd like to be able to drop this functioning serial-port-connected textbox into future projects.

No matter what syntax I attempt, the user control (neither the control nor the text box inside it) will Hide(). I've tried every variation I can think of with control.Visible = false, exposing public subs to do the work, etc. When the form appears and characters are typed in the field, the KeyPress routine is functioning -- it will only accept numeric digits.

Here's the vastly reduced code to illustrate the problem:

Calling Windows Forms Application
Imports DTRFormsControlLibrary2
Public Class Form1


In spite of the call to sbControl.Hide(), the form opens with a very visible and enabled user control text box. The ability to control visibility, focus, and enable/disable seems fundamental to any control.

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Make ControlLibrary User Control Hide()?

Dec 9, 2009

I've spent three days trying to get a user control to do some obvious things -- show, hide, and focus among other things. Done in vBASIC in Visual Studio 2010 Pro. The calling program is a Windows Forms Application, while the user control is a WPF Custom Control Library with a single object, a textbox. The reason it's a user control is that this textbox is connected to an async serial device; the reason it's in a Custom Control Library is that I'd like to be able to drop this functioning serial-port-connected textbox into future projects

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VS 2008 Hide Tab Control While It Is Not In Use And When It Was Hover By The Mouse It Will Appear?

Mar 9, 2011

is it possible to hide tab control while it is not in use and when it was hover by the mouse it will appear?

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Create Custom Control And Hide All Property & Method?

Aug 29, 2011

I want to create a custom control (let say textbox), after build, when I place that custom control on a form, all the properties for the default textbox are available.

1- How to Hide them and only show the wanted property and method?

2- Is there a Wizard or custom tool for creating custom control or I had to do every thing by coding?

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Hide A Control From The Form While Designing In Visual Studio?

Apr 6, 2012

I am designing a settings form for my application as shown below: A tree view with multiple nodes at the left and I want to have one GroupBox for each node to be displayed at the right whenever a node is selected. I have designed my group box with necessary controls for the first node. The question is, how do I design an another group box in the same place when another item is already there. Is there a way to hide a control from a form during design time?

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Using DataRelations And DevExpress Grids - Hide Expansion Control?

Jul 12, 2011

I have a bit of a weird issue. We use DevExpress controls to do all our Windows Form development. Anyway, I found a perfect use for the DataRow.SetParentRow/GetParentRow methods in my grid. So I created a DataRelation, added it to the DataSet and bound it as the data source for my grid. The issue is I now find this:On my grid. It seems to be the DataRelation (when I mouse over it the tooltip is the DataRelation name).

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Hide Or Omit Some Properties In Binding Of A Collection To Grid Control?

Mar 26, 2010

My problem is similar to the one described in this article, but I'm trying to use a different grid (DevExpress.xtraGrid) and therefore the answer (if it even works) does not apply for me: [URL]

Briefly, I'm binding the grid to the collection of custom objects - cMessage - to grid's datasource, but I don't want all the propertieties of the cMessage to be shown in the grid. Is there any way to hide some properties from the binding, while leaving them acessible from outside (ie.leave them as public or friend)?

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