Hightlight Text In Webbrowser Control?

Aug 9, 2010

I am trying to figure out how I can highlight every instance of a search string found in the the webbrowser control. The closest I came was to replace each instance with html code that highlights the text, but that causes problems because it replaces the search string in links and causes problems with text boxes on the page if an instance of the search string is in a textbox on the web page.[code]...

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Find Text In TextBox And Hightlight It?

Sep 8, 2011

How to Find text from another textbox as search term and hightlight it in the whole text?

I saw the related topics but I couldn't do it, so any ideas?

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WebBrowser Control: How To Send Text To TEXTAREA Control

Dec 8, 2009

I have a WebBrowser control that have a webpage loaded in it. On the webpage I have a textarea control, like this:

<textarea name="text" id="textarea_obj">

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How To Get Text To Display Of WebBrowser Control

Sep 10, 2011

How do I get the text of the display of a webbrowser control? Not the source! I mean the text that I get when, for example, I copy a web page and paste it into Notepad.

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How To Input Text In Webbrowser Control

Aug 2, 2010

So I'm not trying to edit the value of the textbox. I really don't know what to do here. This is the part of the HTML that I want to input text into: [Code]

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Webbrowser Control Can Edit Text

Aug 15, 2011

I have just about completed writing an application for college. I load quotes into a webbrowser control for the user to view and print, my question is, can the user edit text in a webbrowser control (I want them to have this option) or am I better off using a text box control.

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Aero Glass In A WebBrowser Control With Text?

May 16, 2010

I using the VistaControls control library (here) and I have a WebBrowser control that will have black in it on the form. When I set the background color to black in the HTML, the glass renders fine. So I added some text that is red, but it shows up as a transparent red. How do I get the text to be opaque?

Also, if I want to have black text in the HTML, how do I get that to show correctly?

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Get Selected Text Within Webbrowser Control And Copy It?

Aug 27, 2011

OK this is a novel problem however it has been annoying me for hoursLets say some dude is on my webbrowser and needs to go to a url which is just text on the pageI would like to get the code that sees this selected text on the page and then copies it...

CType(TabControl1.SelectedTab.Controls.Item(0), WebBrowser).document.ActiveElement.InnerText.ToString


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VS 2008 Using Webbrowser Control With Text Document?

May 24, 2009

I'm trying to pull specific information from a website using the webbrowser control. Using something like this:


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How To Add Text To A Textbox In Webbrowser Control With Random Identifiers

Nov 26, 2009

I am attempting to send a string to a textbox in the webbrowser control and the page I am trying to do this with has random name= and value= fields which makes it difficult to use the typical methods for placing text in the textbox. I have spent quite a bit of time searching and attempting to figure this out and I'm stumped.


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Parental Control System For WebBrowser - Text Removal

Sep 30, 2009

I am working on a parental control system for my webbrowser (checks if navigated page is on the blacklist). So I was looking for a list of sites to add to the system as default, I didn't find any but my friend did, but the problem is he gave me a list, for example, with lots of lines like this:

How can I remove everything from the "@" till the "http;" (including http) and remove it all so only the website name stays? I could do it by hand/notepad, but it would take forever as the list has over 2k sites I would like to add in my blacklist! I thought maybe strings could do it?

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Read HTML Text Box Elements From WebBrowser Control

Feb 4, 2010

how to read HTML text box elements from the Web Browser control

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Reloading .text File Containing Html In Webbrowser Control?

May 23, 2009

I am using webbrowser control in my windows application(VS2003). Below is the code.

Sub LoadHtml(ByRef MyWebBrowser As AxSHDocVw.AxWebBrowser, ByVal sFileName As String) 'MyWebBrowser is webbrowser control added at design time on form and sFileName is .txt file with full path Dim sImgDir As String


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VS 2010 - Get Specific Text From Class [Webbrowser Control]?

Jul 23, 2011

I have a code in website:

<h1 class="mf_dI mf_Hblack mf_vmi">

How to get this "Blabla" to my application?Dim rx As New Regex("(?<=<h1 class=""" & Regex.Escape("mf_dI mf_Hblack mf_vmi") & """>).+?(<=</h1>") MsgBox("Name: " & rx.Match(WebBrowser1.DocumentText).Value)
but it don't works.

And. How to get picture from website to picturebox if this picture is in the table like <table style="background:url('/blabla.png') no-repeat"> ??

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Webbrowser Control Input Text Box Limited Keystrokes

Apr 16, 2010

I have a Webbrowser control on my Windows Form that loads a local page using the DocumentStream property. The page contains an input element of type text. When rendered, users are able to type anything they wish however they are unable to use keys like "Delete" or typical Cut & Paste functions. If it were not for the fact that you can type data and Basckspace to delete the character one at a time. If I load the same page in Internet Explorer, the input box functions correctly.

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Disable WebBrowser Control's Text Selection And Image Drag?

Oct 1, 2009

I have been googled for couple of hours but couldn't find a solution

I m doing a touch screen interface, to browser a page I used a webbrowser control, and in order to get ride of the ugly scrollbar, i m trying to use mousedown and mousemove event on the webbrowser to move the page around, it worked but when i m doing it, it select and highlight the content on the web too, how can i stop that?

do I need to create a extended webbrowser control by Inherits the orginal one?

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Forms - WebBrowser Control - OWA Does Not Allow The Text Fields On The Login Page

Mar 13, 2010

I'm working on a pretty simple project, just a WebBrowser app which is tailored for Webmail. I'm working on an OWA portion, and OWA normally doesn't allow the textfields on the Login page to be auto-filled. Is there a way I can force this? Search through the OWA login page code, find the fields, then fill in the fields with preset/saved data?

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Forms :: Disable Webbrowser Control's Text Selection And Pic Drag?

Oct 1, 2009

I m doing a touch screen interface, to browser a page I used a webbrowser control, and in order to get ride of the ugly scrollbar, i m trying to use mousedown and mousemove event on the webbrowser to move the page around, it worked but when i m doing it, it select and highlight the content on the web too, how can i stop that?

do I need to create a extended webbrowser control by Inherits the orginal one?
if so, which event should i capture and override the handler?

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Javascript - Unable To Open Text File From WebBrowser Control

Mar 1, 2010

I have a sample application, in which I am trying to load a text file in WebBrowser control. I have a html file through which I am calling Javascript function to open text file. But it is showing me error like; Cannot find 'file:///C:/temp/test%2520page.txt'. Make sure the path or Internet address is correct. File exist at this location and its name is; test page.txt. I am not getting what is happening.

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C# - Hightlight Bracket On Editor?

Feb 9, 2012

I've built a basic editor which have code auto-completion feature and also shows parameter list. Now I want to add highlight matching bracket feature. I've no idea on how to do this !

Update:I know some basic algorithm to find the matching bracket, but don't know how to highlight it ! [to change the color or making it bold of the matching bracket]. I'm using multi-line textbox for this issue.

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How To Hightlight A Selected Row In A Datagrid

Sep 4, 2009

i have checked all over the internet, but they just hightlight rows using the datagrid attributes. How do you hightlight a selected row in a datagrid. I tried the onclick attribute but that does not work as it keeps the row selected when another row is selected.

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Execute Click - Some Select - Input Text In HTML Page - Using WEBBrowser Control (VS2005)

Dec 13, 2005

I use new WEBBrowser control (VS2005) in my program (WinForm) for open web site. (VB2005)After using method "navigate", in my webbrowser control I have HTML page from some website.This HTML page has some input button with events or input text control or other interactive control on it. I can click with mouse on that buttons or input text from keyboard or select value from combo box to send this page back. question:How I can execute this from my program code, using property and methods WebBrowser control?

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Controlling WebBrowser Display If Webbrowser Control Is Used As File Explorer

Apr 18, 2011

I use webbrowser as File Explorer.

If you click folder it opens new folder contents in WB window but if you click html document it opens in EXTERNAL viewer.

How do you get html document to open in WB while exploring ?

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Different Webbrowser Control - Web Based Apps Which Will Require A Webbrowser Extension

Aug 10, 2010

I am writing a few web based apps which will require a webbrowser extension. I have already used the IE webbrowser control that uses the trident web rendering engine. I believe this is MSHTML.DLL? Anyway, some of the users of my programs have complained of a few things. Particularily,

1. It seems to be a slow browser, at least compared to other rendering engines out there (webkit and gecko are 2 known ones).

2. On the developer side, it seems to be low in features. The features are sufficient in most cases, but there are some "special" things that I need.

3. It has VERY low HTML (and especially HTML5) compliance.

My question is, how much work would it take to use a different engine (such as webkit .net, which I HAVE heard of) and be able to distribute it easily. Or, if you guys feel ambitious, we could try writing a brand new engine ourselves. I know how big of a job it is, and frankly, I have no clue where to begin. I would just like your thoughts and opinions on the matter.

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Webbrowser Control - Memory Leak - HTTP Web Request Instead Of A Webbrowser?

Mar 18, 2011

i have created an app to load an access database into a datagridview, which contains web urls. When button is clicked it webbrowser1 navigates to each url and each webpages document.inertext is put into textbox. This all work fine but after a while the webbrowser navigation becomes increasingly slower.

For Each RW As DataGridViewRow In Me.DataGridView1.SelectedRows
'''''''''''#######cell values into strings ########''''''''''''''
If RW.Selected = True Then
Dim domain As String


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Way To Do A 'webbrowser' Without Using WEbbrowser Control That Is Based On Internetexplorer?

Jan 1, 2011

Ive tried to edit option on the webbrowser control, example javascript enable/disable. but found out that it uses IE's option and cannot be changed.So my question is: Is there a way to do a "webbrowser" without using the WEbbrowser control that is based on internetexplorer? If it is, can i change option example flash and so on?

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From HTML Content In A WebBrowser Control, Call Another Control?

Feb 20, 2010

I have a regular application form with a WebBrowser control.I have strung together a .htm file (from a regular text file) which I then assign to the WebBrowser control. In the html file, I have filenames mentioned.I am trying to string together the html in such a way as to give a clickable link or button that will parse into html and open the corresponding file in another WebBrowser control in VB.I have tried using VBScript and JavaScript to put a button in the html.As long as the function or sub I call is also in the same html document, it works, but I really need to transfer the control back into visual basic where I can do the heavy lifting I need to.can I just not do this as a regular VB application? Any way to do it without adding the complication of requiring ActiveX?

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Add A Control To A WebBrowser Control Page?

Apr 16, 2009

I have a webbrowser control, where I show images (bmp files, that the program creates), and I want to add some UserControls to setup the images (as showing layers, or choosing colors to display). Is easy to do appropiate UserControls on VB.NET, and I know almost nothing about HTML, so, I would like to add standard VB.NET UserControls near the images.

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Add Webbrowser Control To New Tab?

Jan 2, 2010

So I've got a button that adds a tab using the tabcontrol object.


How would I add a webbrowser to that since i dont know what the tab page # of it will be specifically?

Each tab will have the same components, but might goto a different url.

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How To Use WebBrowser Control

Jun 1, 2011

I'm tried to make my own web browser by using WebBrowser control in VB.NET 2010. When I run my program it is work fine but when I try to open any link in new window it is opened in Internet Explorer. So how can I start new window in my web browser?

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