Find Text In TextBox And Hightlight It?

Sep 8, 2011

How to Find text from another textbox as search term and hightlight it in the whole text?

I saw the related topics but I couldn't do it, so any ideas?

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Hightlight Text In Webbrowser Control?

Aug 9, 2010

I am trying to figure out how I can highlight every instance of a search string found in the the webbrowser control. The closest I came was to replace each instance with html code that highlights the text, but that causes problems because it replaces the search string in links and causes problems with text boxes on the page if an instance of the search string is in a textbox on the web page.[code]...

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Find Certain Text In Textbox?

Aug 7, 2011

I have TextBox1 and TextBox2

TextBox1 has this in it


TextBox2 has this in it

dalton austin chicken pooy boddy chicken

And when you click on Button1 it will look for the text "pooy" if it has it, it will go to Form2 if it doesn't nothing happens.

How can i do this?


If TextBox1.Text.Contains(TextBox2.Text) Then
My.Settings.key = TextBox1.Text


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Find Text In A 'New' Textbox?

Jul 9, 2011

I have a code, which when a user selects a few options on one form, then clicks enter, it creates a new tab on my main form, with a text box containg the options chosen and a button to edit the options.

My question is how to somehow search the text of this textbox so that when edit is clicked, the form the user selected the options from reopens with the options they had selected originally.[code]...

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Find A Specific Text In A Textbox And Remove It?

Aug 10, 2010

im trying to find a specific text in a textbox and remove it . i don't figure a way to do it .

If richtextbox1.text.contains(listbox1.selecteditem) then
' there i dont know how delete the text !!
end if

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VS 2005 Find Text In An Multiline Textbox?

Sep 11, 2010

I have a multiLine textbox, i need to find whether any line contains only a single word "Update", I have tried the following but its not working

Dim mylines As String() = Me.TextBox1.Text.Split(CChar(vbCrLf))Dim Found As Boolean = False


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Find / Replace Multiple Text In Rich Textbox?

Apr 12, 2012

I am trying to open up a text file that contains some text. I have 3 text boxes on my screen. What I need to figure out is how to replace multiple words (1 in each textbox) with text it finds in the txt file.

I can do this by using the single find / replace feature but I'm trying to be able to fill out the 3 textboxes and then click my find / replace button to have my Regex find each predefined word and replace it with what is in the text boxes.

Here is my code to get the find / replace one word at time feature. I've tinkered with this to just add more variables to my Regex but it doesn't seem to work.


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VS 2010 Find And Replace Text On A Rich Textbox?

Oct 7, 2010

i am trying to figure out the code for a button for application where i take test from a richtextbox read it and change the color and font i have made the application for it, with 3 buttons. find, find next and replace.

frmTextEditorMain.rtbxInput.SelectionBackColor = Color.White


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Search / Find A Specific Word / Text In A File Or A Textbox?

May 15, 2009

I am using visual basic express edition 2008.How can I search for a word in a file then store that word?Also, how can I search for a Phrase in a file or a Textbox and store it in a different place?

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C# - Hightlight Bracket On Editor?

Feb 9, 2012

I've built a basic editor which have code auto-completion feature and also shows parameter list. Now I want to add highlight matching bracket feature. I've no idea on how to do this !

Update:I know some basic algorithm to find the matching bracket, but don't know how to highlight it ! [to change the color or making it bold of the matching bracket]. I'm using multi-line textbox for this issue.

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How To Hightlight A Selected Row In A Datagrid

Sep 4, 2009

i have checked all over the internet, but they just hightlight rows using the datagrid attributes. How do you hightlight a selected row in a datagrid. I tried the onclick attribute but that does not work as it keeps the row selected when another row is selected.

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C# - Find Out If The "TextChanged" Event Is Fired If User Is Typing Into A Textbox Or MyTextBox.Text Is Called Programmatically?

Mar 9, 2012

Is there a way to find out if the "TextChanged" event is fired because the user is typing into a textbox or the programmer called myTextBox.Text = "something"? I don't want to react when the user is typing each letter into the textbox so I am using the "Validated" event to catch when the user is done so I can react. The problem is I don't have a way to catch when the programmer does "myTextbox.Text = "something". The only way I know to catch changes there is to use TextChanged but then I don't want to be reacting when the user is typing each letter into the textbox.

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Sql :: Find A Specific Line Of Text In A Text Document And Insert The Next 37 Lines Of Text Into A Database?

Feb 5, 2011

I have an SQL database, and 50 text files, and Visual Basic 2010 Premimum,I need to find a specific line of text in the text files and then take the next 37 lines of text and save them in my database. I need advice as to point me in the right direction

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Label.Text = Val(Textbox.Text) / (Textbox.Text) - How To Obtain The Info

Dec 7, 2010

LblPPG.Text = Val(TextBoxPP.Text) / (TextBoxQTY.Text)

This is the only way I know how to obtain the info I need for this equation but if generated again with no input from the textboxes I get an error. Is there anyway to bypass this if its generated a second time with no inputs?

View 12 Replies

Setting Textbox Text Equal To Textbox Text On A Different Form?

Aug 6, 2009

is it possible in design mode to set the textbox text property to the text property of a textbox in a different form in

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Find Shortest ,average And Longest Text Length In Text Box In Visual Basic?

Apr 25, 2011

what is the code for finding the shortest,average and longest sentence form the text box

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Find Out If The Vertical Scroll Bar Of A Text Box Is At The Beginning Of The Text Box Or The End?

Mar 22, 2012

I have a wrapper class created around TextBox, and I want to find out if there is any way to test if the vertical scroll bar is at the beginning (the very top) of the text box and at the very end of the text box.Alternatively, I will be happy if only I can find out a way to check if a scroll bar is enabled or not in a textbox (note: it's not a RichTextbox).

By enabled, I mean that scroll bar is actually enabled i.e. you can use the scroll bar to scroll the control, not just visible (I know we can check visibility by GetWindowLong)

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VS 2008 Find And Select Text In Text Editor?

Dec 31, 2009

I'm adding a method to find and select text in my text editor. Everything worked fine, including the ability to find all instances of the text. My problem came when I tried to make it more user-friendly (doesn't it always?). Originally I had only a menu item with a shortcut( Ctrl + F) which invoked an input box.

Then I added a textbox and a button (similar to that seen in a web browser's Find() method) that calls the method in the same manner as the Find/Replace menu option and displays the desired text in the textbox. Everything works fine except that the text is not selected. I have MessageBoxes displaying the values of required variables in 3 places (marked ***FOR DEBUG ONLY***) to make sure that no values are being changed, but all variables are the same. The method still locates the text, but it is not highlighted.

I think it could have something to do with which object has focus. (When I click the button, the selected text loses focus?). But if I click everything with the menu items, it still works...

Here is the

*****code with [code] tags in the 4th post on this thread****
Public Sub FindText()
'Make sure there is text in the textbox...If txtTextbox.Text <> "" Then'Find the end of the current selection... Dim curSelectionEnd As Integer =


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Find A Word In A Textbox?

Oct 2, 2009

I was using .indexof("myword"), then all of a sudden huge problem and headache... i was using .indexof("produce") and then it kept replacing the word produced cause produce was triggered by the first 7 letters.then i tried to use .contains("produce") and it did the same basically it doesnt search for the WHOLE word, if a WHOLE WORD begins with the phrase your searching for then it wont how do i search for WHOLE words?

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How To Find A Space In Textbox

Sep 20, 2011

how do i find space after a word that varies?

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Loop To Find Textbox

Jan 16, 2009

Im trying and failing to do the following: I have 90 textboxes named N1, N2, N3, N4 etc. I am generating a random number from 1 to 90 on the press of a button. If 1 is the number randomly generated then i would like the textbox N1 to to change its behaviour for example change background color. Apart from a Massseeeeeev if statement is there no way to loop through all these textboxes until the number generated matched the number in the name of the textbox? In VB 6 i used a control array so N(1), N(2), etc.

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Find How Many Word In Rtb1.text Are Same With Tb1.text?

Jul 25, 2009

How can i find how many word in rtb1.text are same with tb1.text?

kinda like search...

you type in something like "hi", and it tells you how many times it has been used in rtb1 label1.Text = rtb1.Text.Contains(tx1.Text) 'the above returns - true or false - how can i do tht but with it actually telling me how many times it has been used??

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Find Specific Text In Text File

Jan 3, 2012

I have a little question about txt-files...This is the case: I am going to make a small software for editing particular parts in text files, so you don't have to do it by hand. In this program, i need to find several words in a text file and retrieve the text or number that is after the the "="-sign, and then replace that info. Then, I want to use the information it retrieves to add some text in the end of the file.

P.S. There are 36 differet words to search for, and some of them will occur in several places, so i want the data from those words that occur several times in an array. And the data i want to retrieve is AFTER the searchword and a "=", so i dont want the searchword or the equals-sign included. Can someone explain to me how to do this?

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Find All Combination Of The Letters In A Textbox?

May 17, 2009

write up the code for a program that could find all combination of the letters in a textbox and input the outcomes into a listbox, and I don't want any of them to repeat.

View 6 Replies - Use FindControl To Find The UserName TextBox?

Oct 15, 2011


But none of these work for me.

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Find A Space In A Textbox With This Statement

Sep 22, 2011

i want to find a space after a certain varying word

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
If Textbox1.Text.StartsWith(a.Text & (" ")) = True And


I want this part of my project to detect spaces because it can happen if the user puts in a certain value for on and that value begins with another it will not process. (ex. a.text = 123, b.text = 1234, then i get the outcome or "aa" and it should be "ab"

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Find First Empty Textbox On Form?

Oct 10, 2009

I'm using the following code to set the cursor automatically (important) to the first empty textbox on my form:

Private Sub FirstEmptyBox()
If TextBox1.Text = "" Then


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How To Find If User Is Scrolling Up Or Down In A Textbox?

Mar 23, 2012

I have a textbox with multiline enabled. I want to find out if the user is scrolling up or scrolling down on that text box. Is there a way to find it out?

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How To Find Out Which Textbox Is Currenlty Selected

Feb 9, 2011

I have 3 text-boxes, how do I find out which text-box is currently selected (has focus). I am unable to come up with anything.

Public Class Form1
Public activeTextBox As TextBox = CType(Me.ActiveControl, TextBox)
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
activeTextBox.Text = activeTextBox.Text & "This is text 1"
End Sub


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Use Textbox To Find Items In List?

Apr 6, 2011

I have a database called BDEP.accdb already connected to a program in is ok, but I have a problem.I have a list box with the name of the fields in the Customers table but I can not find the code to search this list information starting at a textbox.

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