Hotel Reservation - Show That The Rooms Is Occupied Or Not By Using A Label For The Rooms?

Mar 18, 2009

how tell availabilty of rooms .I am having a hotel reservation system just wanna ask if how can I show that the rooms is occupied or not by using a label for the rooms

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Make Query To Be Able To Select The Available Rooms?

Feb 6, 2010

i have a project which is room scheduling. i'm having a problem on how to make my query to be able to select the available rooms for the givin time start and time end.

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Sort A List Like IRC Chat Rooms Do With The @'s And +'s?

May 31, 2009

I'M currently working on a custom listview class, but I never have been able to figure out how to use the Icomparer for what I need to do.Basically I'M trying to sort a list like IRC chat rooms do, with the @'s and +'s.So say this is how I want the list to look.



Each item has a Rank property, and if rank is 1 it's @, 2 it's +, other it's just normal.

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Show A Figure In One Label In Another Label Through A Button Click Event?

May 5, 2009

is it possible to show a figure in one Label in another label through a button click event? for instance, i have a figure in label1 and i want to display that figure in a label of another form is it possible?

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C# - How To Release The Occupied Memory

Mar 4, 2011

I have a main window in my project, and numerous other child widows inside the main.I have noticed that. When I open the main window occupies 1500K of memory, when open one child window then adds in occupied memory 6000K.When I open the second window doing the same. When I close the two child windows the occupied memory is not released.So What I want is to release the occupied memory when ever I close child windows.How I can do that? with some code example in if it is possible.This problem often sawing in the computers on the Local NET not in my computer (developer computer which has the SQL server on it).

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Occupied Space In A RichTextBox?

Mar 11, 2012

I have a RichTextBox control with text and images. How can I get the size of the occupied space? GetPositionFromCharIndex doesn't work with the image. The alignment could be left center or right.

Forgot to mentions compiling for .NET 2.0.

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Hotel Occupancy FormHelp?

Jun 22, 2010

it's not perfect but, I am terrible when it comes to calculations... what am I doing wrong? ;-;

' This procedure calculates and displays each floors occupancy rate.

Dim intCount As Integer ' Loop counter
Dim decoccupancy As Decimal ' occupancy rate

Calculate the occupancy rate for each floor, the total of all occupancy rates , and the total rooms occupied.


it's telling me to divie the number of rooms by the occupied rooms... 18/30 = .6 or 60% and the hotel has 240 rooms

View 8 Replies

Percentage / Discount For Hotel Quote Form

May 1, 2011

I made a hotel quote form where I want to add a discount box where the user can enter a percentage discount off the total price. What is the code to do that? [code]

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Create Application That Calculates The Occupancy Rate For The Hotel?

Jul 6, 2011

The program is a hotel occupancy form The Hotel has eight floors and 30 rooms oneach floor. I'm supposed to create aapplication that calculates the occupancy rate for the hotel. Theoccupancy rate is the percentage of rooms occupied, and may becalculated by dividing the number of rooms occupied by the number ofrooms. For example, if 18 rooms on the first floor are occupied, the occupancyrate is: 18/30 = .6 or 60%. The form has two out labels called totalrooms occupied and overall occupancy rate that holds two output text boxes todisplay the numbers
its only three buttons Calculate report,close, and exit Its obvious what the exit buttons issupposed to do the clear button should clear all the controls on the floor

Now the complete report button is supposedto loop and iterate eight times. Each time the loop iterates, it should displaya input box for one of the hotel floor. The input box should ask the user asksthe user the user to enter the number of rooms occupied on each floor. As theuser enters a value for each floor, the loop should calculate the occupancyrate for that floor and display the information for that floor in a list box.When the number of occupied rooms has been entered for all floors theapplication should display total number of rooms occupied an overall occupancyrate for the hotel. (the hotel has a total of 240 rooms total)


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All 10 To Show In The Label?

May 5, 2009

Having trouble getting this to work. Only one number shows in the label. I need all 10 to show in the label.

Dim list As New ArrayList
Dim selected(19) As Boolean
Dim thisnumber, i As Integer


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Application Function To Calculates The Total Cost Of A Stay In A Hotel

Nov 29, 2010

Create an application that calculates the total cost of a stay in a hotel If the check in occurs in November-March the rate is $89/night. April-August is $99/night and September-October is $109/night. $10/night should be added if more than 2 people are in the room. More than 4 people are not allowed in the room, and a traveler can only request 1 room. A 15% tax should be added to the room rate and 10% tax added to all room service and other charges. No tax will be added for phone charges.

The program should use a function to calculate the total charges for the visitor's stay and output it to a label. There should be buttons or menus to calculate the total, clear the form, and exit the application. At least one of the button should call a sub procedure which performs its function. [Code]

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Airline Reservation System In .net?

Dec 30, 2008

airline reservation system in .net

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Getting A Messagebox To Show A Label

Feb 16, 2010

I have another probably easy question to answer but i can't figure it out... I have made a little snake game with a score attached to it running through a timer that outputs to a label.

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Show Date In Label?

Apr 7, 2012

How do i show the date in a label 2 months before today?[code]...

View 9 Replies

Guest Reservation System Assistance

Mar 17, 2009

if someone could help about my Guest Reservation SystemI not intending anyone to do it for me,just need some advice want to know what is better or what should I do to make the project better.

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VS 2008 Making An Airline Reservation?

Feb 13, 2011

I have put about 12 Hours into this assignment and i feel that i have most of it completed what have is a combo box that has a FlightBindingSource and a listbox that has ReservationsBindingSource i need to the selected item in the combo box to be sent to a proceedure called DisplayPassengers, and then DisplayPassengers fills the list box with the passengers assigned to each flight.

This is what i have so far:

Public Class AirlineReservationForm
Private database As New ReservationsDataClassesDataContext()
Private Sub FillAll()


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Format A Label To Show Numbers In A Certain Way?

Dec 8, 2011

I need to format a Label to show numbers in a certain way. I had asked this before about textboxes so I looked into that first but it didn't do what I wanted.


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Label To Show X / Y Cordinates Of Cursor?

Mar 7, 2009

Im working on a project containing a couple of forms. On the main form I want to labels in the status bar that show the X,Y location of the cursor when it moves over the form. I thought this code would do it but it doesnt work

Private Sub MainForm_MouseMove(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs) Handles Me.MouseMove
lblCursorX.Text = "X: " & e.X
lblCursorY.Text = "Y: " & e.Y[code].......

View 4 Replies

Label.text Won't Show The Readline?

Mar 21, 2012

I have to work with network program with vb 2010. I'm trying to show the ReadLine stream in label text but it won't show.

Dim tcpCli As TcpClient = tcpList.AcceptTcpClient() 'claiming tcp listener to accept the tcp client
Dim ns As NetworkStream = tcpCli.GetStream ' assign ns as network stream and assign as client to get nw stream


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Show Combobox Value From One Form Through A Label In Another?

Aug 11, 2011

I've got two forms. I have a combobox named 'cmbThrow' in the first form. I need to pass the numeric value of it to the second form and show it with a label.

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Show Information From Database In Label?

Apr 3, 2011

i just want to ask how can i show information from my database into label..

Im using Visual Basic 2010 and . Net connector..

this is my sample codes and i dont know how to put it..

CN.ConnectionString = "Server=localhost; database=libsysdb; Uid= root; pwd=dbpass; Port=3306"
Dim myCommand As New MySqlCommand


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Show Item From Listview In Label?

Jun 11, 2011

I want to perform following action when i click on a item in a listview it would also show in a separate label.....

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Show Label Message When Expired?

May 23, 2011

I would like to have a label that shows a message when a warranty is past its determined days. Here is what I got for now.[code]....

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Show The Timers Interval In A Label?

Mar 4, 2010

Man I've tried to figure it out but i cant get it, anyone know how to?

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Airline Reservation System With Revised Code?

Mar 12, 2012

Why doesn't this code work? Public Sub btnSubmit_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnSubmit.Click


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Develop Vehicle Reservation System Project?

Feb 11, 2009

[font=Arial] i whoud like to develop vehical reservation system project what can i do for that?

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Code A Label To Show The Total Cost?

May 31, 2010

I have a assignment and I have got to do the total cost and put the total in a label, here is the code. Select Case pizza1


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Forms :: Show The Current Time In A Label?

Feb 16, 2011

how to show the current time in a label that ticks the time moves the same time as the system time as simple as possible

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Label To Show Data Located In Another Form

Apr 25, 2012

I am new to VB. I have created some labels/textboxes in my Form1. I use them to do some calculations. Basically, this is my calculation area (in Form1) and then I want some of the results that have been calculated and showed in these texboxes to be shown in labels which are in another form (Form2). So here is what I have done in terms of coding:

Label12.Text = Transactions.ComboBox1.SelectedItem
Label13.Text = Transactions.ComboBox2.SelectedItem
Label14.Text = Transactions.ComboBox3.SelectedItem
Label15.Text = Transactions.TextBox1.Text
Label16.Text = Transactions.TextBox2.Text

These codes are in Form2 and Labels 12-16 are in my form2 as well. My form1 is called Transactions as you can see. Everything looks OK, when i run no errors, also when do the calculations and I go from form1(Transactions) to form2, labels 12-16 show the results from form1 but the problem when I go back to form1 and change the values and go back to form2, the labels 12-16 are not changed. They simply show the old values regarding of the fact that they have been changed in form1. So how can I make form2 to show them correctly, to refresh the form or what?

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Show Mouse Over Link In Status Label?

Jan 13, 2012

In IE firefox and other webbrowser when your mouse is over a link/image/email the url of it is shown in the webbrowser before you click on that link

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