Percentage / Discount For Hotel Quote Form

May 1, 2011

I made a hotel quote form where I want to add a discount box where the user can enter a percentage discount off the total price. What is the code to do that? [code]

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Replace Quote With Double Quote?

Aug 14, 2009

I am trying to replace "a" to = ""a""

code i have tried is
If line.Contains("""") Then
line.Replace("", "")


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CSV File Parse - Double Quote Comma Double Quote

Mar 25, 2009

I have a CSV file where the values are in double quotes and seperated by a comma. I'm getting incorrect data if I try to seperate the string with my Split function. How do I do it?


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Showing A Percentage In Decimal Form Using A Label

Aug 19, 2009

Im trying to make a Basic Program with a Progress Bar. Showing Visual Representation of a Percentage. I would like the Percentage to be shown as a decimal value as well. [Code] But since i do not know how to show decimal places i can not get this to create the correct value thus having a pointless progress bar and label. [Code]

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2008 Windows Form - Get Percentage Of Right Answers In A 10 Question Math Exercise?

Feb 1, 2011

I have a form with 10 math questions. Beside each question there will appear a check mark if it is right and a X if its wrong. I also have a label that will display a score in percentage. If 2 are right then it will display 20%. If they are all right then it displays 100%. My problem is can I code the event. I thought of case select, but that would mean 100 cases to make it work.( If check1 and check2 are visible then display 20%, but if its check1 and check 7? Thats alot) What I want ot know if there is an easier or shoter way to ontain the same result. I am working with Visual Basic 2008.

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Hotel Occupancy FormHelp?

Jun 22, 2010

it's not perfect but, I am terrible when it comes to calculations... what am I doing wrong? ;-;

' This procedure calculates and displays each floors occupancy rate.

Dim intCount As Integer ' Loop counter
Dim decoccupancy As Decimal ' occupancy rate

Calculate the occupancy rate for each floor, the total of all occupancy rates , and the total rooms occupied.


it's telling me to divie the number of rooms by the occupied rooms... 18/30 = .6 or 60% and the hotel has 240 rooms

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Create Application That Calculates The Occupancy Rate For The Hotel?

Jul 6, 2011

The program is a hotel occupancy form The Hotel has eight floors and 30 rooms oneach floor. I'm supposed to create aapplication that calculates the occupancy rate for the hotel. Theoccupancy rate is the percentage of rooms occupied, and may becalculated by dividing the number of rooms occupied by the number ofrooms. For example, if 18 rooms on the first floor are occupied, the occupancyrate is: 18/30 = .6 or 60%. The form has two out labels called totalrooms occupied and overall occupancy rate that holds two output text boxes todisplay the numbers
its only three buttons Calculate report,close, and exit Its obvious what the exit buttons issupposed to do the clear button should clear all the controls on the floor

Now the complete report button is supposedto loop and iterate eight times. Each time the loop iterates, it should displaya input box for one of the hotel floor. The input box should ask the user asksthe user the user to enter the number of rooms occupied on each floor. As theuser enters a value for each floor, the loop should calculate the occupancyrate for that floor and display the information for that floor in a list box.When the number of occupied rooms has been entered for all floors theapplication should display total number of rooms occupied an overall occupancyrate for the hotel. (the hotel has a total of 240 rooms total)


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Application Function To Calculates The Total Cost Of A Stay In A Hotel

Nov 29, 2010

Create an application that calculates the total cost of a stay in a hotel If the check in occurs in November-March the rate is $89/night. April-August is $99/night and September-October is $109/night. $10/night should be added if more than 2 people are in the room. More than 4 people are not allowed in the room, and a traveler can only request 1 room. A 15% tax should be added to the room rate and 10% tax added to all room service and other charges. No tax will be added for phone charges.

The program should use a function to calculate the total charges for the visitor's stay and output it to a label. There should be buttons or menus to calculate the total, clear the form, and exit the application. At least one of the button should call a sub procedure which performs its function. [Code]

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Application To Calculate 10% Discount ?

Mar 20, 2011

I have amend my application to calculate 10% discount but dont know how to assign it or the code. i am opposed to assign the code to calculate 10% if the customer is hiring my goods for more than 7 days, but if its less than 7 days i dont want the form to calculate the discount.

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Calculate Items In Different Discount

Oct 15, 2011

how calculate items in different discount

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IDE :: Calculate The Discount Level?

Feb 7, 2012

I have a Form with textboxes,combobox and a button to calculate the discount level (comboBox) discount total (textbox), tax total (textbox) and total all these up into the total order (textbox) this is working except the discount total textbox,here's my code i have so far.[code]...

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Mix And Match Discount Code?

Jul 20, 2010

I need advice on how to implement. I have two objects ReceiptLine and Discount. Cashier scans item and a receiptline object is added. If the added ReceiptLine object have a Discount Id then, it has to lookup in Discount object and issues discount after validation. I have problem in validation. Here is the situation, cashier scans the item as follows

ReceiptLine Objects
line1 ItemId 1835 qty 2 DiscountId 23
line2 ItemId 1515 qty 2 DiscountId 23
line3 ItemId 1835 qty 2 DiscountId 23
Discount Object Id 23


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An IF THEN Statement - Using The Second Discount Percent In Any Of The Bronze?

Jun 14, 2009

the code below shows an if statement that is determining a customer type and a discount percent for that customer.But when I run the code it only ever reads the first discount percent even though the allocated price range is above the first discount percents range and should therefore give the second discount percent and i cant figure out why it is not using the second discount percent in any of the bronze, silver or gold statements.


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Discount Rate Of The Entered Price

Jul 31, 2009

I'm coding a program, which supposed to give the discount rate of the entered price, so there is as what I got on my code. [Code]

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How To Add Discount To Subtotal And Show Up Total

Oct 3, 2011

I am having trouble adding a 5% discount to a subtotal of 50.00 or more and then have it display in the discount box and then having the total show up in the total box.

Here is my code.
Public Class GroceryStore
Private Sub CalculateButton_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles CalculateButton.Click
'Calculate totals
Dim subtotal As Double
[Code] .....

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If Statement For Advance Trade Discount

Dec 1, 2009

I'm having difficulty coding for a trade discount. If the order is made more than 10days in advance the customer is entitled to 5% trade discount.


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Mix And Match Discount Code Advice

Jul 20, 2010

I need advice on how to implement. I have two objects ReceiptLine and Discount. Cashier scans item and a receiptline object is added. If the added ReceiptLine object have a Discount Id then, it has to lookup in Discount object and issues discount after validation. I have problem in validation. [code]

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Calculate A 15% Discount When Creating A Windows Application

Mar 11, 2011

How do I calculate a 15% discount in visual basic in when creating a windows application.I have two radio buttons Yes and No and when yes is selected a 15% discount is subtracted from the total price.So would I just say 15% as 0.15 or should I name the 15% as a constant?

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Hotel Reservation - Show That The Rooms Is Occupied Or Not By Using A Label For The Rooms?

Mar 18, 2009

how tell availabilty of rooms .I am having a hotel reservation system just wanna ask if how can I show that the rooms is occupied or not by using a label for the rooms

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Make A Small Program For Ticketing On A Parking For A Small Hotel?

Aug 27, 2010

I need to make a small programm for ticketing on a parking for a small hotel.So i have 2 Printers pariking In (for delivery of the tickets) and 2 Readers PArking Out.Both Printers and REaders are working Serial.So i need to poll the serial ports of the printers and readers every second.The data is stored on a SQL database so i need to read and write in the database.Can i do this with 1 PC and 1 programm or 1 PC and 4 programms that are runnning at the same time ?

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Hotel Booking System Programme - When Booking Button Is Clicked It Can Search A Database And Find The Best Suited Room

Jun 22, 2010

I have created a hotel booking system programme. However, I am puzzled as to how when the booking button is clicked it can search a database and find the best suited room (RoomType) and make sure that it is available (Date of Departure <

This data is held in two tables (Access):
BookingID (Primary Key)
CustomerID (Foreign Key, Table:Customer)
Date of Arrival (Date)
Date of Departure (Date)
RoomID (Foreign Key,Table:Room) Room:
RoomID (Primary Key)
RoomType (Text)
RoomPrice (Currency)
Floor (Number)

This has all got to be done within a single button click. Any ideas as to how I can place this into my vb code?

I have a rough query for picking a room that is best suited:

FROM Room INNER JOIN Booking ON Room.RoomID = Booking.RoomID
WHERE Room.[Room Type] LIKE '" & Room_TypeTextbox.Text & "'"
AND Booking.[Date of Departure] < Now()

I have been trying for a while to get it to select a single matching record as there is a high chance that this query will return multiple records but im unsure on how to deal with that.

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.net - ASP.Net Website Quote?

Jul 23, 2010

I am new to creating websites for people on a money-earning basis.. I created my Dads website for my final year project, and he will pay me eventually but obviously I cant charge him as much as anyone else.I have just been to a trade show where I picked up 1 definite and 2 possible sites to do. The definite one is as follows:They want a site which:Has a catalogue for the customer to view, as well as being able to order products at a retail price.Has an administrative section with order tracking, catalogue management and page view stats.Has other basic pages such as Contact Us, Terms etc (all the usual).Enables customers to post comments about items, as well as manage their accounts (addresses, payment details etc).Is linked up to sage pay or paypal (or something similar).My task is to design this site from scratch and launch it for them. They already have the hosting sorted out, so no need to worry about that in the quote. I am planning on using .net and SQL Server, if this makes any difference.Basically what I would like is to get some quotes for what other people would charge if they were given the task.

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Get Text Inside Quote?

Apr 10, 2009

How could I get text inside quote?

j1[1] = "EXTRACTME";

I only want to get the word EXTRACTME.

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Put A Double Quote Into A String?

Mar 17, 2011

I have a problem that seems trivial. In an argument to an activity I need to supply a path.

This is done by this code:

-bd -y -tzip {0} {1}* -r",

However, the directories parameters contain spaces so they have to have quotes around them. I tried with single quote ' that works fine to put in the string, but the command shell executing the command ignores these. So it has to be double quote "

I have tried all methods I have fount on the Internet, for example to have a backslash before the double quote and to have three double quotes, but nothing seems to work. I get a compiler error as below.

Error 4 Compiler error(s) encountered processing expression "String.Format("a -bd -y -tzip "{0}" '{1}*' -r", Path.Combine(BinariesDirectory, ""), BinariesDirectory)".Comma, ')', or a valid expression continuation expected.

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Replace The Double Quote In Net?

Mar 16, 2010

how can i replace the double quote in

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Shortcut Won\t Work - VB Quote Bug

Apr 13, 2011

I have been tryign for long time but I have had no progress on this problem. I'm tryign to make a shortcut of a executeable but the quote messes me up. I have this code in VB:


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VS 2008 How To Double Quote

Aug 23, 2009

I want to use this code. Is there anyway I can Double quote?

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
If ComboBox1.Text = "Open Website" Then


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.net - Sql Parameters Appear To Not Add In The Single Quote For Strings

Oct 4, 2011

I have this block of code that sets up my sql parameters for a stored proc that does an insert.

Dim sproc As StoredProcedure = New StoredProcedure("UsersInsert2", DataAccessConfiguration)
sproc.AddInput("@ID", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 10, entity.UserId)
sproc.AddInput("@PCode", SqlDbType.SmallInt, entity.PriviledgeCode)
sproc.AddInput("@Pwd", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 10, entity.Password.ToString())


I've tested the stored proc in SSMS and it works.The problem is when I try to call it from the application. it fails. the @@rowcount = -1. I've tried returning an error code from the db... no dice. keeps coming back as -1 what is going to get executed looks like this

sproc = {EXEC UsersInsert2 @ID=ruxtest7, @PCode=0, @Pwd=1234, @Lang=E, @Name=ruxpint, @Notice=1, @CreatedBy=ruxpint}

I've re-used this code several times. only difference being I'm using NVarChar and it's

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How To Read Quote-delimited File

May 18, 2010

I was trying to read Quote-delimited file using VB TextFieldParser. It doesn't work. However it seems to work if I set the delimiter as comma (","). How do I read quote delimited file?

Imports System.IO
Public Class Form1
Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load


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Missing Quote For String In Locals

Apr 15, 2010

I read in a Byte Array generated from a function called from an external DLL file and then converted (encoded) it into a String. In the Locals window (shown below), msg does not have a trailing double-quote.[code]...

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