If Statement For Advance Trade Discount

Dec 1, 2009

I'm having difficulty coding for a trade discount. If the order is made more than 10days in advance the customer is entitled to 5% trade discount.


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An IF THEN Statement - Using The Second Discount Percent In Any Of The Bronze?

Jun 14, 2009

the code below shows an if statement that is determining a customer type and a discount percent for that customer.But when I run the code it only ever reads the first discount percent even though the allocated price range is above the first discount percents range and should therefore give the second discount percent and i cant figure out why it is not using the second discount percent in any of the bronze, silver or gold statements.


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Use The Trade Feed For Program To Analyse The Sentiment Of The Markets?

Apr 16, 2012

I need to get some text from this web page. I want to use the trade feed for my program to analyse the sentiment of the markets. I used the browser control and the get element command but its not working. The problem is that whenever my browser starts to open the page I get Java scripts errors.

I tried with DOM but seems that i dont quite understand what i need to do here is the code:

Dim code As String Using client As New WebClient


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.net HTML Encoding ISO10646 Characters, Trade Mark, Euro, Etc?

Jun 20, 2011

I am having a constant series of problems with encoding characters for output in an XML file through .NET. I have a feeling that the problem relates to a setting on the Response object being used but I'm unable to get anywhere finding the correct setting. If I do the following:

system.web.httpcontext.current.response.write("€ & ™" & server.HTMLEncode(" € & ™ "))

I get the following output:

€ & ™ € & ™

The question is why are standard ASCII characters encoded, but the extended(?) characters not? Is there some kind of setting I need to give to the server object to tell it to convert characters like Euro/Trade Mark?One of the bullet points of MSDN's HTMLEncode function page states that: Any ASCII code character whose code is greater-than or equal to 0x80 is converted to &#, where is the ASCII character value.

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VS 2005 Read Text File Which Includes Trade Mark

Dec 6, 2009

Can I know how to read the text file which has Trade Mark sign in it? Like this one "Unique™"..I tried using System.Text.Encoding.*(all the encoding methods) but it still not working.I know how to read text file. But I don't know how to read the file which include this special character. (Actually this is a CSV file which has been exported out from Excel file.)url...Any other way of reading such special characters text file from VB.Net?????

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Advance To Next Field After Input?

Oct 14, 2009

Ok a newbie question that I just can't find the answer to:I created a simple form with 3 textboxes and have a problem using a barcode scanner to read data in to the form. The scan gives me the correct data, but it appears in VB2008 express the CRLF get absorbed and doesn't go to the next text box. In fact hitting the enter doesn't do it either, while the tab key does.

If I scan to notepad, wordpad, etc. the CRLF causes the cursor to drop to the next line, so I know the barcode scanner is programmed correctly. What should I be looking for to have the scanned data cause focus to go tot the next textbox?

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Listbox1 To Listbox2 Advance?

Dec 24, 2010

Uploaded with ImageShack.us how can i move the highlighted listbox on the right side to the empty row(the one that is highlighted on the left side) using a button.

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Display Load Advance Form - Delay Is Not Always The Same

Jun 12, 2012

I have some forms that are slow to open, I want to do is to show you something the user is loading, the time delay is not always the same, as is done

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Exercises To Advance A Student Programmer On Down Time

Aug 11, 2009

Currently on an internship from my CS degree, we have some down time and I'd like to spend it working through a series of problems (although none too large) that would advance my programming skills and allow me to dip my toes in a large breadth of different topics and areas. Unfortunately, everything I do must be done in vb.net on .net 2.0, without downloading any particular libraries.I've already worked through many of the "code-golf" tagged problems on here and the programming praxis problems posed by dailywtf.

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Powerpoint Slideshow Advance Slide Programatically?

Mar 23, 2010

I have written a VB.net 2010 Powerpoint addin that needs to be able to advance the slide via a button on it's main form when running the presentation. The functionality I require is exactly as if you press the space bar while focus is on the slide show window.

I have tried-PowerPointApp.ActivePresentation.SlideShowWindow.View.Next

But this does not work in excatly the same way, namely when working with several animation sequences on the same slide.I am looking into using the API - FindWindow & SendMessage but I do not fully understand the steps to get this to work, or even if it can. Or is there another way?

I am using Visual Studio 2010 RC with Powerpoint 2010 Developer Beta.

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Application To Calculate 10% Discount ?

Mar 20, 2011

I have amend my application to calculate 10% discount but dont know how to assign it or the code. i am opposed to assign the code to calculate 10% if the customer is hiring my goods for more than 7 days, but if its less than 7 days i dont want the form to calculate the discount.

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Calculate Items In Different Discount

Oct 15, 2011

how calculate items in different discount

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IDE :: Calculate The Discount Level?

Feb 7, 2012

I have a Form with textboxes,combobox and a button to calculate the discount level (comboBox) discount total (textbox), tax total (textbox) and total all these up into the total order (textbox) this is working except the discount total textbox,here's my code i have so far.[code]...

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Mix And Match Discount Code?

Jul 20, 2010

I need advice on how to implement. I have two objects ReceiptLine and Discount. Cashier scans item and a receiptline object is added. If the added ReceiptLine object have a Discount Id then, it has to lookup in Discount object and issues discount after validation. I have problem in validation. Here is the situation, cashier scans the item as follows

ReceiptLine Objects
line1 ItemId 1835 qty 2 DiscountId 23
line2 ItemId 1515 qty 2 DiscountId 23
line3 ItemId 1835 qty 2 DiscountId 23
Discount Object Id 23


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Advance With Cursor Of A Binding Navigator Through Records Of A DataGridView

Apr 5, 2010

I have a Datagrid with some records, this datagrid has a scroll bar. Also I have a Binding Navigator, with its buttons back, forward, insert, delete,The problem is that I dont know why I have disabled. I have looked into the Binding Navigator to enabled them, but I the property is enabled.In order to appear some records in the Datagrid, I want to appear one record and change to the following/back record with the following/back button of the Binding Navigator.

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Discount Rate Of The Entered Price

Jul 31, 2009

I'm coding a program, which supposed to give the discount rate of the entered price, so there is as what I got on my code. [Code]

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How To Add Discount To Subtotal And Show Up Total

Oct 3, 2011

I am having trouble adding a 5% discount to a subtotal of 50.00 or more and then have it display in the discount box and then having the total show up in the total box.

Here is my code.
Public Class GroceryStore
Private Sub CalculateButton_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles CalculateButton.Click
'Calculate totals
Dim subtotal As Double
[Code] .....

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Mix And Match Discount Code Advice

Jul 20, 2010

I need advice on how to implement. I have two objects ReceiptLine and Discount. Cashier scans item and a receiptline object is added. If the added ReceiptLine object have a Discount Id then, it has to lookup in Discount object and issues discount after validation. I have problem in validation. [code]

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Forms :: Coding A Timeline - Update Every Second And Advance The Blue Bar By 1 Pixel Every Second

Jun 2, 2010

I'm working on a project where I need a timeline similar to what you would see within a video editing program. Picture of my timeline - [URL]

So far, I've designed the timeline using nested pictureboxes. The main area of the timeline is a picturebox, and each track (marker and test) are children pictureboxes contained within the first. The marker dots are custom controls that are children of the marker picturebox. The idea will be for the slider to control zooming of the information in the timeline and the scrollbar to control panning of the timeline. Live data will be added to the timeline. This live data will include the marker dots and painting on the bitmap contained within the test picturebox.

I've got portions of the timeline functioning, but I'm stuck on how I should go about panning and zooming. I would like the timeline to update every second and advance the blue bar by 1 pixel every second. The problem starts when the blue line reaches the end of the timeline. Once the blue line reaches the end, I want everything on the timeline to start scrolling off the left side. What would be the best way to go about doing this and still be able to maintain the data written to the timeline? This could be a lot of data if the program runs for several hours.

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Performance - Animated Image Class That Uses Timer To Advance Frames

Dec 2, 2010

I am writing an industrial control front-end that has some "fancy" graphics to indicate the states of some machinery. For example, I indicate that some heaters are on by showing red wavy arrows emanating out from a picture of a heater. I accomplished this by creating a class that inherits from PictureBox and using a timer to advance the images:

Public Class AnimatedPictureBox
Inherits PictureBox
Private WithEvents Timer As New Timers.Timer
Public Property Interval As Double
[Code] .....

My question is "Is this an alright way to go about this or is there some obvious better way?" I'm not too good at programming and am worried that having several of these objects with their embedded timers taxing the CPU. I went with animated GIFs for some other animation stuff, but here, I wanted to be able to handle image formats that can handle a larger palette than a GIF (if that makes sense). In other words, when I tried to save some of my animations as GIFs, the image quality took an unacceptable hit.

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Calculate A 15% Discount When Creating A Windows Application

Mar 11, 2011

How do I calculate a 15% discount in visual basic in when creating a windows application.I have two radio buttons Yes and No and when yes is selected a 15% discount is subtracted from the total price.So would I just say 15% as 0.15 or should I name the 15% as a constant?

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Percentage / Discount For Hotel Quote Form

May 1, 2011

I made a hotel quote form where I want to add a discount box where the user can enter a percentage discount off the total price. What is the code to do that? [code]

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How To Calculate Discount In Percent % And Get Total In Total Column

Jun 8, 2011

I am using visual basic 2008 amd creatomg a datagrodview format like below [code] Now I wnat to get total balance in total column after less discount in percentage with ENTER EVENT proceedure and get the whole total column balance in a textbox i.e Net BalanceTextBox. Please tell me how to calculate discount in percent % and get total in total column and also tell me how to move cursor in next cell instead of bottom row in datagridview.

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SQL Statement Doesn't Work - INSERT Statement Works Fine In The Form Load But Not In The Button Click Event?

Oct 14, 2009


Public Class Form1
Dim sql As String
Dim conn As New OleDb.OleDbConnection
Dim da As New OleDb.OleDbDataAdapter


The problem, The INSERT statement works fine in the form load but not in the button click event?

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If <expression> Then <statement [:statement]> Else [statements] In Concrete Form?

Jan 1, 2010

I was convinced that If <expression> Then <statement [:statement]> Else [statements] in concrete form of If a = b Then SayHello() Else SayBye() End has sense. I read article on msdn on If-then-else, but I forgot why I was reading, so I concluded, that snippet above means this

If a = b Then HelloIsSaid : IsNotEnded Else ByeIsSaid : IsEnded But I have tested it now, and I see, that Else without statement is nothing more than decoration. It would be pretty good if it had function I described. Do you think its good request? Or do you know any circumstance where this Else has some function?

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Making A Next Statement Into A Loop Statement In Visual Basic?

Jun 8, 2009

y friend and I are re-learning Visual Basic, and we are stumped on this bit of code.

For intAsterisks As Integer = 0 To intLine - 1
lblAsterisks.Text = lblAsterisks.Text + "*"

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Sql - Perform An Inline Select Statement In A LINQ Statement?

Jun 24, 2011

I have the following SQL:


I want to put it (the select count statement) in this LINQ statement so I can get the sales count in my linq statement: Dim TheLeads = (From L In DB.Leads Where L.IsDeleted = False Select L).ToList() Is this possible to do in LINQ?

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Change The Exit Statement To A Continue Statement?

Feb 23, 2009

add an if statement and an exit statement to my do loop that exits when my future value (FV) is greater than 1000, then to change the exit statement to a continue statement so my loop will continue even though my fv is greater then 1000, point is to get this to run even though my if statement doesnt do anything. problem something wrong in my code and an exception error (xception of type 'System.OverflowException' occurred in mscorlib.dll)

so can someone show me where or why I have an error is, what am I overthinking now! I could use a hint, OMG i could use a tutor for that matter


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ElseIf Statement Into A Select Case Statement?

Jun 23, 2010

A co-worker wants to convert the following IfThenElseIf statement into a Select Case statement.
Explain why this is not possible.

If temperature = 100 Then
X = 0
ElseIf population > 1000 Then
X = 1
ElseIf rate < .1 Then
X = -1
End If

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SQL Statement :: Nearly Working Just Cant Get Form Values In Statement?

Aug 4, 2010

I cant get this SQL statement to insert any of the values in the form to add to the database

sql = "INSERT INTO prevresults (ExamDate, ExamTime, CorrectAnswers, PassPercentage) VALUES (date.now, time.now, rightanswers, percentage.text)"


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