How To Find Lcm Of Two Digits

Feb 21, 2010

actually we have given an assignment that find the LCM of two digits in VB.netbut i m not getting the logic how to code this...e-g... we have two digits... 10 and 20

2| 10, 20
2| 5 , 10
5| 5, 5


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Find Total Of Digits From Textbox To Listbox?

Sep 13, 2010

This code bellow to find total of digits from textboxs to listbox.This code don't care about how many textboxs on the form.I take this code from Cazypennie..Great code.My question is..I want to change that code from many textboxs to only one textbox MultiLine having 30 Lines of digits to count and appear to listbox.

Option Strict Off
Public Class Form1
Dim BoxValueCollection As New Collection[code].......

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Round Milliseconds Digits In From 7 Digits To 3?

Apr 30, 2009

Dim Timing1, Timing2 As DateTime
Timing1 = DateTime.Now


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Regex 4 Digits A Hyphen And 4 Digits?

Jul 2, 2010

I'm trying to match a string to see if it matches exactly this:####-####, it has to be 4 digits followed by a hyphen followed by 4 more digits. Right now I have this pattern: "d{4}-d{4}" but it's allowing 5 digits in either (or both) instead of strictly 4 per group. Here's an example of what it should allow:


and here's what my pattern is allowing but should not be allowing:


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VS 2008 - 10 Digits To Compare With Other 10 Digits

Jan 17, 2010

I have 10 labels with 10 numbers and i want theses numbers to compare with other 10 labels with different numbers and when they found that second pair of labels are not equal with the first to show me in a new label where is the fault and in another new label the sum of the mistakes

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C# - Show Last Four Digits Of SSN?

Oct 12, 2009

I want to only show the last four digits of a Social security number after they leave the textbox. Does AJax have a tool for this that I am not aware of? How can i do this? I want to replace the digits with '*'. I'm working in .NET. Ajax is also accessible.

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Can't Enter Any More Digits

Aug 5, 2010

I have a textbox called TxtProNo - this should be ONLY 10 digits maximum. After 10 digits have been typed, the user can't enter any more digits, how can I achieve this...

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Get The Year To Come Up Only As The 2 Digits?

Mar 13, 2009

hey ppl i have a simple one today. How can i get the year to come up only as the 2 digits . Ex

2009 but i only want 09

i have this

DatePart(DateInterval.Year, Date.Today) but i was looking for a trim that will do this any ideas

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IDE :: Put The 2 Last Digits In Another Integer?

Sep 4, 2011

Excuse me if this question already have been answered somewhere else but I really need to know.I need the code to take certain digits out of an intiger, for example:I have the integer 3002010 I want to put the 2 last digits in another integer.Then I want to put the 20 in another integer.After that I take the first digits which comes before those.

Another example:

I have 2993064 In integer one it should be 64 In integer two it should be 30 In integer three it should be 299

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C# - Return Only Digits 0-9 From A String?

May 10, 2009

I need a regular expression that I can use in VBScript and .NET that will return only the numbers that are found in a string.

For Example any of the following "strings" should return only 1231231234

123 123 1234
(123) 123-1234


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Check For Only Digits In String?

Jul 30, 2010

I want to run a check on a String right before I append it to a StringBuilder to make sure only numeric characters are in the string. What's a simple way to do that?

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Count Digits In An Integer?

Oct 14, 2006

I need to count the number of digits in an integer input by the user. In other words if the user enters 101010, I need to obtain the value of 6, because there are 6 digits in this number

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Count Digits To Listbox?

Sep 2, 2010



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Cutting Off Digits And Rounding Up/down?

Jul 22, 2010

I need a function that takes a decimal, with a certain number of digits behiond the comma and convert it to a string with a different number of n digits behind the comma. (to display it)My problem is the rounding ip/down.

like 123,789 with n = 2 --> 123,79
or 123,4 with n = 0 --> 123
or 123,5 with n = 0 --> 124

I did not find an existing function that does that, so I wrote one myself.However the code has become soo complex and it still does not work well, and I get frustrated to spend soo much time with something so trivial.Does anyone know a function that can do this? There must be something out there.

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Enter Only Four Digits In The Textbox?

Dec 3, 2011

The client can enter only four digits in the textbox wich represent the PIN (the text box is not allowed to enter more or less than four digits) . After the client entered four digits the textbox will be read only

My problem :When I put one digite then the text box becomes read-only, i want to enterd only 4 digite ..

Private Sub TextBox1_KeyPress(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.KeyPressEventArgs) Handles TextBox1.KeyPress
If e.KeyChar Like "[0_9]" Or Asc(e.KeyChar) Like 8 Then


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GUID Creation In 30 Digits?

Oct 1, 2010

Now i am doing a desktop application, In which i have to construct GUID. Eventhough having a built-in function in our VB.NET like "System.Guid.NewGuid.ToString()" to get GUID, I need to create the GUID in 30 digits in the below mentioned criteria through

Application constructs the GUID (30 digits) using the information from the 5 different sources. The different sources are Current system time, millisecond of the system time, Process ID for the application, system physical memory status and finally the group object identifier number.

8 digits
4 digits 8 digits
8 digits 2 digits


I am not sure how to get the above values to construct the GUID?

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Know The Original Number Of Digits?

Jun 17, 2011

How do I know the original number of digits that appear in this way 5.555555E+36

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Limit A TextBox To Have Only 4 Digits?

May 22, 2009

I have this textbox and i want to limit the number of digets able to be entered to 4.

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Only Accept Digits For Textbox?

Jan 26, 2011

I found this code for making my textbox only accept numbers.

Private Sub TextBox1_KeyPress(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.KeyPressEventArgs) Handles TextBox1.KeyPress
Dim allowedChars As String = "0123456789"


But... the user can't delete the numbers using the backspace button. How do I do then?

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Only Accept Digits In Textbox

Apr 6, 2011

Given a texbox, how can I completely ignore non-digit characters? So if I press "A" or "Z", those characters would never appear in the textbox. I'd like to run a bit of code if the user tries to input digits and if he tries to input non-digits too..

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Only Accept Digits In Textbox?

Feb 23, 2009

Given a texbox, how can I completely ignore non-digit characters? So if I press "A" or "Z", those characters would never appear in the textbox. I'd like to run a bit of code if the user tries to input digits and if he tries to input non-digits too

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Program To Calculate Digits Of Pi?

Mar 11, 2010

I am creating a program to calculate digits of pi, I get two error messages. Value is not a member of Integer. I get this message twice.

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Program With Digits Reversed

Aug 11, 2010

WRITE A PROGRAM THAT TAKES AN INTEGER VALUE AND RETURNS WITH ITS DIGITS REVERSED.. ex. input 7631 output: 1367POSITIVE NUMBER ONLY...Could you guys give me a hint on what i'm supposed to do here?

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Split String Into Digits?

Jun 11, 2011

I am new to VB (and coding in general) and I'm wanting to make a check digit generator. To do this I need to take the a user text input and split it into individual digits so that I can then calculate the check digit.

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Textbox Accept Only Digits?

Mar 27, 2010

Private Sub TextBox1_KeyPress(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.KeyPressEventArgs) Handles TextBox1.KeyPress

Dim allowedChars As String = "0123456789$,"
If allowedChars.IndexOf(e.KeyChar) = -1 Then
' Invalid Character
e.Handled = True


this code accept only digits and its working like a charm but if i typed a wrong number its not allowing me to use the delete or the backspace on the keyboard?

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C# - Force An Integer To Be At Least 2 Digits Long?

Aug 30, 2010

Can someone give me code to do the following.if the integer is 1-9 display a string 01,02,03 etc.. if 10 or over leave it as is.string display = yourInt.ToString("00");

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C# - Round Any N-digit Number To (n-1) Zero-digits

Jan 5, 2011

I need to round like this:

12 -> 10
152 -> 200
1538 -> 2000
25000 -> 30000

Twisting my head, but can't see how to make this. Must work for any n number of digits. Anyone got an elegant method for it?

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Calculate Correct Value If Numbers Is More Than 16 Digits

Apr 28, 2012

i want to get the correct value if number is more than 16 digits [code]and i change it to double and the value is "1.11111111111111E+16"the answer i want is "11111111111111111".is it possible to get the proper value?

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Count Digits Are Same In Multiline Textbox?

Sep 26, 2010

how to modified in cazypennie coding..


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DateFormat In Year Only Appear Two Digits Instead Of Four In ListView?

May 18, 2012

With Binding the Listview with dataset, the dateformat in datefield only appear the year as '12' instead of '2012',

strSQL = "select * from tableA where PNo = '" & cbPortNo.SelectedItem.ToString() & "' and convert(date, fDateReceived) = '" & dDateSelected & "'"
Dim da1 As New SqlDataAdapter(strSQL, sqlconn)


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