How To Retrieve DNS IP

Jan 29, 2009

I need help in retriving the DNS server ip of my computer. But with my codes i only manage to the IP address of my computer. [code]

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Retrieve Value From Exe?

Feb 12, 2008

Not sure how to word this right as I've never done it before. Also not sure which language I should code it in..

How would I go about getting a value from an exe if I already know what address it's located at?

For the app I'm making that calculates the current xp per hour, I need to be able to retrieve the total xp on my char from the game exe. I already know that the xp is located at 0080B910 and can see it with my debugger.

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.net - Retrieve Ip Address Through Lan?

May 18, 2011

How I can retrieve the IP address for a client when this client is connected to the server through Lan network and show it as a string in textbox?


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How To Retrieve ComboBox Value

May 9, 2010

I have a combobox (dropdownstyle=dropdownlist) with 4 items in it (defined in design time). The items are the following:
I read a row from a database (which contains a field with one of the 4 items) and I want to display this value in the combobox.

I use this method:
cmbtizedesh.SelectedIndex = cmbtizedesh.FindStringExact(pgreader(4))
But it works only, when the field value is 0,001. In any other cases the combobox value remains empty (the result of the FindStringExact function is -1). The pgreader is a NpgsqlDataReader object and retrieves the right values.

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How To Retrieve Records

Nov 1, 2010

I'm using Usually I used the SQL Server SQLComamnd but here I need to use an ADO. I have this but I'm stuck at the end of it how to get the data? [code] How do I actually retrieve this record?Is there something akin to the SQLCommand that has Reader?

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How To Retrieve Selected Value

Sep 3, 2009

cboName.DataSource = Me.CustomersTableAdapter.GetDataByFullName
cboName.DisplayMember = "FullName"
cboName.ValueMember = "CWID"
'cboname.SelectedValue =
How do I retrieve the selected value.

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How To Retrieve The Value From One Form To Another

Dec 1, 2011

I have the problem to retreive the string from one form to another. here is my code: What's wrong with this? Public Class Form3

Dim unit As String
Public itmname As String
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs)


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Retrieve A Value From A Second Form?

Apr 12, 2009

I'm teaching myself VB.Net.

Here is a problem I have recently come across. Say I have a main Form1 in my application. Form1 calls a second LoginForm which (like the name suggests) is a login window with username/password type fields. Expected behaviour is that LoginForm will capture login details and pass them back to Form1.

In my mind, I was thinking along the lines of a function call like 'doLogin' that would 'show' the LoginForm, capture the data entered, dispose of the form and return the login details (probably in some kind of bean). Somehow I don't see this as being possible

What I have currently is less elegant. LoginForm is shown by Form1 modally (i.e. showDialog); a 'me' reference is passed to the second window. After user input has been received on LoginForm, I set a value on Form1, then dispose.

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Retrieve All Usernames?

Oct 12, 2009

I have been working on a project in which I need to get all usernames.

Add to form
Public Function GetUserId() As String
Dim lUserName As String
Dim lSuccess As Boolean


Unfortunately, this only gets the username of the user logged on. I was wondering if there is a way to modify this to get all user names.

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Retrieve CLR DLL From SQL Server?

Nov 22, 2010

Is it possible to rebuild or retrieve a VB CLR dll file which you've imported into SQL some time ago?I've gotten to the point where I was able to find the contents of this DLL by doing:

SELECT * FROM sys.assembly_files

but I don't how if it's possible to rebuild the dll with the contents found there.

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Retrieve Column Name With The Value?

Oct 9, 2010

I am trying to retrieve column name with the value which it have. I did many try but only i am able to get column name.

Dim schemaTable As DataTable = reader.GetSchemaTable()
Dim myRow As DataRow
Dim myCol As DataColumn


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Retrieve Name For An Id Used In Different Table

Jun 18, 2012

I am using vs2005 with access database.Developing a new application. I am the new one to the application development.This is what my situation which takes my time towards searching a reference but no where it is found:There is 2 tables named tblbill(contains VendorID & TruckID) and tblvendor (contains VendorID & VendorName) Where my user wants to display the vendorname against what he selected the TruckID..I know how to catch the VendorID in selection of the TruckID..But doesn't know how to retrieve the Vendorname based on the vendorID.

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Retrieve Name Of Sub/Function?

Aug 31, 2008

In an errorhandling messagebox inside my own Sub/Function procedures I want to refer to the NAME of the Sub/Function, so I will know where the problem is located when the error messagebox pops up.How do I retrieve the name of the particular Sub/Function that I am in at the time (in the Editor)?

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Retrieve Records For Each Day?

Jul 2, 2009

I wish to retrieve all records for a particular day. The user can choose a date from a calendar and once click on ENTER,all the records for that day will be display out. I am able to choose the date using MonthCalendar and display it onto a label. But the sql statement of displaying it onto a datagridview shows no result.

This is my sql statement:

MyCommand = New OleDbCommand("SELECT * FROM cable WHERE 'Date_Time' = "& Label6.Text,MyConnection)
My records in MS Access is in this format:
mm/dd/yyyy xx:xx:xx AM/PM

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Retrieve TEXT From The Web?

Feb 20, 2009

Public Class Form1
Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
Dim myBrowser As New WebBrowser


I can get this to work, but I am trying to get text only from a text file on a website. The above code gives me html code along with the text. Are there a way to get text only from a text file?

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Retrieve Username From SID?

May 5, 2010

Im trying to convert a SID to a username. Could i use the DirectoryServices to convert it from SID to a username if yes how would i go about getting started with it please? Or i have read to use the "advapi32.dll" ConvertStringToSID to do this but 1. Wouldnt this be going back to old programming techniques? 2

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Retrieve Value From INI File?

Jun 10, 2011

I found that vista OS is malfunction to retrieve value from INI file. When set at vista scheduler. After I test few method, I get the solution to solve is copy the INI file to system32 to get it work. But that exe file can be worked perfectly by using manually double click the EXE file. Except copy INI file to system32?

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Retrieve Value From Other Function?

Mar 18, 2009

i want to call a function that can convert code key-in by user into a set of code..i call function convertCode(coop,portal) in another private sub call SEMAK.. after the function executed, how can i get the latest value for portal to use it in sub SEMAK? after i convert coop n portal, i want to use the latest value in portal. but in sub SEMAk it still take the value that i declare in sub SEMAK that is Dim portal As String = ""

the function is
Private Sub convertCoop(ByVal coop As String, ByVal portal As String)
Dim conn1 As New SqlClient.SqlConnection("Data Source=;User ID= sysadm;Password=sysadm;Initial Catalog=SPGA_Latihan;Persist Security Info=True;")


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Retrieve Which Directory I Am Into?

Jun 11, 2011

I want to know that which folder or drive i'm in and my program will automatically write the status on the list box . i mean, i want to get the current status of the drive and directory of each visit.

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Use .NET To Retrieve SQL Data?

Nov 23, 2009

1. user writes he's details (textbox1 for username, textbox2 for password)

2. user hits "Login"

3. application tries to retrive data from sql server. (in this case localhost/

4. application retrieves data from test/tables/members

5. if the specified account information matches the servers data, it will let you through to the next form. Else, it will give an error that the user/pass is incorrect.

Now look, the table looks like this

[id] | [username] | [password]
1 username password

View 1 Replies - Retrieve Data From Checkbox?

Jul 30, 2009

I am trying to execute the code below to list the select item in a checkbox to the body of the mail

Dim CheckedValues As String
For Each item In txt_panview0_ddinput1.Items
If item.checked Then


View 1 Replies - Retrieve Data Using Web Services In .NET?

Jan 11, 2010

How to retrieve data from database using Web services on VB?

View 5 Replies - Without Using SelectedIndexChanged, How To Retrieve Value Of Each Row From Gridview

Jan 11, 2012

I have a GridView, without using SelectedIndexChanged, how can I retrieve the value of each row from GridView when click on each button in each row?this is my aspx code


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Can't Able To Retrieve String From Sql 2005

Mar 20, 2009

By using the below code i can able to number but cant able to get the string..In sqlsever i declared product_name and its data type as nchar(10)..while running this code the error appeared is MAKE SURE THE MAXIMUM INDEX ON LST IS LESS THEN THE LIST SIZE[code]...

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Compare With Id And Retrieve The Name In A Table

May 31, 2012

I am doing a small program in vb2005 with access database. In that I have a small issue, my database has 3 tables tblbill having vendorid & truckid to compare, tblvendor has vendorid & vendorname, tbltruck has truckid & truckno in these 3 tables i want to retrieve and show the vendorname based on the truckid based search. I have written code for some level and it doesn't work for me.

This is my code

Dim cmd1 As OleDb.OleDbCommand
cmd1 = New OleDb.OleDbCommand("Select tblVendor.VendorName, tblTruck.TruckID, tblbill.vendorid, tblbill.truckid " & _


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Connect And Retrieve From SQL DB In HTML

Apr 15, 2009

Need to connect & retrieve from SQL DB in aspx page using vbscript server side. I have an html page which I want to edit by adding information from a SQL database & display results on and in the html page (code below). Initially thought of using server side javascript but unsuccessful, can this be done using vbscript?

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Could Not Retrieve Schema From Database

Jul 27, 2011

I am using microsoft access 2003 and I am trying desperately to add a database using the wizard, and it lets me go through with it, testing the connection is good, but when I try to finish it gives me an error: "<customers>Could not retrieve schema information for table or view customers." What am I doing wrong? I've added databases in the past without this problem using the same Access.

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How Could Retrieve The Rtf Values From The Database

Sep 16, 2009

I stored rtf format directly into the database. Like in database


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How To Post And Retrieve Values From API

Oct 18, 2009

I am trying to use eBay API and I have already signed up and connected to their API, now I don't know the VB.NET code needed to retrieve the information, such as "GeteBayOfficialTime" is a command I can use for their API, but how do I go about connecting and requesting "GeteBayOfficialTime"?

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How To Retrieve 10 Records At One Time

Jan 24, 2009

I would like to do like this...When I click a button, it will capture the times the button had been click retrieve 10 records at one time...For example, when the button being click for first time, it will retrieve the first 10 records and put into 10 textbox. Then if the the button being click for second time, it will retrieve the records from 11 to 20 and put into 10 textbox and so on. I had the following codes:


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