How Does Pagination Work In ASP.NET

Sep 24, 2010

I know how to create and populate a datatable, which i have already done. Now, I simply want to display the datatable on a webform, but I also want to know how to paginate and sort it. Ultimately I do not want to bind this to a datagrid or gridview. I would like to learn how to programmatically do this myself.

how to display, paginate, and sort this datatable without using datagrid or gridview?

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Add Images In Gridview Pagination?

Sep 10, 2009

I am using code.I have grid view,the code below:

<asp:GridView ID="GridView1" runat="server" AllowPaging="True" AllowSorting="True"
AutoGenerateColumns="False" CssClass="innerGridTable" DataKeyNames="OrgID" DataSourceID="OrgGridViewDataSource">
<PagerSettings NextPageImageUrl="~/images/arrow-right-active.gif" PreviousPageImageUrl="~/images/arrow-left-active.gif" />[code]....

I have gridview pagination, now I want to add images for previous and next button in pagination. How I can do it in the gridview.

View 1 Replies - Pagination Not Working In Asp:DataGrid?

Feb 4, 2011

When I attempt to go to page 2 or any other subsequent page of the data grid, it does nothing but refresh the page.


<!--Main DataGrid-->


Now, I'm not even close to sure why the pagination is not working. I have AllowPaging equal to true, I'm not re-binding the data on PostBack

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Have Custom Images In GridView Pagination?

Oct 12, 2009

I am using for coding.

I am having GridView Control in my application.[code]...

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Implement Pagination In Gridview Control?

Feb 11, 2011

I am trying to implement pagination in my gridview control. Here is the code for databind and pageindexchanged

Private Sub BindGrid()
Dim dataTable as DataTable = CType(Session.Item(APPLICATION_DATA), DataTable)
Grid.DataSource = dataTable.DefaultView


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Pagination Not Appearing On Right Hand Side In DataGrid?

Feb 28, 2011

I am trying to get some data in DataGrid from XML files. I am reading that XML data and putting that data in DataView and giving that DataView as DataSource to DataGrid.As i have a schema for my XML, i dont even give HeaderName as system automatically takes HeaderText as whatever is in XML Tags. Now my problem is Pagination alignment, i have pagination on my DataGrid but even setting

<PagerStyle HorizontalAlign="Right" Mode="NumericPages"/>

doesn't bring pagination to extreme right of datagrid, rather it brings pagination on right of first column of datagrid(my datagrid has 9 columns) see attached pic

Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load
'Bind data to Grid


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Maintaining Checkbox State In A Listview Control Pagination ASP.NET

Mar 19, 2012

I Have a web form in a web form 3.5. The listview has a checkbox on the item template, I am trying to retain the state of the checkboxes through pagination . Once I can page through records and preserver this state I need to send this to a print page which takes those ids...I have this working, but it will print only the records on each pagination. [URL]

how can this be done, the code below is not working.

Protected Sub ListView1_ItemCommand(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Web.UI.WebControls.ListViewCommandEventArgs) Handles ListView1.ItemCommand
Dim myButtonPrint1 As Button = CType(ListView1.FindControl("printButton1"), Button)
If e.CommandSource Is myButtonPrint1 Then


View 1 Replies - Add A "Show All" Option To The Pagination Of A GridView?

Nov 14, 2011

I have a GridView control setup like this:


I would like to be able to control the "AllowPaging" parameter of this control in my VB code, but I'm not sure how to add a "Show All" option to the page list at the bottom of the control.

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LINQ Group By Multiple Values Does Not Work Well But Work Well In C#

May 29, 2012

I found that when group by multiple values does not work well with VB.NET, but it works well with C# ,here are my code, is there something wrong with my VB.NET Code? Here is my VB.NET code:


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PerformClick() Doesn't Work - How To Make It Work

Feb 2, 2011

I have an application that requires data be entered, and after entering, a button is clicked to process that data. Clicking the button works just as it should--the data is processed properly. In constructing a test module, I provide a set of data values, followed by:


Nothing happens. I have used this syntax for years, and it has always worked flawlessly. I have triple checked everything else and isolated the problem to the failure of the PerformClick(). The PerformClick() is in a test subroutine that does nothing but fill textboxes and labels with default data, then calls the PerformClick() on the button to begin processing. Again, the button works fine, the data is entered as it should be, but the PerformClick() does not fire the click event.

View 21 Replies

VS 2008 Could Not Get Form To Work On Work Computer

Aug 21, 2009

I have a form that works on my local Machine I created into. I have Office 2007 on this machine. I created the Form with the Excel 12 Reference. I move the Entire conetence of the Project folder to my work computer. Which has Office 2003. Do I need to recreate the form with the Excel 11 reference. I could not get the form to work on work computer. IT has a com error. I am acessing the EXE for the debug folder w/in the Bin Folder.

View 7 Replies

DB/Reporting :: Will SQL Statements That Work In Compact SQL Server Also Work In The Express Edition Of SQL Server

Jul 25, 2010

will SQL statements that work in Compact SQL Server also work in the Express Edition of SQL Server?

View 2 Replies

Work Around For PrincipalContext If Has To Work With .net 2?

Jul 21, 2010

Dim pc As PrincipalContext = New PrincipalContext(ContextType.Domain, GetPath) ADUserInfo.PasswordVaild = pc.ValidateCredentials(LoginName, Password)

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Error:Project Work On Seven System-Don't Work On XP System

Oct 19, 2011

I'm using vb2008 with DB MSA2007 (save it to MSA2003) on Seven(7)System After I create my project I build it(make exe). then I took the file of project (application) and the DB from Debug Folder.

I tried to run this application with DB on another computer it's system is seven and MSA2007 and work very well. then I run it on pc it's system XP and MSA2003. it showed this error

Application Error THE APPLICATION FAILED TO INTIALIZE PROPERLY (0XC000135). Click on OK to terminate the application

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EXE Program Don't Work Debudding Of Program Work

Jan 8, 2012

I'm building a VB(2010) program to create the graphics for my laserprojector.The program works when I debug it in VB, but when I run the EXE program in the release directory, it doesn't work. The problem in the EXE program is theat I can't draw/view graphics in the picturebox..I coppied my whole program to a new VB project, but I'm having the same problem...In the original project, where the program works, there are no warnings or errors.

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Get VB App To Work In VWD?

Mar 28, 2011

I created a windows form application using Visual Basic Express Edition 2008 but I did not know I could not use it on the web, which is what I wanted but being new to VB I just got a lot of headaches trying to figure this out. It works fine as a windows app but now just recently I installed Visual Web Developer 2005 to so I could create a web application from the windows app.

It is a simple windows application of a datagrid but now I want to run the same design application I made in Visual Basic to Visual Web Developer Express 2005. Is this possible? And, what do I need to do? I have all of the associated files in my project folder in Visual Basic Express folder.

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How Does Look-up Work In VB

Mar 14, 2011

how does look-up work in Visual Basic, I have done research on this but it does not explain. I have a Form1 called( Booking form) with 2 ComboBox's and 1 TextBox. each called (Destination_FromComboBox) and (Destination_ToComboBox) and (FareTextBox)and another form2 called (Fares Form) with 3 TextBox's each called TextBox1 (FromTextBox), TextBox2 (ToTextBox2), TextBox3(FareTextBox).So when I select (Booking Form) and Insert or select a Destination from (Destination_FromComboBox) and Insert or select a Destination To (Destination_ToComboBox) I want to read from (Fare Form/Fare Table) and give me the fare in FareTextBox on the Booking Form. Also on the booking I have 3 Radio Buttons

(RadioButton1 = 4 Seater Car, Normal Fare)
(RadioButton2 = 6 Seater Car, Time & HalfFare)
(RadioButton3 = 8 Seater Car, Double Fare)

But there is also a time Issue as well:

If the time is Between 05:00 & 23:59 then normal time should be used
If the time is Between 00:00 & 02:00 then time & half should be used
If the time is Between 02:00 & 05:00 then Double time should be used

I have watched loads of video's and looked through forums and other codes for the combination of the above, without success?

View 5 Replies

Using VB6 Don't Work On .net?

Oct 19, 2009

I have this great way to use VB6 I treated my project like a .exe file.Say I want to work on c:work directory.I just save as the .vbp file to c:work directory

All the other files (.frm,.bas,.cls) files are in a special directory called library ALL of my .vbp files, in c:work1, c:work2, c:work3 refer to that one same directory.How can I do that in

Why this is important? Bugs always happen all the time. If I just run .exe file, when bug happen, I cannot do a thing. However, if I run the project file and run the program in debug mode, when bug happen I can figure out what happen.

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Best Way To Work With RSS Feeds

Jan 23, 2010

I am a CS grad, but haven't had much to do with programming since my school days as I went the BA route.Anyways, there are a few things that I do manually on the computer and thought that I could probably save time by creating an application for them.But I'm not really sure how to start.I'd like to be able to keep a history of Completed eBay listing so that I know when the price point is good and when it is too high.I noticed that eBay has an RSS feed, so I think I can do it. Just a couple of quick questions:

1 - Can I instruct to open a web browser and read an RSS feed, or would I need to manually do this myself and then run the application?

2 - What is the best way to work with RSS feeds? Should I convert the data into XML first?

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Get A Percentage That Just Does Not Seem To Work?

May 23, 2010

I am trying to get a percentage that just does not seem to work.I am using WMI to get the Total Physical memory of my system and then the Free Physical Memory. Then get the percentage.

2147483648 - Total Memory
838028 - Free memory

According to Task Manager my physical memory is 59%. This is the code I am using but I can not get 59% or 41% that is free.

temp = FM/TM
temp = temp * 100
percent = FM * temp

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.net - Get The #if DEBUG To Work?

Jan 12, 2011

I have a simple application:Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load

#If DEBUG Then
lblDebug.Text = "Debug"
lblDebug.Text = "Not in debug"
#End If

Now when I run it in VS, it prints "debug" like it should, but if i run the .exe, it still prints "debug". What do i have to do to get this to work right?

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.net - Me.Close Does Not Work

Sep 22, 2011

I'm working with'm having problems while I connect my application to my database today so I wanted to add an error handling to close the form.The problem is that when I put Me.close in a form, this form still open. I used the Form.Closing event handler to verify that it was called, and then ran my application in step by step which showed that the event handler was called, but the application continues and the errors appears to the to close a form properly without closing the application?

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AcceptChanges Does Not Work?

Jun 1, 2011

I am modifying a couple of fields of a datarow and immediately calling AcceptChanges on this datarow. Technically, after calling AcceptChanges, the RowState of the datarow must be "Unchanged", but it is still "Modified". Why is this so?

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AcViewPreview Does Not Work In Vb6?

Oct 16, 2009

when i run the program the report prints to the printer without a preview

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Application Won't Work On Another PC?

Apr 24, 2011

I just finished creating my VB application and now when this application running on another PC, jumping out error (error image here [URL]..

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Array.contains Does Not Work?

Aug 5, 2009

I am using visual absic 2008 express edition. I am trying to produce two (FromNode, ToNode) random numbers and store in an array (ArrayTo(NoConnections)). The array should not have same values at the same time and the aary should not have the same number or the other way around. For example, The array should not have numbers like 22, 55, 66Šetc If the array has 13 and 45 then 31 and 54 is not allowed in the array and vise versa.


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Can Just Get This Snippet To Work

Oct 22, 2010

<div style="position: absolute; left: -10000px; top: 0px; width: 1px; height: 1px; overflow-x: hidden; overflow-y: hidden;" id="_mcePaste"> lblText.Text = "COMMUNICATIONS: Joe Blow ("</div> <div style="position:
absolute; left: -10000px; top: 0px; width: 1px; height: 1px; overflow-x: hidden; overflow-y: hidden;"


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Can't Get Databases To Work

Mar 14, 2010

I recently moved over to a Windows 7 computer and I can't get databases to work with I moved I used to do an Access database and connect it to VB through the ODBC thing. However, I don't have Access on this computer (open office) so I'm not sure how to create a database and connect it.I have tried to use the SQL Compact Edition that comes with Visual Studio but I not sure how to get it to work. Also would something like mySQL work with VB? I have looked at the mySQL workbench and like it, what else would I need to download to be able to use the databases created with it in Visual Studio?

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Can't Get DataGridView To Work?

Dec 7, 2009

I am trying to put in a datagridview in my program, and when I add the connectionMiscrosoft SQL Server Database File as the data sourceand i have a .mdf file for the database..when I click OK it says it couldn't login my computer account, i tried putting my login name and password, and it still didnt work.

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Can't Get Dubug To Work

Feb 8, 2010

A VB 2008 program that I am developing suddenly has a problem when trying to debug with breakpoints. I set a breakpoint, but the program does not stop there. A small yellow icon appears by the breakpoint bullet and says (when moving the cursor to it) "The breakpoint will not currently be hit. No symbols have been loaded for this document". Other applications debug ok with Visual Studio, so I suspect there is some setting for this one application that has gotten messed up.

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