How To Connect Vb 2005

Jan 3, 2011

how to connect vb 2005 with access data base file using with ADODB is below code is correct


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Connect Different Database Using 2005?

Mar 21, 2010

i used this code (below) but it have error on this line "dAdapter2.Fill(dSet2, "BPC_EMPLOYEE")"

Dim ConnectionString As String = "Server=bpc-k2;Database=FIXED ASSET DISPOSAL;Integrated Security=SSPI"
Dim mySQLConn As New SqlConnection(ConnectionString)


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How To Connect Oracle In .net 2005

Aug 22, 2011

connect Oracle 10g using in MS Visual 2005.

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How To Connect To Mssql 2005

Jun 13, 2009

Am using 2005. when vb starts i try to connect to mssql server uut i cant. unlike mssql7 desktop edition there is a consol in the start menu where one can configure mssql, creat database, tables etc.

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VS 2005 Connect With R Language?

Jun 7, 2010

how to connect with R Language. I need to perform some computation in R using interface. This can be a button such that clicking the button will connect to R perform the computations and return back the results. This is already done in RExcel but I want to link R directly to vb and bypassing Excel altogether.

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Cant Connect Program To Sql 2005 Database The Following?

Jan 19, 2012

every time i try to establish a data connection between vb 2010 and sql 2005 i get the following error message QuoteA network-related or instance specific error occurred while establishing a connection to SQL server.the server was not found or was not accessible .verify that the instance name is correct and that SQL server is configured to allow remote connection .(Provider:SQL network interface,error:26

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Connect 2008 To Sql 2005 Database

Nov 4, 2010

connect 2008 to sql 2005 database.

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Connect Oracle In MS Visual 2005?

Aug 22, 2011

connect Oracle 10g using in MS Visual 2005.

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Connect To A Sql Server 2005 Database?

Jul 7, 2011

I'm trying to connect to a sql server 2005 database. I'm using the following connection string.

Dim cnn As OleDbConnection = _
New OleDbConnection("Provider=sqloledb;Integrated Security=SSPI;Initial Catalog=Iconics")
Using this connection gives me the following error :

Error : Microsoft OLE DB PROVIDER FOR SQL SERVER : [DBNETLIB][Connection open(connect()).]SQL Server does not exist or access denied.

Does anybody know what is wrong with this connection string.

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Connect To MySQL And Get Started With VB 2005?

Jul 2, 2009

How do I connect to MySQL and get started with VB 2005? Been using PHP + MySQL in work for bout a year now. Just wondering how to get started with Visual Basic 2005 + MySQL. Just to connect to a database, and run a simple select star query?


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How Can Connect To Sql Server 2005 Or 2008?

Apr 22, 2010

how can connect to sql server 2005 or 2008 by from anther computer ?and this computer donot have sql server.i made search on internet and result was use sql client tools but i made search

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How To Connect Barcode Scanner In Ms 2005

Sep 9, 2011

Anyone able to advice my how to connect barcode reader device into visual studio 2005? My device model is acanlogic cs-2030?

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Sql Server 2005 - Why Won't .NET Connect To This Database

Jun 24, 2010

I can connect to both databases with SQL Server Enterprise Manager, so I know the servers are up and available. One of them is SQL1, the other is SQLTEST.In my program when I use the following connection string, it work connects just fine:

conn = New DBConnect("Data Source=SQL1;Initial Catalog=SignInspection;Integrated Security=SSPI")

However, if I change SQL1 to SQLTEST the connection times out I don't get any errors other than the timeout error.I can run the profiler on SQLTest and see that it is most definitely NOT even attempting to connect.

EDIT:Well, it's a moot point now because I got authentication working properly on our SQL1 server.

First off, the web server is running IIS and .NET. Users are logged in to the intranet using Active Directory, and the .NET page needs to retrieve their log-in credentials (username most notably). The database is SQL Server 2005, running on a different machine. But the .NET app needs to impersonate as another user to connect to the database.

To successfully do both of these things go to Windows > Run, enter inetmgr and hit run. Navigate to the site and right click > properties, then click on the tab titled Directory Security, click Edit.., make sure only Integrated Windows Authentication and Digest authentication are enabled. Enter your proper AD realm and click OK. Apply the settings/hit OK.In web.config you need the following lines

<authentication mode="Windows" />
<identity impersonate="true" username="myDomainMyUserName" password="123mypasswordgoeshere">

replacing, of course, myDomainMyUserName and 123mypasswordgoeshere with the username and password that has login rights on both your domain and your sql server. The connection string can probably be modified, but this is mine and it works:


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VS 2005 Can't Connect To A Database In Vista?

Apr 2, 2009

One of my testers is testing my program that imports an XML file and puts all the data into correct fields in an Access database. He said on his Vista laptop he got an error saying: "Microsoft.jet.OLEDB.4.0 provider is not registered on local machine"

I know you don't have to have Access installed to run my program and I'm pretty sure all the OLEDB objects are in the .NET framework so why is it saying that?

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VS 2005 Connect Database To A Treeview

Dec 24, 2009

I would like to connect my database to a treeview. Here is my code so far. It is connecting BUT i have problem. SEE the image below


The image below is showing my problem. The Groups are all shown. I would like to see 2A , 3A, 4A ...(so only ONE 2A) .and so on... and then click on the node to open with all the students in that group...

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VS 2005 Connect Httpwebrequest For Proxy?

Aug 30, 2010

I have took a little research and tried to find the methods that allows me to connect to proxy server using with httpwebrequest, but all of those I have found are only doing to check out the server for whether if the proxy are active or deactivate. Please can one of you post the source that I am looking for which it would allows me to connect to the proxy using with the httpwebrequest??

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VS 2005 Connect Sql Server With The Form?

Jun 4, 2010

ive been using vb6 and i just want to learn 2005... the problem is i dont know how to conect sql server with the form what should i do?

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VS 2005 Connect To .mdb On Remote Machine

May 27, 2010

with OLEDB (not DSN- ODBC) + access03 + winxp please specify the connection string to connect to a .mdb file on a remote machine with OS winxp .i am confused what is the data source to be used in my connection string

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VS 2005 Connect To A Webservice With A Proxy?

Jan 26, 2010

I built a web service, it worked fine. however, got a problem recently. if I run my connection by a proxy, then it reports errors.

The request failed with HTTP status 407: Proxy authentication required

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VS 2005 Connect To Proxy Server?

Aug 29, 2010

I need a bit of advice. How do I connect to the proxy server using the code on below?

Public Function ProxyServer(ByVal URL As String, Optional ByVal UseProxy As Boolean = False, Optional ByVal ProxyAddress As String = "", Optional ByVal ProxyPort As Integer = 0, Optional ByVal UserName As String = "", Optional ByVal PassWord As String = "", Optional ByVal Domain As String = "") As String


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VS 2005 Error Connect To Database

Oct 11, 2011

i got a probleam with database connection. check my coding. For info i am using server sql 2005 and microsoft visual studio 2005. I also highlight the which cause me a probleam..


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VS 2005 How To Connect To Microtek Server

Jul 17, 2010

i have a microtek server for supplying internet to many pc's i need to control program orders with 2005 through something called ssh

View 9 Replies - Unable To Connect To Remote SQL Server 2005

Jan 19, 2011

I have created my website using database ASPNETDB.MDF but when I try to host my site on server ...

The SQL Server 2005 hosting provider issue me the

database name dobriyalji
server ip :
database username : XXXX


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Connect .net 2010 To Sql Server Management Exp 2005?

Jan 22, 2012

heres my connection module
Imports System
Imports System.Data
Imports System.Data.SqlClient


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Connect Barcode Reader Device Into 2005?

Jun 17, 2011

how to connect barcode reader device into visual studio 2005? My device model is acanlogic cs-2030?

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Connect MS Access Database From A Network In 2005?

Jul 6, 2009

I want to connect an access dabase from a central server using 2005.

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Connect The Oledb Data Adapter In .net 2005?

Aug 31, 2009

how to connect the oledb data adapter in 2005?

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Connect To Sql Server 2005 Or 2008 By VB From Another Computer ?

Jul 15, 2010

how can connect to sql server 2005 or 2008 by from anther computer ? and this computer donot have sql server.i made search on internet and result was use sql client tools but i made search and try to download sql client tools but i did not get any how can i connect to sql server 2005 or 2008 by on anther computer or on network LAN.

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Connect To SQL Server 2005 Through Wireless Connection Between XP And

Feb 1, 2010

I have built a client-server inventory application for our company which connects to our Server machine running on Windows XP. We have 6 client machines running also on Windows XP that connects to the Server's database. Now, my problem is, "How do i connect a client machine running on Windows Vista to our Server running on Windows XP wirelessly?"

- Is there something I have to alter on the SQL Server Surface Area Configuration?

-Or do I have to change the 'Connection String' on my software application so as to properly connect to the Server from a Vista mahine? If then, how?

This is the error its throwing:"An error has occurred while establishing a connection to the server. When connecting to SQL Server 2005, this failure may be caused by the fact that under the default settings SQL Server does not allow remote connections. (provider: Named Pipes Provider, error: 40 - Could not open a connection to SQL Server) (Microsoft SQL Server, Error: 53)"

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Connect Two Tables From MS SQL Server 2005 Using VB 2008?

Jun 5, 2011

How can I connect two tables from MS SQL Server 2005 using 2008?

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