Connect The Oledb Data Adapter In .net 2005?

Aug 31, 2009

how to connect the oledb data adapter in 2005?

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Connect To A Database And Retrive Data Using Oledb Data Provider In Microsoft Access?

May 7, 2009

how to connect to a database and retrive data in a table using oledb data provider in Microsoft access?

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Connect To Access Db File From VS2020 (can't Find System.Data.OleDb)?

Dec 9, 2010

I have been programming vba for some time and am now starting VB.NET. I need to connect to an existing access db file (access 2003). I downloaded VS2010 and found an example on the net. Here is most of the code:

Imports System.Data.OleDb
Public Class Form1 Inherits System.Windows.Forms.Form
Dim cn As OleDbConnection
Dim cmd As OleDbCommand

get the argument for the desktop of the user

I am getting this error message:

1 End of Statement Expected

I have tried to add a reference to System.Data.OleDb but it doesn't appear in the add reference box. System.Data.OleDb is checked in the Imported namespaces window. I have tried changing the .NET Framework but, no help.

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VS 2005 Data Isnt Getting Saved, Using Oledb Cmd?

Apr 15, 2010

well this is the code i have to save the data to the db, but it isnt giving any error nor the data is been saved

Private Conn As OleDb.OleDbConnection
Private cmd As OleDb.OleDbCommand


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Code Is Not Detecting The Cell As Null And The Table Adapter Is Throwing The OleDb Exception?

May 25, 2011

I have this piece of

Private Sub FORNECEDORESBindingNavigatorSaveItem_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles FORNECEDORESBindingNavigatorSaveItem.Click[code]....

The idea is to detect if the cell of the first datagrid column is null and display the message. However, the code is not detecting the cell as null and the table adapter is throwing the OleDb exception.

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Control Bluetooth Adapter To Connect One Mobile Via USB?

Apr 7, 2011

I am working on a project and i need to connect a mobile to a PC automatically through a known port No from (USB ports)

to get an IMSI No. by AT command " AT + CIMI "

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VS 2005 - Data On Tabcontrol Does Not Connect To The Data Until I Click On The Tab?

Dec 9, 2009

I had all my fields on a form. THey became to many for the one form, so i moved them to a Tabcontrol. I split the fields over 5 Tabs. I did not change the code.Now , when i load the form, it does not connect to the data until i click on the tab. How can i fix this.

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Connect To Mainframe DB2 Using OLEDB?

May 17, 2012

I am having connection issue while connecting to using below string
provider=IBMDADB2;Data Source=XXXX.XXXXX.COM:5000;Database=C2RCU0;Uid=s858;Pwd=cccc

Getting error like database not found. But What i found was connection to mainframes it self was not happenning. Do i need to provide any other information or what i am missing here..

sConnection As String = "provider=IBMDADB2;Data Source=XXXX.XXXXX.COM:5000;Database=C2RCU0;Uid=s858;Pwd=cccc"
Dim sql As String = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM DB2.TEXT_PHRASE WHERE FK_CD = '00078'


I am getting error and showing connection time out in details but exception what i am catching is database name not found

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VS 2005 Data In Textbox Which Connect To Database?

Aug 21, 2011

currently i am create windows application form for staff registration for my assignment, this form is contain textbox which are connected to database.Every time i run this form ,i can see data in the textbox ,which is from column in my table database.My question is how i can make the textbox is blank every time i run my staff registration form.I dont want that data which i save in database is been seen because this form is use to add new data in database.i am using visual studio 2005 and sql 2005.Here i attach some picture when i run my form application, there is data in every textbox.

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How To Connect An Access Database Without Using OLEDB

Oct 13, 2010

I wonder is there another way to connect,edit access database with out using OLEDB command.I want to insert,delete data from access table without using oledb.

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How To Connect From .net To Sql Server 2008 By Using Oledb Connection

Apr 27, 2012

I have a problem with a connecton from VB.Net to SQL Sever 2008. My code like this:


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VS 2010 Connect To Sharepoint 07 Via Oledb Not Working

Apr 7, 2011

I'm trying to access a list from sharepoint when I do i get an error Here is my code


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What Are The Differences Between Using OLEDB And ODP.NET To Connect To An Oracle Database

Aug 27, 2010

I have two small VB.NET applications that connect to the same Oracle database. One uses the OLEDB provider, and the other uses Oracle's ODP.NET. Should I expect to see problems with the OLEDB provider, as it's less 'native' to Oracle?

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VS 2010 SQL Syntax For SELECT INTO - Using OLEDB To Connect To An MSAccess Database

May 31, 2011

I'm using OLEDB to connect to an MSAccess database and would like to know which is the correct syntax to get a value from the database and store it into a variable. I'm using the following syntax but it is not working: getStock = "SELECT Stock INTO " & stkActual & " FROM PECAS WHERE PECA_ID = " & Val(Me.PECA_IDTextBox.Text)

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Oledb Adapter To Access MS Access?

Mar 14, 2008

I have recently developed a small program which SQL's a MS Access database on a shared folder. I published it to the network folder and many users have installed it fine, but I have had two users who have reported the following error:Could not load file or assembly 'System. EnterpriseServices. Wrapper.dll' or one of its dependencies. The device is not ready. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80070015)So I went to google and searched on how to get rid of this error and it seems that there are alot of sites to suggest re-installing the .Net 2.0 framework. So i tried to click repair the installation but then hit on another problem:Error 25015. failed to install assembly. 'C:WINDOWSMicrosoft.NetFrameworkSystem.EnterpriseServices.dll because of system error: The device is not ready..So i did more googling and found that it might be due to a HaxDoor virus: url...I am now scanning the system now, but it hasn't picked up any virus yet.What should i do? Is it becuase I am using oledb adapter to access MS access?

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VS 2005 Table Adapter Query

Nov 18, 2009

From Previous Forum Post: Table Adapter Parameterized Query.I added a query. FillByDate using Table Adapter which takes a date as input from the code. The query I have set is the following: [code] lastdate (string object) is a date (inside double quote) provided in the code. The code does not generate error but I get a screen which asks the date as input despite the fact that it has already been provided in the code. [code]

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IDE :: VS 2005 IDE Does Not Recognize The Table Adapter In Code?

Mar 23, 2009

I copy/paste one datagridview from one form to another (different solutions) using two instances of VS 2005.The target form has the datagridview with all settings, including the DataSet and tableAdapter used by the original form. The datagridview also has all old settings. Everything is fine, it works as expected, with one drawback: every time I make any change in the target form surface, VS tells me that the dataset and the tableadapter are not defined and no longer loads the form in design mode giving errors mention that the dataset and the tableadapter are not defined.To be able to view the form surface in Design Mode, I have to edit the form.Designer.vb file and replace the references to the dataset and tableadapter as follows

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VS 2005 Table Adapter Parameterized Query?

Nov 17, 2009

I added a query. FillByDate using Table Adapter which takes a date as input from the code.The query I have set is the following:

FROM mytable


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Insert Data From Database Into Dataset Using Data Adapter?

Nov 9, 2009

when i try to insert data from database into dataset using data adapter, it takes long time, i want to use hourglass but i'm confused how or when i type the code so user will know that application still work.

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Joining 2 Tables Using Data Table And Data Adapter

Dec 5, 2011

i am trying to join 2 tables together and display them in a list view. i have this code so far


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Update Data From Data Set And Table Adapter

Oct 6, 2010

I have a windows form program that pulls data from a sql server. That same data is being read from a ASP.NET website that sets properties for the site. The SQL server has 3 tables: tblWebPage, tblObjects, tblProperties. and 6 views for the 6 web page: vWebPage01, vWebPage02, vWebPage03..ect. When the program loads you see buttons for each web page on the site. When the user clicks on the Home Page it loads this data: [code]Now, the problem lies in updating vWebPage02, vWebPage03, ect.. I assume with the same data I can copy my form with the code and change the form name and the data set to build and update. So that's just what I did changed the form name where needed and changed "vWebPage01" to "vWebPage02".When I tested the program My "vWebPage01" form it built and updated no problem. when I went to test "vWebPage02" it built the dataset and table adapter fine but it did not update at all.

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[2005] OleDb.OleDbCommandBuilder?

Oct 9, 2009

I can retrieve records from my Database fine, but I'm having trouble updating records. I am getting a syntax error on VB da.Update(ds, "Personnel")

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VS 2005 Using An OLEDB Parameter

Jan 13, 2011

I have run into an issue using an OLEDB Parameter and am not sure how or why it is doing it. I have the following property setup in my program:


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CSV To Datatsble Via Data Adapter?

Feb 26, 2009

Getting data from csv. Works fine and has done for ages. Problem is when data is in the form of 'SS01' up to SS09. datatable shows as 1.000 for SS01...Any other data is read fine.

Dim Conn As System.Data.Odbc.OdbcConnection
Dim da As System.Data.Odbc.OdbcDataAdapter
Dim strConnstr As String


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Two Tables In A Data Adapter?

Jan 18, 2009

Does this work the way I think it should?

Private _adapter As New SqlDataAdapter("Select CaseId, CaseNum, DateLoaded, Status1, DateDiff(mm,DateLoaded,GetDate()) as mm From Case_T" _
& ";Select CF.CaseId, CFV.VendorId, CFV.DueDate From CaseFileVendor_T CFV Left Join CaseFile_T CF on CF.FileId=CFV.FileId" _[code]....

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Oledb Connectivity Using Sql Server 2005 And .net?

Apr 5, 2009

How to exactly code for connectivity with sql server using web application.I want to use oledb connection.

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VS 2005 Insert Record OleDb?

Dec 29, 2010

Why does the item I insert have "'s on it? In other words

If my textbox contains Apple Street
the record is inserted as "Apple Street"


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Cant Insert Data Using Table Adapter

Aug 12, 2010

i'm using vb 2008 and local database sql server compact 3.5 to build a application.the problem is that i can't insert a new data to the database from the app. i'm wrote the query right at dataset and using table adapter. but when i call the query, it succeed but the data don't exist at database.why when i add data, it's not working. actually when i run it, it says that adding process is success, no error, and it shows at the datagrid. but when i look at database. the data that i add is not there.and in tableadapter, i also make sortData, seachData query, i can use both of them perfectly when i run the, i really confuse why is the insert query didn't work.

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Data Adapter Command Objects?

Jun 22, 2011

I'm confused with this piece of code listed below. This code calls the update method of the dataadapter object to save the changes made to the dataSETback to the database itself. What I don't understand about this code is that it creates an update command(cmdUpdate), insert command (cmdInsert) and delete command (cmdDelete). My understanding is that the update method saves the changes back to the database. So I don't understand why the author creates these additional commands.

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Data Adapter Fill Method?

Jun 5, 2011

Data Adapter on VB.NET. I'm having a problem with retrieving data on different tables.

Example database: BookInfo[INDENT]BookID: HSD993Z
Title: Introduction to SQL[/INDENT][INDENT]BookID: LDJA293
Title: Advance Computer Programming[/INDENT][INDENT]BookID: KSKL194


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