How To Export Certain Columns From DataGrid

Nov 26, 2011

I have set up my connection to SQL Database.
Public Sub ConnectToSql()
Dim conn As New SqlClient.SqlConnection
' TODO: Modify the connection string and include any
' additional required properties for your database.
[Code] .....
How can I export specific columns from datagrid to specific SQL Table (and match up the columns (column names in datagrid are different to Column Names in SQL Table).

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C# - Export A DataTable To Xml With ALL Columns As Attributes?

Apr 19, 2012

Question: I'm exporting a System.Data.DataTable to XML.So far it works fine.But I want to have all the data in attributes, which works fine as well.But my problem now, if in one column, all rows are NULL, no empty attributes are written.So if I read the XML back to a DataTable, it lacks this column...How can I force write all columns even when they are empty ?(DataType not necessarely string)

public void ExportTable(string strDirectory, DataTable dtt)
using (System.Data.DataSet ds = new System.Data.DataSet()) {[code].....

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C# - Generate All Columns With Double Quotes In Csv Export?

May 22, 2012

I generate csv content type export.

added columns like "A","B","C","D" by

columns = string.format("""{0}"",""{1}"",""{2}""","A","B","C")


the csv file was exported but the first column don't having the double quotes. i need double quote with every column. i tried so many ways with in that one of the way is working fine that is columns = string.format(" ""{0}"",""{1}"",""{2}""","A","B","C") -- put space before first column.

but i need result without space.

Sample Code:

Public Class CSVExporter
Public Shared Sub WriteToCSV(personList As List(Of Person))
Dim attachment As String = "attachment; filename=PerosnList.csv"


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VS 2010 Export Columns From 3 Excel Files And Send To One File?

Oct 7, 2011

I am dealing with survey data at the moment and i am interested in extracting data of identical 5 columns from 3 excel files and then aggregate them into one excel file.below is the code im working on, fairly new to VBA so my apologies if my code doesnt make sense to you.

Sub extraction()
Dim a As Range
Dim r As Range
Dim wbSource As Workbook
Dim wbDestination As Workbook


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Export Data From Datagrid

May 11, 2010

I have a datagrid called datagrid1, which is populated with two coumns with headers name pat_eid and event_date. E.g.., of a Layout of the datagrid is as follows


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Export DataGrid To Excel?

Jun 22, 2011

exporting a datagrid to Excel for the last few days. I have found quite a few, mostly done through C and the ones I have found using VB have not worked out. Would anyone have a link to a good tutorial online for exporting a datagrid using My college project is approaching its deadline quick enough.

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Export From Dataset But Not A Datagrid

Mar 19, 2010

I'm populated my datagridview with data from my database - directly coded to update. I now want to export this data to excel or .csv file. I have found out how to export it from a dataset but not a datagrid. How can I populate a DataSet from my DataGrid? [code]

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Export Data From A Datagrid Into The CSV Format?

Jun 19, 2010

I'm looking to get the following code converted to working VB.NET code. I need to export data from a datagrid into the CSV format that the user can save off, and the code below from David in Dakota would work great, but it's in C#. This is for a Silverlight 4 site we're working on.

private void exportHistoryButton_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
string data = ExportDataGrid(true, historyDataGrid);


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Export Data From Datagrid To Excel

Feb 27, 2009

This code works well however when data is exported to excel in one field some values are wrong. Instead for example populating 16-12-19 it populates 43815, 01-03-99 it populates 36220. Again, if the sort code is like 20-72-68 or 60-01-22 it is populated the same way, which is correct. If the value is a date lookalike then this problem appears, but if not then the exact value as displayed on the grid is shown in excel.

I inserted the code (highlighted in red) to set all the fields as text values. Right, it is exported and when excel spreadsheet is opened the field property is text, but the problem still exists. Why doesn't excel display it as it is displayed on the datagrid and database, instead of changing it even when set text.


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Export Data From Datagrid To Excel?

Feb 26, 2009

I am working with and this code below works fine. However, when I review the data exported to excel I have a problem with one particular field i.e., sort code. Sort code in the database is in the format 00-00-00. Therefore if it is 12-11-09 or 11-01-66, a look alike of a valid date it is disaplyed as 12/11/2009 and 11/01/1966 in excel after the export. Excel thinks its a date which is incorrect. I expect it to show 12-11-09 and 11-01-66.

Private Sub ExporttoExcel()
'verfying the datagridview having data or not
If ((DgvQuarCommit.Columns.Count = 0) Or (DgvQuarCommit.Rows.Count = 0)) Then


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Export Data From Datagrid To MS Word Using .net?

Jun 12, 2011

it's possible for me to export the data from the datagrid and output it into MS Word?I'm actually storing strings of questions inside the database and I need to find a way to print out all those set of questions into MS Word.I saw many links that shows how to export the datagrid to Excel but I can't find any that export the data to Word yet.

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Export Datagrid Into Excel File?

Jan 11, 2007

I am working on a windows application using 2003. I am required to export my datagrid onto a excel file. I just need a button.

This is my code to populate the datagrid.

Dim connectionString As String
connectionString = "DRIVER={MySQL ODBC 3.51 Driver};" + "SERVER=localhost;" + "DATABASE=luckyspin;" + "UID=root;" + "PASSWORD=123;" + "OPTION=3"


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Export DataGrid To Excel File?

Aug 6, 2011

I need some easy/basic way to export DataGrid to Excel file and also to be able later to Import this file back to DataGrid. Nothing complicated its simple table with values amount of columns won't change.

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Quickly Export Datagrid To SQL Table?

Nov 15, 2011

I am writing an import program to import data from an access database to a SQL database.The table structure in the SQL and Access are the exact same with the same field names.I was wondering if there was a quick way to get the data into the SQL table without have to loop through each record?Currently:1. User selects the file2. Use a oledb connection i load the data into a DataAdapter3. Datadapter is bound to the DatagridNormally i would loop through each record in the datagrid and insert it into the table but i was wondering seeing as the column names are the same if i could save the messing about with loops and insert statements using 30 column names.

Code to load the Data is below
ConnectionString = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=" & database & ";Jet OLEDB:Database Password=bekdemir"


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Export DataGrid To Excel On Windows Form?

Mar 25, 2010

I searched the internet for what I need and got this [url]...

That is what I need. But, I do not want the things on separate columns and rows the whole time. As it is displayed on my DataGrid

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Export Excel Data To Datagrid Using Openfiledialog

Dec 1, 2011

i have here a code for browse button [code]everytime i hit the view button a message box comes out saying exception HResult 0x800A01A8 also the excel file opens. i dont want the excel file to be opened.

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Export Excel Data To Datagrid Using Openfiledialog?

Dec 1, 2011

Private Sub btnbrowse_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnbrowse.Click 'prompt user to select Excel name and folder path


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Export Silverlight Datagrid To Excel Using COM Object

May 4, 2012

I have a datagrid on a silverlight 4 application that I am trying to export to excel by calling the COM component for Excel in silverlight. It keeps error-ing out and tells me that the functionality is not supported. I can't quite figure out what is wrong and believe my code is solid, obviously not though.[code]

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Export To Excel Fom DataGrid .Net Windows Application?

Mar 30, 2009

I need to Export DataGrids' Contents to Excel using VB.Net for a Window based Application.

How to do this..

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VS 2008 Hot Export Data From DataGrid Grid?

Nov 27, 2009

I have DataGrid full of data looks like this.

Cell_0 | Cell_1 | Cell_2 | Cell_3
string | string | string | string


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Office Automation :: Export Data From Datagrid To Excel?

Mar 1, 2010

I am working with and this code below works fine. However, when I review the data exported to excel I have a problem with one particular field i.e., sort code,( Columns (2) ) Sort code in the database it is in the format 00-00-00. Therefore if it is 12-11-09 or 11-01-66, a look alike of a valid date it is displayed as 12/11/2009 and 11/01/1966 in excel after the export. Excel thinks its a date which is incorrect. I expect it to show 12-11-09 and 11-01-66.

Private Sub ExporttoExcel()
'verfying the datagridview having data or not
If ((DgvQuarCommit.Columns.Count = 0) Or


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Export Datagrid / Panel To Word , Excel Using Windows Application?

Sep 7, 2010

How to export datagrid or Panel to word or excel useing 2008 windows application ?

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Export Datagrid Content To A Print Document Or Crystal Report?

Mar 10, 2009

I want to start off and say, I figured out how to take the content of a datagrid and put it in a print document. However, the length of the page changes based on the amount of rows in the grid. It never goes to a second page. How can I get this to go to a new page after 'x' amount of rows? If this is not the best way to achieve this, then could anybody point me in the direction of a sample code that can export the content of a datagrid (not datagridview) to a crystal report?

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C# - Sort On Multiple Columns In WPF Datagrid?

Jun 24, 2011

How can I set up my WPF datagrid to sort on multiple columns similar to having two sortable columns, clicking on the header of the first column for a primary sort and then SHIFT clicking on the header of the second column for a secondary sort. I would like the multiple column sort to happen automatically when the user clicks on the header of the first column without having to SHIFT click on the second column header. Is there a way to do this entirely in the xaml? If not how can I do this in the code behind? Currently using VB.Net but a C# snippet is acceptable if you have one.

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Datagrid With Columns Tha Have Different Datatable Rows?

Feb 9, 2010

i want to make a datagrid with 2 columns and many rows

the columns i want to have databinding with a datatable
i want the 1 row 1 column of datagrid have data from 1 row of datatable
i want the 1 row 2 column of datagrid have data from 2 row of datatable


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Got A Datagrid View With Two Check Box Columns In It?

Aug 22, 2011

Got a data grid view with two check box columns in it. Currently, got one set up and working how I want it using this


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Increase The Width Of Columns Of A DataGrid In VB?

Sep 1, 2011

I am using DataGrid control in VB. I have created a DataTable at runtime and added 5 columns in this Datatable. I binded the data table with DataGrid control.

Width of DataGrid is 880. The default width of 5 columns of data table in DataGrid is 100. So for 5 columns width used = 500. So an empty space of 380 left at the right hand cornor of DataGrid. I want to fill this empty space with these 5 columns. I want to increase the width of columns so that it fully covered in DataGrid.

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Place The Data Into The Datagrid's Columns

Apr 18, 2012

I'm in the process of converting an app to 2008. I was using an msflexgrid previously. I am not using a database to fill the datagrid but as the application recieves data via a tcp connection I place the data into the datagrid's columns. The problem I am having is with column widths. I found this code by doing a search on here and added to my form.


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Same Datagrid, Different Scrolling Via Columns Not Rows?

Jul 31, 2010

In my datagrid, I know the number of rows that it will have - it will always have 12 rows.Can I scroll through the cells downwards via the columns instead of the usual horizontal way via the rows?

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VS 2008 : Add Multiple Columns To Datagrid?

Nov 20, 2010

I want to add more than one column to a grid...The following does NOT work, how can i do it?

Dim AmountRounds As Integer
DataGridView1.ColumnCount = Amount + 2
Dim contcolumn As New DataGridViewTextBoxColumn
For AmountRounds = 1 To Amount - 1


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