How To Isolate Security Upgrade Requests To Certain Controls

Dec 29, 2009

I've been writing an application that deals with various system files as well as registry keys. For permission reasons, my application currently runs as administrator. But this isn't really necessary for my main application window, nor is it very appealing for the UAC dialog to pop up everytime my application is started. I've noticed frequently that for some programs, such as AVG, the UAC shield shows up on several buttons throughout the program, the clicking of which does bring up the UAC prompt. But the application as a whole does not demand administrator rights, these rights are only requested as needed. How to isolate security upgrade requests to certain controls and/or methods.

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1 Out Of 700 Custom Controls Produces A Security Exception?

Jul 27, 2009

For some reason one of my controls produces the following excecption error when adding to the VS ToolBox:Request for the permission of type System.Security.Permissions.SecurityPermissions, mscorlib, Verion=, Culture=neutral etcWe have identified it is this class within the Custom Control but we not sure whyit is erroring

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Winforms - Controls Based Security In A Windows Forms Application Using .NET?

Sep 5, 2011

I need to implement, Controls Based Security in a Windows Forms Application using VB.NET. I tried google but did not get anything much to work with.

I would like if someone, could suggest some books or tutorials.

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VS 2008 Isolate Numerical Data In A Text File?

Nov 30, 2009

I wish to extract numerical data from a text file and plot the data on a graph using the Zengraph classes. Each record has five variables.

I attempted to use the split function but failed to successfully get past one record.

1) How does one create an array or arrays using a text file containing many records, each with five distinct variables?

2) Is it better to create a number of single-dimension arrays or create one multi-dimensional array?

3) Is it easier to somehow convert a text file to an Excel file, with each variable in its own cell and each record on one row?

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"An Unexpected Network Error Occurred." Happens Occasionally, Unable To Isolate?

Dec 30, 2011

I have a VB .NET Application which I have written for my company which occasionally throws a message"System.IO.IOException: An unexpected network error occurred.", that I have been unable to figure out the issue.The application is a Backup program which to simplify for this post does the following

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VS 2008 - Control Types - Textboxes And Richtextboxes - Isolate The Textboxes Only

Oct 14, 2011

On my form, i've got some textboxes and some richtextboxes. I'm using the following code, to search through the text properties of each of the two types of control. see below:-

For Each ctl As Control In Me.Controls
If ctl.Text = "7777" Then
ctl.Text = "found the sevens"
End If

What i'd like to do is isolate the textboxes only, is there a way to do that? I tried this but i got an error:-

For Each box As TextBox In Me.Controls
If box.Text = "7777" Then
box.Text = "Found"
End If

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System.Security.SecurityException: System.Security.Permissions.SecurityPermission?

Jul 27, 2010

I am getting the following error message when I try to call this program from a shared drive on our network;

System.Security.SecurityException: System.Security.Permissions.SecurityPermission
at EMAILVB.EmialVB.EmailVB_Load(Object sender, EventArgs e)


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C# :: Listening For ARP Requests?

May 28, 2012

explain to me how listening to ARP requests in or C #?

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Dealing With Multiple Requests?

Jul 30, 2009

I have a website and say a user comes along and fills out the form with bogus data. Then after he fills it out, he enters another one and another one and another one of bogus data. He's basically just trying to clog up the data base.

How is the best way to combat this? Would it make sense to when they submit the data track the IP address?

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.net - HttpWebRequest Timeouts After Ten Consecutive Requests

Jul 28, 2009

I'm writing a web crawler for a specific site. The application is a VB.Net Windows Forms application that is not using multiple threads - each web request is consecutive. However, after ten successful page retrievals every successive request times out. I have reviewed the similar questions already posted here on SO, and have implemented the recommended techniques into my GetPage routine, shown below:


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C# - Which Better To Use For Handling Requests Aspx Or Ashx?

Mar 14, 2011

i am creating a httpRequest handler to download files my question is which better to use aspx or ashx ?

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Monitor Print Requests And Add A Header

Nov 18, 2009

I'm wanting to write a program in vb .net that could monitor outgoing print requests from any program on the PC, prompt the user if they would like to add a header to the document, and if they say yes, then tack it on (if the user has printed something in the space where the header will go, just print on top of it). Is this possible? I've looked around for ideas on how to do this, but I can't seem to find anything.

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Php - Sql Connection Open For Iterating Many Requests?

Jan 26, 2011

this is general to any operation calling an SQL server, or anything requiring an open connection at that.

Say I have anywhere from 20 to 1000 Select calls to make for each item in data being looped. For each step, I'll select from sql, store data locally in a struct, then proceed. This is not a very expensive call, so should I keep the connection open for the entire loop? Or should I open and close every step?

How expensive in run time is opening a connection? I would think it'd be better to keep the connection open, but would like to get the correct response for this.

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Post - Error 403 In HTTP Web Requests?

May 22, 2011

while using HTTP web Requests, when i try and read the stream i always get an error saying 403 Forbidden but if i try to do it in the VB.Net web browser it works fine. Here is my code:

Imports System.Net
Imports System.Text
Imports System.IO


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Respond To HTTP HEAD Requests Using ASP.NET?

Nov 24, 2011

I have a server making a head request to a database dump I've created. The remote server does this to make sure that it's not using excessive bandwidth when not necessary.However, due to some other circumstances outside my control this causes the script to be hit twice: once for the head request, and then another time to download the data.

What I'd like is to have the script I've written detect the head request, send back a couple of headers (e.g. last modified is right now, filesize different than before), and exit. Is there a way to do this?

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Respond To HTTP HEAD Requests?

Dec 26, 2011

I have a server making a head request to a database dump I've created. The remote server does this to make sure that it's not using excessive bandwidth when not necessary.However, due to some other circumstances outside my control this causes the script to be hit twice: once for the head request, and then another time to download the data.

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WCF Refusing To Attach ClientCredentials To Requests?

Nov 11, 2011

I have a web service I'm trying to interface with however no matter what I try it is refusing to send the clients credentials along with the request.The security block in my app.config looks like

<security mode="Transport">
<transport clientCredentialType="None" proxyCredentialType="None" realm="" />
<message clientCredentialType="UserName" algorithmSuite="Default" />


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.net - Checking URL And Kicking Out Of The Site Malicious Requests?

Apr 10, 2012

I have a site developed using 2.0. It has a URL of like [URL]..I want to avoid any malicious requests using other URLs. I have tried to implement using the code below and would like to kick such requests out of the site on the page load. How can I achieve this?

If (urlParams.Contains("http") And
Not urlParams.Contains(Request.ServerVariables("HTTP_HOST").ToString)) Then
Would like to kick out of the site here.
End If

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Access HTTP Requests Made By Web Browsers?

Jun 2, 2012

In VB.Net, how do I make a program to tap into the HTTP requests made by external web browsers? I don't want to edit or stop the headers, only 'read' them, i.e., access its contents. I'm speaking of something like Fiddler2, but I only want the 'reading' part. I also want to read the user-agent.

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C# - Does MVC 2.0 Model Binding Work With Ajax Requests

Feb 23, 2010

i'm just sending a normal POST request using Ajax.BeginForm... i output the form elements using the TextBoxFor and .HiddenFor etc... all as i should... and when it's posted via ajax to my action method, the object in the action method (named "Comment") is not populated with the values!

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Debug Faulty XML Data In ServiceDescription Requests?

May 27, 2011

My winforms application is consuming webservices that run on an older PHP server, which is why i often get an XML parsing error from the service class when i invoke its members.

how do I get to see the faulty XML so that I may correct it on the PHP server - the thrown exception clearly states the position of the error in the XML, but it doesn't help without the XML.

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Serialize Generic XML Data Across WCF Web Service Requests?

Jun 1, 2009

I've got a web app that sends a request to a WCF service. The WCF service gets a LINQ resultset (anon. ilist) and sends that in reply, back to the web app.In order to get it working quickly, inside the WCF app, i'm using copytodatatable and sending it to my web app in a DataSet.

My web app then takes the DataSet and writes it to xml, some xslt is performed and the resulting data is shown on screen. Perfect.

I'm still (relatively) new to WCF. I understand that sending DataTables/DataSets is a bit cumbersome. The web app wants the data in xml format (for the xslt operation), so I figured I'd get the WCF web service to do the DataTable -> xml work for me, and simply reply with a nice XmlDocument to the client webapp.However a XmlDocument cannot be serialized.

What's the best way of sending the XML data down to the client over wcf?

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Switching From Webbrower To Http Headers And Requests

Sep 15, 2011

i am working on a auto click program and it is working well apart from it goes slow because im using a web browser to visit the websites.

I heard i can use http request to vist websites ?

Im just using


Is there anyway i can edit that so it does a http request to (url) rather than get the web browser to go there ?

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VB Program That Requests A Positive Integer As Input?

Nov 28, 2009

i did this much but something doesn't seem right...the question is A Visual Basic program that requests a positive integer as input, and carries out the following steps:If the number is even, divide it by 2.Otherwise, multiply the number by 3, and add 1 to the result. Repeat this process with the resulting number, and continue repeating until the number 1 is reached.After the number 1 is reached, displayed how many iterations were required to reach the number 1. (Hint: a number is even if number Mod 2 = 0.)

Private Sub btn_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btn.Click
Dim num, multiply, divide As Double


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Write A Program That Requests A Word Containing The Two Letters?

May 25, 2009

(Write a program that requests a word containing the two letters r and n as input and determines which of the two letters appears first. If the word does not contain both of the letters, the program should so advise the user.)I got the program to work but he said its wrong because we need to have it looping and if one of the letters is missing you also have to say which one is missing.I have some of the pseudo code but I don't know how to make it work.If Index of("R") = 0 or index of ("N") = 0 Find out which is missing and display message.Else Find larger and display message.


View 1 Replies -Processing And Listening For Additional Client Requests Simultaneously?

Feb 21, 2011

I need to build a Windows Service in under Visual Studio 2003.This Windows service should read the flat file (Huge file of about a million records) from the local folder and upload it to the corresponding database table.This should be done in Rollback mode(Database transaction).While transferring data to table, the service should also be listening to additional client requests.So, if in between client requests for a cancel operation, then the service should rollback the transactions and give feedback to the client. This windows service also keeps writing continuously to two log files about the status and error records. My client is ASPX page (A website). how to organize and achieve this functionality in a windows service(Processing and listening for additional client requests simultaneously. Ex. Cancellation request).

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HTTP Request Performance For Large Volumes Of Requests?

Oct 13, 2009

I'm looking for some advice on how to optimise the following process:App reads csv file.For each line in the file an XML message is created Each XML message is posted to a URL via a HTTPWebRequest This process was designed to handle low volumes of messages (up to about 200 at a time), un suprisingly thinks have changed and it is now expected to handle up to about 3000 at a time.

The code used to post the message is here: Public Function PostXml(ByVal XML As String) As HttpStatusCode


I am currently restricted to sending multiple messages due to restrictions elsewhere in the system. There is a noticable delay in responding to the request at the other end (the receiver) but this is outside my control. I am trying to ensure that the process of sending is as efficient as possible (external factors notwithstanding).

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HttpWebRequest - Using Cookies Obtained From Login To Do Subsequent Requests

Nov 27, 2010

1) How do I use cookies obtained from login to do subsequent requests? e.g. Login to a forum, then use the cookie obtained from login to access User CP and change settings.

2) How do I parse HTML via HttpWebRequest? Does mshtml work with HttpWebRequest? If so, how do I work with it? I thought of downloading the source code of the page I'm requesting into a richtextbox and do my stuff from there, but it sounds kinda impractical to me since I have to use regex to get the innertext of stuff (or not?).

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Service AJAX Requests With Webmethod In ASPX Page

Jan 23, 2012

I am trying to service AJAX requests with a method in my .aspx page. For some reason I am not getting the data returned that I want.

<%@ Page Language="VB" Title="My Page" %>
<%@ Import Namespace="System.Web.Services" %>
<%@ Import Namespace="System.Collections.Generic" %>


When I click mybutton I get an alert "error:" and then whole lot of HTML that says:

Unknown web method testmethod.
Parameter name: methodName

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Visual Studio Hangs After Repeatedly XMLHTTP Requests

Sep 24, 2010

I had a program in VB6 which used the XMLHTTP to request a page from a website. The data is stock values and the remote site is using a technic to "sleep" for 4-6 second and then to response to request because its the free edition. So the VB6 looked like it hangs but it was not


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