How To Reset Primary Key After Delete Oldeb

Mar 15, 2012

Dim NewConn As New OleDbConnection(strConn)
Dim dlt1 As New OleDbCommand("DELETE * FROM Invoice ", NewConn)


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How To Reset Primary Key To Zero (0)

Mar 11, 2009

How do i reset a primary key to "0" at midnight For Every Day of the week. I would like To Start a fresh day @ "0" But keep The Information the I have. Previously Put in (it is For a booking program I am trying to create)

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IDE :: Reset Auto-Increment Primary Key?

Jan 22, 2007

Is there anyway to reset a Table's a primary key to 1that is Identity Specification Yesautoincrement by 1 seed 1? We are using SQL Express, but never touch SQL directly.The problem is I have one data table where the primary key is up to 2,366,784 - this table gets added to extensively, but then deleted extensively.

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How To Delete Rows Of Data Without Using The Primary Key

Nov 9, 2011

how to delete rows of data without using the primary key VB.netI am using Access 2003 & VB 2005

Private Sub BtnDel_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles BtnDel.Click
Dim dt As New DataTable


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Cannot Edit And Delete Record When I Change Primary Key To String

May 17, 2012

The coding will works if the data type of my primary key is integer.but when i try to change the primary key in string data type i cant delete oe edit. below is my coding for that 2 button that is working.[code]..

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OLDEB Connection Error Object Reference Not Set

Jun 7, 2012

I'm trying to connect to an 2007 access database. It looks like my connection string is right but I get an error stating "Object reference not set to an instance of an object."

Me.conn.ConnectionString = ("Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=" & Application.StartupPath & "\CDE Database.accdb")

My database is in the correct folder. in this case I'm debugging so I have it in my debug bin. I've even checked my application start up path to confirm that I have it in the correct folder. I also double checked my extention. For Microsoft office 2007 the extention is accdb. I've also checked the file name spelling and case etc and all matches.

I have conn set as
Private conn As OleDbConnection

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LinqToSql Contains On Multi-column Primary Key From In-memory List Containing Primary Keys

Aug 23, 2011

On a client i have an anonymous list containing a multi-column primary key previously selected from the DB.Then i need to select all the records from the DB that equals the primary key list i have stored in the memory.[code]

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Import Row From TABLE1 To TABLE2 Without Primary Keyfield Or Adding Correct Value To Primary Key

Mar 2, 2012

How i can import row from TABLE1 to TABLE2 without primary keyfield or adding correct value to primary key

i tried with two different codes, but result is same, it says: "In the column "Key"a constraint on the uniqueness.[code]...

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Clear And Reset All Of These By Clicking A Reset Button?

Jun 4, 2011

I got on my form textboxes, checboxes but also a groupbox which holds texboxes.

The idea is to be able to clear and reset all of these by clicking a reset button.

At the moment i got this
Private Sub ClearFields()
Dim ctrl As Control


But ofc Me.controls isn't gonna get involved with the stuff in the groupbox.

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Reset Button To Reset Player

May 29, 2009

Ok, so I am building my own program to control a video player I have through telnet, I have everything else working except one thing.I have a reset button to reset the player, when I press it, it sends the string "Reset" and the unit resets without a problem.But when I add a code to close the winsock connection upon reset, it doesn't send the string to the unit. I am sure what is happening is the winsock is getting closed at the exact same time it is trying to send the string and so it fails to send, how do I make it close winsock AFTER the string has been sent? [code]

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How To FileInfo Before, Delete Or SHIFT + DELETE, Process Final Delete Of File

Feb 13, 2011

How can be find out which file is going to delete when, user provides command like DELETE or SHIFT + DELETE or by programmatically gives DELETE command. Well I know about FileSystemWatcher Class, but this class doesn't provide information before delete...

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Confirmation Delete Window - Deleting Record When Click Delete Or Cancel?

Jan 5, 2012

I have a javascript file that contains the function for calling the confirmation delete window, the code used is similar to the following:

function Delete()
confirm('Delete this user');


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C# - DirectoryInfo.Delete(True) Doesn't Delete When Folder Structure Is Open In Windows Explorer

Nov 5, 2010

Assuming I have a folder structure like:


This works fine, unless I have Windows Explorer open and I'm looking at the 'MySubFolder' directory. Then I get an IOException The directory is not empty. - clicking OK dismisses this and then the folder structure is not deleted. Any thoughts on how I can get this to perform correctly (i.e. delete), even when running this code while having the folder struture open in Windows Explorer?

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2003 : Delete The Selected Row On The Datagrid When The Delete Button Is Clicked?

Jul 16, 2009

I have a datagrid being filled by the data adapater connected to my database.I have a delete button on the form, i cant figure out how to delete the selected row on the datagrid when the delete button is clicked.

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Delete Row In Datagrid By Selecting Record Selector And Hitting Delete?

May 13, 2011

I'd like to create code for my datagrid view to be able to delete a row by first clicking the record selector column then pressing delete. Seems like some standard stuff but really difficult to create in VB 2005.

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VS 2010 Delete Top 1 - Delete A Number Of Records In A Table From The Last And Forward?

Mar 16, 2011

I'm trying to delete a number of records in a table from the last and forward. My idea is to use sql like this: delete top " & variable & " * from table where ID = something It gives me a general sytax error. Is it at all possible? Fuga. Edit: I also have the order by statement there. I just forgot to put it in the question.

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Cancel The Delete Activity From Within The Delete Click Event?

Feb 5, 2006

I have a BindingNavigator and combobox tied to the same BindingSource. I want to allow the user to confirm a delete after hitting the delete button of the navigator. It appears that the row gets marked for deletion after my BindingNavigatorDeleteItem_Click event handler is processed. Is there no way to cancel the delete activity from within the delete click event? If not, then it becomes necessary to store a delete flag and catch another event to RejectChanges.

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Deletecommand Would Delete All Rows But Not Completely Delete In Database

Jun 6, 2011

my deletecommand delete all my rows whenever i delete a row..but when i view it again the other rows still there and the i deleted is actually deleted.[code]

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Why Does DELETE Not Delete Rows From Underlying Database Table

Feb 5, 2010

*WeightCheck is a dataset connected to a mdf SQL server file..Datagrid on form is bound to the dataset..This code executes because datagrid on form updates with the deletions..[code]

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.net - ASP.NET MVC - Have A Foreign Key As The Primary Key?

Oct 5, 2011

Is it possible to have a Foreign Key as the Primary Key?

Public Property AssignmentID() As Integer
Public Overridable Property Assignment As Assignment
Public Overridable Property User As User

For the code above I get an error:One or more validation errors were detected during model generation:System.Data.Edm.EdmAssociationEnd: : Multiplicity is not valid in Role 'AssignmentLocks_Assignment_Source' in relationship 'AssignmentLocks_Assignment'. Because the Dependent Role refers to the key properties, the upper bound of the multiplicity of the Dependent Role must be �1�.

I'm trying to create a table which has one (or none) record per assignment.

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Allow Duplicates In The Primary Key?

Apr 15, 2010

I have a database running on SQL server primary key is all set, my question is i dont want to allow duplicates in the primary key, i want everything to be uniqure. The database already has information in it, is there a away to set it so when i add a new row through the table adapter that it will recognise the last primary key value and increment it by +1?

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Duplicates Primary Key

Jun 6, 2011

i has create system registration that use 2008 & accessdatabase (oledb connection).i set ID

as primary key,when i insert new ID but if ID already in database i will get error cz data anyone know any code that will promp mesej like this "Data already in data base,

insert ID corectly" if data already in accessdatabase.

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Get An Object By It's Primary Key Value?

May 11, 2011

I'm currently using this to get an object by it's primary key value.

I'm trying to find a way to create a similar method GetByIDs where I can pass an IEnumerable(of object) and do ids.contains(pk), but there's no Contains expression.

Public Function GetByID(Of T As Class)(ByVal pk As Object) As T
Dim itemParam = Expression.Parameter(GetType(T), "item")
Return GetTable(Of T).Single(


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Get Primary Key Using Linq To Sql?

Jul 18, 2011

I' m trying to get the primary key which is "TestID" through the code below but I get an error "Range variable "testid" hides a variable in an enclosing block or a range variable previously defined in the query expression." What does this error mean ?

Dim oo As New DataClassesDataContext
Dim o = (From k In oo.Tests
Where k.Category.Equals(tempcategory) And k.Level.Equals("1")


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How To Copy A Primary Key Value

Mar 15, 2012

i am trying to make a customer registration form. On the form i want to display the employee ID or Employee name who is servring or registring the customer. In short the employee who is logged in the system ,his Name or id should appear in the customer registration text box where the label says "served by"txtEmpName.Text

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IDE :: Getting A Record From Its Primary Key Value?

Apr 26, 2010

I m trying to make a simeple project in visual basic 2005 using visual studio 2005 sp1.

For isolating the problem i have just created project with a single form.

The form contains a masked text box (mask allows numeric(5 digits) int32 value )and a button named FIND.

Then i clicked on add a new data source wizard and added a data source (Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0 provider) and a microsoft access database (Library Management Project.mdb) . the database has a 5 digit primary key column named -BOOK_ID

i selected no when asked whether i want to add the local database to the output directory and modify connection.

then selected yes when asked whether i want to save the connection string.

then selected everythng when asked what database objects i want to add to dataset.

What i want the project to do when a person enters 5 digit integer value in masked text box and clicks the button FIND

a message should be displayed telling whether this value matches any of the primary key values.

so i wrote under the button click event

Dim DataRow As Library_Management_ProjectDataSet.BookDetailsRow

datarow = Library_Management_ProjectDataSet.BookDetails.newBookDetailsRow

i get an error saying "Reference to a non-shared member requires an object reference.

the msdn library says above two lines shldnt give error.

I m not able to solve this.

However i have not added anything other than masked text box and a button to the form. DO i have to add dataset to the form also ??

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No Primary Key For CommandBuilder

Jan 21, 2009

I just read that I cannot use a CommandBuilder for an Excel sheet as it has no primary key. (Wish I'd known that! I have to use Excel as the file is distributed elsewhere). I need to create commands manually. As a TEST sheet in Excel I have created 6 columns of data and loaded this data to a DataAdapter, then directly to a DataTable. A connection is made and the data is displayed in a DataGridView. I want to Update changes I typed manually in the DataGridView. The following code example I found manually builds an INSERT Command. But is the last part of the example code valid for UPDATE and DELETE? I'm trying to copy all changed data back to the Excel sheet.[code]...

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Primary Key Must Be Unique?

Aug 5, 2009

Primary key must be unique....while inserting data into the database,i need to check whether the data already exist in the primary key column or not.......If not then only data will be inserted in the database else a msgbox will be displayed and data will not get inserted in the database....

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How To Reset A DataGridView

Jun 22, 2010

I've created an application that runs queries against a SQL server (via Data Adaptors) in VB.NET 08 and returns the results to a DataGridView. It works great and returns my data, but when I switch to a different query that returns different columns, the DataGridView keeps the old columns from the previous query and adds the new columns from the new query to the end (far right) of the DataGridView. Is there a way to counter this? I don't want those previous unused columns showing up in my results.I tried setting the DataGridView DataSource and DataMember to Nothing and that didn't fix it. [code]

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How To Reset Password

Jan 15, 2012

how can we change the password in the login form when the form is executing

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