How To Reset A DataGridView

Jun 22, 2010

I've created an application that runs queries against a SQL server (via Data Adaptors) in VB.NET 08 and returns the results to a DataGridView. It works great and returns my data, but when I switch to a different query that returns different columns, the DataGridView keeps the old columns from the previous query and adds the new columns from the new query to the end (far right) of the DataGridView. Is there a way to counter this? I don't want those previous unused columns showing up in my results.I tried setting the DataGridView DataSource and DataMember to Nothing and that didn't fix it. [code]

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Reset CheckBox Value In A DataGridView?

Jun 13, 2012

Below is the code that I am using to reset the CheckBox value in a column within my DGV. My problem is that if the checkbox is already checked and the user tries to uncheck won't actually be removed until the user clicks somewhere else in the DGV or checks another box.[code]...

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Reset DataGridView Blank Row If User Clicks In That Row And Takes Focus Off That Row

May 19, 2012

If a user clicks the blank row at the bottom of a DataGridView and moves focus away from the DataGridView, the row click in now is in a state that indicates a change is made to that row.

Is it possible to tell the DataGridView to un-mark this row as being changed?

Is it possible to reset this row when focus is off the DataGridView?

We are using the following event handler to alert the user if the Invoiced On is left blank:

Private Sub dataGridViewPayments_CellValidating(ByVal sender As Object, _
ByVal e As DataGridViewCellValidatingEventArgs) _
Handles DataGridViewPayments.CellValidating


Looks like we need a way to stop this from executing if the user simply clicks in the grid then clicks somewhere else in the form.

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Clear And Reset All Of These By Clicking A Reset Button?

Jun 4, 2011

I got on my form textboxes, checboxes but also a groupbox which holds texboxes.

The idea is to be able to clear and reset all of these by clicking a reset button.

At the moment i got this
Private Sub ClearFields()
Dim ctrl As Control


But ofc Me.controls isn't gonna get involved with the stuff in the groupbox.

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Reset Button To Reset Player

May 29, 2009

Ok, so I am building my own program to control a video player I have through telnet, I have everything else working except one thing.I have a reset button to reset the player, when I press it, it sends the string "Reset" and the unit resets without a problem.But when I add a code to close the winsock connection upon reset, it doesn't send the string to the unit. I am sure what is happening is the winsock is getting closed at the exact same time it is trying to send the string and so it fails to send, how do I make it close winsock AFTER the string has been sent? [code]

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How To Reset Password

Jan 15, 2012

how can we change the password in the login form when the form is executing

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How To Reset Primary Key To Zero (0)

Mar 11, 2009

How do i reset a primary key to "0" at midnight For Every Day of the week. I would like To Start a fresh day @ "0" But keep The Information the I have. Previously Put in (it is For a booking program I am trying to create)

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Reset Label At 00:00?

Apr 16, 2011

I want that every day at 00:00 the label's text resets to if my label text is now 400 that tonight at 00:00 the label text automaticly resets to 750 even if the program isn't active at that moment..

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Way To Reset A Chart

May 9, 2010

I'm using the chart control but I came to wonder if it's possibly to reset a chart. I mean not just delete the series but resetting everything in it to default.

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Any Way To Reset Or Clear DataReader?

Mar 6, 2012

Is there an easy way to reset or clear a DataReader so it can be read through more than one time? I found a Close method but not an open method.

View 1 Replies - Tab Index Is Reset In UpdatePanel?

Jan 3, 2011

I'm currently having an issue where an updatepanel does an async postback and loses the tab order when the partial postback occurs.When you run through the tabs the tab order works correctly, but then you press a button and the partial postback occures the tabindex is reset.

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Cannot Reset The TextBox Window?

Mar 21, 2011

I have bot changed any of the textbox controls but I did somethi;ng that wiped it clean . Do you know how to put it back like it was. I am new to this.

I am using an Alienware desk top with an OS of Windows 7. the Visual basic program is VB 2008 Professional.

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Contactid Numbers Won't Reset?

Jan 29, 2011

I have a database created with vb 2010 express. I have five records in it now. When i delete two of them the records are removed from the datagrid. the remaining numbers are 1,2,3. if i add a new record the number for this record is number 6 instead of being number 4. the records are removed but not the contactid number.

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Forms :: How To Reset Password

Aug 13, 2009

how am i going to reset the password and set a new password?

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Forms :: Reset The Second Form

Apr 28, 2011

Im trying to achieve a complete reset of a form i have used. I have a parent form and want to reset the second form... Im completly new to using multiple forms however some researching has lead me to this... as posted by a previous user in 2005 'if it's a form that's opened from another form in the parent form you can make a Friend Sub that will close the current form and make a new instance of it and open it, then when you need the form to be "reset" the form just call the parent form's sub '

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How To Reset All Controls On A Form

Nov 20, 2009

I am having trouble resetting all the controls on my forms. I have a log in page and a logout button. If i select the logout button I want all the data in the other forms to reset to their defaults so that if another user logs in it will be a blank application for them to fill in.

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How To Reset Array To 0 Elements

May 5, 2012

I have a class I am working on for a program I am writing while I am stuck at hospital 3x a week and was wondering. If my class has a Reset function that sets the count variable to 0, can I then say that the Data array is equal to "nothing" and wipe all the data that was in it?

Below is the class structure so far:
Private Count As Integer = 0
Private Data() As Integer
Public Sub Add(ByVal value As Integer)
Count = Count + 1
[Code] .....

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How To Reset Decimal Array

May 4, 2009

I'm trying to get my exersize to work but am stuck on 2 fronts.

1. I don't seem to find a way to reset my resultArray. As it works now i get the result from the first test second test and so on each time.[code]

2. My print function doesn't read 'nothing'.I'm pretty sure that when i find a way to empty resultArray i'll fix this problem at the same time.But for now i'm hopelessly stuck.[code]

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How To Reset Form Settings In Vb

Jan 19, 2010

I need code for reseting form settings for my project.It had 5 comboboxes and 5 buttons.When selecting colors on comboboxes, buttons go that color.And does the calculation for the resistance measure( shown in code ).I just need something to when pressing reset button reset those form settings.Becouse the integer numbers of the buttons stay in system, and choosing new colors wont give same result.So, here's the code for more obvius lookup:

Public Class Otpor
Dim prvo As New List(Of String)
Dim Četvrto As New List(Of String)


View 8 Replies

How To Reset Public Variable

Oct 28, 2009

I have few public Arrays variables, I need to reset them since I will be using them few times with different values.

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How To Reset Report Viewer

Jan 20, 2012

I created a report using report wizard. I placed the report in ReportViewer1. I Have a button that searches a particular query and returns the result to the report-viewer table. But the problem is, each time i click on the button, the old data in the ReportViewer1 table doesn't get cleared for the new query result to come in. All it does is append the new results to the old.


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Password Reset In IBM ISeries?

Jun 10, 2010

how can I reset a user account in iSeries?

Actually we have to log on to As400 with our account, write down the username, receive a password and then logon with the new password and change it.

I found some code in the internet but what do I do when I dont know the old password?

Dim systemNames As New cwbx.SystemNames
Dim as400 As New cwbx.AS400System
On Error GoTo failed


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Reset 2 Random Textbox Out Of Four?

Mar 15, 2012

How do i reset 2 textbox text of out four textbox at random avoiding a textbox whose text = 'A' for clarification. i have

Textbox1.text = "B"
Textbox2.text = "C"
Textbox3.text = "A"
Textbox4.text = "D"

how do i set an empty value "" to any two textbox at random avoiding the textbox whose text is "A"

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Reset 2 Textbox Out Of 4 At Random?

Feb 28, 2012

How to reset 2 textbox text of out four textbox at random avoiding a textbox whose text = 'A'[code]...

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Reset Button For A Textbox?

Sep 25, 2009

write a code for a Reset button to clear all information for a textbox.

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Reset File When Deleted

May 6, 2011

I developed an application wich places some files in the programsfolder. If i manualy delete one of these files wich are not realy important for the application then when i restart the application i see that somthing like an installer places the original file back again in the folder. Someone can explain why and how i can stop this from happening? I would rather create the file during installation but i still cant find out how.

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Reset One Of The Datatables Within Dataset

Jul 20, 2011

I've added a column to one of the tables in the database. Is there a quick to reset one of the datatables within my dataset so that I do not have to delete the whole datatable and add it back in?

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Reset Records Of Another Form?

Sep 14, 2009

I have 2 forms, FormA and FormB

How to reload the listview of FormA if I fire FormB form_closed event?

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Reset The Tab Order In VB 2008?

Dec 11, 2009

When I view the Tab Order in VB 2008, everthing has a tab order number and it is in decimal form. If I click on each item, it appears that I can set the Tab Index but it is hard to see a correlation between the Tab Index and the Tab Order on the form. Most of the items on the form are not going to be tabbed to by the user.

1. Is there a way to clear the tab order and only tab to the items that the user would use and in the order that they would do it?

2. What number should the tab order start with and do you start over with the numbering on each form?

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Reset The Time To Say 00:00:00 (hrs:mins:sec)?

May 20, 2009

I want to create a Timer such that I can reset the time to say 00:00:00 (hrs:mins:sec) and be able to stop, reset and start the timer as needed. I have actually created one from the scratch but it seems like it is long on code. Any ideas on how best to do this?Only performance counts!

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