How To VB Code Exe.file To Text Box

Oct 6, 2011

I have a situation where I'm having to enter the data by touch screen and I want to use a virtual keyboard. I have had serveral ideas on how to do this particular code, but everything I've tried has seemed to fail. The Code I have tried which seems to do a particular process and then doesn't work:for example: programeX.exe.activate.

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Enter Code Into A Button To Save A Text File From A Text Box

Oct 7, 2011

I'm trying to enter code into a button to save a text file from a text box.The text box is called txtEditor, I have created an open file button using the openFileDialog1 and have been successful with this I just can't get the saveFileDialog1 to work.

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Writing File/Folder Sync Prog, Result Text Boxes Not Updating Untill After All File Action Is Done Even Though Update Code Comes Before Copy?

Apr 12, 2011

I am working on a program using VB.Net 2010 which will enable me to setup groups of files & folders for back up with syncing capabilities etc. I have a concept program which is based on some sample code I found out in one of the VB.Net forums. I have modified it from a command line based program to a form based program. At the moment I consider this code to be a "concept" program which once I have the various copy/sync routines developed and debugged will be integrated in to another program I wrote for
creating "Back Up" groups to automate the process. There are some 3rd party programs that do similar things that I want to do such as Microsofts Sync Toy, but none of them offer the grouping and exclusions options that I am going to program in to this backup/sync program.

So here is my problem, I have the included code taking two folders, a source and a destination, and copying everything from the source to the destination. It will skip over any unchanged files/folders and will delete anything found in the destination folder that is not found in the source folder and it will update all files in the destination folder that have a newer version in the source folder. In other words it will mirror image the source to the destination but will be smart enough not to copy unchanged items from the source to the destination thereby saving a lot of time. The sync part of the program is working fine, the displaying of the progress and results is not.


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Run .net Code From Text File?

Sep 7, 2010

If i had a text file, called say code.txt, which had VB.Net code in it, could I execute the code from the file during run time. For example, when click a button, the text file and runs the code that is in the text file, then continues running as per normal

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Run Code From A Text File?

Jun 11, 2011

I would like to be able to run code from a text file - is that possible.Ideally multiple applications will read this file and all behave according to the code inside the file.rather than having to keep rebuilding and distributing new versions./

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Excel To Text File Using Code

Sep 24, 2010

Does anybody can give me tutorial link how to convert excel data and move it to txt file?

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Import Text File Into Code?

Mar 18, 2009

I know it is a no no to just ask for code, but I need someone to point me in the right direction...

where should i be looking for such a function:

I want to take the code that is in a text file [code]...

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Reading From Text File In Code?

Aug 31, 2010

Using Microsoft Visual Studio 2008: ' Create an instance of the open file dialog box.

Dim openFileDialog1 As OpenFileDialog = New OpenFileDialog
' Set filter options and filter index.
openFileDialog1.Filter = "Text Files (*.txt)|*.txt|All Files (*.*)|*.*"
openFileDialog1.FilterIndex = 1


On the line marked, how can I pass the path of the selected file into the StreamReader constructor?

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Run VB Code Inside Text File?

Mar 1, 2009

I have a program that dynamically generates new VB code, and needs to call that code later on. How do I get it to run code from a text file? Is there any command to extract lines from text files and run them as code?

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Write To Text File Using VBA Code?

Jul 1, 2009

writing data to a text file. I use the following code:

Sub WriteFile(sFile As String, sData As String)
Dim nDestFile As Integer, sText As String
''Close any open text files


The variable sFile above is a valid file name. The problem is that the WriteFile method prints an extra empty line at the end of sFile which is not desired. Is there any way to stop the "Print" method from doing so?

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Cannot Change The Value Of Text Area Using Code Behind File?

Feb 16, 2011

I want a multi line textarea using have used textarea in html before but I have never used it in I tried:

<text area id="TA" cols="100" rows="20"></textarea>

I introduced space between text area only coz I cud not write it other wise in this forum.. in my code there is no space. But I cannot change the value of textare using my code behind file.

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How To Read From A Text File... -_-' - VB6 | Dream.In.Code

Jul 20, 2010

Basically, I need to open the file from Textbox1.Text(this stores the path) and dump all the text into the string 'File'.

Example code:
Sub Button1_Click
OpenFile(1, TextBox1.Text)


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Read The Text File And Display The Big 5 Code?

Jan 26, 2011

I want to write a small program which can be read the content of the text file or via the textbox and then displays the characters content into "Big5" code (Traditional Chinese Font coding).

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Appending Text To A RichTextBox In A Different Thread And Code File?

Sep 28, 2011

With the intention of creating a program to interface with a serial port device, I recently started learning To keep the structure neat the vb code has been split into two places; the first is the code behind for initialising, clicking buttons etc., whilst the second is for managing the comm port. Respectively, these are named 'MainWindow.xaml.vb' and 'ComPortManager.vb'.

In 'comPortManager.vb':
Dim RXArray(2047) As Char ' Array to hold received characters
Dim RXCnt As Integer ' Received character count


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Application Slow Is DB Access/text File Code Ok?

Jan 26, 2012

I noticed that my application is running a bit slow. This is a Windows Service built using VB2010 with SQL Server as a back end. Its main function is to poll a folder looking for a text file. If found it reads the text file and imports the data into SQL Server.

While the slowness could be caused by a number of reasons, I am looking at my code to determine if it could be more efficient. Below I've pasted snippets of code where I initialize the DB connection and execute SQL statements. I've also included a snippet that illustrates how I am processing the text file.

I'd appreciate if the group could have a look at these and let me know if the method that I am using is the most efficient possible. At this time I am also focusing on other probable issues, but I can't rule out the possibility that the code that is in place might be a contributing factor.


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Automatically Generating Code From A Text Or Xml File And Then Compiling?

Jul 15, 2011

I would like to know how I could generate code from a text file in a particular format into a or C# source file.I would like my code generating program to read text file having the following format:[code]The idea is to compile the main code after the user have modified the txt file and used the code generating program. I would prefer to write the code generating program in C, python or C#.

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Output Data To Text File In Asp. Markup Code?

Sep 27, 2010

I downloaded some sample code which includes a database query within the markup code. It makes a query to the database and displays the results of the web form and I would like to divert the output to a text file and I am not sure how to do this?Can this be done from here or would it just be easier to code it in the source and make a new connection to the database?

Sample code:

<asp:SqlDataSource ID="SqlDataSource1" runat="server" ConnectionString="<%$ ConnectionStrings:ConnectionStringIP %>"
DeleteCommand="DELETE FROM [ip-to-country] WHERE [ID] = ?" InsertCommand="INSERT INTO [ip-to-country] ([ID], [BeginingIP], [EndingIP], [TwoCountryCode], [ThreeCountryCode], [CountryName]) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)"


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Parse An Html Code To Simple Text File?

Aug 9, 2007

I want to catch the text from an html page.. you know that when you open any html page in the browser, you will see a text but with formatting.. because it's an html code having a lot of tags...

how to get the text from an html page and ignore all formatting and html code?


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Running Code Stored Inside A Text File?

Nov 17, 2011

One of the features of my new Vb game is the ability to modularly add and remove in-game items. However, in order to add these items I figure their effects should be recorded in code in the text file they will be stored in.In short, I want to store code in a text file and then have it run on command

Furthermore, is there a way I could put all of the code on one line?

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Save Dilagbox1 Code Is Not Actually Saving The Text File?

Sep 19, 2009

Ther opendialogbox1 syntex I wrote for my simple word pad works great, however, my savedialogbox1 does not . Below is a copy of my syntex. I don't get no errors, but I am not actually saving the file. I am using rich text box not text box

Private Sub Savefile_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Savefile.Click
SaveFileDialog1.Filter = "Text files(*.txt)|*.txt"


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VB Express - Making A Program That Can Take A Text File Filled With Code?

Aug 21, 2009

okay so i was thinking of making a program that can take a text file filled with code so the text file would look like this

Title{Text = blah blah; text = blah blah; Title2{Text = blah blah blah; text = blah blah blah;} }

and have the program display

Text = blah blah
text = blah blah


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VS 2008 : Code To Write And Read Structure To Text File?

May 10, 2010

i have the code bellow to write a structure to a text file, but nothing is happening,how can i get a error message if the file doen't exist?

Imports System.IO
Imports System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Binary
Public Class Form1


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Shop Code - List Of Selected Products Will Be Saved In A .text File

Jul 31, 2008

I've got 2 seperated programs.

One is a program where you can select a product and select how many of them you want. Then the total price wil be displayedin a label. And the list of selected products will be saved in a .txt file.

The second program is an Edit program. The user can edit his selected products. Here he can change the total of a product.So if he had selected 1, he can change it to three or something. When the user clicks the button Save. The changes will besaved in the same .txt file and the total price will also be changed and displayed in program one.

Program one is compleet.Program two has problems and here i need your help:- the user can't make a change in the numbers, seems that the textbox is read-only or something. How to solve?- Then when i click save, the changed must be saved in the .txt ( i can't test this yet because no changes can't be made)- the total new price must be showed in program 1 (i think i programmed this well, but can you take a look)

Here is a part of my code of program 1:


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VB Code For A Function With Filesystemobject To Get The File Names When Searching In A Folder For Text Files?

Apr 30, 2009

I need code for the function filesystemobject which gets the text files from a folder when searched for.

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VS 2008 - Code To Open A Text File And Append Data To It, In VB Express Edition?

Mar 1, 2010

What is the code to open a text file and append data to it, in visual basic express edition?Normally one would write:open "data.txt" for append as #1 but visual basic express does not accept it.

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VS 2008 - Read Text File - When Click Button Add Text From Combobox Is Added To Text File

Jan 4, 2010

I have one combobox, two buttons (Add and View) and listbox. When I click button Add text from combobox is added to text file. This is code for Add button:


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Code For "Delete A Line From Text File"?

Sep 2, 2008

tell me where what is the code for "Delete a line from text file" command?or a website to look for it?Searched the delete line but i only got VB6 Code.

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VS 2010 Bar-code Font With A Library That Converts Text To Proper Format For Bar-code Readers

Jan 18, 2012

I had a weird series of errors involving e.Graphics.DrawString() when painting a panel.I am using a barcode font [Code 128] with a library that converts text to the proper format for Barcode readers.That's fine, however, when I draw it to the panel, that's where things stop being fine:But, here's where things get funky. When I put it into a TextBox instead of drawing it via Graphics.DrawString(), everything is peachy:In fact, the TextBox one looks much better than the Graphics.DrawString() one! Am I doing something wrong?[code]

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Change My Code # To Code In All The Text Files Within A Folder?

May 20, 2012

How can I change my code # to Code & in All the text files within a folder

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Take A Comma Delimited Text File And Then Select All Unique Records Based On One Of The Fields In The Text File?

May 7, 2010

i want to take a comma delimited text file and then select all unique records based on one of the fields in the text file. should i read the text file into a data table or just use a data reader?

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