How To Avoid Calling An Update Function Many Times

Mar 17, 2009

I have a variable number of usercontrol on a form Each time the user interact with one of the controls, I need to update a global state on the form.Each time I write a new control, I added a call to the Update function, but don't like it. I may add a new control and forget to write the call. Worse, I are repeating the call many times.

It does not look good.I changed all the user control to inherit from a class in which I coded a LostFocus event, updating the global state each time the used abandon the control, but it does not work if the user does not migrate to another control, and the updating is not interactive meanwhile the user is editing the control.


but none of them fires after the user had interacted without losing focus; or I are wrong?

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Calling Function To Update Value On Trigger Of Event

Nov 8, 2010

I think I have a timing issue. On the trigger of an event I call a function to update a value:

Private Sub t0_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles t0.Click
Input.ppProperty = "blank"
UpdateRecord("Hey", Input.ppProperty)
End Sub
[Code] .....

Notice the difference, the property does not update until the function is completely finished.

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Avoid FileSystemWatcher From Showing Same File 3 Times?

May 4, 2010

I have a FileSystemWatcher and whenever a file is changed/created it is uploading the file for me to an FTP. My problem is that it keeps uploading the same file 3 times.

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SqlCommand Calling A SQL Server Stored Procedure Times Out?

Jun 14, 2012

I've got a conversion utility that basically copies values from one table to another. It's worked great for a while, but I've run into a strange issue with one customer. They got through 1.5 million records with the utility but now it is completely halted.When calling a stored procedure from VB.Net, it just hangs until the SqlCommand times out.Calling the same sproc from Management Studio executes instantly. My VB.Net code for the SqlCommand is below (insertConn is defined and opened earlier, dr is a SqlDataReader that has been populated in a previous step from completely different SqlConnection and SqlCommand instances):

Dim conn As New SqlConnection("connection string here")
Dim insertConn As New SqlConnection("connection string here")
Dim dr As SqlDataReader = Nothing


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Setting A Variable To Accept The Result Of A Function By Calling The Function With Many Parameters

Feb 17, 2011

I'm currently working with a client's VB.Net code, which was developed for them by a small development shop a few years ago and which they purchased and have been maintaining and uprgrading since. This client's primary developer is out on indefinite (likely permanent) medical leave and I'm now filling in until they bring in a full timer (as I'm a contractor here). My current task is to add some functionality to a the VB.Net code they purchased. I'm finding practices and techniques in the code that absolutely baffle me and can't make the code do what I want. I'm starting to wonder if it's me and was hoping to get some thoughts on the code I've encountered.

For example: Setting a variable to accept the result of a function by calling the function with many parameters, clearing the parameters in the function, setting them to some value, calling another function with those new values, then never using the values returned by the functions. I'll add a code snippet in the first comment since this is already getting long.

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Threaded Function Call Slower Than Calling Function Directly?

Sep 14, 2010

I have a function where I am performing a lot number of database operations inside a Sub. The operation when called directly like:ExecProcess()

takes about 11 seconds to run.However, if I create a Delegate, and call the sub using BeginInvoke(), the very same process takes over 40 seconds to execute.Here's the threaded code:

Protected del As ProcessDelegate
Protected Delegate Sub ProcessDelegate()
del = New ProcessDelegate(AddressOf SELocal.ExecJob)
Dim cb As New AsyncCallback(AddressOf Me.ExecJobComplete)
del.BeginInvoke(cb, del)

Anyone know what may cause a function to take longer inside a new thread, rather than calling directly?

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VS 2010 - Calling A Function - BackOrdered Function Of Program

Mar 30, 2012

I am having a problem with the BackOrdered Function of my program. I can`t get it to say anything but 0 when I run the program. Another problem I am having is the input box pops up like 6 times and it`s only suppose to once. [Code]

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Possible To Know Many Times Function Was Called?

Feb 15, 2010

I have a function that takes some meter measurements. If the values are not close enought I want to run the function again until the values are close enough, or until the function has been executed "X" amount of times.

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Function Run Mupltiple Times At Once With Different Arguments

Jun 25, 2011

I would like to know if it is possible and if so how to run a function multiple times at once with different arguments...

View 6 Replies - Prevent Button Click 2 Times In Update Panel?

Mar 17, 2010

I have a button which is in update panel. When I click on button then it click event run two times. How can I prevent second time click event?

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VS 2010 Formatting Dates And Times In Update Statement?

Nov 27, 2011

I have now started posting to a MySQL database created by someone else. I have no ability to change the table structure.Two questions:

1) There is a date field and a time field that loosely tracks the last edit date and time. Both are fields set up as DateTime in the database. The date field always has the proper date but the date and time portion shows as

2011-11-27 00:00:00

However, the time field shows as

1899-12-30 23:16:58.

When I am updating with the following code

strSQLCmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@EditDate", Date.Now)
strSQLCmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@EditTime", TimeOfDay)
The date field displays
2011-11-27 23:40:26
and the time field displays
0001-01-01 23:40:26

I'm not sure how to format the date field without time and the time field with Dec 30 1899.Question 2) I will be adding some tables and will be wanting to track date and time of first entry as well as date and time of last edit. (this may have been better posted in the Database forum, if so, sorry)

For those of you who have done this before, would you mind sharing best practises? I am wondering why would you use two fields, one for date and one for time, when the field is a date/time field to begin with. I've seen this before in another database as well. I'm just trying to work out the logic here.

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C# - Alternative To Firing A Stored Procedure 368 Times To Update The Database?

Jul 19, 2010

I'm working on a .NET component that gets a set of data from the database, performs some business logic on that set of data, and then updates single records in the database via a stored procedure that looks something like spUpdateOrderDetailDiscountedItem.

For small sets of data, this isn't a problem, but when I had a very large set of data that required an iteration of 368 stored proc calls to update the records in the database, I realized I had a problem. A senior dev looked at my stored proc code and said it looked fine, but now I'd like to explore a better method for sending "batch" data to the database.

What options do I have for updating the database in batch? Is this possible with stored procs? What other options do I have? I won't have the option of installing a full-fledged ORM,Additional Background Info:Our current data access model was built 5 years ago and all calls to the db currently get executed via modular/static functions with names like ExecQuery and GetDataTable. I'm not certain that I'm required to stay within that model, but I'd have to provide a very good justification for going outside of our current DAL to get to the DB.

Also worth noting, I'm fairly new when it comes to CRUD operations and the database. I much prefer to play/work in the .NET side of code, but the data has to be stored somewhere, right?


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.NET Shared Function If Called Multiple Times Simultaneously?

Mar 25, 2010

Consider I have a shared function:Public Shared Function CalculateAreaFromRadius(ByVal radius As Double) As Double


If I have two or more threads in the same vb .net app and each of them calls the shared function at the same time with different RADIUS, will they each get their own AREA? I want to know for each call to the function if it is using same local variables or each call creates new instances of local variables?Will the answers to above questions be same If I have multiple (2+) single threaded apps and they all call the function at the same time with different RADIUS value?

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Prevent A Sub / Function From Firing Multiple Times On The Same Event?

Apr 1, 2009

I'm trying to prevent a sub / function from firing multiple times on the same event.My app is for handling inbound phone calls (tapi).The app is supposed to route calls based on the callerid number.

aircode below:


Private Sub OnNewCall(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As NewCallEventArgs) Handles tapiManager.NewCall
if newcall.callerid = "5551001" then


If callA.callerid = "5551001" then redirect(callA)but, once it is redirected to the new extension, do not then grab the call from the new extension and try to redirect again (resulting in infinite loop).I realize I could use an integer as a counter, but the problem is, I might actually get more than 1 call at the same time from the same callerid number. And, all the calls would need to be redirected (once).the calls do have properties like (which are unique identifiers to each call):

Code: and phcall.hashcode

I'm thinking I need to put that unique id into a temp var / array to run a check against to see if it has been redirected, if it has then skip, if it has not then redirect.The app would run 24x7, and I don't want the temp var / array to get too big, and would want to have it clean automatically (up on a timer maybe?)(I'm guessing it would be a dynamically growing array.)

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VS 2008 Repeat The Function Of The Button The Number Of Times As In The Textbox

Aug 26, 2011

I need a textbox where you can add a number and if you press a button that it will repeat the function of the button the number of times as in the textbox.

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Calling A C DLL Function?

Oct 3, 2011

I have used the PInvoke Signature Toolkit to create VB.NET function definitions for three fairly simple C functions contained in an external DLL. The problem is that two of the parameters are structures so pointers need to be sent and one structure (fileview) is undefined.

OpenFileView(filename, &fileview_ptr)
ReadFileInfo(fileview_ptr, &fileinfo_ptr)

The structure of fileinfo is defined so I can create a structure definition in VB.NET and create an IntPtr to that structure with Marshall.AllocHGlobal. And then I can use Marshall.StructureToPtr to copy the data and do the inverse when the data is returned.


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Calling A C Function From A DLL?

Dec 7, 2009

I'm having some problems calling a C function from a DLL. The function is returning -101 which translates as a "bad parameter". The values I am passing have been returned from another, successful function call, so my current assumption is that I've built the structure incorrectly.The function definition is:

int sm_switch_channel_input(struct sm_switch_channel_parms *switchp)
*switchp (a structure of the following type):
typedef struct sm_switch_channel_parms {


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Calling A Function In A DLL?

Mar 18, 2009

in a DLL that takes a pointer to a structure as a parameter.The C and VB code is as follows.Am I passing the structure in calling the DLL correctly? I am asking because the API call returns a valid error code indicating error opening the com port specified. I tried all valid ports (com1 on a Vista 32 machine with a USB-Serial device and com1 defined in device mgr, com1 and com2 on a desktop with winxp and 2 real serial ports).I dont have the code for the DLL and cannot debug into the DLL code.

C code
typedef struct _SETUPPR {
CHAR Port[5];


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Calling A Function Like A Sub?

Mar 15, 2011

I'm sure this is a pretty simple question but I can't seem to find the answer on Google. Say I've got a function that does some stuff and returns a string. I can assign its return value to a variable:

Dim result As String = MyFunction()

But sometimes I want to perform the actions within the function but I don't care about the return value. I know I can simply call the function from code.

Sub Main()
' Code
' More Code
End Sub

This works and does exactly what I need it to. My question is - are there any issues or pitfalls in doing this? Particularly I want to make sure I'm not introducing any performance or memory leak issues.

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Calling A Function?

Apr 9, 2010

The function is something like this: "function recieveFindPlayerResponse(displayString)"Now, how can I call it. I was trying this:Call AxShockwaveFlash1.CallFunction("_root.recieveFindPlayerResponse(displayString)")And before I had this, I had a Call function which defines displayString. (Works, as I've tested it before, and no error is given to this.)Now, how can I call a function like the above?

And example of what the code looks like from ******* swf decompiler is:
function recieveFindPlayerResponse(displayString)


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Calling A Vb Function From Its Name

Mar 17, 2010

in I have a string that contains the name of a function, say dim funcstr as string = "MyFunc1". How do I call the function or sub whose name is contained in the string funcstr (in this case, MyFunc1)?

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Calling Outside Function?

Feb 28, 2012

going to need to call unction within a FoxPro program. I believe within my VB program I will need to create a service which will need to cal

View 7 Replies - Calling A Function From Server?

May 8, 2012

I have an aspx page populated with data from an access database using this code:

<asp:datalist id="bookData" runat="server" RepeatDirection="Horizontal" RepeatColumns="3">


I would like each entry of data to have a button associated with it that could call a server function to submit data to a database. I currently have the button implemented, but no idea how to go about calling a function that would be able to detect what button was clicked.

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C# - Calling ASP Function From Javascript

Jun 14, 2012

i have this question i was trying to find a way to call a javascript function from asp controllers and i did here is the code :

<script type="text/javascript">
function hello() {
alert("hello world")


and i want to call it from a javascript function so it will be like controller----call---> javascript ---call--->code behind

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Calling A Function From A Delphi DLL In .NET?

Sep 27, 2011

I've designed a Windows Service in Visual Basic 2005 that needs to call some functions from a DLL written in Delphi 5. If I try to add this DLL as a reference, I get this error:

"A reference to 'C:ProjectsServiceProMDPUpdateServiceMessageStubApplicationSPHost.dll' could not be added. Please make sure that the file is accessible, and that it is a valid assembly or COM component."

I assume that it is just not possible to add this DLL as a reference to my VB2005 project, since the DLL was written in an old version of Delphi, correct? This isn't a big deal, as I can just use the DllImport function from System.Runtime.InteropServices, but if it is possible, adding it as a reference would be preferred.

My other question is, how would you be able to call a function from the DLL using DllImport, if the function you are trying to call takes a Delphi record data type as a parameter (if this is possible)? If possible, would I need to pass each field in the record separately or would I be able to define a structure in my VB app that mirrors the record definition in the Delphi DLL and pass that? Or, would it be best if I just created another function in the Delphi DLL that took various string/integer/boolean/etc. parameters that I could call from VB that would then call the original function in Delphi? I tried searching the internet for this specific question, but I couldn't find anything that looked useful.


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Calling A Function From A String

Jun 2, 2010

I have an XML file with a list of tasks to be executed. One of the elements of the XML file is funcName (function name), which is the name of a function to be executed in my Visual Basic.NET application (v4).I can retrieve the string name of the function, but how do I go about running it? I have two Class files, GUI and DISP.[code]

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Calling A Function From Another Form?

Sep 2, 2011

Is it advisable to call a function from another form?Does it have any side effects on the system while running, like more process will consume?I have a function that will set the background in a form, it will make the image stretch, backcolor transparent and will set the picture. If I will use that function in other 15 FORMS I can minimize my code.

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Calling A Function From Another Module?

Sep 24, 2010

I have an 100 aspx files with one module file for code. All these aspx files have the same backend function, so i created on public module for all these files to access. These files are in the same folder. But for some reason the aspx files cannot access the function from that module.

mod1.vb Code (.vb file)
Public Module Allinone
Sub Allinone_Load(ByRef Page As Web.UI.Page)


I am at a roadblock of why the aspx files wont read this module? Also all these files are in the same directory

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Calling A Function On A Different Thread?

Nov 6, 2009

I have a couple of threads running. One is a trigger which picks up a system event, the other processes stuff. When the trigger picks up the event I want it to notify the processor thread to do stuff. The threads are both started within the same class and can access the thread-object of the other thread. How do I set up the function call though?

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Calling A Generic Function In .NET / C#?

Jun 2, 2010

Question: I want to call a generic function, defined as:

Public Shared Function DeserializeFromXML(Of T)(Optional ByRef strFileNameAndPath As String = Nothing) As T

Now when I call it, I wanted to do it with any of the variants below:

Dim x As New XMLserialization.cConfiguration
x = XMLserialization.XMLserializeLDAPconfig.DeserializeFromXML(Of x)()
x = XMLserialization.XMLserializeLDAPconfig.DeserializeFromXML(GetType(x))()
x = XMLserialization.XMLserializeLDAPconfig.DeserializeFromXML(Of GetType(x))()

But it doesn't work.I find it very annoying and unreadable having to type

x = XMLserialization.XMLserializeLDAPconfig.DeserializeFromXML(Of XMLserialization.cConfiguration)()

Is there a way to call a generic function by getting the type from the instance ?

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