How To Avoid Type Casting Exceptions When Using The Wmplib

Sep 7, 2011

Hmmmm having discovered that using the mciAPI doesn't utilise 5.1 sound, but using a virtual WMP does - I started a new approach to my multimedia project using some code from the net. BUT I keep getting exceptions (particularly with type casting). In the subrountine 'Player_PlayStateChange'.

The listing (see below) is now well commented by me. Can anybody please help concerning the damn annoying exceptions and stop me pulling my hair out.


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Interop.WMPLib.dll And AxInterop.WMPLib.dll?

Dec 3, 2010

we developed an application. it has windows media player control.

Note 1:

2 DLL Files(Interop.WMPLib.dll And AxInterop.WMPLib.dll) is for Windows Media Player Control, and automaticly add by visual studio.

Note 2:

Visual Studio 2008 / .Net Framework 2.0 / Windows XP & Vista & 7

If use dlls for windows xp(Windows Media Player Control)

run app in windows xp = do not have any problem.

run app in windows vista and 7 we do not have media player control.

if use dlls for windows vista and 7(Windows Media Player Control)

app does not run in windows xp

and we do not have any problem in windows vista or 7.

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Casting From Base Type To Derived Type

Jun 29, 2010

I'm wrestling with this treeview control. I have extended the TreeNode class to attach some extra data to the node. Basically, I added one property:[code]Is there a way to cast from a base type to a derived type?

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Casting To A Variable Type?

Jun 22, 2009

i have a property (items) that i want to use for either a checkedlistbox or a standard listbox depending on the value of another property.

heres the code i wrote that doesn't work:


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Proper Type Casting?

Jun 18, 2009

Delegate Sub UpdateTextHandler(ByVal recbuffpass() As Integer)

Private Sub someSub()
Dim f As frmMain = My.Application.OpenForms("frmMain")
f.Invoke(New UpdateTextHandler(AddressOf f.UpdateTextMethod), New Object() {recbuf})


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.net - CType And Type Casting Exception

Feb 25, 2011


What happens when a user wants to alocate "" as Item(DurationColumn) to integer? I get an exception. clean solution to avoid this and set 0 for ""?

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Outlook Automation Type Casting?

Feb 26, 2009

When writing some Outlook code in VS2005, I came across a situation that, to me, does not make any sense. For reference, the version of Outlook running on this machine is Outlook 2003.The program I'm writing is designed to iterate through the emails in the inbox, to identify certain types of emails based on their subjects and bodies, and then to generate new emails based on the existing ones. However, the problem that I'm having is with simply iterating through the collection of items that comes from the Inbox folder. Specifically, what happens is that this line consistently fails on items that should be processed:

Current_Item = CType(The_Items.Item(Counter), Outlook.MailItem)

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C# - Casting System.__ComObject To Known Type Reflection

Sep 15, 2011

I am trying to create an Excel file using reflection. The reason, the application will be running on many machines some of which may or not have excel installed. I decided to embed the "Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.dll" and via reflection generated the excel spreadsheet. The code I am trying to resemble is:


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VS 2008 Handle Different Exceptions Of Same Exception Type?

Apr 11, 2012

Is there a way I can catch and handle two different exceptions within the same exception type? For example:

' My code
Catch ex As System.Net.WebException
End Try

I have 2 different exceptions that are System.Net.WebException. I want to handle them different ways. Problem is the catch block above catches them both. Is there a way I can determine if which of the two it is and handle them differently?

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Catch All Un-handled Exceptions In A .net Assembly (library Type, Not Application)?

Apr 2, 2011

I have an assembly containing a number of classes. This is a class library type assembly, not a windows forms application. It's also single threaded.Is there a way to catch all un-handled exceptions so that I can log them?

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VS 2008 Casting Data-type To Same Data-type?

Dec 5, 2009

I have one question. i have seen some codes like:

Req = CType(System.Net.HttpWebRequest.Create("url"), Net.HttpWebRequest)

Is it really necessary to cast the same type, or is there a difference when its not casted.

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Casting Early Bound Object Type Into Late Bound Object Type?

Jul 5, 2010

I've got a piece of code in a project (MyProject) that contains early bound object from a referenced assembly (We'll call it CommonAssembly):

Dim myObject As CommonAssembly.MyEarlyBoundType

now I have another assembly that is dynamically loaded because it is not present in all projects:

Dim myLateBoundObject As Object = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.CreateInstanceAndUnwrap("Utils", "Utils.MyLateBoundType")
MyLateBoundType derives from CommonAssembly.MyEarlyBoundType, and I want to cast myObject to myLateBoundObject and then programmatically invoke the additional


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C# - Avoid Type Name Conflicts With Types Or Names In The User-provided Code?

Feb 6, 2011

I am writing a code-generator that will need to output some miniscule portions of VB.NET code, and since this is a code generator that will add user-provider code, I'd like to try to avoid type name conflicts with types or names in the user-provided code.

In C#, I can prefix types with global:: to make sure they're matched from the global type namespace hierarchy, rather than some local name, but is there a similar system for VB.NET? ie. this: global::System.String

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Exceptions Must Be Exclusive - Exceptions Will Ever Occur Simultaneously ?

Dec 26, 2009

I've just skipped around a few inbuilt VB classes' methods which throws exception. of all that i've came across, methods may throw multiple exceptions but ALL of them are exclusive, meaning there is no way 2 exceptions will ever occur simultaneously, yea and i was trying to make my class throw 2 exceptions simultaneously, hence this question, must all exceptions be exclusive?

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VS 2008 Avoid "The Type Initializer For ... Threw An Exception"?

Feb 9, 2010

I just created this program 2 weeks ago, and stop doing for two weeks... before, it perfectly run and has no errors on all of my instance variable that i declared, though in is not finish...


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WMPLib.dll And Burning CDs

Feb 13, 2010

I am using Windows Media Player library (WMPLib.dll) in my application. I wanted to make CD Burning wizard, because WMPLib.dll has ability to burn audio/data CD's. I declared an object which can erase or burn CD:

Dim CDBurner As WMPLib.IWMPCdromBurn

Dim WMP As New WMPLib.WindowsMediaPlayer()


I get exception with message "Attempted to read or write protected memory.". I have an option "Full Trust Application" enabled in Visual Sudio. Is there anything I can do about this error?

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VS 2008 NullReferenceException - WMPLib.IWMPEqualizerSettingsCtrl

Aug 29, 2009

I'm trying to make a simple equalizer I have my windows media control and a trackbar, this is the code im using.

Private Sub TBGLevel_Scroll(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles TBGLevel.Scroll
Dim equalizer As WMPLib.IWMPEqualizerSettingsCtrl
equalizer.gainLevel1 = TBGLevel.Value
End Sub

Upon moving the trackbar I get this error

NullReferenceException was unhandled Object reference not set to an instance of an object.

I also tried

Public equalizer As WMPLib.IWMPEqualizerSettingsCtrl

Same error occured.Basically i hit play so it would go through my playlist on the form then attempted to move that gainlevel and it produced the error.

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WMPLib.dll Is Changing The Title Tag In MP3 Files

Jan 5, 2011

I am using Windows 7 64-bit and Visual Studio 2010 (VB.Net)

I am trying to write a media player using the wmplib.dll for playback. Everything is working but I found a one problem I can't find an answer to. How do you find the songs duration before actually playing the song? the code I am using is below.
I get an error when I try to update the slider with the current position. The messagebox returns all zeros. (i.e. 0 - 0 -0 ).

Dim sFile As String = "D:MusicSongsArtistsEaston Corbin�1-Easton Corbin�4 - The Way Love Looks.mp3"


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C++ - Windows Media Player Device Sync In .NET Using WMPLIB?

Oct 26, 2009

The MSDN documentation for WMPLIB states that syncing to device is not supported in .NET programming, only C++.Is there, however, a simple wrapper class or DLL that can be used to interface between a .NET program and the nescessary C++ code?Or is there a better way to sync files to a device using VB.NET? Are all devices suited/compatible with just a simple filesystem.copyfile ?

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Controlling Media Player In Visual Basic With VB WMPLib (or Other)

Apr 5, 2011

I need to get the current song in Windows Media Player, preferably using the wmp.dll library. There's documentation on MSDN [URL] but none of the resources I've tried have worked, even though I referenced the DLL and imported. Note that I'm using Visual Basic 2010 Express

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Could Not Load AxInterop.WMPLib.dll Because It Was Built In A Runtime Newer Than The Currently Loaded One

Sep 6, 2011

I am having another issue with WMP in VB.NET 2010.I wrote an app using WMP in VB.NET 2010, using .NET Framework 4.0 of course, but had to change the framework target to 3.5. After doing this, the WMP component does not work. How, if I even can, fix this problem so that the program will run on .NET Framework 3.5? The error says that it could not load AxInterop.WMPLib.dll because it was built in a runtime newer than the currently loaded one.

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Iterating A WMPLib.IWMPPlaylist Displays Empty Rows In VB 2010 Express?

Oct 1, 2010

When I iterate the media items in a Windows Media Player playlist and set the properties of a user-defined class to the attributes of a media item, the first n rows of the playlist are populated with useful information; however, the remaining rows are empty. If I perform the same operation but access the media items directly (e.g., display the attributes to the console window) then all items in the playlist are populated properly.

Here is an example of the output showing the condition:

Inserting song "The Arrest" from album "Jesus Christ Superstar [MCA Original Cast Recording] Disc 2" into database...
Inserting song "Peter's Denial" from album "Jesus Christ Superstar [MCA Original Cast Recording] Disc 2" into database...
Inserting song "Pilate and Christ" from album "Jesus Christ Superstar [MCA Original Cast Recording] Disc 2" into database...


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Wmplib And Vb2010 Express How Get Duration Play Time Mp3 Files Using Fileopen Only

May 2, 2011

I am using wmplib and i like to know a duration time of a lot of files onto a same folder (software for audiobook for low vision persons)

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Axinterop.wmpLib.dll Works OK In Debug Build - Not OK In Release Build

Feb 15, 2012

I have a Form with a Media Player in it. Which plays a Song.


It's playing in the background since the Form is hidden. When I play itin Debug, everything works fine. When I run the app outside Debug, I get this error: [URL] The Music File is there, but strangely, there comes this weird error.

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.net - Casting Interfaces And MEF?

Mar 13, 2009

I have the following problem with MEF: Interface definition to be used by host:

Public Interface IExecuteDoSomething
Inherits IAddinSettings
Event DataReceived As EventHandler(Of DataReceivedEventArgs)
Function DoSomething() As Boolean
End Interface


Everything seems to work fine until the Button2_Click routine is executed, then an InvalidCastException is thrown with the info:Unable to cast object of type 'System.Collections.Generic.List1[SharedLibrary.IExecuteDoSomething]' to type 'System.Collections.Generic.List1[SharedLibrary.IAddinSettings]'.

How can i solve this problem, because the imported object implements both of the interfaces?

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.net - Difference Between Casting In C# And It

Dec 9, 2009

The next code works fine in C#:


But this code crash with a OverflowException in VB.Net.


Both codes seems the same to me. What is the difference and how can I get the C# code converted to VB.Net?

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C Style Casting In VB?

Aug 19, 2011

I have a object type variable (control .Tag) that I need to cast to a structured type, and change a member in. This is a contrived but representative example


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Casting Error?

Oct 16, 2009

get around this. I have a data base field that is a decimal data type and I want to display it in a text box with the following txtWeekdayRate = CType(RoomsDataRow!WeekdayRate, TextBox)I get the following error when I run my program.Unable to cast object of type 'System.Decimal' to type 'System.Windows.Forms.TextBox'.

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Casting Value Must Be Less Than Infinity?

Mar 1, 2009

I am getting the followin error from my code. System.InvalidCastException was unhandled Message="Unable to cast object of type 'QADBASE.DMRDataLists' to type 'QADBASE.DMRData'." Source="QADBASE" I am getting the error in the code below on the createDMRIssue


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.net - Casting Generic Types?

Apr 20, 2010

Public Function CastToT(Of T)(ByVal GenericType(Of Object) data) As GenericType(Of T)Return DirectCast(data, GenericType(Of T))End Function

The above clearly does not work. Is there any way to perform this cast if I know that all objects inside data are in fact of Type T?

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