How To Calculate Date Difference
May 31, 2011
I'd like do make a program which returns you how old you are, in years, months, weeks and days. But I didn't get it to compare different times. Input is a string which looks like 01.01.2011 (
My code so far is this:
dim date1 as string = '01.01.2011'
' Today
Dim date2 As Date
date2 = Date.Now
' number of seconds since date1
[Code] .....
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Feb 15, 2012
I need to calculate date difference using flowing query but it does not work. [code]...
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Oct 12, 2009
In VB2005 I am trying to calculate the number of business days between two dates. I must also account for U.S. holidays (New Year's Day, Martin Luther King Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Veterans Day, Thanksgiving Day/Friday after, Christmas Day). If a holiday falls on a Saturday, then the prior day (Friday) is assumed to be a holiday. Likewise, if the holiday falls on a Sunday then the following day (Monday) is assumed to be a holiday.
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Mar 30, 2009
I am trying to calculate the number of years for my calculate age event handler, however i am apparently missing a method or whatnot because im trying to calculate the age , can anyone suggest help on this. I need to subtract years to get my age but when i try the birthdate.Subtract (currentDate) method i get an error about not able to convert from LONG?
So below is what I have.
Private Sub btnCalculateAge_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnCalculateAge.Click
Dim currentDate As Date
Dim BirthDate As Date
Dim Age As Long
View 7 Replies
Feb 9, 2009
I want to calculate the difference between 2 different times. have the following code:
tNow = Now.TimeOfDay.Hours & ":" & Now.TimeOfDay.Minutes & ":" & Now.TimeOfDay.Seconds
tEnd = iNum1 & ":" & iNum2 & ":" & iNum3
tTimeRemaining = tEnd - tNow
This works all well until, the variables are the following:
Time Now: 7:36:34 PM
Time End: 12:46:00 AM
Because it passes over from PM to AM it gives me like 18 hours difference.Im lookiing for it to return me 5 hours
View 11 Replies
Dec 18, 2010
i have this function and i want it 2 calculate the difference between two dates and it is suposed to return the difference in days but it it just not working
View 5 Replies
Mar 6, 2009
I'm trying to write a program which compares the difference between any date in the past and the system date, showing how many days have elapsed since that date.This is what I've got so far:
Public Class Form1
Private Sub TextBox2_TextChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs)
End Sub
That's what it looks like so far. I was wondering how you can automate the top label so it automatically comes up with the date when the program is run.Plus, I need to know how to display the dates difference (how many days have elapsed between the system date and the user's chosen date) in the bottom label.
View 2 Replies
Jan 11, 2010
I try use datediff function to get month interval between 2 hijri dates but the function deals with the dates as Gregorian Dates so the result is not correct.
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May 1, 2009
I need to calculate the difference between two days excluding weekends.
this code counts the difference between two days.
Public Class Form1
Dim date1 As Date
Dim date2 As Date
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Aug 27, 2011
I have the following columns : (Using Excel Formula)
1 | Date | Value |
2 | 8/20/2011 | 92.8 |
3 | 8/21/2011 | 92.4 |
I want to calculate the difference between 1st Value (B2) and last Value (last populated row in column B)
Edited :
Using formula : =B2-B6 is not what's required. (I want diff in Cell C2)
I want when the user enters the value in B7 it automatically shows the difference between B2 and B7, when he populates B8 then it shows the diff between B2 and B8 and so on.. I don't want some direct method to do this in Excel and not by iterating all values to check the last value.
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Jan 17, 2010
i want to calculate the difference in hours and minutes between 4:35:20 PM and 7:25:34 PM? how am i able to do this is
View 1 Replies
Nov 20, 2011
How do I calculate the difference between two dates to display as a number in days?I have 2 text boxes (txtHStart_Date & txtHEnd_Date) I have used an Ajax Calendar Extender to enter the dates in each of these text boxes.I would like to get the difference between these two dates to show in a seperate text box (txtNoOfDays)
I've seen the timespan function but can seem to get this to work. I'm not to sure how to declare the text boxes as the dates I would the calculation to be made from
Dim D1 As Date
Dim D2 As Date
Dim ts As New TimeSpan
D1 = txtHStart_Date.Text
D2 = txtHEnd_Date.Text
ts = D2 - D1
But I know this isn't right. I also don't know how to get it to display in the 3rd TextBox.
View 3 Replies
Jun 25, 2009
there, im doing a leave management system with vb 2005..and here's my problem -how do i 'find' the expiry date?? eg: from the datetimepicker in my form, if the date i select is 1st january do i type the code to find the expiry date 1 year later (which is 1st january 2010) and display the date in a textbox in my form???
View 1 Replies
Jul 10, 2011
How to get difference between two dates in Year/Month/Week/Day?
How do i calculate exact difference between to date including years, days, moths, weeks. Just like windows calculator does. ?
And represent like this 1 years, 1 months, 1 week, 1 day
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Apr 26, 2011
So I was assigned to create a calculator that can calculate the sum, product, difference, & quotient using an external class. Unfortunately my teacher isn't exactly the best and I'm new to VB, I know how to create a calculator in VB .NET but when it comes to external classes,
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Aug 28, 2011
Is there a query that can use to sum up data from date until another date? how to do it in VB.NET.
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Nov 23, 2010
Im looking for a code to find out the difference between two dates.Im looking for something like this:
Textbox1.text = Now - DateTimePicker1.value
For Example: If
Now = Nov 23, 2010 09:30:00AM
DateTimePicker1.value = Nov 22, 2010
I should get Textbox1.text = difference in this format (days, hours, minutes)
View 2 Replies
Nov 18, 2009
I need to add 3 months to a date so i can calculate when a clients email bundle is out for instance the client registed his bundle on 2009/09/01. I need to be able to add 3 months to this date so it comes out with 2009/12/01 and then compare the dates.
View 1 Replies
Jun 11, 2009
How do I calculate relative time?How do I calculate someone's age in C#? Anyone know how of a function in VB.NET or C# that will take two dates, calculate the difference and output that difference in an english string? For example if I pass the dates '3/10/2009' and '3/25/2009', the function would return the string "15 Days" or if I pass the dates '3/10/2005' and '3/15/2007', the function would return "2 Years, 5 days"
View 3 Replies
Dec 31, 2011
Can someone please help me make this work? I want to do in calculate time between to date like this:
startdate: 2011/12/30
enddate: 2011/12/31
Calculate: ? hour ? minute ? secends
View 2 Replies
Nov 23, 2009
how to calculate a weekday of a given date?
View 8 Replies
May 15, 2010
I have a two maskedtextbox, one textbox named as masktxtdepostdate and , masktxtmaturitydate, txtnoofmonth.
i changed maskedtextbox property as date, in format "YYYY-MM-DD";
now i need to calculate masktxtmaturitydate after entering the values in, masktxtdepostdate and txtnoofmonth.[code]...
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Jun 10, 2010
write a code that can calculate the difference between the datetime a article has been published and datetime of this example :this article has been published 4 minutes ago...this article has been published about 2 days ago...
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Apr 20, 2009
I am taken DateTimePicker2, DateTimePicker3 n textbox6.Now i wanted to display the result of subtraction of these two dates(DateTimePicker2-DateTime Picker3) in textbox6 automatically. I don't want to enter the result manually. Plz hlp me I need it badly. I hav already tried in lost focus event also its nt workin.
View 6 Replies
Apr 18, 2011
Example of a function that would return an integer (how many months old) based on a persons age when given the date of birth?
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Feb 27, 2012
Im a beginner at visual basic. I did some codes refering to a form in which I need to calculate the differences between my my date of birth to another date. I did a statement which gives me the difference between those in the format of years, but I need to know how I can put the months and days example if my birthdate is 11/26/1991 and I want to calculte how many years, month and days has transcurred until today it would be like 20 years 3 months and 11 days.
View 17 Replies
Feb 11, 2012
how could i make my datetimepicker to compute for the expiry date within 5 years... example date grated is 1/2/2012 and expires on 1/2/2016
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Apr 11, 2011
I have a date value (e.g. 2011-04-11 07:45:00.000) which I am pulling from my database (via Entity Framework). I need to pull out only the hour from the original date value (e.g. 07:45:00), get the current time, and then subtract the current time from the database time value. In pseudo-code, I'm looking to do something like this:
Dim my_date as DateTime = from_db ' This is the value pulled from the database.Dim this_date as DateTime = Date.Now ' This is pulled via a VB.NET function.Dim my_hour = my_date_but_only_hours ' Somehow, I need to strip the date off the my_date Dim this_hour = this_date_but_only_hours ' Same as line above.Dim hour_difference = my_hour - this_hour Response.Write("There are " & hour_difference & " hours left before the time runs out.")
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Feb 4, 2009
Ok so i have a date time picker that holds a date that was entered by a user. My program works fine when ran on a computer using English(US) regional settings, but when i take it to a computer running any other regional settings, I.E. English(UK), which is the 2nd most common regional settings that will find its way to this program, I recieve an error because the Date format is backwards. What i'm curious about is how can i grab the system Regional Date format in order to rearrange my Date to fix its context?
I know that since the date is stored as a string i'm going to do something along the lines of this to break it apart:
Dim temp()
temp = Split(inputarray(7), "/")
inputarray(7) = temp(1) & "/" & temp(0) & "/" & temp(2)
i am almost 100% sure the above code will take a date in MM/DD/YYYY format and rearrange it to DD/MM/YYYY format.
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Mar 18, 2012
I have two date time pickers , namely "Date_of_ReturnDateTimePicker" and "Date_of_IssueDateTimePicker". Now, what i want to do is, that when i press the "total" button, the value of issue date should be deducted from the return date value, and the difference in days should be put in a textbox.
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