How To Granted Session Id Is Absolutely Unique In A Highly Secured Application

May 12, 2010

we do have incidents that two different users signing on the same website and seeing other's account, one possible reason is the session id assigned to each sign on user got a collision - although the possibility could be extremely low, but in our case it is not acceptable as long as it is possible. So I am looking for a 100% absolutely secured session id?

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C# :: Find A Unique Session ID At Design Time In .Net WinForms?

Jun 11, 2010

I've created a custom clipboard because it's not possible to make my whole class map serializable - which is a requirement for the windows clipboard.However, I need to distinguish between users who are using my clipboard through a unique id. Basically, I want to be able identify a person who is sat at one PC with one or more copies of visual studio (or similar) open.

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Highly Customizable Listview For .Net?

Mar 20, 2011

do you guys know a .net ListView-Replacement which can be highly customized?I am developing an app which is similar to a "todo" list.I want to be able to customize almost every visual detail of the list so I get something like this: I want also to be able to reorder items by mouse + I need drag&drop.If you don't know any ListView, maybe you know how I could make my own listview like this one from scratch?

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Denied GENERIC_READ Access To USB Device, Granted GENERIC_WRITE With CreateFile()?

Apr 17, 2011

I have some code I've written that has worked sporadically, and I don't understand the reasons why it succeeds or fails. The code in question is fairly straightforward, a single call to CreateFile() from VB.NET;

Dim Handle As Integer = Win32.CreateFile(KeyboardPath, GENERIC_READ Or GENERIC_WRITE, _

The problem is that when I call this, I get the win32 error ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED, but if I remove the GENERIC_READ request, the handle is granted just fine. This has happened before (on a different machine), and I'm completely stumped as to what sequence of events would result in the ability to write to a device and not read from it. The device in question is a Logitech G510 keyboard, and this code has worked fine before on a Vista 32-bit system (I'm now testing it on a Win7 x64 system and fixing all the compatibility issues I can find).My question is, what can cause CreateFile to sporadically fall back to only allowing write access, what am I doing wrong that's causing it to do so, and how would I go about fixing the issue? I've included the full function below - note that with ONLY the GENERIC_READ flag passed, I also am not allocated a handle (same error)

As reference, the particular device path I've been using is \?hid#vid_046d&pid_c22d&mi_00#7&1a08be07&0&0000#{4d1e55b2-f16f-11cf-88cb-001111000030} (This is for a Logitech G510 gaming keyboard)


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Enumerate Absolutely All The Controls In A Form

Apr 3, 2009

Im actually using this:

Dim oControl as Control
For Each oControl In Me.Controls
debug.print oControl.Name

the thing its that i doesnt enumerate the child objects for example..

if the form has a tabcontrol, it will spit only Tabcontrol1 but i want to enumerate everything contained in all the form even of theyr childs of other objects.

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Change The Namespace Of A Highly Referenced Class?

May 12, 2009

I am attempting to move a highly referenced class from one namespace to another. Simply moving the file into the new project which has a different root namespace results in over 1100 errors throughout my solution.Some references to the class involve fully qualified namescape referencing and others involve the importing of the namespace.

I have tried using a refactoring tool (Refactor Pro) to rename the namespace, in the hope all references to the class would change, but this resulted in the aforementioned problem.Anyone have ideas of how to tackle this challenge without needing to drill into every file manually and changing the fully qualified namespace or importing the new one if it doesn't exist already?

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Making A Crosshair(for A Game) Which Needs To Be Absolutely Topmost

Jul 7, 2010

I am making a crosshair(for a game) which needs to be absolutely topmost!//. This can only be done if the form's topmost property is true, and the next second false, and then true...etc..

But is there a possibililty to make sure your form is absolutely topmost.. Or make another program/application not topmost so that yours is.

My questions is only about the topmost not about the rest of the application because I have made everything already.

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Using A Cookie / Session Instantiated By Another Application?

Mar 13, 2012

I have a customer intranet (ASP.NET / VB) thats instantiating an session checking various things in the dblogin process. The Intranet has various sub-systems.The marketing sub-system requires an app_role to be assigned to the Intranet user for them to view the section.I need to create a new booking form for this section but the code appears to use a generic form which is use throughout the site in various other sections. So its not a good idea to ammend what is currently there.Create a new application in C# / ASP.NET and also in IIS. (rather than a new site, create an app within the Intranet site in IIS)Will I be able to check for the session thats currenting set in the cookie?If the session is open then the user is able to see the Intranet and I assume I will need to do some checks for the app_role too.I am simply going to put the URL for the app in the menu for marketing and then do another check just incase someone gives the URL to someone who doesnt have access to the menu.Will i be able to check and use the cookie thats been instantiated by another application?

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Insert Only Unique Value In Table Through Application?

Sep 17, 2009

I am using code and sql server 2005. I have textbox in my application which is linked to a sql column. Now I want to check that it should not insert any duplicate record in table. I mean everytime it insert in table the value should be unique. data is inserted in table on button click.

I am using objectdatasource for sql connectivity and FormView for dataentry.

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Create A Fixed-length Unique String From Another Unique Numerical Value That Is Too Long?

Feb 13, 2012

I am using VB .Net to access the eBay API and store all completed orders in a database. This database is then fed into a proprietary shipping system, which can not handle an order number larger than 20 characters. eBay returns an order number like so 230407279314-680141236013 which is too long. The order number is always 12 numbers a hyphen and 12 more numbers. What I need to do, is turn this (the result can be alpha numerical) into a shorter, unique order key to store in my database alongside the true orderId (so that this can be referenced by the shipping software instead of the actual order number). The reason for the 20 character limit is the barcode algorithm used. Is there any way to achieve this in VB .Net 2010? This number can be anything unique, so long as it does not exist already (even a good uniqueid function would work, but I would have to query the database to make sure it isn't taken)

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[2008] Datagridview - Duplicate Cell Values [non-unique To Unique By Appending]

Jan 10, 2009

I'm using the datagridview. This is the sample data:


How do I parse through the grid to rename the duplicate values in a particular column (in this example it's the l_name field) into such a format?


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Generates Own Unique Extension For Windows Application

Feb 11, 2011

i want piece of code which generates a unique extension for my windows application and that should be opened by my application only. when i click submit button it should save all the details i have entered and should save them as a file of my application type only

View 2 Replies - Adding A Session ID To A Link For Automatic Session Start?

Dec 8, 2011

I am storing a session variable that a user types into a textbox. With their valid input, their session gets created and they get a little more functionality than the regular end users of the site.I was wondering if it is possible to find a way to add someone's session variable to the end of a URL. This way we can email a link to one of our clients, they click it, and their session has automatically begun. They already have the textbox to enter their code into, but I was told that it would be much easier for the users to just click a link that will start their session.

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Application Locks Up When Running In Terminal Server Session?

Sep 23, 2010

I have a Windows Forms application created in VS2005 which runs fine on the user desktop but when running in Terminal Server session it frequently locks up when the remote desktop window is minimised and the user is working locally.There is plenty of RAM on the server so this is not an issue, the only solution so far has been to force the user session to log off on the Terminal Server and then reconnect.

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Cache User Session In A Windows Forms Application

Nov 2, 2008

How do you cache user session in a windows forms application? So that the user session expires when inactive for a certain period of time. I wish to include that functionality using an integrated security and caching application block from microsoft's patterns and practices.

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Determine When Application Is Running From Remote Desktop Session?

Oct 27, 2009

Is there a way to determine if the application is running from an RDP session or not? Our staff has VPN access and use Microsoft's RDP Client to connect to their computers at the office. They mostly interract with software we've written. I'd like to identify those people that use our applications via RDP as opposed to being physically at their computer.

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Database That Is Secured With A Workgroup?

Jan 5, 2010

I have a database that is secured with a workgroup and I can not open it from VB7 to store or read data from it. I do not know what I am doing wrong.

Code in vb
Private DatabaseName As String = "C:\_Test SoftwareAppendix_FTEF1060.MagFlowMeterCalibrationDatabaseSecurity.mdw"
strConnect =
"Provider = Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;" & _
"Data source = " & DatabaseName & ";" & _
"Jet OLEDB:"


View 7 Replies - Unique Number For Unique Visitor On Button Click?

Mar 21, 2011

How generate the unique no. 1,2,3 and so on .... on button click of each new user ..

the code mentioned below is a readwrite coding in ...

but the problem is it generate the same id for different users on button click event... but i want the no. of times button clicked the new ids will be generated

Protected Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Dim FILE_NAME As String = Server.MapPath("counts.vbi")


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How To Make The Login Form More Secured

Feb 17, 2008

I have taken this code from this forum and what I can see is that when the application is run and enter a username and password, it will compared with the username and password that is exactly the same as the database. What i want is that when the user enter the password, like it prompt out like "invalid password","the password must be not more that 8 characters". So how could I make it? Here is the code that I have used:

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Dim con As New OleDbConnection("Provider=Microsoft.jet.oledb.4.0;data


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Make The Login Form More Secured?

Oct 6, 2009

I have taken this code from this forum and what I can see is that when the application is run and enter a username and password, it will compared with the username and password that is exactly the same as the database. What i want is that when the user enter the password, like it prompt out like "invalid password","the password must be not more that 8 characters". So how could I make it? Here is the code that I have used:

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Dim con As New OleDbConnection("Provider=Microsoft.jet.oledb.4.0;data


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Auto-generate Unique Number On The Form When An Application Starts Up?

Jul 19, 2007

Is there a way to auto generate unique number on the form when an application starts up and it should incremente in the dataadapter and database too. How can i set it up?

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Session Id Or Session Number Of The Connection With Mssql?

May 28, 2009

On startup of my software which i developed in, it connects to mssql server. I want to have session id or session number of the connection with mssql. I'm sure it is unique number and i want to use this session in my software for different purposes. My question is

1. is there anything like session id or session unique number when you connection mssql server

2. if yes to 1 then how i can get it in vb

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Unique Constraint - Columns Currently Not Have Unique Values?

May 8, 2011

Unique constraint - these columns currently doesn't have unique values..?? I have created Unique Constraint with 3 columns. My code works perfectly but once - two users @ same time entered same data and somehow it saved in DB; after that incident. This UniqueConstraint gives me error - These columns currently doesn't have unique values. How can I check if user enters this kind of entry or how can I restrict the Entry?

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Which Is More Secured / Iterative Salting Or Encryption Methods?

Jun 13, 2011

I have a question in security programming. As all of us know, when we have a database with passwords or anything sensitive, we would like to encrypt it so it is not readable by other. Now I want to know, which of the method is secured or less secured. Is it Iterative Salting (1000x iterative) or Encryption method such as SHA 256, MD5, and all others. Kindly give me your opinion on this please.

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Application That Opens A Session To A Specific IP Port / Writes To A Test File Everything It Receives

Feb 20, 2009

I've had a search through a number of extremely useful articles on the forums, however rather than reinvent the wheel I thought I would ask if anyone already had what I am looking for..A simply little VB app that opens a session to a specific IP port and then writes to a test file everything it receives. If the connection drops, simply re-stablish it and keep listening for text to write to the file.

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Access A FTP Secured Site (SSL/TSL) And Transfer A File Using FTPRequest?

Jun 8, 2010

I am trying to access a FTP secured site (SSL/TSL) and transfer a file in VB.Net using FTPRequest. When I try to complete the transfer I get an error back "The remote certificate is invalid according to the validation procedure". However when I connect to the same FTP site with FileZilla UI, I can transfer files with no problem. Why can do transfers with FileZilla and not in VB.Net? Does FileZilla have its own Certificate?

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Access A Secured Website Using Vb 2005 And Webbrowser Control

Jul 1, 2010

I'm trying to access a secured website using vb 2005 and webbrowser control. I've got the credentials, the script can pass the login page but when trying to navigate to the second page within, the page is being redirected back(to the first page after logging in). The second page I'm trying to get to retrieves the data from a database and displays some options for the user to select in order to prepare a report which can be downloaded after the fields selections. And I wanted my script to do this automatically without user interaction.

Public Class Form1
Private Sub TestButton_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles TestButton.Click
Dim wb As WebBrowser = WebBrowser1


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VS 2005 Store Secured FTP Site Info In App.Config?

Dec 9, 2010

know open an xml file into a datagrid. The xml file is stored in a secured ftp with username and password. Just as an example if the site, with username "xxx" and the password "XXX" has the file 123.xml, then how do I load 123 into a datagrid. Is it possible to store these info to a variable in app.Config and use that variable to access the site?

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Windows Service Running Socket Server On Specified Port (Secured)

Jun 30, 2010

I wanted to know what are the risks of opening up a socket server on a specified port? Right now I have it limited to only accept requests from 1 specific IP to that port and all the other ones get rejected (using the windows firewall), is there a way to implement an authentication or anything else so I can allow it to be accessed from any IP worldwide yet have it secured?

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Send Link Contains A Unique Identifier And Verify The Unique Identifier In The Login.aspx?

Jan 6, 2012

This my working method to send a email

Sub emailConfirm()
Dim email As String = txtMail.Text
Dim name As String = txtPrenom.Text + txtNom.Text[code]....

note:I want to send Link contains a unique identifier and verify the unique identifier in the login.aspx.I don't know when to do this...I found nothing interesting on the net ...

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