How To Pass The Value Between Class?

Feb 16, 2011

Can any one please tell me why the following code is not giving me the expected result Application type as Class library Form with 1 text box and 2 button

Public Class Form1
Private Sub button1_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Dim cl As New WindowApp.Class1


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Can't Pass Value To A Class

Nov 3, 2009

The value from the text box is not being passed to the class.[code]...

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Pass A Class Using TCPClient?

Mar 6, 2009

I have been reading the following thread by perito which was resolved with a great deal of assistance from Athiest.[url]...

Using the sample code in this thread I have now created a Client and Server app which is successfully sending messages over a network between two machines.

Now that I am able to send simple text messages I would like to progress to my intended pratice of sending more complex information between the machines. I have already written a program which generates and stores data with a class which I use as a data type. I would like to be able to pass this class from one machine to another.

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Pass A SqlParameter From One Class To Another?

Oct 19, 2011

I have a class, LogRequest, which contains parameters (members) for an object.This object is turned to an sql query using another class, DataAccess.And lastly, I have the class Search which run the sql query.[code]...

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Pass Data From Other Class?

Apr 7, 2011

I'm still trying to develop p2p chat application from this thread. I have 2 applications, server and client. A client has: Form1.vb, BB_Client.vb, and RTS_SocketClient.vb. Dataflow is Form1 creates new object of BB_Client, BB_Client calls RTS_SocketClient.[code]...

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Pass Values From One Class To Another?

Jul 25, 2011

I have a main class named PortaLinhaFrio and a child class named Ambiente [code]...

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Forms :: Pass A Variable From Within A Class

Jun 25, 2011

i have a class called car and within that class i have a few vairables

Public Class car
Public Property Name As String
Public Property ID As Byte


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Pass A Function To A Class To Be Called Later?

Dec 11, 2010

Okay so what im trying to do is make a simple particle system in VB (Yes i know this isnt a ideal setup). Im going to have particles dieing and spawning new ones tho, To do this i need to be able to pass a function to the particle when its created then call that function when it dies. Is there a way to do this by passing function pointers?

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Pass An Object Type To A Class?

Jun 18, 2009

I create a object type entity in the main function and would like to pass it to a separate class, do some calculation, and then pass the result back to the main function. But I keep getting errors, can someone point me where I did wrong? It's in windows application[code]...

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Pass DataTable Event To Class?

Apr 17, 2012

I have a form that contains a DataTable variable (dt) that has a RowChanged event assigned to it. I use a UserControl (DataGridViewFilterAndSorter) to get a subset DataTable from dt. I need dtSubset to have the same event as dt. How can I do this?

In other words, I need to pass the dt event to the DataGridViewFilterAndSorter class and store that event as a class level variable. How can I do this?

Public Class frmCalculatedResults
Private dfs As DataGridViewFilterAndSorter
Private WithEvents dt As DataTable


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Create A New Instance Of The Moblist Class Each Pass?

Jan 13, 2011

I have an application that reads another processes memory.I initially had multiple scanning threads for the various areas I needed to read.This was processor intensive so I decided to go with the observer pattern.All was well except that I am having a weird behavior.Here is what is happening.I have 2 radars (overlay and mapped)Both have a watcher class that attaches to the memory scanner and is notified on a new list of I open radar 1 (mapped) it attaches it's watcher to the scanner and waits for mob list update notifications

Open radar 2 (overlay). same thing happens and another watcher is attached.all is well and good so far.Now there are properies on the mobs in the list, one of which is IsFilteredOut.This property is set in the radar code after it receives the list. Now the weird behavior is that no matter what I do, the second radar to be opened changes all the properties of the mobs in the list of both radars.It is as if I am passing the list by ref, but I am not.I actually create a new instance of the moblist class every time I pass the list.Here is the notify code. As you can see I create a new instance of the moblist class each pass.

Private Sub NotifyMobListUpdated(ByVal Mobs As List(Of MobData))
If Mobs IsNot Nothing Then
For Each w As Watcher In _watchers[code].....

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How To Pass Values From List Inside Of Class

May 5, 2011

I am having a hard time trying to pass the values from a list inside of a class. I am trying to display multiple lines of values from a list inside of a class. My "client" class stores multiple lines of values into a list(of class transaction), with the number value (num) counting each transaction that it adds to the list.

Public Class Client
Private m_tranlist As New List(Of transaction)
If CInt(tid) = m_ID Then 'create client tran, add to list
nextTran = New transaction(m_ID, tcode, tdate, ttype, tshares, tprice, value, num)
num += 1
End If

Now I am trying to display each line that is stored in the list in a label, and I am having major trouble. How do I call the list in my main form in order to display all of the values?

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Pass Code Blocks To A Method Or Class?

Apr 23, 2009

Is there a way to pass code blocks to a method or class?

I'm trying to write a number of exception handling methods.[cod]e...

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Pass String Output From VB Class To VBA Module Via A COM Add-in?

Dec 11, 2011

I am using an email verification program I have downloaded to test the validity of a given email address.I have setup a class in VB using Visual Studio 2010 with the required code that runs the check.I have then registered this as a COM so I can call it through VBA in Excel.In an excel workbook I have then created a module that calls the VB class. The excel module tests whether the email address typed in cell "A1" is valid or not. At the moment the VB class simply gives me a messagebox output saying "Success" or "Fail" which works fine.What I actually want though is for the "success" or "Fail" message to appear in cell "A2" next to the email address as opposed to the current messagebox output.

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Reading From Class - Pass The AnalystID And Return The Name

Aug 7, 2009

I'm trying to take a resultset, store in a class then retrieve the complete record for a given value. For example, the recordset has AnalystID (Unique), LastName, FirstName. I want to be able to pass the AnalystID and return the name. I need the ability to look up either last or firstname by analystID throughout the program. Here's what I have so far. I'm not sure I'm even headed in the right direction.


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Use Form Handle In Class Without Pass It As Argument?

May 3, 2012

I'm writting a class that needs the form handle but there is a way to use it without send it as argument in the class constructor or in a property?I know that the handler is not set until the form is completely loaded so that is another problem too.The basic idea is catch the form handle without pass it as argument and handle the wm messages.

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VS 2010 Pass By Reference To Constructor Of A Class?

Feb 11, 2012

Implementing a simple MVC in vb. The controller instance creates and holds instances of the model and view:

Public Class Controller
Public Property myModel As Model
Public Property myView As View


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How To Pass Form Object To Data Class For Update

Mar 11, 2009

I am converting some VB6 code which passed an unknown form object to a class, which then used the passed form object to reference the calling form and direct the data from the class as follows:
The Called Class in the class clsGetRecord
Public Function Execute(ByRef FRMForm as form) as booleanFRMForm.List1.Additem(SomeData)....Execute = SomeBool End Function
The clsGetRecord is used by many different forms which receive data all have objects called List1 as: The Calling Form for the form
frmThisFormPrivate function() as booleanDim objRecord as new clsGetRecordbRet = objRecord.Execute(frmThisForm)
The passed form object which will receive dataEnd function. Is there any simple way to do this since the calling form object is unknown at design time?

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Initialize A New Instance Of A Class, But Pass It To Other Forms Too For A Wizard Based App?

Dec 20, 2011

As an ameture developer, I've never really used classes. However, I've been reading about using classes and automatic properties. I have therefore created a class which looks similar to this:

Public Class Quote
Property QuoteNum as integer
Property AccNum as String
Property Price as Decimal
End Class

The stumbling part for me comes in the way of letting form2 know which class form1 has initialized. There are in this example 3 forms to this wizard. If someone starts another wizard whilst half way through the first wizard we need to keep the variables seperate hence using the class. I think I'm along the right track, but maybe confusing myself a little.


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Using Delegates To Pass Information Back To UI From Custom Socket Class?

Oct 6, 2010

I am in the process of prototyping a small sockets application, which monitors IT infrastructure (due to in-house financial and deployment restrictions, I am unable to utilise an existing commercial or open-source solution). Basically, I have a server application and associated agent process for communicating heart-beat data to the server. The server application implements a TCP socket class (TCPDevice), which is called from a WinForm. I am aware of the restriction on updating the UI from processes running on separate threads, and that the preferred technique for acheiving this is via the use of Delegates in conjunction with the Invoke method. Having had very little need previously for using Delegates (apart from of course std windows events and the BackGroundWorker control), I am at a loss as to how to do this in the context of my application, and would appreciate some assistance, although it has occurred to me that I could use the backgroundworker for marshalling updates to the UI.

Eventually the application will need to update a grid of devices via feeds from the defined agents, however for the purpose of this exercise simply updating a status bar on the UI will suffice. The section of the code which I believe is relevant to propogating the code to the form is contained in the OnDataReceived method.Below is a code excerpt from the protoype app which should put the above into appropriate context:

Code from the form:


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VS 2008 Pass Error Message From Class To Windows Form?

Aug 13, 2009

I'm trying to program in a true object oriented manner and its causing me to re-learn a few things. Specifically, I'm having some trouble with error handling. I have all of my data access being performed by an adapter class in a seperate project. I can catch duplicate records without any problems, but I want to be able to send a message back to the user. Here's what I have so far:


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Class Library (dll) Single Instance To Pass Data Between Processes Or Exe's DESIRED BADLY

Oct 20, 2010

The "named pipe" seems rediculous to pass data between processes (exe's). Is it possible to run a single instance of a VB.NET Class Libary (dll) such that two programs can access the same memory resident dll, thereby passing data via functions and or subs?When I try to make the class library as single instance, the "Enable Application Framework" is greyed out, and thus the option to "Make Application Single Instance" is also greyed out.When I try to call the dll from two processes, I simply just create two instances, so storing data in a module doesn't work

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Pass A Delegate Into A Constructor Of An Abstract Class From A Descendant's Constructor?

Feb 15, 2010

I have an abstract class which requires a delegate to function. I pass the delegate into the constructor. Now that I have a non default constructor I need to call the abstract class's constructors from the concrete class which means that I need to use MyBase.New(...). I have included a quick example below.

Public MustInherit Class BaseClass
Public Delegate Sub WorkMethod()
Private _Work As WorkMethod


I have tried to do this but I keep getting the following error: "Implicit reference to object under construction is not valid when calling another constructor".Can I not do what I am trying to do above? I initially had the delegate setup in its own setter method. But then I am creating a deceptive API because it does require a point to a method to work properly.

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VS 2005 Update Table - If All Results Is PASS Then The Table2 Should Be Updated As Pass

Jun 8, 2012

I have two tables:


case_no flow result
tc_1 001 pass
tc_1 002 pass
tc_1 003 pass
tc_2 001 pass
tc_2 002 fail
tc_2 003 pass


case_no result
tc_1 pass
tc_2 fail

Table2 should be updates from table based on the results... If all results is PASS then the table2 should be updated as pass... if any result is FAIL then the entire case_no should be updates a s fail..

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Sockets - VB9 .Net 3.5 (2008) Code Works On The First Pass.Then Second Pass It Just Hangs On

Jun 19, 2009

This code was working consistently, but now...This code works on the first pass.Then second pass it just hangs on Code:Dim tcpClient As TcpClient = tcpListener.AcceptTcpClient() for about 2 minutesThen the code will fork for another pass, then fail.....

Code:Imports SystemImports System.TextImports System.Collections.GenericImports System.XmlImports System.Xml.LinqImports System.Net.Sockets


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Pass Data To Dialog - Manipulate And Pass Back?

Jan 15, 2010

Just started VB programming this week and have found a wealth of information about what I'm trying to do. Problem is, some of it is more complete than others.Here's what I'm trying to do:In Form1 (my main form), I want to instantiate a class that contains a couple of properties (speed setpoint and position setpoint). When I click a button, I want to pass this data to Form2 and populate two textboxes on Form2 with the properties of this object. I want to manipulate the property values on Form2 and click an OK button which closes the dialog and returns the manipulated data, updating the property values of the object. Here's the algorithm I'm following:1) On Form1, instantiate the class2) On Form1's "Pass Data" button click event handler, instantiate a Form2 object and invoke the ShowDialog method, passing the object as a parameter.

3) On Form2, overload the ShowDialog method to accept the object as a parameter and modify the method so that it returns the manipulated class data.4) On Form2, in the ShowDialog method, populate the textboxes with the class data that was passed in.Here's where I get stuck. If I press the OK button on Form2 (DialogResult.OK), it returns me to Form1, but what hook do I have in Form1 to receive the manipulated class data that the ShowDialog method is returning?Here's an example of what I'm thinking about:

Public Class Form1
Dim clsController1 As New MotionController


I'm sure it's probably a very elementary question, but every explanation I've found seems to be incomplete.

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Class C Inherits Class D Is Class D A Superclass Or Parent Of Class C?

Dec 16, 2009

If Class X is within the scope of Class Y, is X a subclass of Y?If Class A is a sub Class of B, then is Class B considered a super class of A?if Class C inherits Class D is Class D a superclass or parent of Class C?if Class E extends Class F then we can consider Class E a child of F?if Class G inherits Class H and is within the scope of Class I then who is the parent of Class G? Classes that inherits Class J and classes that are within Class J are all sub classes of Class J?

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Form Inheritance - Error1Base Class 'MenuStrip' Specified For Class 'Lesson2' Cannot Be Different From The Base Class

Apr 15, 2010

I have put this code in the global form Inherits System.Windows.Forms.Form. And then in the form that will inherit this from the global Inherits MenuStrip. "MenuStrip" is what the global form is called. But keep getting this error: Error1Base class 'MenuStrip' specified for class 'Lesson2' cannot be different from the base class 'System.Windows.Forms.Form' of one of its other partial types.

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Register The Class File - Not Recognizing My Class.Even The Intellisense Is Not Picking Up Te Class

Jul 22, 2011

I have a class (see below)

Imports Microsoft.VisualBasic
Imports System.Data.SqlClient

Public Class ClientProfile

#Region "Variables"


It is in the file ClientProfile I have placed in both App_Code and also App_Code/Models

In my code behind I have the following


The last word, "ClientProfile" has the scary squiggly red line below it. It is not recognizing my class.Even the Intellisense is not picking up te class. Do I have to register the class file in any way?

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VS 2005 To Pass Or Not To Pass?

Apr 16, 2009

I am looking for some input. I am helping with a web application that is fairly large. We have some logic factored out into classes, not a true business logic layer (yet ). The classes are setup to pull values directly from the QueryString or Session variables and I'm not sure that that mehtod is proper or even a

The reason I would like some input is, there may be a chance to rewrite or at least refactor the code.


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