How To Pause Code

Apr 19, 2008

In my program I have a message that pops up. I want the program to pause for 2 seconds so that the user cna read the message, and then I want the message to go away and the program to continue. How to do this?

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VS 2010 - Pause Code Until Code Above Is Completed

Mar 8, 2011

Ok i have this code on a button click hook


but if the checkbox is not checked then i want it to wait until it has copied the file before deleting it because at the moment it deletes it quicker than it copies it and the file could be different size everytime so i cant just put a simple timer of say for example 5 seconds in.

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Delay Or Pause VB Code?

Jan 31, 2006

I am having trouble with an Access form which runs some VB code behind it. The form accepts lots of user inputs and these are then grabbed by my VB code to calculate a result. This all works fine but does take some time for the calculation to complete due to the size of the datasets. Rather than the user having to stare at the same screen and wonder what is happening, I have another form which pops up to tell the user the calculations are in progress. The problem I am having is that this window will not display properly until after the calculation is completed. It seems as though Access cannot handle displayinging my window whilst the calculation is being caried out.

Is there any way to delay the calculation in VB so that my window will display correctly? The calculation can then take place after this. Here is my code:Private Sub Calc_Click()Dim ccombo(11) As IntegerDim Total As IntegerDoCmd.OpenForm "calcsinprog"

I would like some kind of delay or pause here to allow the window to open properly before the calculations below.

ccombo(2) = Me.c2combo.Column(1, Me.c2combo.ListIndex)ccombo(3) = Me.c2combo.Column(1, Me.c3combo.ListIndex)ccombo(4) = Me.c2combo.Column(1, Me.c4combo.ListIndex)ccombo(5) = Me.c2combo.Column(1, Me.c5combo.ListIndex)ccombo(6) = Me.c2combo.Column(1, Me.c6combo.ListIndex)ccombo(7) = Me.c2combo.Column(1, Me.c7combo.ListIndex)ccombo(8) = Me.c2combo.Column(1, Me.c8combo.ListIndex)ccombo(9) = Me.c2combo.Column(1, Me.c9combo.ListIndex)ccombo(10) = Me.c2combo.Column(1, Me.c10combo.ListIndex)ccombo(11) = Me.c2combo.Column(1, Me.c11combo.ListIndex)ccombo(1) = Get_PostCode_Score(Replace(Me.TextBox1, " ", ""))


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Make A Pause Between Code Lines?

Mar 4, 2009

How do I make a pause between code lines? See code below. This just prints the word "Hello", I was hoping to put a delay between the letters to make it look more real. Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click, Button2.Click

SendKeys.Send("%{tab}") SendKeys.Send("H") SendKeys.Send("e") SendKeys.Send("l") SendKeys.Send("l") SendKeys.Send("o")
End Sub

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Pause In Code Can't Use Sleep Function?

Jan 4, 2011

"'I'm having an issue sorting out why my code isnt working. When I "step into" it line by line i can get it all to work exactly how I want, however when I actually run the macro i get an subscript error 9. The code basicly sets a .CSV url to a variable "CurrentURL". The code then launches this url which opens a .csv window called table.csv. I want to copy 2 columns off this window and paste it to another document called "MPT_CAPM_v1", then close table.csv. Here is my code the red line is where I believe I'm running into my error.'This macro opens a URL, copies and pastes the price data into the sheet


I think the error may be caused by the fact it takes about 4-5 seconds to open table.csv in excel, and my line of code is trying to select a window that isnt currently open. After I get the error message, table.csv opens up. I've tried Loops & Sleep functions to try to input a delay, but regardless it seems that table.csv will not open until the end of said loop or delay.

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Pause Program And Subsequent Code?

Oct 4, 2008

I am not sure how to make my program pause in the middle of execution, waiting for a certain period of time to pass BEFORE the next lines execute. I have already used System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(int) but this pauses the waits but still executes the subsequent code. If I were to:Private Sub Hello()System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(int)MessageBox.Show("Hello")End Sub* Time in milliseconds.This would NOT stop the execution of the MessageBox for int seconds, the program continues to run???How would I pause the code execution where I want, and for the time I want?

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Pause The Execution Of Code In An Event Handler?

Mar 9, 2009

how to pause the execution of code in an event handler.

For instance in a forms load event how can I have the rest of the programs features continue to run but wait 5 seconds before the code in the load event handler is executed?

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VS 2010 Pause Line Of Code Without Using Thread?

Jun 3, 2010

Okay so I have a webbrowser that navigates to 1 page and I want it to wait 5 seconds and go to the next page, then I want it to wait 5 seconds and go to the next page I want it to navigate to and so on... I tried thread.sleep but I don't want to have the form stop completely in case someone wants to minimize the form. I thought about using a timer to tell it how long it wants to stop and go.

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Why The Pause Button And Also The Pause Command Does Not Exist In VB 2010 Express

Mar 8, 2010

1) Why the pause button and also the pause command does not exist in VB 2010 Express?

2) I have some solutions under 2010. In 2 or 3, while debugging, I can change instructions without restarting the application. In others, I cannot change anything (Is like readonly), Looking in 'My Applications', Tab 'Debug', Option 'Configuration' I can choose several Options. In the applications I can debug, the default is 'Active (Debug)'; in the others is 'Active (Release)'. If I change the options, the word 'Active' remains attached to the original option.

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VS 2010 Pause / Delay Code (can't Use Sleep Function)

Aug 26, 2010

I have another problem with my bot.


After the 7th line I need a pause until a submit button pops up on the screen. The submit button is hidden until the getelementbyid.focus is run. I cant use webbrowser_documentcompleted because the submit only unhides itself, and I cant use Sleep() because that just stalls the whole block.

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VS 2008 Make A Program Stop Or Pause For A Period Of Time Before Continuing The Code Without A Timer?

Jun 13, 2009

Out of curiosity, is there a way i can make a program stop or pause for a period of time (which i would choose) before continuing the code WITHOUT a timer.I think I've seen this done before, but I'm not positive.Also note that I'm talking about a forms application (not a console app if that would be any different.)

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.NET 2010 : Pause It By Clicking On A "pause" Button In The Development Environment?

Jul 21, 2011

I have an app that I'm debugging and I need to pause it by clicking on a "pause" button in the development environment. I don't want to stop it programmatically, just manually to check what it is doing. I know this should be simple but I can't find a pause button anywhere on the toolbar.

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Start / Pause Button To Start And / Or Pause A Program

Jan 27, 2011

I am trying to make a start and pause button (and hence continue) to start, pause, and continue my program. The start button works but the pause button does not. Can someone look at my code and see what the pause button needs to do to pause the program? I am using VB 2005. Here is my code.


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Put A Pause Into A Script?

Oct 25, 2009

how to put a pause into a script I am running and have it repeat itself :-)

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How To Pause A Process

Jan 17, 2010

I've been trying to figure out how to pause a process. It seems I need to use 2 different APIs: SuspendThread and OpenThread.I found some C# code at this link that was working for them.After I translated the code to VB, I get nothing when I run the code. I debugged the app and put a watch on the function.The following is what I got from the watch: Name 'SelectedItems' is not declared.[code]In order to work with the selected process, I'm parsing the Process ID. I then use that PID to get that process and then work with it.I sue this type of code often in my project and it works just fine, which is why I am confused that I'm getting that message from the watch.

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How To Pause Display

May 7, 2009

below i attached the sub i did using application.DoEvents and Thread.sleep so that letters(characters i'm generating in a richtextbox go into the same richtextbox with slow motion.Now i want that i do a button named (PAUSE),' Display chars one by one in the RichTextBox during a interval of time.' This interval produces the animation?

Private Sub display_slow_motion(ByRef str As String)
quit = False


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How To Pause Program

Sep 24, 2006

My problem is that I have a textbox that is filled with a line of data from an attached barcode scanner. I want to make it so when something is scanned into this box, another function is triggered (it clears the textbox and commits the data to a CSV file, so the user can scan another barcode). I was using a .TextChanged function so that when the text was changed in this textbox, it would commit it then, however the problem with this approach is that if the serial number is 77G8DS, then it will commit 7,7,G,8,D and S individually, instead of an entire string.

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Pause Between If Statements?

Mar 17, 2011

Here is my code as I have it

Public Class Form1
Dim OpePro(7) As String


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Tell The Program To Pause And Resume?

Feb 7, 2012

For Each item In lbFiles.Items
Dim p As New ProcessStartInfo
p.FileName = "java"[code]....

How do I prevent the program from opening 3 windows at a time if there are 3 items in the do i tell it to not to start the process when the current process isn't finished 1 window at a time...

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Create A Pause In Program?

Jun 19, 2009

In, is it possible to create a pause in a while loop, wait for user input (for example, hit the STOP button, if desired), and if no input within say... a second, continue on?[code]...

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DragOver Event Causes A Pause?

May 4, 2011

I have tried many different ways to make this work. Every attempt causes a pause where the drag operation is not recognizing the drop sites under it. There are many long narrow flowLayoutPanels that allowdrop of my button. I am basically wanting the scrollbar(vsFLP_UnitPanel) to scroll if the condition is met. It works, but for some reason there is a pause when the scroll begins.

If e.Data.GetDataPresent("myButton") Then
Dim show As Integer


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Openfiledialog Does Not Pause On Showdialog()?

Feb 22, 2009

When I run this code, it does not seem to open the OpenFileDiaplog diaplg box, or if it does, it closes it immediately, and I get at index out of bounds exception at the " infileStream = getFile.OpenFile()"This exact same code works without problem in another application I am building. So maybe its something about the IDE environment?I think, but am not certain, that this code worked in 2003 .net. I then used the VS wizard to automatically convert to the 2005 environment that I am now coding in.

Dim infileStream As Stream
Dim getFile As New OpenFileDialog
getFile.Filter = "All files (*.*)|*.*"


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Pause A Background Worker?

Apr 16, 2009

Is there a way to pause a background worker? What I need to do is pause a background worker when it encounters a file error, wait for a few seconds, and then carry on.

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Pause All Windows Activity?

Dec 8, 2011

I am using VB.NET 2005 and am looking for a code example that can pause all Windows applications the same way changing desktop themes does. I want all background applications to fade to black and white while allowing the foreground application to continue normally.

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Pause And Resume Timer?

Aug 15, 2011

I've been trying for about a month or so but been busy recently so couldn't address it then. Here is the code.

Public Class Form1
Dim CurrentTime As DateTime
Private Sub ButtonStart_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles ButtonStart.Click
ButtonStart.Enabled = False


I know that even when the timer is disabled, it still keeps on accumulating so I need a way that when the timer is paused, the timer doesn't keep on accumulating and when the timer is resumed, the timer continues from where it was when it was paused.

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Pause Application During SQL Installation?

Oct 11, 2011

My application first checks if an SQL Server is installed before it runs. If there is no server it installs one. Now I want the application to pause or exit during the installation, since its thread may compromise the installation process, or is it not?. How do I do this? The Sleep() mmethod may not help because I can't know how long the installation process would take.

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Pause Application VB 2010?

Mar 4, 2012

I want to insert a pause between the display of one control (a button) and the display of another control (a label) on a windows form. Specifically, I want the form to load with the button (and other controls) displayed, then, after a pause of two seconds, the label to display. I have tried timers, and .Sleep() but the effect is not what I want. That is, there is a pause before all of the controls are displayed, and all (including the label) are displayed at one time. I want most of the controls (all except the label) to display normally, then, after a two second pause, I want the label to display (on the same form).

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Pause For User Input?

Jun 26, 2011

On my main form i need to pop up a sub form and await user input before proceeding. I am able to pop the form but not able to pause code excecution until the user input is there. Here is what i have tried:

If chk_athor_cobb_scholi.Checked = True Then
Vselect.Visible = True
While Vselect.ex2 = False


The problem of course is that the while loop causes a crazy infinite loop and locks the program down during excecution. How do i await the user input?

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Pause For Webpage Change

Mar 29, 2012

I have a form that has a webbrowser and two buttons in it. [code] This all works great but when the last line is run in Button 2 [code] another page is displayed before the data I am trying to get is available. There are more fields and another button to be pressed. However, because another page is loaded, I don't think I can just plop in the lines of code I need to manipulate the website because of load delays. Should I use VB's timer to delay a few seconds before running the next sequence of code?

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Pause In Between Screen Outputs?

Oct 7, 2008

I've got a little code that just reads and displays all the folders in a particular directory. What I want to happen though is for the program to pause 1 second after adding a new folder to the listbox. When I have Sleep(1000) it simply freezes completely.

Private Declare Sub Sleep Lib "kernel32" (ByVal dwMilliseconds As Long)
Private Sub Button2_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs)


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